Пример #1
        private void simpleOpenGlControl1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)

            if (_initialDataLoaded)
                if (_renderHemicube)
                    Gk3Main.Math.Vector3 forward = Gk3Main.Math.Vector3.Forward;
                    Gk3Main.Math.Vector3 up      = _camera.Orientation * Gk3Main.Math.Vector3.Up;
                    forward = _camera.Orientation * forward;

                    Gk3Main.Game.Radiosity.RenderHemicube(_camera.Position, forward, up);


Пример #2
        public Camera(Math.Matrix projection)
            _orientation = new Gk3Main.Math.Quaternion();
            _position    = new Gk3Main.Math.Vector3();

            _projection = projection;
Пример #3
        private static List <Gk3Main.Game.NounVerbCase> getNounVerbCasesUnderCursor(Gk3Main.Graphics.Camera camera, int mx, int my)
            if (camera == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("camera");

            Gk3Main.Math.Vector3 unprojected = camera.Unproject(new Gk3Main.Math.Vector3(mx, my, 0));

            string model = Gk3Main.SceneManager.GetCollisionModel(camera.Position, (unprojected - camera.Position).Normalize(), 1000.0f);

            if (model != null)
                Gk3Main.Game.Nouns noun = Gk3Main.SceneManager.GetModelNoun(model);

                if (noun != Gk3Main.Game.Nouns.N_NONE)
                    List <Gk3Main.Game.NounVerbCase> nvcs = Gk3Main.Game.NvcManager.GetNounVerbCases(noun, true);

                    if (nvcs.Count > 0)

Пример #4
        bool look(string[] args, Gk3Main.Console console)
            Gk3Main.Math.Vector3 forward = Gk3Main.Math.Vector3.Forward;
            forward = _camera.Orientation * forward;

            console.WriteLine("Looking at {0}", forward);

Пример #5
        public Camera(float fov, float aspect, float near, float far, bool zNegOne)
            _orientation = new Gk3Main.Math.Quaternion();
            _position    = new Gk3Main.Math.Vector3();

            _projection = Math.Matrix.PerspectiveLH(fov, aspect, near, far, zNegOne);

            _near = near;
            _far  = far;
Пример #6
        private void simpleOpenGlControl1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            int relx = e.X - _oldMouseX;
            int rely = e.Y - _oldMouseY;

            if (_leftMouseButton)
                if (_rightMouseButton)
                    _camera.AddRelativePositionOffset(new Gk3Main.Math.Vector3(relx, 0, 0));
                    _camera.AddPositionOffset(0, -rely, 0);
                    if (_keys[(int)Keys.ShiftKey])
                        _camera.AdjustYaw(relx * 0.01f);
                        _camera.AdjustPitch(rely * 0.01f);
                        _camera.AdjustYaw(relx * 0.01f);
                        _camera.AddRelativePositionOffset(new Gk3Main.Math.Vector3(0, 0, -rely));

                if (Gk3Main.SceneManager.CurrentRoom != null)
                    Gk3Main.Graphics.BspSurface surface;
                    Gk3Main.Math.Vector3        unprojected = _camera.Unproject(new Gk3Main.Math.Vector3(e.X, e.Y, 0));
                    Gk3Main.SceneManager.CurrentRoom.CollideRayWithSurfaces(_camera.Position, (unprojected - _camera.Position).Normalize(), 10000.0f, out surface);

                    if (surface != null)
                        lblStatusSurface.Visible     = true;
                        lblSurfaceIndexValue.Visible = true;
                        lblSurfaceIndexValue.Text    = surface.index.ToString();
                        lblStatusSurface.Visible     = false;
                        lblSurfaceIndexValue.Visible = false;

            _oldMouseX = e.X;
            _oldMouseY = e.Y;
Пример #7
        private static int getNounVerbCaseCountUnderCursor(Gk3Main.Graphics.Camera camera, int mx, int my)
            if (camera == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("camera");

            Gk3Main.Math.Vector3 unprojected = camera.Unproject(new Gk3Main.Math.Vector3(mx, my, 0));

            string model = Gk3Main.SceneManager.GetCollisionModel(camera.Position, (unprojected - camera.Position).Normalize(), 1000.0f);

            Gk3Main.Game.Nouns noun;

            if (model != null)
                noun = Gk3Main.SceneManager.GetModelNoun(model);

                if (_lastNoun != noun)
                    _lastNoun = noun;

                    if (noun != Gk3Main.Game.Nouns.N_NONE)
                        int count = Gk3Main.Game.NvcManager.GetNounVerbCases(noun, true).Count;
                        _lastNounVerbCount = count;
                        _lastNounVerbCount = 0;
                _lastNoun          = Gk3Main.Game.Nouns.N_NONE;
                _lastNounVerbCount = 0;

