Пример #1
        private GlobalHook.CppGetMessageCallback GetCallback()
            GlobalHook.CppGetMessageCallback callback = null;


            var callbackReceivedEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);

                hook => hook.SetHook(It.IsAny <GlobalHook.CppGetMessageCallback>(), It.IsAny <bool>()))?
            .Callback((GlobalHook.CppGetMessageCallback cppCallback, bool isBlocking) =>
                callback = cppCallback;
            //here the SetHook() method is called!

            //wait for the hookNativeMethodsMock.Mock.Callback is called!
            Assert.IsTrue(callbackReceivedEvent.WaitOne(MaxWaitTime), "Did not receive callback in time!");
            Assert.IsNotNull(callback, "Callback received however unexpectedly null!");
Пример #2
        private GlobalHook.CppGetMessageCallback GetCallback()
            GlobalHook.CppGetMessageCallback callback = null;

            var callbackReceivedEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);

                hook => hook.SetHook(It.IsAny <GlobalHook.CppGetMessageCallback>(), It.IsAny <bool>()))?
            .Callback((GlobalHook.CppGetMessageCallback cppCallback, bool isBlocking) =>
                callback = cppCallback;

            //here the SetHook() method is called!

            //wait for the hookNativeMethodsMock.Mock.Callback is called!
            Assert.IsTrue(callbackReceivedEvent.WaitOne(MaxWaitTime), "Did not receive callback in time!");
            Assert.IsNotNull(callback, "Callback received however unexpectedly null!");
Пример #3
        public void TestGlobalHook_AddListener()
            /* PRECONDITIONS */
            Debug.Assert(hookNativeMethods != null);
            Debug.Assert(hookNativeMethods.Mock != null);

            /* GIVEN */
            const int numOfEvent    = 50;
            const int numOfNotEvent = 20;
            const GlobalHook.MessageType messageType = GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_USER;

            using var resetCounter = new CountdownEvent(numOfEvent);
            using var autoReset    = new AutoResetEvent(false);

            GlobalHook.CppGetMessageCallback callback = null;

            .Setup(hook => hook.SetHook(It.IsAny <GlobalHook.CppGetMessageCallback>(), It.IsAny <bool>()))?
            .Callback((GlobalHook.CppGetMessageCallback cppCallback, bool isBlocking) =>
                callback = cppCallback;

            /* WHEN */
            GlobalHook.AddListener(message =>
                Assert.AreEqual((uint)messageType, message.Type);
            }, messageType);

            GlobalHook.IsActive = true;


            for (var index = 0; index < numOfEvent; index++)
                callback(new GlobalHook.HookMessage()
                    Type = (uint)messageType

            // We check if our listener still gets called on events we don't care about. If it will this
            // test will throw because the resetCounter will be set to a negative number.
            for (var index = 0; index < numOfNotEvent; index++)
                callback(new GlobalHook.HookMessage()
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_APP

            /* THEN */
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        ///     Performs a series of initialization and Setups to get the CppGetMessageCallback.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>the callback that can be called with a message, which in turns calls a callback in the producers that is interested in this type of message</returns>
        private GlobalHook.CppGetMessageCallback GetCallback()
            GlobalHook.CppGetMessageCallback callback = null;
            using var callbackReceivedEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);

            .Setup(hook => hook.SetHook(It.IsAny <GlobalHook.CppGetMessageCallback>(), It.IsAny <bool>()))?
            .Callback((GlobalHook.CppGetMessageCallback cppCallback, bool isBlocking) =>
                callback = cppCallback;
            //here the SetHook() method is called!
            mouseModule.IsActive = true;

            //wait for the hookNativeMethodsMock.Mock.Callback is called!
            Assert.IsTrue(callbackReceivedEvent.WaitOne(maxWaitTime), "Did not receive callback in time!");
            Assert.IsNotNull(callback, "Callback received however unexpectedly null!");
Пример #5
        public void TestGlobalHook_RemoveListener()
            /* PRECONDITIONS */
            Debug.Assert(hookNativeMethods != null);
            Debug.Assert(hookNativeMethods.Mock != null);

            /* GIVEN */
            const GlobalHook.MessageType messageType = GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_USER;

            using var autoReset = new AutoResetEvent(false);

