private void initialise(GingerToken type, Variable name, ImportList il, FunctionList fl) { _type = type; add(name); add(il); add(fl); }
//private Type parseType() //{ // Type type; // if (currentScannerToken == GingerToken.Int) // { // type = new Integer(scanner.row, scanner.col); // } // else if (currentScannerToken == GingerToken.Bool) // { // type = new Boolean(scanner.row, scanner.col); // } // else if (currentScannerToken == GingerToken.Void) // { // type = new Void(scanner.row, scanner.col); // } // else if (currentScannerToken == GingerToken.Contract) // { // type = new Contract(scanner.row, scanner.col); // } // else if (currentScannerToken == GingerToken.Implementation) // { // type = new Implementation(scanner.row, scanner.col); // } // else // { // throw new NotImplementedException(); // } // return type; //} private GingerToken parseAnnotation(GingerToken defaultAnnotation) { spyScannerToken(); if (spiedScannerToken == GingerToken.OpenAnnotation) { nextScannerToken(); nextScannerToken(); if (currentScannerToken == GingerToken.Annotation) { nextScannerToken(); return(currentScannerToken); } else { throw new ParseException(scanner.row, scanner.col, $"Expected '{GingerToken.Annotation.ToString()}', found '{currentScannerToken.ToString()}'", ExceptionLevel.ERROR); } } else { return(defaultAnnotation); } }
// precedence-climbing method // private Node parseExpression(Node lhs, int minPrecedence) { spyScannerToken(); // the spied token is an operator and has precedence >= the minimumum precedence while (isOperator(spiedScannerToken.GetValueOrDefault()) && OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[spiedScannerToken.GetValueOrDefault()].precedence >= minPrecedence) { GingerToken op = spiedScannerToken.GetValueOrDefault(); // move to spied position nextScannerToken(); nextScannerToken(); Node rhs = parseTerminalExpression(); spyScannerToken(); // the spied token is an operator, and its precedence is greater than the previous op's precedence OR it is a right associated operator with precedence equal to op's precedence while (isOperator(spiedScannerToken.GetValueOrDefault()) && (OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[spiedScannerToken.GetValueOrDefault()].precedence > OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[op].precedence || (OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[spiedScannerToken.GetValueOrDefault()].rightAssociated && OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[spiedScannerToken.GetValueOrDefault()].precedence == OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[op].precedence))) { rhs = parseExpression(rhs, OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE[spiedScannerToken.GetValueOrDefault()].precedence); spyScannerToken(); } if (Grammar.isBinaryOperator(op)) { lhs = new BinaryOperation(op, lhs, rhs); } //else if (Grammar.isConditionOperator(op)) //{ // lhs = new InequalityOperation(op, lhs, rhs); //} else { throw new ParseException(scanner.row, scanner.col, $"Expected '{GingerToken.Addition.ToString()}', found '{currentScannerToken.ToString()}'", ExceptionLevel.ERROR); } } return(lhs); }
public Operation(GingerToken op, Node lhs, Node rhs) : base() { this._op = op; this.add(lhs); this.add(rhs); }
public Component(GingerToken type, Variable name, ImportList il, FunctionList fl, Identifier extends) : base() { initialise(type, name, il, fl); add(extends); }
//public static bool isControl(GingerToken token) //{ // return token == GingerToken.If; //} public static bool isType(GingerToken token) { //return token == GingerToken.Int || token == GingerToken.Bool; return(token == GingerToken.Var); }
private bool isOperator(GingerToken token) { return(Grammar.isBinaryOperator(token)); }
public Sink(GingerToken securityLevel, Node expr) : base(securityLevel) { this.add(expr); }
private bool isOperator(GingerToken token) { return Grammar.isBinaryOperator(token) || Grammar.isConditionOperator(token); }
public static bool isType(GingerToken token) { return token == GingerToken.Int || token == GingerToken.Bool; }
public static bool isControl(GingerToken token) { return token == GingerToken.If || token == GingerToken.While; }
public static bool isConditionOperator(GingerToken token) { return token == GingerToken.LessThan || token == GingerToken.GreaterThan; }
public static bool isBinaryOperator(GingerToken token) { return token == GingerToken.Addition || token == GingerToken.Subtraction; }
public static bool isComponent(GingerToken token) { return(token == GingerToken.Contract || token == GingerToken.Implementation); }
public static bool isInformationEndpoint(GingerToken token) { return(token == GingerToken.Source || token == GingerToken.Sink); }
public InformationEndpoint(GingerToken securityLevel) { this._securityLevel = securityLevel; }
public Source(GingerToken securityLevel) : base(securityLevel) { }
private void nextScannerToken() { currentScannerToken =; }
public BinaryOperation(GingerToken binaryOp, Node lhs, Node rhs) : base(binaryOp, lhs, rhs) { return; }
