Пример #1
        protected override void ReadDataFromStream(CdrInputStream inputStream)
            // internet-iiop profile is encapsulated
            CdrEncapsulationInputStream encapsulation = inputStream.ReadEncapsulation();

            Debug.WriteLine("parse Internet IIOP Profile");
            byte giopMajor = encapsulation.ReadOctet();
            byte giopMinor = encapsulation.ReadOctet();

            m_giopVersion = new GiopVersion(giopMajor, giopMinor);

            Debug.WriteLine("giop-verion: " + m_giopVersion);
            m_hostName = encapsulation.ReadString();
            Debug.WriteLine("hostname: " + m_hostName);
            m_port = encapsulation.ReadUShort();
            Debug.WriteLine("port: " + m_port);
            uint objectKeyLength = encapsulation.ReadULong();

            m_objectKey = new byte[objectKeyLength];
            Debug.WriteLine("object key follows");
            for (uint i = 0; i < objectKeyLength; i++)
                m_objectKey[i] = encapsulation.ReadOctet();
                Debug.Write(m_objectKey[i] + " ");
            // GIOP 1.1, 1.2:
            if (!(m_giopVersion.Major == 1 && m_giopVersion.Minor == 0))
                m_taggedComponents = new TaggedComponentList(encapsulation);

            Debug.WriteLine("parsing Internet-IIOP-profile completed");
Пример #2
        private uint AddFinishFragment(CdrOutputStreamImpl targetStream, GiopVersion version,
                                       byte endianFlags, uint reqId, uint reqContentLength,
                                       uint offsetInMsg)
            byte giopFlags = endianFlags; // no more fragments

            GiopHeader fragmentHeader = new GiopHeader(version.Major, version.Minor,
                                                       endianFlags, GiopMsgTypes.Request);

            uint contentLength = 0;

            if (!((version.Major == 1) && (version.Minor <= 1)))
                // GIOP 1.2
                contentLength = 4 + reqContentLength;
                contentLength = reqContentLength;

            fragmentHeader.WriteToStream(targetStream, contentLength);
            if (!((version.Major == 1) && (version.Minor <= 1)))
                // GIOP 1.2

            // more is not needed to write a correct GIOP-message for this test from here
            for (uint i = offsetInMsg; i < (offsetInMsg + reqContentLength); i++)
                targetStream.WriteOctet((byte)(i % 255));
            return(offsetInMsg + reqContentLength);
Пример #3
        private void InternalTestTwoFramgents(GiopVersion version)
            Stream msgStream   = new MemoryStream();
            byte   endianFlags = 0;
            uint   reqId       = 11;

            uint startMsgContentBlocks     = 2; // make sure, that start fragment length is a multiple of 8; giop 1.2
            uint lastFragmentContentLength = 13;
            uint currentOffsetInMsg        = 0; // the content offset for the next message
            CdrOutputStreamImpl cdrOut     = AddStartMsg(msgStream, version, endianFlags,
                                                         reqId, startMsgContentBlocks,
                                                         out currentOffsetInMsg);
            uint endOffset = AddFinishFragment(cdrOut, version, endianFlags, reqId,

            msgStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            // start fragment
            FragmentedMessageAssembler assembler = new FragmentedMessageAssembler();

            // finish fragment
            GiopHeader combinedHeader;
            Stream     resultStream = assembler.FinishFragmentedMsg(msgStream, out combinedHeader);

            CheckAssembledMessage(resultStream, version, endianFlags, reqId,
Пример #4
        public NamingContext GetNameService(string host, int port, GiopVersion version)
            string nsKey = String.Format("NameService:{0}:{1}:{2}.{3}", host, port,
                                         version.Major, version.Minor);

            lock (m_initalServices.SyncRoot) {
                NamingContext result = null;
                if (!m_initalServices.ContainsKey(nsKey))
                    string corbaLoc = String.Format("corbaloc:iiop:{0}.{1}@{2}:{3}/{4}",
                                                    version.Major, version.Minor,
                                                    host, port,

                    result = (NamingContext)RemotingServices.Connect(typeof(NamingContext),
                    m_initalServices.Add(nsKey, result);
                    result = (NamingContext)m_initalServices[nsKey];
Пример #5
 public override Uri ParseUrl(string objectUri, out GiopVersion version)
     version = Version;
     return(new Uri(iiopsslPrefix +
                    version.Major + "." + version.Minor +
                    Uri.SchemeDelimiter + Host + ":" + Port));
Пример #6
 internal CodecImplEncap(GiopVersion version, SerializerFactory serFactory)
     m_version              = version;
     m_serFactory           = serFactory;
     m_serializerForAnyType =
Пример #7
 public Uri ParseUrl(out string objectUri, out GiopVersion version)
     if (m_objAddrs.Length == 0)
         throw new INTERNAL(8540, CompletionStatus.Completed_MayBe);
     objectUri = ObjectUri;
     return(m_objAddrs[0].ParseUrl(objectUri, out version));
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// reads a locate-request message from the message input stream msgInput
        /// and formulates an answer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal Stream SerialiseOutgoingLocateReplyMessage(LocateReplyMessage replyMsg, LocateRequestMessage requestMsg,
                                                            GiopVersion version,
                                                            Stream targetStream, GiopConnectionDesc conDesc)
            GiopHeader             header    = new GiopHeader(version.Major, version.Minor, m_headerFlags, GiopMsgTypes.LocateReply);
            CdrMessageOutputStream msgOutput = new CdrMessageOutputStream(targetStream, header);

            // serialize the message
            m_ser.SerialiseLocateReply(msgOutput.GetMessageContentWritingStream(), version,
                                       requestMsg.RequestId, replyMsg);
            msgOutput.CloseStream(); // write to the stream
Пример #9
        /// <summary>parses an iiop-addr string</summary>
        private void ParseIiopAddr(string iiopAddr, int protocolPrefixLength)
            // version part
            int hostIndex;
            int atIndex = iiopAddr.IndexOf('@', protocolPrefixLength);

            if (atIndex >= 0)
                // version spec
                string   versionPart  = iiopAddr.Substring(protocolPrefixLength, atIndex - protocolPrefixLength);
                string[] versionParts = versionPart.Split(new char[] { '.' }, 2);
                try {
                    byte major = System.Byte.Parse(versionParts[0]);
                    if (versionParts.Length != 2)
                        throw new BAD_PARAM(9, CompletionStatus.Completed_No);
                    byte minor = System.Byte.Parse(versionParts[1]);
                    m_version = new GiopVersion(major, minor);
                } catch (Exception) {
                    throw new BAD_PARAM(9, CompletionStatus.Completed_No);
                hostIndex = atIndex + 1;
                m_version = new GiopVersion(1, 0); // default
                hostIndex = protocolPrefixLength;