            GlobalHook.CppGetMessageCallback callback = null;


            .Setup(hook => hook.SetHook(It.IsAny <GlobalHook.CppGetMessageCallback>(), It.IsAny <bool>()))?
            .Callback((GlobalHook.CppGetMessageCallback cppCallback, bool isBlocking) =>
                callback = cppCallback;
Пример #6
 private static extern void SetHook([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.FunctionPtr)] GlobalHook.CppGetMessageCallback callbackPointer, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool blocking);
Пример #7
 void IHookNativeMethods.SetHook(GlobalHook.CppGetMessageCallback callbackPointer, bool blocking) => SetHook(callbackPointer, blocking);
Пример #8
        public void TestMouseScrollEventProducer_Callback()
            /* PRECONDITIONS */
            Debug.Assert(mouseModule != null);
            Debug.Assert(mouseScrollEventProducer != null);
            Debug.Assert(hookNativeMethodsMock != null);
            Debug.Assert(hookNativeMethodsMock.Mock != null);

            /* GIVEN */
            //get the callback
            GlobalHook.CppGetMessageCallback callback = GetCallback();

            //setting up fake nativeMouseMock behaviors, messages and corresponding expected Events
            GlobalHook.HookMessage[] hookMessages =
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_MOUSEWHEEL, Hwnd = (IntPtr)1, wParam = (IntPtr)0x00780000, Data = new int[]{                                                                                             10, 100 }
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_MOUSEWHEEL, Hwnd = (IntPtr)2, wParam = (IntPtr)0x00080000, Data = new int[]{                                                                                             20, 200 }
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_MOUSEWHEEL, Hwnd = (IntPtr)23, wParam = (IntPtr)0xfff80000, Data = new int[]{                                                                                             54,  23 }
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_MOUSEWHEEL, Hwnd = (IntPtr)43, wParam = (IntPtr)0xff880000, Data = new int[]{                                                                                             33, 101 }
            MouseScrollEvent[] expectedEvents =
                new MouseScrollEvent {
                    ScrollAmount = 120, HWnd = "1", MousePosition = new Point{
                        X = 10, Y = 100
                new MouseScrollEvent {
                    ScrollAmount = 8, HWnd = "2", MousePosition = new Point{
                        X = 20, Y = 200
                new MouseScrollEvent {
                    ScrollAmount = -8, HWnd = "23", MousePosition = new Point{
                        X = 54, Y = 23
                new MouseScrollEvent {
                    ScrollAmount = -120, HWnd = "43", MousePosition = new Point{
                        X = 33, Y = 101

            Assert.IsTrue(hookMessages.Length == expectedEvents.Length);

            /* WHEN */
            // consumedEvent.Signal() will be called gdw one event has been found and meet expectation
            using var consumedEvent = new CountdownEvent(hookMessages.Length);
            Assert.IsTrue(consumedEvent.CurrentCount == hookMessages.Length);

            //didStartConsumingEvent.Set() will be called in Await method gdw the consumer is attached
            using var didStartConsumingEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            //Running the task in another thread
            var thread = new Thread(async() =>
                await foreach (var @event in Await <IAsyncEnumerable <MouseScrollEvent> >(mouseScrollEventProducer.GetEvents(), didStartConsumingEvent))
                    if (!IsMouseScrollEventFound(@event, expectedEvents))

            // true if the consumer is attached!

            // We must call the callback after the consumer is attached!
            // otherwise the message is automatically dismissed.
            foreach (GlobalHook.HookMessage message in hookMessages)

            /* THEN */
            //true if all events generated by the fake messages have meet expectation.
            Assert.IsTrue(consumedEvent.Wait(maxWaitTime), "Did not find all matching mouse scroll events in time.");

            //total shut down and resources release
            mouseModule.IsActive = false;
Пример #9
        public void TestMouseClickEventProducer_Callback()
            /* PRECONDITIONS */
            Debug.Assert(mouseModule != null);
            Debug.Assert(mouseClickEventProducer != null);
            Debug.Assert(hookNativeMethodsMock != null);
            Debug.Assert(hookNativeMethodsMock.Mock != null);

            /* GIVEN */
            //get the callback
            GlobalHook.CppGetMessageCallback callback = GetCallback();

