protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!isDisposed) { dev.WaitIdle(); for (int i = 0; i < swapChain.ImageCount; i++) { dev.DestroySemaphore(drawComplete[i]); cmds[i].Free(); } swapChain.Dispose(); vkDestroySurfaceKHR(instance.Handle, hSurf, IntPtr.Zero); cmdPool.Dispose(); if (disposing) { dev.Dispose(); instance.Dispose(); } else { Debug.WriteLine("a VkWindow has not been correctly disposed"); } Glfw3.DestroyWindow(hWin); Glfw3.Terminate(); isDisposed = true; } }
private void CreateInstance() { var enabledLayers = new List <string>(); if (Instance.EnumerateLayerProperties().Any(x => x.LayerName == "VK_LAYER_LUNARG_standard_validation")) { enabledLayers.Add("VK_LAYER_LUNARG_standard_validation"); } var glfwExtensions = Glfw3.glfwGetRequiredInstanceExtensions(); this.instance = Instance.Create(new InstanceCreateInfo { ApplicationInfo = new ApplicationInfo { ApplicationName = "Ludum Dare 38", ApplicationVersion = new SharpVk.Version(1, 0, 0), EngineName = "SharpVk", EngineVersion = Constants.SharpVkVersion, ApiVersion = Constants.ApiVersion10 }, EnabledExtensionNames = glfwExtensions.Concat(new[] { ExtDebugReport.ExtensionName }).ToArray(), EnabledLayerNames = enabledLayers.ToArray() }, null); this.reportCallback = this.instance.CreateDebugReportCallback(new DebugReportCallbackCreateInfo { Flags = DebugReportFlags.Error | DebugReportFlags.Warning, PfnCallback = this.debugReportDelegate }); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new vulkan enabled window with GLFW. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Caption of the window</param> /// <param name="_width">Width.</param> /// <param name="_height">Height.</param> /// <param name="vSync">Vertical synchronisation status for creating the swapchain.</param> public VkWindow(string name = "VkWindow", uint _width = 800, uint _height = 600, bool vSync = true) { Width = _width; Height = _height; VSync = vSync; Glfw3.Init(); Glfw3.WindowHint(WindowAttribute.ClientApi, 0); Glfw3.WindowHint(WindowAttribute.Resizable, 1); hWin = Glfw3.CreateWindow((int)Width, (int)Height, name, MonitorHandle.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); if (hWin == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new Exception("[GLFW3] Unable to create vulkan Window"); } Glfw3.SetKeyCallback(hWin, HandleKeyDelegate); Glfw3.SetMouseButtonPosCallback(hWin, HandleMouseButtonDelegate); Glfw3.SetCursorPosCallback(hWin, HandleCursorPosDelegate); Glfw3.SetScrollCallback(hWin, HandleScrollDelegate); Glfw3.SetCharCallback(hWin, HandleCharDelegate); windows.Add(hWin, this); }
private void CreateInstance() { var enabledLayers = new List <string>(); //VK_LAYER_LUNARG_api_dump //VK_LAYER_LUNARG_standard_validation void AddAvailableLayer(string layerName) { if (Instance.EnumerateLayerProperties().Any(x => x.LayerName == layerName)) { enabledLayers.Add(layerName); } } AddAvailableLayer("VK_LAYER_LUNARG_standard_validation"); this.instance = Instance.Create( enabledLayers.ToArray(), Glfw3.GetRequiredInstanceExtensions().Append(ExtExtensions.DebugReport).ToArray(), applicationInfo: new ApplicationInfo { ApplicationName = "Hello Triangle", ApplicationVersion = new Version(1, 0, 0), EngineName = "SharpVk", EngineVersion = new Version(0, 4, 1), ApiVersion = new Version(1, 0, 0) }); instance.CreateDebugReportCallback(DebugReportDelegate, DebugReportFlags.Error | DebugReportFlags.Warning); }