            // host, port part
            int commaIndex = iiopAddr.IndexOf(':', hostIndex);

            if (commaIndex >= 0)
                m_host = iiopAddr.Substring(hostIndex, commaIndex - hostIndex);
                try {
                    m_port = System.Int32.Parse(iiopAddr.Substring(commaIndex + 1));
                } catch (Exception) {
                    throw new BAD_PARAM(9, CompletionStatus.Completed_No);
                m_host = iiopAddr.Substring(hostIndex);
            if (StringConversions.IsBlank(m_host))
                m_host = "localhost";
Пример #10
        public void TestLocateReplySerialisation()
            uint requestId = 5;

            byte[]               objectKey = new byte[] { 116, 101, 115, 116, 111, 98, 106, 101, 99, 116 }; // testobject
            string               targetUri = "testobject";
            GiopVersion          version   = new GiopVersion(1, 2);
            LocateRequestMessage locReq    = new LocateRequestMessage(requestId, objectKey, targetUri);
            // create a connection context
            GiopConnectionDesc conDesc = new GiopConnectionDesc(null, null);

            // create the reply
            LocateStatus       replyStatus = LocateStatus.OBJECT_HERE;
            LocateReplyMessage locReply    = new LocateReplyMessage(replyStatus);

            MemoryStream targetStream = new MemoryStream();

            m_handler.SerialiseOutgoingLocateReplyMessage(locReply, locReq, version, targetStream, conDesc);

            // check to serialised stream
            targetStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            CdrInputStreamImpl cdrIn = new CdrInputStreamImpl(targetStream);

            cdrIn.ConfigStream(0, version);

            // first is Giop-magic
            byte data;

            AssertBytesFollowing(m_giopMagic, cdrIn);
            // Giop version
            data = (byte)cdrIn.ReadOctet();
            Assert.AreEqual(1, data);
            data = (byte)cdrIn.ReadOctet();
            Assert.AreEqual(2, data);
            // flags: big-endian, no fragements
            data = (byte)cdrIn.ReadOctet();
            Assert.AreEqual(0, data);
            // Giop Msg type: locate reply
            data = (byte)cdrIn.ReadOctet();
            Assert.AreEqual((byte)GiopMsgTypes.LocateReply, data);
            // Giop Msg length
            uint msgLength = cdrIn.ReadULong();

            // req-id
            Assert.AreEqual(requestId, cdrIn.ReadULong());
            // the location status
            Assert.AreEqual((uint)replyStatus, cdrIn.ReadULong());
Пример #11
        public Codec create_codec(Encoding enc)
            GiopVersion version = new GiopVersion(enc.major_version, enc.minor_version);

            if (enc.format == omg.org.IOP.ENCODING_CDR_ENCAPS.ConstVal)
                Codec impl = new CodecImplEncap(version, m_serFactory);
                throw new omg.org.IOP.CodecFactory_package.UnknownEncoding();
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// This method parses an url for the IIOP channel.
        /// It extracts the channel URI and the objectURI
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url">the url to parse</param>
        /// <param name="objectURI">the objectURI</param>
        /// <returns>the channel-Uri</returns>
        internal Uri ParseUrl(string url, out string objectUri,
                              out GiopVersion version)
            Uri uri = null;

            if (url.StartsWith("iiop"))
                IiopLoc iiopLoc = new IiopLoc(url, m_codec,
                uri = iiopLoc.ParseUrl(out objectUri, out version);
            else if (url.StartsWith("IOR"))
                Ior ior = new Ior(url);
                IInternetIiopProfile profile = ior.FindInternetIiopProfile();
                if (profile != null)
                    uri = new Uri("iiop" + profile.Version.Major + "." + profile.Version.Minor +
                                  Uri.SchemeDelimiter + profile.HostName + ":" + profile.Port);
                    objectUri = IorUtil.GetObjectUriForObjectKey(profile.ObjectKey);
                    version   = profile.Version;
                    uri       = null;
                    objectUri = null;
                    version   = new GiopVersion(1, 0);
            else if (url.StartsWith("corbaloc"))
                Corbaloc loc = new Corbaloc(url, m_codec,
                uri = loc.ParseUrl(out objectUri, out version);
                // not possible
                uri       = null;
                objectUri = null;
                version   = new GiopVersion(1, 0);
Пример #13
        public void TestLocateRequestDeserialisation()
            MemoryStream sourceStream = new MemoryStream();
            // prepare msg
            uint                requestId = 5;
            GiopVersion         version   = new GiopVersion(1, 2);
            CdrOutputStreamImpl cdrOut    = new CdrOutputStreamImpl(sourceStream, 0,

            // version
            // flags
            // msg-type: request
            // msg-length
            // request-id
            // target: key type
            cdrOut.WriteULong(10);                                                            // key length
            byte[] objectKey = new byte[] { 116, 101, 115, 116, 111, 98, 106, 101, 99, 116 }; // testobject

            // create a connection context: this is needed for request deserialisation
            GiopConnectionDesc conDesc = new GiopConnectionDesc(null, null);

            // go to stream begin
            sourceStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            // deserialise request message
            LocateRequestMessage result = m_handler.ParseIncomingLocateRequestMessage(sourceStream);

            // now check if values are correct
            Assert.IsTrue(result != null, "deserialised message is null");
            Assert.AreEqual(requestId, result.RequestId);
            Assert.AreEqual("testobject", result.TargetUri);
Пример #14
        public void TestCantAddFragmentAfterMessageFinished()
            Stream msgStream   = new MemoryStream();
            byte   endianFlags = 0;
            uint   reqId       = 16;

            uint                startMsgContentBlocks     = 2; // make sure, that start fragment length is a multiple of 8; giop 1.2
            uint                lastFragmentContentLength = 13;
            uint                currentOffsetInMsg        = 0; // the content offset for the next message
            GiopVersion         version = new GiopVersion(1, 2);
            CdrOutputStreamImpl cdrOut  = AddStartMsg(msgStream, version, endianFlags,
                                                      reqId, startMsgContentBlocks,
                                                      out currentOffsetInMsg);
            uint endOffset = AddFinishFragment(cdrOut, version, endianFlags, reqId,

            msgStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            // start fragment
            FragmentedMessageAssembler assembler = new FragmentedMessageAssembler();

            // finish fragment
            GiopHeader combinedHeader;

            assembler.FinishFragmentedMsg(msgStream, out combinedHeader);