private StatementList parseStatementList(GingerToken endToken) { StatementList sl = new StatementList(); do { try { sl.add(parseStatement()); } catch (ParseException pe) { _errors.Add(pe); } nextScannerToken(); if (currentScannerToken != endToken && currentScannerToken == GingerToken.EndOfFile) { _errors.Add(new ParseException(scanner.row, scanner.col, $"Expected '{endToken.ToString()}', found '{currentScannerToken.ToString()}'", ExceptionLevel.ERROR)); } } while (currentScannerToken != endToken && currentScannerToken != GingerToken.EndOfFile); return sl; }
public GingerToken next() { clearSemanticValue(); // clear out any white space, we don't care about it while (Lexicon.isWhiteSpace(currentChar)) { nextChar(); } if (Lexicon.isStartNumberChar(currentChar)) { do { semanticValue.Add(currentChar); nextChar(); } while (Lexicon.isDigit(currentChar)); return(GingerToken.Number); } else if (Lexicon.isStartAssignmentChar(currentChar)) { nextChar(); if (currentChar == Lexicon.ASSIGNMENT[1]) { nextChar(); return(GingerToken.Assignment); } else { GingerToken spied = spy(); if (spied == GingerToken.Annotation) { return(GingerToken.OpenAnnotation); } else if (spied == GingerToken.Identifier) { return(GingerToken.Extends); } } } else if (Lexicon.isStartKeywordOrIdentifierChar(currentChar)) { do { semanticValue.Add(currentChar); nextChar(); } while (Lexicon.isKeywordOrIdentifierChar(currentChar)); //if (tokenValue.SequenceEqual(Lexicon.IF)) //{ // return GingerToken.If; //} //else if (tokenValue.SequenceEqual(Lexicon.BOOLEAN_TRUE) || tokenValue.SequenceEqual(Lexicon.BOOLEAN_FALSE)) //{ // return GingerToken.BooleanLiteral; //} //else if (tokenValue.SequenceEqual(Lexicon.INT)) //{ // return GingerToken.Int; //} //else if (tokenValue.SequenceEqual(Lexicon.BOOL)) //{ // return GingerToken.Bool; //} if (tokenValue.SequenceEqual(Lexicon.FUNCTION)) { return(GingerToken.Function); } //else if (tokenValue.SequenceEqual(Lexicon.COMPONENT)) //{ // return GingerToken.Component; //} else if (tokenValue.SequenceEqual(Lexicon.RETURN)) { return(GingerToken.Return); } //else if (tokenValue.SequenceEqual(Lexicon.VOID)) //{ // return GingerToken.Void; //} //else if (tokenValue.SequenceEqual(Lexicon.AS)) //{ // return GingerToken.As; //} //else if (tokenValue.SequenceEqual(Lexicon.CONTRACT)) //{ // return GingerToken.Contract; //} //else if (tokenValue.SequenceEqual(Lexicon.IMPLEMENTATION)) //{ // return GingerToken.Implementation; //} else if (tokenValue.SequenceEqual(Lexicon.VAR_DECLARATION)) { return(GingerToken.Var); } //else if(tokenValue.SequenceEqual(Lexicon.REF)) //{ // return GingerToken.Ref; //} else if (tokenValue.SequenceEqual(Lexicon.SEC_LVL_HIGH)) { return(GingerToken.High); } else if (tokenValue.SequenceEqual(Lexicon.SEC_LVL_LOW)) { return(GingerToken.Low); } else if (tokenValue.SequenceEqual(Lexicon.SYS_READ)) { return(GingerToken.Source); } else if (tokenValue.SequenceEqual(Lexicon.SYS_WRITE)) { return(GingerToken.Sink); } else if (tokenValue.SequenceEqual(Lexicon.CONTRACT)) { return(GingerToken.Contract); } else if (tokenValue.SequenceEqual(Lexicon.IMPLEMENTATION)) { return(GingerToken.Implementation); } else if (tokenValue.SequenceEqual(Lexicon.IMPORT)) { return(GingerToken.Import); } else { return(GingerToken.Identifier); } } else if (currentChar == Lexicon.OPEN_PRECEDENT) { nextChar(); return(GingerToken.OpenPrecedent); } else if (currentChar == Lexicon.CLOSE_PRECEDENT) { nextChar(); return(GingerToken.ClosePrecedent); } else if (currentChar == Lexicon.OPEN_STATEMENT_LIST) { nextChar(); return(GingerToken.OpenList); } else if (currentChar == Lexicon.CLOSE_STATEMENT_LIST) { nextChar(); return(GingerToken.CloseList); } else if (currentChar == Lexicon.ANNOTATION) { nextChar(); return(GingerToken.Annotation); } //else if (currentChar == Lexicon.END_OF_LINE) //{ // nextChar(); // return GingerToken.EndOfLine; //} else if (currentChar == Lexicon.ADDITION) { nextChar(); return(GingerToken.Addition); } //else if (currentChar == Lexicon.SUBTRACTION) //{ // nextChar(); // return GingerToken.Subtraction; //} //else if (currentChar == Lexicon.LESS_THAN) //{ // nextChar(); // return GingerToken.LessThan; //} //else if (currentChar == Lexicon.GREATER_THAN) //{ // nextChar(); // return GingerToken.GreaterThan; //} //else if (currentChar == Lexicon.SECURITY_ASSIGNMENT) //{ // nextChar(); // return GingerToken.SecurityAssignment; //} else if (currentChar == EOF) { nextChar(); return(GingerToken.EndOfFile); } else if (currentChar == Lexicon.LIST_SEPARATOR) { nextChar(); return(GingerToken.ListSeparator); } else if (currentChar == Lexicon.IDENT_SEPARATOR) { nextChar(); return(GingerToken.IdentifierSeparator); } nextChar(); return(GingerToken.Unknown); }
public Component(GingerToken type, Variable name, ImportList il, FunctionList fl) : base() { initialise(type, name, il, fl); }
public static bool isBinaryOperator(GingerToken token) { return(token == GingerToken.Addition); }