private void CreateInstance() { var enabledLayers = new List <string>(); if (Instance.EnumerateLayerProperties().Any(x => x.LayerName == "VK_LAYER_LUNARG_standard_validation")) { enabledLayers.Add("VK_LAYER_LUNARG_standard_validation"); } var glfwExtensions = Glfw3.GetRequiredInstanceExtensions(); this.instance = Instance.Create( enabledLayers.ToArray(), glfwExtensions.Append(ExtExtensions.DebugReport).ToArray(), applicationInfo: new ApplicationInfo { ApplicationName = "Vertex Buffers", ApplicationVersion = new Version(1, 0, 0), EngineName = "SharpVk", EngineVersion = new Version(0, 4, 0), ApiVersion = new Version(1, 0, 0) }); instance.CreateDebugReportCallback(DebugReportDelegate, DebugReportFlags.Error | DebugReportFlags.Warning | DebugReportFlags.Information | DebugReportFlags.Debug); }
public void Run() { var helper = new VkHelperFunctions(); Glfw3.Init(); Glfw3.WindowHint(WindowAttribute.ClientApi, 0); var window = Glfw3.CreateWindow(1024, 768, "shit", default, default);
/// <summary> /// Set current mouse cursor in the GLFW window. /// </summary> /// <param name="cursor">New mouse cursor to set.</param> public void SetCursor(CursorShape cursor) { if (currentCursor != IntPtr.Zero) { Glfw3.DestroyCursor(currentCursor); } currentCursor = Glfw3.CreateStandardCursor(cursor); Glfw3.SetCursor(hWin, currentCursor); }
static void Main() { Glfw3.Init(); Console.WriteLine($"GLFW3 version: {Glfw3.GetVersion ()}"); IntPtr win = Glfw3.CreateWindow(100, 100, "test", MonitorHandle.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); Glfw3.DestroyWindow(win); Glfw3.Terminate(); }
private void MainLoop() { while (!Glfw3.WindowShouldClose(this.window)) { this.DrawFrame(); Glfw3.PollEvents(); } }
private void InitialiseWindow() { Glfw3.glfwInit(); Glfw3.glfwWindowHint(0x00022001, 0); this.window = Glfw3.glfwCreateWindow(SurfaceWidth, SurfaceHeight, "Vulkan", IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); this.windowSizeChanged = (x, y, z) => this.RecreateSwapChain(); Glfw3.glfwSetWindowSizeCallback(this.window, this.windowSizeChanged); }
private void InitialiseWindow() { Glfw3.Init(); Glfw3.WindowHint(0x00022001, 0); this.window = Glfw3.CreateWindow(SurfaceWidth, SurfaceHeight, "Hello Triangle", IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); this.windowSizeCallback = (x, y, z) => this.RecreateSwapChain(); Glfw3.SetWindowSizeCallback(this.window, this.windowSizeCallback); }
public GlFwForm(int width, int height, string title, GlfwWindowEventListener eventListener) { _width = width; _height = height; _title = title; _winEventListener = eventListener; // SetGlfwWindowHandler(Glfw3.glfwCreateWindow(_width, _height, title, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero)); GlfwAppLoop.RegisterGlfwForm(this); }
public override void Initialise(Game game) { Glfw3.glfwInit(); Glfw3.glfwWindowHint(0x00022001, 0); this.WindowHandle = Glfw3.glfwCreateWindow(1280, 720, this.options.Title, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); this.windowSizeChanged = this.OnWindowSizeChanged; Glfw3.glfwSetWindowSizeCallback(this.WindowHandle, this.windowSizeChanged); = game; }
private static void SetCallbacks(Window window) { Glfw3.SetCharCallback(window.Handle, new CharDelegate((handle, codepoint) => Console.WriteLine("CharDelegate called (codepoint: " + codepoint + ")"))); Glfw3.SetScrollCallback(window.Handle, new ScrollDelegate((handle, xoffset, yoffset) => Console.WriteLine("ScrollDelegate called (xoffset: " + xoffset + ", yoffset: " + yoffset + ")"))); Glfw3.SetCursorPosCallback(window.Handle, new CursorPosDelegate((handle, xpos, ypos) => Console.WriteLine("CursorPosDelegate called (xpos: " + xpos + ", ypos: " + ypos + ")"))); Glfw3.SetMouseButtonPosCallback(window.Handle, new MouseButtonDelegate((handle, button, action, mods) => Console.WriteLine("MouseButtonDelegate called (button: " + button + ", action: " + Enum.GetName(typeof(InputAction), action) + ", mods: " + Enum.GetName(typeof(Modifier), mods) + ")"))); }