            //setting up fake nativeMouseMock behaviors, messages and corresponding expected Events
            GlobalHook.HookMessage[] hookMessages =
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_RBUTTONDOWN, Hwnd = (IntPtr)1, Data = new int[]{                                                                 1,  1 }
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_LBUTTONDOWN, Hwnd = (IntPtr)2, Data = new int[]{                                                                 2,  2 }
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_MBUTTONDOWN, Hwnd = (IntPtr)3, Data = new int[]{                                                                 3,  3 }
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK, Hwnd = (IntPtr)4, Data = new int[]{                                                                 4,  4 }
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK, Hwnd = (IntPtr)5, Data = new int[]{                                                                 5,  5 }
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK, Hwnd = (IntPtr)6, Data = new int[]{                                                                 6,  6 }
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN, Hwnd = (IntPtr)7, Data = new int[]{                                                                 7,  7 }
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, Hwnd = (IntPtr)8, Data = new int[]{                                                                 8,  8 }
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN, Hwnd = (IntPtr)9, Data = new int[]{                                                                 9,  9 }
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK, Hwnd = (IntPtr)10, Data = new int[]{                                                                10, 10 }
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK, Hwnd = (IntPtr)11, Data = new int[]{                                                                11, 11 }
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_NCMBUTTONDBLCLK, Hwnd = (IntPtr)12, Data = new int[]{                                                                12, 12 }
            MouseClickEvent[] expectedEvents =
                new MouseClickEvent {
                    MouseAction = MouseAction.RightClick, HWnd = "1", MousePosition = new Point{
                        X = 1, Y = 1
                new MouseClickEvent {
                    MouseAction = MouseAction.LeftClick, HWnd = "2", MousePosition = new Point{
                        X = 2, Y = 2
                new MouseClickEvent {
                    MouseAction = MouseAction.MiddleClick, HWnd = "3", MousePosition = new Point{
                        X = 3, Y = 3
                new MouseClickEvent {
                    MouseAction = MouseAction.RightDoubleClick, HWnd = "4", MousePosition = new Point{
                        X = 4, Y = 4
                new MouseClickEvent {
                    MouseAction = MouseAction.LeftDoubleClick, HWnd = "5", MousePosition = new Point{
                        X = 5, Y = 5
                new MouseClickEvent {
                    MouseAction = MouseAction.MiddleDoubleClick, HWnd = "6", MousePosition = new Point{
                        X = 6, Y = 6
                new MouseClickEvent {
                    MouseAction = MouseAction.RightClick, HWnd = "7", MousePosition = new Point{
                        X = 7, Y = 7
                new MouseClickEvent {
                    MouseAction = MouseAction.LeftClick, HWnd = "8", MousePosition = new Point{
                        X = 8, Y = 8
                new MouseClickEvent {
                    MouseAction = MouseAction.MiddleClick, HWnd = "9", MousePosition = new Point{
                        X = 9, Y = 9
                new MouseClickEvent {
                    MouseAction = MouseAction.RightDoubleClick, HWnd = "10", MousePosition = new Point{
                        X = 10, Y = 10
                new MouseClickEvent {
                    MouseAction = MouseAction.LeftDoubleClick, HWnd = "11", MousePosition = new Point{
                        X = 11, Y = 11
                new MouseClickEvent {
                    MouseAction = MouseAction.MiddleDoubleClick, HWnd = "12", MousePosition = new Point{
                        X = 12, Y = 12

            Assert.IsTrue(hookMessages.Length == expectedEvents.Length);

            /* WHEN */
            // consumedEvent.Signal() will be called gdw one event has been found and meet expectation
            using var consumedEvent = new CountdownEvent(hookMessages.Length);
            Assert.IsTrue(consumedEvent.CurrentCount == hookMessages.Length);

            //didStartConsumingEvent.Set() will be called in Await method gdw the consumer is attached
            using var didStartConsumingEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            //Running the task in another thread
            var thread = new Thread(async() =>
                await foreach (var @event in Await <IAsyncEnumerable <MouseClickEvent> >(mouseClickEventProducer.GetEvents(), didStartConsumingEvent))
                    if (!IsMouseClickEventFound(@event, expectedEvents))

            // true if the consumer is attached!