            // now check, that no additional finish fragment is supported
            msgStream          = new MemoryStream();
            currentOffsetInMsg = 0; // the content offset for the next message
            cdrOut             = new CdrOutputStreamImpl(msgStream, endianFlags, version);
            AddFinishFragment(cdrOut, version, endianFlags, reqId,
            msgStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            try {
                // finish fragment
                assembler.FinishFragmentedMsg(msgStream, out combinedHeader);
                Assert.Fail("accepted finish fragment, although no start fragment seen");
            } catch (IOException) {
                // ok, no start fragment found
        private object[] MarshalAndUnmarshalRequestArgsOnce(MethodInfo testMethod, object[] actual)
            ArgumentsSerializerFactory serFactory = m_argSerFactory;
            ArgumentsSerializer        ser        = serFactory.Create(testMethod.DeclaringType);

            MemoryStream    data         = new MemoryStream();
            GiopVersion     version      = new GiopVersion(1, 2);
            byte            endian       = 0;
            CdrOutputStream targetStream = new CdrOutputStreamImpl(data, endian, version);

            ser.SerializeRequestArgs(testMethod.Name, actual, targetStream, null);

            data.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            CdrInputStreamImpl sourceStream = new CdrInputStreamImpl(data);

            sourceStream.ConfigStream(endian, version);
            IDictionary contextElements;

            object[] deser = ser.DeserializeRequestArgs(testMethod.Name, sourceStream, out contextElements);
Пример #16
        /// <param name="fragmentContentBlocks">the nr of 4 byte blocks in the content;
        /// must be even for GIOP 1.2</param>
        private CdrOutputStreamImpl AddStartMsg(Stream targetStream, GiopVersion version,
                                                byte endianFlags, uint reqId,
                                                uint fragmentContentBlocks, out uint offsetInMsg)
            byte giopFlags = (byte)(endianFlags | ((byte)2)); // more fragments

            CdrOutputStreamImpl cdrOut = new CdrOutputStreamImpl(targetStream, endianFlags,
            GiopHeader startHeader = new GiopHeader(version.Major, version.Minor,
                                                    giopFlags, GiopMsgTypes.Request);

            uint contentLength = 0;

            if (!((version.Major == 1) && (version.Minor <= 1)))
                // GIOP 1.2
                contentLength = (uint)(4 + (fragmentContentBlocks * 4));
                contentLength = (uint)(8 + (fragmentContentBlocks * 4));

            startHeader.WriteToStream(cdrOut, contentLength);
            if ((version.Major == 1) && (version.Minor == 1))
                // GIOP 1.1: add service context list here
                cdrOut.WriteULong(0); // no contexts
            cdrOut.WriteULong(reqId); // request id

            // more is not needed to write a correct GIOP-message for this test from here
            for (uint i = 0; i < fragmentContentBlocks * 4; i++)
                cdrOut.WriteOctet((byte)(i % 255));

            offsetInMsg = fragmentContentBlocks * 4;
Пример #17
        public void Setup()
            m_version   = new GiopVersion(1, 2);
            m_hostName  = "localhost";
            m_port      = 8089;
            m_objectKey = new byte[] { 65 };
            m_profile   = new InternetIiopProfile(m_version, m_hostName, m_port, m_objectKey);

            m_serFactory =
                new SerializerFactory();
            CodecFactory codecFactory =
                new Ch.Elca.Iiop.Interception.CodecFactoryImpl(m_serFactory);

            m_codec =
                    new omg.org.IOP.Encoding(ENCODING_CDR_ENCAPS.ConstVal, 1, 2));
            IiopUrlUtil iiopUrlUtil =
                IiopUrlUtil.Create(m_codec, new object[] {

            m_serFactory.Initalize(new SerializerFactoryConfig(), iiopUrlUtil);
        private object MarshalAndUnmarshalResponeArgsOnce(MethodInfo testMethod, object returnValue,
                                                          object[] outArgs, out object[] deserOutArgs)
            ArgumentsSerializerFactory serFactory =
            ArgumentsSerializer ser = serFactory.Create(testMethod.DeclaringType);

            MemoryStream    data         = new MemoryStream();
            GiopVersion     version      = new GiopVersion(1, 2);
            byte            endian       = 0;
            CdrOutputStream targetStream = new CdrOutputStreamImpl(data, endian, version);

            ser.SerializeResponseArgs(testMethod.Name, returnValue, outArgs, targetStream);

            data.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            CdrInputStreamImpl sourceStream = new CdrInputStreamImpl(data);

            sourceStream.ConfigStream(endian, version);
            object returnValueDeser = ser.DeserializeResponseArgs(testMethod.Name, out deserOutArgs,

Пример #19
 /// <summary>serialises an outgoing .NET request Message on client side</summary>
 internal void SerialiseOutgoingRequestMessage(IMessage msg, IIorProfile target, GiopClientConnectionDesc conDesc,
                                               Stream targetStream, uint requestId)
     if (msg is IConstructionCallMessage)
         // not supported in CORBA, TBD: replace through do nothing instead of exception
         throw new NotSupportedException("client activated objects are not supported with this channel");
     else if (msg is IMethodCallMessage)
         GiopVersion version = target.Version;
         // write a CORBA request message into the stream targetStream
         GiopHeader header = new GiopHeader(version.Major, version.Minor,
                                            m_headerFlags, GiopMsgTypes.Request);
         CdrMessageOutputStream msgOutput = new CdrMessageOutputStream(targetStream, header);
         // serialize the message, this insert some data into msg, e.g. request-id
         msg.Properties[SimpleGiopMsg.REQUEST_ID_KEY]     = requestId; // set request-id
         msg.Properties[SimpleGiopMsg.TARGET_PROFILE_KEY] = target;
         GiopClientRequest request = new GiopClientRequest((IMethodCallMessage)msg, conDesc, m_interceptionOptions);
                                target, conDesc);
         if ((request.IsAsyncRequest) || (request.IsOneWayCall))
             // after successful serialisation, call for oneway and async requests receive other,
             // see corba 2.6, page 21-12.
         throw new NotImplementedException("handling for this type of .NET message is not implemented at the moment, type: " +
Пример #20
        public void TestCantAddFragmentIfNotStarted()
            Stream              msgStream   = new MemoryStream();
            byte                endianFlags = 0;
            uint                reqId       = 15;
            uint                lastFragmentContentLength = 13;
            uint                currentOffsetInMsg        = 0; // the content offset for the next message
            GiopVersion         version = new GiopVersion(1, 2);
            CdrOutputStreamImpl cdrOut  = new CdrOutputStreamImpl(msgStream, endianFlags, version);