public override void Initialise(Game game) { Glfw3.Init(); Glfw3.WindowHint(0x00022001, 0); this.WindowHandle = Glfw3.CreateWindow(this.options.InitialWidth, this.options.InitialHeight, this.options.Title, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); this.windowSizeChanged = this.OnWindowSizeChanged; Glfw3.SetWindowSizeCallback(this.WindowHandle, this.windowSizeChanged); = game; }
protected virtual void onKeyDown(Key key, int scanCode, Modifier modifiers) { switch (key) { case Key.F4: if (modifiers == Modifier.Alt) { Glfw3.SetWindowShouldClose(currentWindow.hWin, 1); } break; case Key.Escape: Glfw3.SetWindowShouldClose(currentWindow.hWin, 1); break; case Key.Up: camera.Move(0, 0, 1); break; case Key.Down: camera.Move(0, 0, -1); break; case Key.Left: camera.Move(1, 0, 0); break; case Key.Right: camera.Move(-1, 0, 0); break; case Key.PageUp: camera.Move(0, 1, 0); break; case Key.PageDown: camera.Move(0, -1, 0); break; case Key.F3: if (camera.Type == Camera.CamType.FirstPerson) { camera.Type = Camera.CamType.LookAt; } else { camera.Type = Camera.CamType.FirstPerson; } break; } updateViewRequested = true; }
public void Update() { Glfw3.PollEvents(); if (Glfw3.WindowShouldClose(this.WindowHandle)) {; } this.IsResized = this.isResizeSignalled; this.isResizeSignalled = false; }
public static void Start() { GlfwWindowEventListener winEventListener = new GlfwWindowEventListener(); var form = new GlFwForm(800, 600, "hello!", winEventListener); form.MakeCurrent(); string versionStr3 = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(Glfw3.glfwGetVersionString()); OpenTK.Platform.Factory.GetCustomPlatformFactory = () => OpenTK.Platform.Egl.EglAngle.NewFactory(); OpenTK.Toolkit.Init(new OpenTK.ToolkitOptions { Backend = OpenTK.PlatformBackend.PreferNative, }); OpenTK.Graphics.PlatformAddressPortal.GetAddressDelegate = OpenTK.Platform.Utilities.CreateGetAddress(); //----------- IntPtr currentContext = Glfw3.glfwGetCurrentContext(); var contextHandler = new OpenTK.ContextHandle(currentContext); var glfwContext = new GLFWContextForOpenTK(contextHandler); var context = OpenTK.Graphics.GraphicsContext.CreateExternalContext(glfwContext); bool isCurrent = context.IsCurrent; var demoContext = new Mini.GLDemoContext(800, 600); demoContext.LoadDemo(new OpenTkEssTest.T108_LionFill()); GL.Enable(EnableCap.Blend); GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactorDest.OneMinusSrcAlpha); GL.ClearColor(1, 1, 1, 1); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //setup viewport size //set up canvas int ww_w = 800; int ww_h = 600; int max = Math.Max(ww_w, ww_h); GL.Viewport(0, 0, max, max); //--------- form.RenderDel = () => { demoContext.Render(); form.SwapBuffers(); }; //--------- GlfwAppLoop.Run(); }
/// <summary> /// Create the minimum vulkan objects to quickly start a new application. The folowing objects are created: /// - Vulkan Instance with extensions present in the `EnabledInstanceExtensions` property. /// - Vulkan Surface for the GLFW native window. /// - Vulkan device for the selected physical one with configured enabledFeatures and extensions present in `EnabledDeviceExtensions` list. Selection of the default physical device /// may be replaced by the `selectPhysicalDevice` method override. /// - Create a default Graphic Queue with presentable support. The default queue creation may be customized by overriding the `createQueues` method. /// - Default vulkan Swapchain creation. Some swapchain's parameters are controled through static fields of the `SwapChain` class (ex: `SwapChain.PREFERED_FORMAT`). /// - Create a default command pool for the `presentQueue` family index. /// - Create an empty command