            // We must call the callback after the consumer is attached!
            // otherwise the message is automatically dismissed.
            foreach (GlobalHook.HookMessage message in hookMessages)

            /* THEN */
            //true if all events generated by the fake messages have meet expectation.
            Assert.IsTrue(consumedEvent.Wait(maxWaitTime), "Did not find all matching mouse click events in time.");

            //total shut down and resources release
            mouseModule.IsActive = false;
        public void TestKeyboardInteractEventProducer_ModifierKeysTest()
            /* PRECONDITIONS */
            Debug.Assert(keyboardModule != null);
            Debug.Assert(keyboardInteractEventProducer != null);
            Debug.Assert(hookNativeMethodsMock != null);
            Debug.Assert(hookNativeMethodsMock.Mock != null);
            Debug.Assert(nativeKeyboardMock != null);

            /* GIVEN */
            //get the callback
            GlobalHook.CppGetMessageCallback callback = GetCallback();

            //setting up fake nativeKeyboardMock behaviors, messages and corresponding expected Events
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.KeyFromVirtualKey(0x41)).Returns(Key.A);
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.KeyFromVirtualKey(0x42)).Returns(Key.B);
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.KeyFromVirtualKey(0x43)).Returns(Key.C);
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.KeyFromVirtualKey(0x44)).Returns(Key.D);
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.KeyFromVirtualKey(0x46)).Returns(Key.F);
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.KeyFromVirtualKey(0x47)).Returns(Key.G);
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.KeyFromVirtualKey(0x48)).Returns(Key.H);
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.KeyFromVirtualKey(0x49)).Returns(Key.I);
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.KeyFromVirtualKey(0x4A)).Returns(Key.J);

            // Setting up the modifierkeys sequence which should work together with the fake messages to generate expected events
            nativeKeyboardMock.SetupSequence(nM => nM.IsKeyPressed(INativeKeyboard.VirtualKeyCode.VK_MENU))

            nativeKeyboardMock.SetupSequence(nM => nM.IsKeyPressed(INativeKeyboard.VirtualKeyCode.VK_CONTROL))

            nativeKeyboardMock.SetupSequence(nM => nM.IsKeyPressed(INativeKeyboard.VirtualKeyCode.VK_SHIFT))

            nativeKeyboardMock.SetupSequence(nM => nM.IsKeyPressed(INativeKeyboard.VirtualKeyCode.VK_LWIN))

            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nM => nM.IsKeyPressed(INativeKeyboard.VirtualKeyCode.VK_RWIN))

            //setting up fake messages and corresponding expected Events
            GlobalHook.HookMessage[] hookMessages =
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_KEYDOWN, wParam = (IntPtr)0x41
                },                                                                                               //A with Alt down
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_KEYDOWN, wParam = (IntPtr)0x42
                },                                                                                               //B with Control down
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_KEYDOWN, wParam = (IntPtr)0x43
                },                                                                                               //C with Shift down
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_KEYDOWN, wParam = (IntPtr)0x44
                },                                                                                               //D with Left Windows down
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_KEYDOWN, wParam = (IntPtr)0x46
                },                                                                                               //F with None
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_KEYDOWN, wParam = (IntPtr)0x47
                },                                                                                               //G with Alt + Shift down
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_KEYDOWN, wParam = (IntPtr)0x48
                },                                                                                               //H with Alt + Control down
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_KEYDOWN, wParam = (IntPtr)0x49
                },                                                                                               //I with Control + Shift down
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_KEYDOWN, wParam = (IntPtr)0x4A
                }                                                                                               //J with Control + Alt + Shift Windows down