            AddFinishFragment(cdrOut, version, endianFlags, reqId,
            msgStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            try {
                FragmentedMessageAssembler assembler = new FragmentedMessageAssembler();
                // finish fragment
                GiopHeader combinedHeader;
                assembler.FinishFragmentedMsg(msgStream, out combinedHeader);
                Assert.Fail("accepted finish fragment, although no start fragment seen");
            } catch (IOException) {
                // ok, no start fragment found
Пример #21
        /// <param name="expectedContentLength">length in bytes after the request-id</param>
        private void CheckAssembledMessage(Stream msgStream, GiopVersion version,
                                           byte endianFlags, uint reqId,
                                           uint expectedContentLength)
            CdrInputStreamImpl inStream = new CdrInputStreamImpl(msgStream);
            GiopHeader         header   = new GiopHeader(inStream);

            Assert.AreEqual(GiopMsgTypes.Request, header.GiopType);
            Assert.AreEqual(version, header.Version);

            uint contentLength = 0;
            uint msgReqId      = 0;

            if (!((version.Major == 1) && (version.Minor <= 1)))
                // GIOP 1.2
                // req-id
                contentLength = (uint)(4 + expectedContentLength);
                msgReqId      = inStream.ReadULong();
                // svc-cntx + req-id
                contentLength = (uint)(8 + expectedContentLength);
                inStream.ReadULong(); // svc-cnxt
                msgReqId = inStream.ReadULong();

            Assert.AreEqual(contentLength, header.ContentMsgLength);
            Assert.AreEqual(endianFlags, header.GiopFlags);

            for (int i = 0; i < expectedContentLength; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(i % 255, inStream.ReadOctet());
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserialises the Giop Message body for a request
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cdrStream"></param>
        /// <param name="version"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal IMessage DeserialiseRequest(CdrInputStream cdrStream, GiopVersion version,
                                             GiopConnectionDesc conDesc, IInterceptionOption[] interceptionOptions) {
            MethodCall methodCallInfo = null;
            GiopServerRequest serverRequest = new GiopServerRequest(conDesc, interceptionOptions);
            serverRequest.Version = version;
            try {
                ServiceContextList cntxColl = null;
                if (version.IsBeforeGiop1_2()) { // GIOP 1.0 / 1.1
                    cntxColl = DeserialiseContext(cdrStream); // Service context deser
                // read the request-ID and set it as a message property
                uint requestId = cdrStream.ReadULong(); 
                serverRequest.RequestId = requestId;
                Trace.WriteLine("received a message with reqId: " + requestId);
                // read response-flags:
                byte respFlags = cdrStream.ReadOctet(); Debug.WriteLine("response-flags: " + respFlags);
                cdrStream.ReadPadding(3); // read reserved bytes
                serverRequest.ResponseFlags = respFlags;
                // decode the target of this request
                byte[] objectKey;
                serverRequest.RequestUri = ReadTarget(cdrStream, version, out objectKey);
                serverRequest.ObjectKey = objectKey;
                serverRequest.RequestMethodName = cdrStream.ReadString();
                Trace.WriteLine("call for .NET object: " + serverRequest.RequestUri + 
                                ", methodName: " + serverRequest.RequestMethodName);

                if (version.IsBeforeGiop1_2()) { // GIOP 1.0 / 1.1
                    uint principalLength = cdrStream.ReadULong();
                } else {
                    cntxColl = DeserialiseContext(cdrStream); // Service context deser
                PerformCodeSetEstablishmentServer(version, conDesc, cntxColl);
                // set codeset for stream
                SetCodeSet(cdrStream, conDesc);
                // request header deserialised

                serverRequest.RequestServiceContext = cntxColl;
                serverRequest.SetThreadScopeCurrentFromPICurrent(); // copy request scope picurrent to thread scope pi-current
                serverRequest.ResolveTargetType(); // determine the .net target object type and check if target object is available
                ArgumentsSerializer argSer =
                MethodInfo called =
                serverRequest.ResolveCalledMethod(called); // set target method and handle special cases
                IDictionary contextElements;
                DeserialiseRequestBody(cdrStream, version, serverRequest, argSer, out contextElements);
                methodCallInfo = new MethodCall(serverRequest.Request);
                if (contextElements != null) {
                    AddContextElementsToCallContext(methodCallInfo.LogicalCallContext, contextElements);
                serverRequest.InterceptReceiveRequest(); // all information now available
                return methodCallInfo;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // an Exception encountered during deserialisation
                try {
                    cdrStream.SkipRest(); // skip rest of the message, to not corrupt the stream
                } catch (Exception) {
                    // ignore exception here, already an other exception leading to problems
                ReturnMessage exceptionResponse;
                exceptionResponse = new ReturnMessage(e, methodCallInfo);
                throw new RequestDeserializationException(e, serverRequest.Request, exceptionResponse);
                // send exception interception point will be called when serialising exception response
 /// <summary>
 /// reads a locate-request message from the message input stream msgInput
 /// and formulates an answer.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 internal Stream SerialiseOutgoingLocateReplyMessage(LocateReplyMessage replyMsg, LocateRequestMessage requestMsg,
                                                     GiopVersion version,
                                                     Stream targetStream, GiopConnectionDesc conDesc) {
     GiopHeader header = new GiopHeader(version.Major, version.Minor, m_headerFlags, GiopMsgTypes.LocateReply);
     CdrMessageOutputStream msgOutput = new CdrMessageOutputStream(targetStream, header);
     // serialize the message
     m_ser.SerialiseLocateReply(msgOutput.GetMessageContentWritingStream(), version,
                                requestMsg.RequestId, replyMsg);
     msgOutput.CloseStream(); // write to the stream
     return targetStream;
        private Exception DeserialiseUserException(CdrInputStream cdrStream, GiopVersion version) {
            // exception body
            AlignBodyIfNeeded(cdrStream, version);

            Serializer ser =
            Exception result = (Exception) ser.Deserialize(cdrStream);
            if (result == null) {
                return new Exception("user exception received from peer orb, but was not deserializable");
            } else {
                return result;
 private void SerialiseResponseOk(CdrOutputStream targetStream, GiopServerRequest request,
                                  GiopVersion version) {
     // reply body
     // clarification form CORBA 2.6, chapter 15.4.2: no padding, when no arguments are serialised  -->
     // for backward compatibility, do it nevertheless
     AlignBodyIfNeeded(targetStream, version);
     // marshal the parameters
     ArgumentsSerializer ser =
     ser.SerializeResponseArgs(request.RequestMethodName, request.ReturnValue, request.OutArgs,
        /// <summary>deserialize response with ok-status.</summary>
        private IMessage DeserialiseNormalReply(CdrInputStream cdrStream, GiopVersion version, 
                                                GiopClientRequest request) {
            // body
            // clarification from CORBA 2.6, chapter 15.4.2: no padding, when no arguments are serialised
            TryAlignBodyIfNeeded(cdrStream, version); // read alignement, if present
            // read the parameters
            object[] outArgs;
            object retVal = null;