buffer collection (`cmds`). /// - Create one unsignaled vulkan semaphore (named `drawComplete` per swapchain image used to control presentation submission to the graphic queue. /// - Create a signaled vulkan fence (`drawFence`). (TODO: improve this. /// With all these objects, vulkan application programming startup is reduced to the minimal. /// </summary> protected virtual void initVulkan() { List <string> instExts = new List <string> (Glfw3.GetRequiredInstanceExtensions()); if (EnabledInstanceExtensions != null) { instExts.AddRange(EnabledInstanceExtensions); } instance = new Instance(instExts.ToArray()); hSurf = instance.CreateSurface(hWin); selectPhysicalDevice(); VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures enabledFeatures = default; configureEnabledFeatures(phy.Features, ref enabledFeatures); //First create the c# device class dev = new Device(phy); dev.debugUtilsEnabled = instance.debugUtilsEnabled; //store a boolean to prevent testing against the extension string presence. //create queue class createQueues(); //activate the device to have effective queues created accordingly to what's available dev.Activate(enabledFeatures, EnabledDeviceExtensions); swapChain = new SwapChain(presentQueue as PresentQueue, Width, Height, SwapChain.PREFERED_FORMAT, VSync ? VkPresentModeKHR.FifoKHR : VkPresentModeKHR.ImmediateKHR); swapChain.Activate(); Width = swapChain.Width; Height = swapChain.Height; cmdPool = new CommandPool(dev, presentQueue.qFamIndex, VkCommandPoolCreateFlags.ResetCommandBuffer); cmds = new PrimaryCommandBuffer[swapChain.ImageCount]; drawComplete = new VkSemaphore[swapChain.ImageCount]; drawFence = new Fence(dev, true, "draw fence"); for (int i = 0; i < swapChain.ImageCount; i++) { drawComplete[i] = dev.CreateSemaphore(); drawComplete[i].SetDebugMarkerName(dev, "Semaphore DrawComplete" + i); } cmdPool.SetName("main CmdPool"); }
private void MainLoop() { this.initialTimestamp = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp(); while (!Glfw3.glfwWindowShouldClose(this.window)) { this.device.WaitIdle(); this.UpdateUniformBuffer(); this.DrawFrame(); Glfw3.glfwPollEvents(); } }
public static void Run() { if (s_mainMsgWin == null) { return; } while (!s_mainMsgWin.ShouldClose()) { /* Render here */ /* Swap front and back buffers */ s_mainMsgWin.RenderDel?.Invoke(); /* Poll for and process events */ //Glfw3.glfwPollEvents(); Glfw3.glfwWaitEvents(); } Glfw3.glfwTerminate(); }
/// <summary> /// main window loop, exits on GLFW3 exit event. Before entering the rendering loop, the following methods are called: /// - initVulkan (device, queues and swapchain creations). /// - OnResize (create there your frame buffers couple to the swapchain and trigger the recording of your command buffers for the presentation. /// - UpdateView (generaly used when the camera setup has changed to update MVP matrices) /// The rendering loop consist of the following steps: /// - render (the default one will submit the default command buffers to the presentQueue and trigger a queue present for each swapchain images. /// - if the `updateViewRequested` field is set to 'true', call the `UpdateView` method. /// - frame counting and chrono. /// - if elapsed time reached `UpdateFrequency` value, the `Update` method is called and the elapsed time chrono is reseet. /// - GLFW events are polled at the end of the loop. /// </summary> public virtual void Run() { initVulkan(); OnResize(); UpdateView(); frameChrono = Stopwatch.StartNew(); long totTime = 0; while (!Glfw3.WindowShouldClose(hWin)) { render(); if (updateViewRequested) { UpdateView(); } frameCount++; if (frameChrono.ElapsedMilliseconds > UpdateFrequency) { Update(); frameChrono.Stop(); totTime += frameChrono.ElapsedMilliseconds; fps = (uint)((double)frameCount / (double)totTime * 1000.0); Glfw3.SetWindowTitle(hWin, "FPS: " + fps.ToString()); if (totTime > 2000) { frameCount = 0; totTime = 0; } frameChrono.Restart(); } Glfw3.PollEvents(); } }