            KeyboardInteractEvent[] expectedEvents =
                new KeyboardInteractEvent {
                    PressedKey_System_Windows_Input_Key = Key.A, ModifierKeys_System_Windows_Input_ModifierKeys = ModifierKeys.Alt
                new KeyboardInteractEvent {
                    PressedKey_System_Windows_Input_Key = Key.B, ModifierKeys_System_Windows_Input_ModifierKeys = ModifierKeys.Control
                new KeyboardInteractEvent {
                    PressedKey_System_Windows_Input_Key = Key.C, ModifierKeys_System_Windows_Input_ModifierKeys = ModifierKeys.Shift
                new KeyboardInteractEvent {
                    PressedKey_System_Windows_Input_Key = Key.D, ModifierKeys_System_Windows_Input_ModifierKeys = ModifierKeys.Windows
                new KeyboardInteractEvent {
                    PressedKey_System_Windows_Input_Key = Key.F, ModifierKeys_System_Windows_Input_ModifierKeys = ModifierKeys.None
                new KeyboardInteractEvent {
                    PressedKey_System_Windows_Input_Key = Key.G, ModifierKeys_System_Windows_Input_ModifierKeys = ModifierKeys.Alt | ModifierKeys.Shift
                new KeyboardInteractEvent {
                    PressedKey_System_Windows_Input_Key = Key.H, ModifierKeys_System_Windows_Input_ModifierKeys = ModifierKeys.Alt | ModifierKeys.Control
                new KeyboardInteractEvent {
                    PressedKey_System_Windows_Input_Key = Key.I, ModifierKeys_System_Windows_Input_ModifierKeys = ModifierKeys.Shift | ModifierKeys.Control
                new KeyboardInteractEvent {
                    PressedKey_System_Windows_Input_Key = Key.J, ModifierKeys_System_Windows_Input_ModifierKeys = ModifierKeys.Alt | ModifierKeys.Control | ModifierKeys.Shift

            Assert.IsTrue(hookMessages.Length == expectedEvents.Length);

            /* WHEN */
            // consumedEvent.Signal() will be called gdw one event has been found and meet expectation
            using var consumedEvent = new CountdownEvent(hookMessages.Length);
            Assert.IsTrue(consumedEvent.CurrentCount == hookMessages.Length);

            //didStartConsumingEvent.Set() will be called in Await method gdw the consumer is attached
            using var didStartConsumingEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            //Running the task in another thread
            var thread = new Thread(async() =>
                await foreach (var @event in Await <IAsyncEnumerable <KeyboardInteractEvent> >(keyboardInteractEventProducer.GetEvents(), didStartConsumingEvent))
                    if (!IsKeyboardInteractEventFound(@event, expectedEvents))

            // true if the consumer is attached!

            // We must call the callback after the consumer is attached!
            // otherwise the message is automatically dismissed.
            foreach (GlobalHook.HookMessage message in hookMessages)

            /* THEN */
            //true if all events generated by the fake messages have meet expectation.
            Assert.IsTrue(consumedEvent.Wait(maxWaitTime), "Did not find all matching keyboard interact events in time.");

            //total shut down and resources release
        public void TestKeyboardInteractEventProducer_PressedKeyTest()
            /* PRECONDITIONS */
            Debug.Assert(keyboardModule != null);
            Debug.Assert(keyboardInteractEventProducer != null);
            Debug.Assert(hookNativeMethodsMock != null);
            Debug.Assert(hookNativeMethodsMock.Mock != null);
            Debug.Assert(nativeKeyboardMock != null);

            /* GIVEN */
            //get the callback
            GlobalHook.CppGetMessageCallback callback = GetCallback();

            //setting up fake nativeKeyboardMock behaviors, messages and corresponding expected Events
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.KeyFromVirtualKey(0x41)).Returns(Key.A);
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.KeyFromVirtualKey(0x48)).Returns(Key.H);
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.KeyFromVirtualKey(0x36)).Returns(Key.D6);
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.KeyFromVirtualKey(0x30)).Returns(Key.D0);
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.KeyFromVirtualKey(0xBB)).Returns(Key.OemPlus);
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.KeyFromVirtualKey(0xBF)).Returns(Key.OemQuestion);
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.KeyFromVirtualKey(0xA0)).Returns(Key.LeftShift);
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.KeyFromVirtualKey(0x24)).Returns(Key.Home);
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.KeyFromVirtualKey(0x25)).Returns(Key.Left);
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.KeyFromVirtualKey(0x12)).Returns(Key.LeftAlt);