            ArgumentsSerializer ser =
            retVal = ser.DeserializeResponseArgs(request.RequestMethodName, out outArgs,
            ReturnMessage response = new ReturnMessage(retVal, outArgs, outArgs.Length, null, 
            return response;
Пример #27
 public Uri ParseUrl(out string objectUri, out GiopVersion version) {
     if (m_objAddrs.Length == 0) {
         throw new INTERNAL(8540, CompletionStatus.Completed_MayBe);
     objectUri = ObjectUri;
     return m_objAddrs[0].ParseUrl(objectUri, out version);
Пример #28
 /// <summary>
 /// creates a profile from the standard data needed
 /// </summary>
 public IorProfile(GiopVersion version, byte[] objectKey)
     m_giopVersion = version;
     m_objectKey = objectKey;
Пример #29
 /// <summary>
 /// creates a profile from the standard data needed
 /// </summary>
 public IorProfile(GiopVersion version, byte[] objectKey)
     m_giopVersion = version;
     m_objectKey   = objectKey;
Пример #30
 public InternetIiopProfile(GiopVersion version, string hostName, ushort port, byte[] objectKey)
     : base(version, objectKey)
     m_hostName = hostName;
     m_port     = port;
Пример #31
 /// <summary>parses an iiop-addr string</summary>
 private void ParseIiopAddr(string iiopAddr, int protocolPrefixLength) {
     // version part
     int hostIndex;
     int atIndex = iiopAddr.IndexOf('@', protocolPrefixLength);
     if (atIndex >= 0) {
         // version spec
         string versionPart = iiopAddr.Substring(protocolPrefixLength, atIndex - protocolPrefixLength);
         string[] versionParts = versionPart.Split(new char[] { '.' }, 2);
         try {
             byte major = System.Byte.Parse(versionParts[0]);
             if (versionParts.Length != 2) {
                 throw new BAD_PARAM(9, CompletionStatus.Completed_No);
             byte minor = System.Byte.Parse(versionParts[1]);
             m_version = new GiopVersion(major, minor);
         } catch (Exception) {
             throw new BAD_PARAM(9, CompletionStatus.Completed_No);
         hostIndex = atIndex + 1;
     } else {
         m_version = new GiopVersion(1,0); // default
         hostIndex = protocolPrefixLength;
     // host, port part
     int commaIndex = iiopAddr.IndexOf(':', hostIndex);
     if (commaIndex >= 0) {
         m_host = iiopAddr.Substring(hostIndex, commaIndex - hostIndex);
         try {
             m_port = System.Int32.Parse(iiopAddr.Substring(commaIndex + 1));
         } catch (Exception) {
             throw new BAD_PARAM(9, CompletionStatus.Completed_No);
     else {
         m_host = iiopAddr.Substring(hostIndex);
     if (StringConversions.IsBlank(m_host)) {
         m_host = "localhost";
Пример #32
 public abstract Uri ParseUrl(string objectUri, out GiopVersion version);
Пример #33
        public void TestRequestDeserialisation()
            MemoryStream sourceStream = new MemoryStream();
            // prepare msg
            uint                requestId     = 5;
            byte                responseFlags = 3;
            string              methodName    = "Add";
            int                 nrOfArgs      = 2;
            int                 arg1          = 1;
            int                 arg2          = 2;
            GiopVersion         version       = new GiopVersion(1, 2);
            CdrOutputStreamImpl cdrOut        = new CdrOutputStreamImpl(sourceStream, 0,

            // version
            // flags
            // msg-type: request
            // msg-length
            // request-id
            // response-flags
            // target: key type
            cdrOut.WriteULong(10);                                                             // key length
            cdrOut.WriteOpaque(new byte[] { 116, 101, 115, 116, 111, 98, 106, 101, 99, 116 }); // testobject
            // method name
            // no service contexts
            // parameters

            // create a connection context: this is needed for request deserialisation
            GiopConnectionDesc conDesc = new GiopConnectionDesc(null, null);

            // go to stream begin
            sourceStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            IMessage    result  = null;
            TestService service = new TestService();

            try {
                // object which should be called
                string uri = "testobject";
                RemotingServices.Marshal(service, uri);

                // deserialise request message
                result = m_handler.ParseIncomingRequestMessage(sourceStream, conDesc);
            } catch (RequestDeserializationException e) {
                throw e;
            } finally {

            // now check if values are correct
            Assert.IsTrue(result != null, "deserialised message is null");
            Assert.AreEqual(requestId, result.Properties[SimpleGiopMsg.REQUEST_ID_KEY]);
            Assert.AreEqual(version, result.Properties[SimpleGiopMsg.GIOP_VERSION_KEY]);
            Assert.AreEqual(responseFlags, result.Properties[SimpleGiopMsg.RESPONSE_FLAGS_KEY]);
            Assert.AreEqual("testobject", result.Properties[SimpleGiopMsg.URI_KEY]);
            Assert.AreEqual("Ch.Elca.Iiop.Tests.TestService", result.Properties[SimpleGiopMsg.TYPENAME_KEY]);
            Assert.AreEqual(methodName, result.Properties[SimpleGiopMsg.METHODNAME_KEY]);
            object[] args = (object[])result.Properties[SimpleGiopMsg.ARGS_KEY];
            Assert.IsTrue(args != null, "args is null");
            Assert.AreEqual(nrOfArgs, args.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(arg1, args[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(arg2, args[1]);
        /// <summary>deserialise the request body</summary>
        /// <param name="contextElements">the deserialised context elements, if any or null</param>
        private void DeserialiseRequestBody(CdrInputStream cdrStream, GiopVersion version,
                                            GiopServerRequest request,
                                            ArgumentsSerializer ser,
                                            out IDictionary contextElements) {
            // clarification from CORBA 2.6, chapter 15.4.1: no padding, when no arguments/no context elements
            // are serialised, i.e. body empty
            // ignores, if not enough bytes because no args/context; because in this case, no more bytes follow
            TryAlignBodyIfNeeded(cdrStream, version);

            // unmarshall parameters
            object[] args = ser.DeserializeRequestArgs(request.RequestMethodName, cdrStream,
                                                       out contextElements);

            // for standard corba ops, adapt args:
            if (request.IsStandardCorbaOperation) {
                args = AdaptArgsForStandardOp(args, request.RequestUri);
            request.RequestArgs = args;
Пример #35
        protected override void ReadDataFromStream(CdrInputStream inputStream)
            // internet-iiop profile is encapsulated
            CdrEncapsulationInputStream encapsulation = inputStream.ReadEncapsulation();
            Debug.WriteLine("parse Internet IIOP Profile");
            byte giopMajor = encapsulation.ReadOctet();
            byte giopMinor = encapsulation.ReadOctet();
            m_giopVersion = new GiopVersion(giopMajor, giopMinor);