private void CreateInstance() { var enabledLayers = new List <string>(); if (Instance.EnumerateLayerProperties().Any(x => x.LayerName == "VK_LAYER_LUNARG_standard_validation")) { enabledLayers.Add("VK_LAYER_LUNARG_standard_validation"); } var glfwExtensions = Glfw3.GetRequiredInstanceExtensions(); this.instance = Instance.Create(enabledLayers.ToArray(), glfwExtensions.Concat(new[] { ExtExtensions.DebugReport }).ToArray(), InstanceCreateFlags.None, new ApplicationInfo { ApplicationName = "Tectonic", ApplicationVersion = new SharpVk.Version(1, 0, 0), EngineName = "Tectonic", ApiVersion = new SharpVk.Version(1, 0, 0) }); this.reportCallback = this.instance.CreateDebugReportCallback(this.debugReportDelegate, DebugReportFlags.Error | DebugReportFlags.Warning); }
public VkWindow(bool debugMarkers = false, string name = "VkWindow", uint _width = 1024, uint _height = 768, bool vSync = false) { currentWindow = this; width = _width; height = _height; Glfw3.Init(); Glfw3.WindowHint(WindowAttribute.ClientApi, 0); Glfw3.WindowHint(WindowAttribute.Resizable, 1); hWin = Glfw3.CreateWindow((int)width, (int)height, name, MonitorHandle.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); Glfw3.SetKeyCallback(hWin, HandleKeyDelegate); Glfw3.SetMouseButtonPosCallback(hWin, HandleMouseButtonDelegate); Glfw3.SetCursorPosCallback(hWin, HandleCursorPosDelegate); Glfw3.SetWindowSizeCallback(hWin, HandleWindowSizeDelegate); Glfw3.SetScrollCallback(hWin, HandleScrollDelegate); Glfw3.SetCharCallback(hWin, HandleCharDelegate); initVulkan(vSync, debugMarkers); }
public void CreateInstance() { var enabledLayers = new List <string>(); //VK_LAYER_LUNARG_api_dump //VK_LAYER_LUNARG_standard_validation var prop = Instance.EnumerateLayerProperties(); void AddAvailableLayer(string layerName, LayerProperties[] prop) { if (prop.Any(x => x.LayerName == layerName)) { enabledLayers.Add(layerName); } } #if DEBUG AddAvailableLayer("VK_LAYER_LUNARG_standard_validation", prop); #if APIDUMP AddAvailableLayer("VK_LAYER_LUNARG_api_dump", prop); #endif #endif this.instance = Instance.Create( enabledLayers.ToArray(), Glfw3.GetRequiredInstanceExtensions().Append(ExtExtensions.DebugReport).ToArray(), applicationInfo: new ApplicationInfo { ApplicationName = "Hello Triangle", ApplicationVersion = new SharpVk.Version(1, 0, 0), EngineName = "SharpVk", EngineVersion = new SharpVk.Version(0, 4, 1), ApiVersion = new SharpVk.Version(1, 0, 0) }); instance.CreateDebugReportCallback(helper.DebugReport, DebugReportFlags.Error | DebugReportFlags.Warning); }
private unsafe void Run() { var extensions = Instance.EnumerateExtensionProperties(null); var instance = Instance.Create(null, Glfw3.GetRequiredInstanceExtensions()); var device = instance.EnumeratePhysicalDevices().First().CreateDevice(new DeviceQueueCreateInfo { QueueFamilyIndex = 0, QueuePriorities = new[] { 0f } }, null, null); device.GetQueue(0, 0); try { Glfw3.Init(); using (var window = new Window(1920, 1080, "Test")) { SetCallbacks(window); while (!window.ShouldClose) { Glfw3.PollEvents(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.ReadLine(); } finally { Glfw3.Terminate(); } }
protected InputAction GetButton(MouseButton button) => Glfw3.GetMouseButton(hWin, button);
public void Render() { this.DrawFrame(); Glfw3.PollEvents(); }
public void AlwaysRun() { Glfw3.PollEvents(); }
internal bool ShouldClose() { return(Glfw3.glfwWindowShouldClose(_glfwWindow) != 0); }