            GlobalHook.HookMessage[] hookMessages =
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_KEYDOWN, wParam = (IntPtr)0x41
                },                                                                                               //A
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_SYSKEYDOWN, wParam = (IntPtr)0x48
                },                                                                                                  //H
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_KEYDOWN, wParam = (IntPtr)0x36
                },                                                                                               //6
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_KEYDOWN, wParam = (IntPtr)0x30
                },                                                                                               //0
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_SYSKEYDOWN, wParam = (IntPtr)0xBB
                },                                                                                                  //+
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_KEYDOWN, wParam = (IntPtr)0xBF
                },                                                                                               //"/" or ?
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_SYSKEYDOWN, wParam = (IntPtr)0xA0
                },                                                                                                 //Left SHIFT
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_SYSKEYDOWN, wParam = (IntPtr)0x24
                },                                                                                                 //HOME
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_KEYDOWN, wParam = (IntPtr)0x25
                },                                                                                               //LeftArrow
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_KEYDOWN, wParam = (IntPtr)0x12
                }                                                                                               //Alt

            KeyboardInteractEvent[] expectedEvents =
                new KeyboardInteractEvent {
                    PressedKey_System_Windows_Input_Key = Key.A
                new KeyboardInteractEvent {
                    PressedKey_System_Windows_Input_Key = Key.H
                new KeyboardInteractEvent {
                    PressedKey_System_Windows_Input_Key = Key.D6
                new KeyboardInteractEvent {
                    PressedKey_System_Windows_Input_Key = Key.D0
                new KeyboardInteractEvent {
                    PressedKey_System_Windows_Input_Key = Key.OemPlus
                new KeyboardInteractEvent {
                    PressedKey_System_Windows_Input_Key = Key.OemQuestion
                new KeyboardInteractEvent {
                    PressedKey_System_Windows_Input_Key = Key.LeftShift
                new KeyboardInteractEvent {
                    PressedKey_System_Windows_Input_Key = Key.Home
                new KeyboardInteractEvent {
                    PressedKey_System_Windows_Input_Key = Key.Left
                new KeyboardInteractEvent {
                    PressedKey_System_Windows_Input_Key = Key.LeftAlt

            Assert.IsTrue(hookMessages.Length == expectedEvents.Length);

            /* WHEN */
            // consumedEvent.Signal() will be called gdw one event has been found and meet expectation
            using var consumedEvent = new CountdownEvent(hookMessages.Length);
            Assert.IsTrue(consumedEvent.CurrentCount == hookMessages.Length);

            //didStartConsumingEvent.Set() will be called in Await method gdw the consumer is attached
            using var didStartConsumingEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            //Running the task in another thread
            var thread = new Thread(async() =>
                await foreach (var @event in Await <IAsyncEnumerable <KeyboardInteractEvent> >(keyboardInteractEventProducer.GetEvents(), didStartConsumingEvent))
                    if (!IsKeyboardInteractEventFound(@event, expectedEvents))

            // true if the consumer is attached!

            // We must call the callback after the consumer is attached!
            // otherwise the message is automatically dismissed.
            foreach (GlobalHook.HookMessage message in hookMessages)

            /* THEN */
            //true if all events generated by the fake messages have meet expectation.
            Assert.IsTrue(consumedEvent.Wait(maxWaitTime), "Did not find all matching keyboard interact events in time.");

            //total shut down and resources release
        public void TestKeyboardInteractEventProducer_UnicodeTest()
            /* PRECONDITIONS */
            Debug.Assert(keyboardModule != null);
            Debug.Assert(keyboardInteractEventProducer != null);
            Debug.Assert(hookNativeMethodsMock != null);
            Debug.Assert(hookNativeMethodsMock.Mock != null);

            //setting up fake nativeKeyboardMock behaviors, messages and corresponding expected Events
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.KeyFromVirtualKey(0x41)).Returns(Key.A);
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.KeyFromVirtualKey(0x5A)).Returns(Key.Z);
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.KeyFromVirtualKey(0x30)).Returns(Key.D0);
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.KeyFromVirtualKey(0x39)).Returns(Key.D9);
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.KeyFromVirtualKey(0xBD)).Returns(Key.OemMinus);
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.KeyFromVirtualKey(0xBF)).Returns(Key.OemQuestion);
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.KeyFromVirtualKey(0x12)).Returns(Key.LeftAlt);
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.KeyFromVirtualKey(0xA2)).Returns(Key.LeftCtrl);
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.KeyFromVirtualKey(0x20)).Returns(Key.Space);