            Debug.WriteLine("giop-verion: " + m_giopVersion);
            m_hostName = encapsulation.ReadString();
            Debug.WriteLine("hostname: " + m_hostName);
            m_port = encapsulation.ReadUShort();
            Debug.WriteLine("port: " + m_port);
            uint objectKeyLength = encapsulation.ReadULong();
            m_objectKey = new byte[objectKeyLength];
            Debug.WriteLine("object key follows");
            for (uint i = 0; i < objectKeyLength; i++)
                m_objectKey[i] = encapsulation.ReadOctet();
                Debug.Write(m_objectKey[i] + " ");
            // GIOP 1.1, 1.2:
            if (!(m_giopVersion.Major == 1 && m_giopVersion.Minor == 0))
                m_taggedComponents = new TaggedComponentList(encapsulation);

            Debug.WriteLine("parsing Internet-IIOP-profile completed");
 /// <summary>serialize the GIOP message body of a repsonse message</summary>
 /// <param name="requestId">the requestId of the request, this response belongs to</param>
 internal void SerialiseReply(GiopServerRequest request, CdrOutputStream targetStream, 
                            GiopVersion version,
                            GiopConnectionDesc conDesc) {
     Trace.WriteLine("serializing response for method: " + request.GetRequestedMethodNameInternal());
     try {
         bool isExceptionReply = request.IsExceptionReply;
         Exception exceptionToSend = null;
         try {
             request.SetRequestPICurrentFromThreadScopeCurrent(); // copy from thread scope picurrent after processing request by servant
             // reply interception point
             if (!request.IsExceptionReply) {
             } else {
                 exceptionToSend = request.InterceptSendException(request.IdlException);
         } catch (Exception ex) {
             // update the reply with the exception from interception layer
             isExceptionReply = true;
             if (SerialiseAsSystemException(ex)) {
                 exceptionToSend = ex;
             } else {
                 exceptionToSend = new UNKNOWN(300, CompletionStatus.Completed_MayBe);
         ServiceContextList cntxColl = request.ResponseServiceContext;
         SetCodeSet(targetStream, conDesc);
         if (version.IsBeforeGiop1_2()) { // for GIOP 1.0 / 1.1
             SerialiseContext(targetStream, cntxColl); // serialize the context
         if (!isExceptionReply) {
             Trace.WriteLine("sending normal response to client");
             targetStream.WriteULong(0); // reply status ok
             if (!version.IsBeforeGiop1_2()) { // for GIOP 1.2 and later, service context is here
                 SerialiseContext(targetStream, cntxColl); // serialize the context
             // serialize a response to a successful request
             SerialiseResponseOk(targetStream, request, version);
             Trace.WriteLine("reply body serialised");
         } else {
             Trace.WriteLine("excpetion to send to client: " + exceptionToSend.GetType());
             if (SerialiseAsSystemException(exceptionToSend)) {
                 targetStream.WriteULong(2); // system exception
             } else if (SerialiseAsUserException(exceptionToSend)) {
                 targetStream.WriteULong(1); // user exception
             } else {
                 // should not occur
                 exceptionToSend = new INTERNAL(204, CompletionStatus.Completed_Yes);
             if (!version.IsBeforeGiop1_2()) { // for GIOP 1.2 and later, service context is here
                 SerialiseContext(targetStream, cntxColl); // serialize the context
             AlignBodyIfNeeded(targetStream, version);
             if (SerialiseAsSystemException(exceptionToSend)) {
                 SerialiseSystemException(targetStream, exceptionToSend);
             } else {
                 SerialiseUserException(targetStream, (AbstractUserException)exceptionToSend);
             Trace.WriteLine("exception reply serialised");
     } finally {
         request.ClearThreadScopePICurrent(); // no longer needed, clear afterwards to prevent access to stale data during next requests
Пример #37
 protected IiopLocIiopAddrBase(string scheme, string host, int port, int protocolPrefixLength) {
     m_host = host;
     m_port = port;
     m_version = ParseIiopScheme(scheme, protocolPrefixLength);
        internal IMessage DeserialiseReply(CdrInputStream cdrStream, 
                                         GiopVersion version, GiopClientRequest request,
                                         GiopConnectionDesc conDesc) {

            ServiceContextList cntxColl = null;
            IMessage response = null;
            try {
                if (version.IsBeforeGiop1_2()) { // for GIOP 1.0 / 1.1, the service context is placed here
                    cntxColl = DeserialiseContext(cdrStream); // deserialize the service contexts
                cdrStream.ReadULong(); // skip request id, already handled by transport
                uint responseStatus = cdrStream.ReadULong();
                if (!version.IsBeforeGiop1_2()) { // for GIOP 1.2 and later, service context is here
                    cntxColl = DeserialiseContext(cdrStream); // deserialize the service contexts
                // set codeset for stream
                SetCodeSet(cdrStream, conDesc);
                switch (responseStatus) {
                    case 0 :
                        Trace.WriteLine("deserializing normal reply for methodCall: " + request.MethodToCall);
                        response = DeserialiseNormalReply(cdrStream, version, request);
                        UpdateClientRequestWithReplyData(request, response, cntxColl);
                    case 1 :
                        Exception userEx = DeserialiseUserException(cdrStream, version); // the error .NET message for this exception is created in the formatter
                        UpdateClientRequestWithReplyData(request, new ReturnMessage(userEx, request.Request), cntxColl);
                        userEx = request.InterceptReceiveException(userEx);
                        response = new ReturnMessage(userEx, request.Request); // definitive exception only available here, because interception chain may change exception
                    case 2 :
                        Exception systemEx = DeserialiseSystemError(cdrStream, version); // the error .NET message for this exception is created in the formatter
                        UpdateClientRequestWithReplyData(request, new ReturnMessage(systemEx, request.Request), cntxColl);
                        systemEx = request.InterceptReceiveException(systemEx);
                        response = new ReturnMessage(systemEx, request.Request); // definitive exception only available here, because interception chain may change exception
                    case 3 :
                    case 4 :
                        // LOCATION_FORWARD / LOCATION_FORWARD_PERM:
                        // --> deserialise it and return location fwd message
                        response = DeserialiseLocationFwdReply(cdrStream, version, request);
                        UpdateClientRequestWithReplyData(request, response, cntxColl);
                        default :
                            // deseralization of reply error, unknown reply status: responseStatus
                            // the error .NET message for this exception is created in the formatter
                            throw new MARSHAL(2401, CompletionStatus.Completed_MayBe);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Trace.WriteLine("exception while deserialising reply: " + ex);
                try {
                } catch (Exception) {
                    // ignore this one, already problems.
                if (!request.IsReplyInterceptionChainCompleted()) { // reply interception chain not yet called for this reply
                    // deserialisation not ok: interception not called;
                    // call interceptors with this exception.
                    request.Reply = new ReturnMessage(ex, request.Request as IMethodCallMessage);
                    Exception newException = request.InterceptReceiveException(ex); // exception may be changed by interception point
                    if (ex != newException) {
                        throw newException; // exception have been changed by interception point
            return response;
 /// <summary>
 /// deserialise a locate request msg.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cdrStream"></param>
 /// <param name="version"></param>
 /// <param name="forRequestId">returns the request id as out param</param>
 /// <returns>the uri of the object requested to find</returns>
 public LocateRequestMessage DeserialiseLocateRequest(CdrInputStream cdrStream, GiopVersion version) {
     uint forRequestId = cdrStream.ReadULong();
     byte[] objectKey;
     string uri = ReadTarget(cdrStream, version, out objectKey);
     return new LocateRequestMessage(forRequestId, objectKey, uri);
        /// <summary>deserialises a CORBA system exception </summary>
        private Exception DeserialiseSystemError(CdrInputStream cdrStream, GiopVersion version) {
            // exception body
            AlignBodyIfNeeded(cdrStream, version);