Пример #8
        public ModelResource(string name, System.IO.Stream stream, Resource.ResourceManager content)
            : base(name, true)
            _content = content;

            int currentStreamPosition = (int)stream.Position;

            System.IO.BinaryReader reader = new System.IO.BinaryReader(stream, Encoding.ASCII);

            // read the header
            ModHeader header;

            header.heading      = reader.ReadUInt32();
            header.minorVersion = reader.ReadByte();
            header.majorVersion = reader.ReadByte();
            header.unknown1     = reader.ReadUInt16();
            header.numMeshes    = reader.ReadUInt32();
            header.size         = reader.ReadUInt32();
            header.lodDistance  = reader.ReadSingle();
            header.unknown3     = reader.ReadUInt32();

            if (header.minorVersion == 9 && header.majorVersion == 1)
                ModHeaderExtension headerExtension;
                headerExtension.isBillboard           = reader.ReadUInt32() != 0;
                headerExtension.useCenterForBillboard = reader.ReadUInt32() != 0;
                headerExtension.centerX = reader.ReadSingle();
                headerExtension.centerY = reader.ReadSingle();
                headerExtension.centerZ = reader.ReadSingle();
                headerExtension.smooth  = reader.ReadUInt32() != 0;

                _isBillboard        = headerExtension.isBillboard;
                _useBillboardCenter = headerExtension.useCenterForBillboard;
                _billboardCenter.X  = headerExtension.centerX;
                _billboardCenter.Y  = headerExtension.centerY;
                _billboardCenter.Z  = headerExtension.centerZ;

            // read the meshes
            _meshes = new ModMesh[header.numMeshes];
            for (uint i = 0; i < header.numMeshes; i++)
                ModMesh mesh = new ModMesh();

                mesh.heading = reader.ReadUInt32();

                // if we didn't find it then we're screwed
                if (mesh.heading != 0x4D455348)
                    throw new Resource.InvalidResourceFileFormat("Not a valid model file! Unable to find MESH section!");

                float[] transform = new float[16];
                transform[0] = reader.ReadSingle();
                transform[1] = reader.ReadSingle();
                transform[2] = reader.ReadSingle();
                transform[3] = 0;

                transform[4] = reader.ReadSingle();
                transform[5] = reader.ReadSingle();
                transform[6] = reader.ReadSingle();
                transform[7] = 0;

                transform[8]  = reader.ReadSingle();
                transform[9]  = reader.ReadSingle();
                transform[10] = reader.ReadSingle();
                transform[11] = 0;

                transform[12] = reader.ReadSingle();
                transform[13] = reader.ReadSingle();
                transform[14] = reader.ReadSingle();
                transform[15] = 1.0f;

                mesh.TransformMatrix = new Gk3Main.Math.Matrix(transform);

                mesh.numSections = reader.ReadUInt32();

                Math.Vector3 bbMin, bbMax;
                bbMin.X = reader.ReadSingle();
                bbMin.Y = reader.ReadSingle();
                bbMin.Z = reader.ReadSingle();
                bbMax.X = reader.ReadSingle();
                bbMax.Y = reader.ReadSingle();
                bbMax.Z = reader.ReadSingle();

                mesh.OriginalBoundingBox = new AxisAlignedBoundingBox(bbMin, bbMax);
                mesh.UpdatedBoundingBox  = mesh.OriginalBoundingBox.Transform(mesh.TransformMatrix);

                mesh.sections = new ModMeshSection[mesh.numSections];
                for (int j = 0; j < mesh.numSections; j++)
                    ModMeshSection meshSection = new ModMeshSection();

                    meshSection.heading = reader.ReadUInt32();
                    // if we didn't find it then we're screwed
                    if (meshSection.heading != 0x4D475250)
                        throw new Resource.InvalidResourceFileFormat("Not a valid model file! Unable to find valid mesh section header!");

                    meshSection.texture         = Gk3Main.Utils.ConvertAsciiToString(reader.ReadBytes(32));
                    meshSection.textureResource = _content.Load <TextureResource>(meshSection.texture);
                    meshSection.color           = Utils.ConvertFromWin32COLORREF(reader.ReadUInt32());
                    meshSection.smooth          = reader.ReadUInt32() != 0;
                    meshSection.numVerts        = reader.ReadUInt32();
                    meshSection.numTriangles    = reader.ReadUInt32();
                    meshSection.numLODs         = reader.ReadUInt32();
                    meshSection.axes            = reader.ReadUInt32() != 0;