            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.ToUnicode(0x41)).Returns('a');
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.ToUnicode(0x5A)).Returns('z');
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.ToUnicode(0x30)).Returns('0');
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.ToUnicode(0x39)).Returns('9');
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.ToUnicode(0xBD)).Returns('-');
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.ToUnicode(0xBF)).Returns('/');
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.ToUnicode(0x12)).Returns('\u0000');
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.ToUnicode(0xA2)).Returns('\u0000');
            nativeKeyboardMock.Setup(nativeK => nativeK.ToUnicode(0x20)).Returns(' ');

            /* GIVEN */
            GlobalHook.CppGetMessageCallback callback = GetCallback();
            //setting up fake messages and corresponding expected Events
            GlobalHook.HookMessage[] hookMessages =
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_KEYDOWN, wParam = (IntPtr)0x41
                },                                                                                               //a
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_KEYDOWN, wParam = (IntPtr)0x5A
                },                                                                                               //z
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_KEYDOWN, wParam = (IntPtr)0x30
                },                                                                                               //0
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_KEYDOWN, wParam = (IntPtr)0x39
                },                                                                                               //9
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_SYSKEYDOWN, wParam = (IntPtr)0xBD
                },                                                                                                 //-
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_KEYDOWN, wParam = (IntPtr)0xBF
                },                                                                                               // '/'
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_KEYDOWN, wParam = (IntPtr)0x12
                },                                                                                               //alt
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_KEYDOWN, wParam = (IntPtr)0xA2
                },                                                                                               //control
                new GlobalHook.HookMessage {
                    Type = (uint)GlobalHook.MessageType.WM_KEYDOWN, wParam = (IntPtr)0x20
                }                                                                                               //space
            KeyboardInteractEvent[] expectedEvents =
                new KeyboardInteractEvent {
                    PressedKey_System_Windows_Input_Key = Key.A, MappedCharacter_Unicode = 'a'
                new KeyboardInteractEvent {
                    PressedKey_System_Windows_Input_Key = Key.Z, MappedCharacter_Unicode = 'z'
                new KeyboardInteractEvent {
                    PressedKey_System_Windows_Input_Key = Key.D0, MappedCharacter_Unicode = '0'
                new KeyboardInteractEvent {
                    PressedKey_System_Windows_Input_Key = Key.D9, MappedCharacter_Unicode = '9'
                new KeyboardInteractEvent {
                    PressedKey_System_Windows_Input_Key = Key.OemMinus, MappedCharacter_Unicode = '-'
                new KeyboardInteractEvent {
                    PressedKey_System_Windows_Input_Key = Key.OemQuestion, MappedCharacter_Unicode = '/'
                new KeyboardInteractEvent {
                    PressedKey_System_Windows_Input_Key = Key.LeftAlt, MappedCharacter_Unicode = '\u0000'
                new KeyboardInteractEvent {
                    PressedKey_System_Windows_Input_Key = Key.LeftCtrl, MappedCharacter_Unicode = '\u0000'
                new KeyboardInteractEvent {
                    PressedKey_System_Windows_Input_Key = Key.Space, MappedCharacter_Unicode = ' '

            Assert.IsTrue(hookMessages.Length == expectedEvents.Length);

            /* WHEN */
            /* WHEN */
            // consumedEvent.Signal() will be called gdw one event has been found and meet expectation
            using var consumedEvent = new CountdownEvent(hookMessages.Length);
            Assert.IsTrue(consumedEvent.CurrentCount == hookMessages.Length);

            //didStartConsumingEvent.Set() will be called in Await method gdw the consumer is attached
            using var didStartConsumingEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);

            //Running the task in another thread
            var thread = new Thread(async() =>
                await foreach (var @event in Await <IAsyncEnumerable <KeyboardInteractEvent> >(keyboardInteractEventProducer.GetEvents(), didStartConsumingEvent))
                    if (!IsKeyboardInteractEventFound(@event, expectedEvents))

            // true if the consumer is attached!

            // We must call the callback after the consumer is attached!
            // otherwise the message is automatically dismissed.
            foreach (GlobalHook.HookMessage message in hookMessages)

            /* THEN */
            Assert.IsTrue(consumedEvent.Wait(maxWaitTime), "Did not find all matching keyboard interact events in time.");

            //total shut down and resources release