            Serializer ser =
            Exception result = (Exception) ser.Deserialize(cdrStream);
            if (result == null) { 
                return new Exception("received system error from peer orb, but error was not deserializable");
            } else {
                return result;
Пример #41
 public Uri ParseUrl(out string objectUri, out GiopVersion version) {
     objectUri = ObjectUri;
     return m_objAddr.ParseUrl(objectUri, out version);
 /// <summary>
 /// deserialise the location fwd
 /// </summary>
 private LocationForwardMessage DeserialiseLocationFwdReply(CdrInputStream cdrStream, 
                                                            GiopVersion version,
                                                            GiopClientRequest request) {
     AlignBodyIfNeeded(cdrStream, version);
     // read the Location fwd IOR
     Serializer ser =
     MarshalByRefObject newProxy = ser.Deserialize(cdrStream)
                                       as MarshalByRefObject;
     if (newProxy == null) {
         throw new OBJECT_NOT_EXIST(2402, CompletionStatus.Completed_No);
     return new LocationForwardMessage(newProxy);
Пример #43
        public override Uri ParseUrl(string objectUri, out GiopVersion version) {
            version = Version;
            return new Uri("iiop-ssl" +
                           version.Major + "." + version.Minor +
                           Uri.SchemeDelimiter + Host + ":" + Port);

 /// <summary>
 /// serialises a locate reply message.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="forwardAddr">
 /// specifies the IOR of the object to forward the call to. This parameter must be != null,
 /// if LocateStatus is OBJECT_FORWARD.
 ///  </param>
 public void SerialiseLocateReply(CdrOutputStream targetStream, GiopVersion version, uint forRequestId, 
                                  LocateReplyMessage msg) {
     switch (msg.Status) {
         case LocateStatus.OBJECT_HERE:
             Debug.WriteLine("Locate reply status not supported");
             throw new NotSupportedException("not supported");
Пример #45
 protected IiopLocIiopAddrBase(string scheme, string host, int port, int protocolPrefixLength)
     m_host    = host;
     m_port    = port;
     m_version = ParseIiopScheme(scheme, protocolPrefixLength);
 /// <summary>serialises an outgoing .NET reply Message on server side</summary>
 internal void SerialiseOutgoingReplyMessage(IMessage replyMsg, IMessage requestMsg, GiopVersion version,
                                             Stream targetStream, GiopConnectionDesc conDesc) {
     if (replyMsg is ReturnMessage) {
         // write a CORBA response message into the stream targetStream
         GiopHeader header = new GiopHeader(version.Major, version.Minor, m_headerFlags, GiopMsgTypes.Reply);
         CdrMessageOutputStream msgOutput = new CdrMessageOutputStream(targetStream, header);
         GiopServerRequest request = new GiopServerRequest(requestMsg,
                                                           (ReturnMessage)replyMsg, conDesc,
         // serialize the message
         m_ser.SerialiseReply(request, msgOutput.GetMessageContentWritingStream(),
                              version, conDesc);
         msgOutput.CloseStream(); // write to the stream
     } else {
         throw new NotImplementedException("handling for this type of .NET message is not implemented at the moment, type: " +
Пример #47
 /// <summary>
 /// This method parses an url for the IIOP channel. 
 /// It extracts the channel URI and the objectURI
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="url">the url to parse</param>
 /// <param name="objectURI">the objectURI</param>
 /// <returns>the channel-Uri</returns>
 internal Uri ParseUrl(string url, out string objectUri,
                       out GiopVersion version)
     Uri uri = null;
     if (url.StartsWith("iiop"))
         IiopLoc iiopLoc = new IiopLoc(url, m_codec,
         uri = iiopLoc.ParseUrl(out objectUri, out version);
     else if (url.StartsWith("IOR"))
         Ior ior = new Ior(url);
         IInternetIiopProfile profile = ior.FindInternetIiopProfile();
         if (profile != null)
             uri = new Uri("iiop" + profile.Version.Major + "." + profile.Version.Minor +
                       Uri.SchemeDelimiter + profile.HostName + ":" + profile.Port);
             objectUri = IorUtil.GetObjectUriForObjectKey(profile.ObjectKey);
             version = profile.Version;
             uri = null;
             objectUri = null;
             version = new GiopVersion(1, 0);
     else if (url.StartsWith("corbaloc"))
         Corbaloc loc = new Corbaloc(url, m_codec,
         uri = loc.ParseUrl(out objectUri, out version);
         // not possible
         uri = null;
         objectUri = null;
         version = new GiopVersion(1, 0);
     return uri;
 /// <summary>
 /// the same as AlignBodyIfNeeded, but without throwing exception, when not enough bytes.
 /// </summary>
 protected void TryAlignBodyIfNeeded(CdrInputStream cdrStream, GiopVersion version) {
     if (!version.IsBeforeGiop1_2()) {
     } // force an align on 8 for GIOP-version >= 1.2
Пример #49
        public void TestReplySerialisation()
            // request msg the reply is for
            MethodInfo methodToCall = typeof(TestService).GetMethod("Add");

            object[]    args    = new object[] { ((Int32)1), ((Int32)2) };
            string      uri     = "iiop://localhost:8087/testuri"; // Giop 1.2 will be used because no version spec in uri
            GiopVersion version = new GiopVersion(1, 2);
            TestMessage msg     = new TestMessage(methodToCall, args, uri);

            msg.Properties[SimpleGiopMsg.REQUEST_ID_KEY]      = (uint)5;
            msg.Properties[SimpleGiopMsg.GIOP_VERSION_KEY]    = version;
            msg.Properties[SimpleGiopMsg.CALLED_METHOD_KEY]   = methodToCall;
            msg.Properties[SimpleGiopMsg.IDL_METHOD_NAME_KEY] = methodToCall.Name; // done by serialization normally
            // create a connection context
            GiopConnectionDesc conDesc = new GiopConnectionDesc(null, null);