                    // read the vertices
                    const int vertexStride = 3 + 3 + 2;
                    meshSection.vertices = new float[meshSection.numVerts * vertexStride];
                    Math.Vector3 dummy = new Gk3Main.Math.Vector3();
                    for (uint k = 0; k < meshSection.numVerts; k++)
                        dummy.X = reader.ReadSingle();
                        dummy.Y = reader.ReadSingle();
                        dummy.Z = reader.ReadSingle();

                        meshSection.vertices[k * vertexStride + 0] = dummy.X;
                        meshSection.vertices[k * vertexStride + 1] = dummy.Y;
                        meshSection.vertices[k * vertexStride + 2] = dummy.Z;

                    // read the normals
                    meshSection.normals = new float[meshSection.numVerts * 3];
                    for (uint k = 0; k < meshSection.numVerts; k++)
                        meshSection.vertices[k * vertexStride + 5] = reader.ReadSingle();
                        meshSection.vertices[k * vertexStride + 6] = reader.ReadSingle();
                        meshSection.vertices[k * vertexStride + 7] = reader.ReadSingle();

                    // read the tex coords
                    meshSection.texCoords = new float[meshSection.numVerts * 2];
                    for (uint k = 0; k < meshSection.numVerts; k++)
                        meshSection.vertices[k * vertexStride + 3] = reader.ReadSingle();
                        meshSection.vertices[k * vertexStride + 4] = reader.ReadSingle();

                    // read the indices
                    meshSection.indices = new uint[meshSection.numTriangles * 3];
                    for (uint k = 0; k < meshSection.numTriangles; k++)
                        meshSection.indices[k * 3 + 0] = reader.ReadUInt16();
                        meshSection.indices[k * 3 + 1] = reader.ReadUInt16();
                        meshSection.indices[k * 3 + 2] = reader.ReadUInt16();

                    meshSection.vertexBuffer         = RendererManager.CurrentRenderer.CreateVertexBuffer(VertexBufferUsage.Static, meshSection.vertices, (int)meshSection.numVerts, _elements);
                    meshSection.AnimatedVertexBuffer = RendererManager.CurrentRenderer.CreateVertexBuffer(VertexBufferUsage.Dynamic, meshSection.vertices, (int)meshSection.numVerts, _elements);
                    meshSection.indexBuffer          = RendererManager.CurrentRenderer.CreateIndexBuffer(meshSection.indices);

                    mesh.sections[j] = meshSection;

                    // read the LODK sections
                    for (uint k = 0; k < meshSection.numLODs; k++)
                        ModMeshLod lod = new ModMeshLod();
                        lod.Magic    = reader.ReadUInt32();
                        lod.Heading  = reader.ReadUInt32();
                        lod.Heading2 = reader.ReadUInt32();
                        lod.Heading3 = reader.ReadUInt32();

                        if (lod.Magic != 0x4C4F444B)
                            throw new Resource.InvalidResourceFileFormat("Unable to find LODK section");

                        // read each section
                        lod.Section1 = new ushort[lod.Heading * 4];
                        lod.Section2 = new ushort[lod.Heading2 * 2];
                        lod.Section3 = new ushort[lod.Heading3];
                        for (uint l = 0; l < lod.Heading; l++)
                            lod.Section1[l * 4 + 0] = reader.ReadUInt16();
                            lod.Section1[l * 4 + 1] = reader.ReadUInt16();
                            lod.Section1[l * 4 + 2] = reader.ReadUInt16();
                            lod.Section1[l * 4 + 3] = reader.ReadUInt16();

                        for (uint l = 0; l < lod.Heading2; l++)
                            lod.Section2[l * 2 + 0] = reader.ReadUInt16();
                            lod.Section2[l * 2 + 1] = reader.ReadUInt16();

                        for (uint l = 0; l < lod.Heading3; l++)
                            lod.Section3[l] = reader.ReadUInt16();

                _meshes[i] = mesh;

            // we might be at the end of the file now
            if (reader.BaseStream.Position + 4 >= reader.BaseStream.Length)

            // read the MODX stuff
            uint modxMagic = reader.ReadUInt32();

            if (modxMagic == 0x4d4f4458)
                for (int i = 0; i < _meshes.Length; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < _meshes[i].numSections; j++)
                        uint grpxMagic   = reader.ReadUInt32();
                        uint numVertices = reader.ReadUInt32();

                        if (grpxMagic == 0x47525058)
                            for (int k = 0; k < numVertices; k++)
                                byte b = reader.ReadByte();

                                for (int l = 0; l < b; l++)
                                    byte   meshIndex  = reader.ReadByte();
                                    byte   groupIndex = reader.ReadByte();
                                    ushort polyIndex  = reader.ReadUInt16();