            // create the reply
            ReturnMessage retMsg = new ReturnMessage((Int32)3, new object[0], 0, null, msg);

            MemoryStream targetStream = new MemoryStream();

            m_handler.SerialiseOutgoingReplyMessage(retMsg, msg, version,
                                                    targetStream, conDesc);

            // check to serialised stream
            targetStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            CdrInputStreamImpl cdrIn = new CdrInputStreamImpl(targetStream);

            cdrIn.ConfigStream(0, new GiopVersion(1, 2));

            // first is Giop-magic
            byte data;

            AssertBytesFollowing(m_giopMagic, cdrIn);
            // Giop version
            data = (byte)cdrIn.ReadOctet();
            Assert.AreEqual(1, data);
            data = (byte)cdrIn.ReadOctet();
            Assert.AreEqual(2, data);
            // flags: big-endian, no fragements
            data = (byte)cdrIn.ReadOctet();
            Assert.AreEqual(0, data);
            // Giop Msg type: reply
            data = (byte)cdrIn.ReadOctet();
            Assert.AreEqual(1, data);
            // Giop Msg length
            uint msgLength = cdrIn.ReadULong();

            // req-id
            Assert.AreEqual(5, cdrIn.ReadULong());
            // response status: NO_EXCEPTION
            Assert.AreEqual(0, cdrIn.ReadULong());
            // ignore service contexts
            // Giop 1.2, must be aligned on 8
            // now return value is following
            Assert.AreEqual(3, cdrIn.ReadLong());
Пример #50
 public Uri ParseUrl(out string objectUri, out GiopVersion version)
     objectUri = ObjectUri;
     return(m_objAddr.ParseUrl(objectUri, out version));
 /// <summary>read the target for the request</summary>
 /// <returns>the objectURI extracted from this msg</returns>
 private string ReadTarget(CdrInputStream cdrStream, GiopVersion version,
                           out byte[] objectKey) {
     if (version.IsBeforeGiop1_2()) {
         // for GIOP 1.0 / 1.1 only object key is possible
         objectKey = ReadTargetKey(cdrStream);
     } else {
         // for GIOP >= 1.2, a union is used for target information
         ushort targetAdrType = cdrStream.ReadUShort();
         switch (targetAdrType) {
             case 0:
                 objectKey = ReadTargetKey(cdrStream);
                 Trace.WriteLine("received not yet supported target address type: " + targetAdrType);
                 throw new BAD_PARAM(650, CompletionStatus.Completed_No);
     // get the object-URI of the responsible object
     return IorUtil.GetObjectUriForObjectKey(objectKey);
Пример #52
 public abstract Uri ParseUrl(string objectUri, out GiopVersion version);
 private void WriteTarget(CdrOutputStream cdrStream, 
                          byte[] objectKey, GiopVersion version) {
     if (!version.IsBeforeGiop1_2()) {
         // for GIOP >= 1.2
         ushort targetAdrType = 0;
         cdrStream.WriteUShort(targetAdrType); // object key adressing
     WriteTargetKey(cdrStream, objectKey);
 /// <summary>serializes the request body</summary>
 /// <param name="targetStream"></param>
 /// <param name="clientRequest">the request to serialise</param>
 /// <param name="version">the GIOP-version</param>
 private void SerialiseRequestBody(CdrOutputStream targetStream, GiopClientRequest clientRequest,
                                   GiopVersion version, ArgumentsSerializer ser) {
     // body of request msg: serialize arguments
     // clarification from CORBA 2.6, chapter 15.4.1: no padding, when no arguments are serialised  -->
     // for backward compatibility, do it nevertheless
     AlignBodyIfNeeded(targetStream, version);
                              targetStream, clientRequest.RequestCallContext);
Пример #55
 /// <summary>serialises an outgoing .NET reply Message on server side</summary>
 internal void SerialiseOutgoingReplyMessage(IMessage replyMsg, IMessage requestMsg, GiopVersion version,
                                             Stream targetStream, GiopConnectionDesc conDesc)
     if (replyMsg is ReturnMessage)
         // write a CORBA response message into the stream targetStream
         GiopHeader             header    = new GiopHeader(version.Major, version.Minor, m_headerFlags, GiopMsgTypes.Reply);
         CdrMessageOutputStream msgOutput = new CdrMessageOutputStream(targetStream, header);
         GiopServerRequest      request   = new GiopServerRequest(requestMsg,
                                                                  (ReturnMessage)replyMsg, conDesc,
         // serialize the message
         m_ser.SerialiseReply(request, msgOutput.GetMessageContentWritingStream(),
                              version, conDesc);
         msgOutput.CloseStream(); // write to the stream
         throw new NotImplementedException("handling for this type of .NET message is not implemented at the moment, type: " +
Пример #56
 public InternetIiopProfile(GiopVersion version, string hostName, ushort port, byte[] objectKey)
     : base(version, objectKey)
     m_hostName = hostName;
     m_port = port;
 /// <summary>
 /// perform code set establishment on the server side
 /// </summary>
 protected void PerformCodeSetEstablishmentServer(GiopVersion version,
                                                  GiopConnectionDesc conDesc, 
                                                  ServiceContextList cntxColl) {
     if (version.IsAfterGiop1_0()) {
         if (!conDesc.IsCodeSetNegotiated()) {
             // check for code set establishment
             CodeSetServiceContext context = 
             if (context != null) {
     } else {
Пример #58
        public void Setup()
            m_version = new GiopVersion(1, 2);
            m_hostName = "localhost";
            m_port = 8089;
            m_objectKey = new byte[] { 65 };
            m_profile = new InternetIiopProfile(m_version, m_hostName, m_port, m_objectKey);

            m_serFactory =
                new SerializerFactory();
            CodecFactory codecFactory =
                new Ch.Elca.Iiop.Interception.CodecFactoryImpl(m_serFactory);
            m_codec =
                    new omg.org.IOP.Encoding(ENCODING_CDR_ENCAPS.ConstVal, 1, 2));
            IiopUrlUtil iiopUrlUtil =
                IiopUrlUtil.Create(m_codec, new object[] {
            m_serFactory.Initalize(new SerializerFactoryConfig(), iiopUrlUtil);
 protected void AlignBodyIfNeeded(CdrOutputStream cdrStream, GiopVersion version) {
     if (!version.IsBeforeGiop1_2()) {
     } // force an align on 8 for GIOP-version >= 1.2