Пример #1
 public GiftsSectionItemHeader(GiftsSectionItem section, string categoryName, long userOrChatId = 0, bool isChat = false)
     this._section      = section;
     this._categoryName = categoryName;
     this._userOrChatId = userOrChatId;
     this._isChat       = isChat;
Пример #2
        private void SendAsAGift_OnTap(object sender, System.Windows.Input.GestureEventArgs e)
            if (this._stockItemHeader == null)
            EventAggregator.Current.Publish(new GiftsPurchaseStepsEvent(GiftPurchaseStepsSource.stickers_present, GiftPurchaseStepsAction.store));
            EventAggregator.Current.Publish(new StickersPurchaseFunnelEvent(StickersPurchaseFunnelAction.present_button_clicked));
            long productId    = (long)this._stockItemHeader.ProductId;
            long userOrChatId = this._stockItemHeader.UserOrChatId;
            bool isChat       = this._stockItemHeader.IsChat;

            if (productId == 0L || userOrChatId == 0L)
            CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
            FullscreenLoader        fullscreenLoader        = new FullscreenLoader();

            fullscreenLoader.HideOnBackKeyPress = true;
            Action <FullscreenLoaderHiddenEventArgs> action = (Action <FullscreenLoaderHiddenEventArgs>)(args => cancellationTokenSource.Cancel());

            fullscreenLoader.HiddenCallback = action;
            FullscreenLoader loader = fullscreenLoader;

            loader.Show(null, true);
            GiftsService.Instance.GetGiftInfoFromStore(productId, userOrChatId, isChat, (Action <BackendResult <GiftInfoFromStoreResponse, ResultCode> >)(result =>
                if (result.ResultCode == ResultCode.Succeeded)
                    GiftInfoFromStoreResponse resultData = result.ResultData;
                    List <long> userIds       = resultData.userIds;
                    GiftsSectionItem giftItem = resultData.giftItem;
                    Gift gift = giftItem.gift;
                    if (userIds == null || userIds.Count == 0)
                        Execute.ExecuteOnUIThread((Action)(() => MessageBox.Show(isChat ? CommonResources.AllChatParticipantsHaveStickerPack : CommonResources.UserAlreadyHasStickerPack, CommonResources.StickerPack, (MessageBoxButton)0)));
                        if (giftItem == null || gift == null)
                        Navigator.Current.NavigateToGiftSend(gift.id, "stickers", giftItem.description, gift.thumb_256, giftItem.price, giftItem.gifts_left, userIds, true);
                    GenericInfoUC.ShowBasedOnResult((int)result.ResultCode, "", (VKRequestsDispatcher.Error)null);
            }), new CancellationToken?(cancellationTokenSource.Token));
Пример #3
 public GiftsThreeInARowViewModel(string categoryName, GiftsSectionItem section1, GiftsSectionItem section2 = null, GiftsSectionItem section3 = null, long userOrChatId = 0, bool isChat = false)
     if (section1 != null)
         this.Item1 = new GiftsSectionItemHeader(section1, categoryName, userOrChatId, isChat);
     if (section2 != null)
         this.Item2 = new GiftsSectionItemHeader(section2, categoryName, userOrChatId, isChat);
     if (section3 == null)
     this.Item3 = new GiftsSectionItemHeader(section3, categoryName, userOrChatId, isChat);
Пример #4
         * public override void Load(Action<ResultCode> callback)
         * {
         * GiftsService.Instance.GetCatalog(this._userOrChatId, this._categoryName, (Action<BackendResult<List<GiftsSection>, ResultCode>>) (result =>
         * {
         * // ISSUE: object of a compiler-generated type is created
         * // ISSUE: variable of a compiler-generated type
         * //        GiftsCatalogCategoryPageViewModel cDisplayClass110 = new GiftsCatalogCategoryPageViewModel();
         * // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
         * //        cDisplayClass110 = this;
         * ResultCode resultCode = result.ResultCode;
         * int num1 = resultCode == ResultCode.Succeeded ? 1 : 0;
         * List<GiftsSection> resultData = result.ResultData;
         * List<GiftsSectionItem> giftsSectionItemList;
         * if (resultData == null)
         * {
         *  giftsSectionItemList =  null;
         * }
         * else
         * {
         *  GiftsSection m0 = Enumerable.FirstOrDefault<GiftsSection>(resultData);
         *  giftsSectionItemList = m0 != null ? ((GiftsSection) m0).items :  null;
         * }
         * // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
         * List<GiftsSectionItem> sectionItems = giftsSectionItemList;
         * // ISSUE: reference to a compiler-generated field
         * if (num1 != 0 && sectionItems != null)
         * {
         *  // ISSUE: method pointer
         *    Execute.ExecuteOnUIThread((Action)(() =>
         *    {
         *        this.GiftsRows = new ObservableCollection<GiftsThreeInARowViewModel>();
         *        //foreach (IEnumerable<GiftsSectionItem> source in sectionItems.Where<GiftsSectionItem>(  (Func<GiftsSectionItem, bool>)(item => !item.IsDisabled)  ).Partition<GiftsSectionItem>(3))
         *        foreach (IEnumerable<GiftsSectionItem> source in sectionItems.Where<GiftsSectionItem>(VKClient.Common.Utils.ListExtensions.Partition <GiftsSectionItem>(     ((Func<GiftsSectionItem, bool>)(item => !item.IsDisabled)),3     )))
         *        {
         *            List<GiftsSectionItem> list = source.ToList<GiftsSectionItem>();
         *            if (list.Count != 0)
         *            {
         *                GiftsSectionItem section1 = list[0];
         *                GiftsSectionItem section2 = null;
         *                GiftsSectionItem section3 = null;
         *                if (list.Count > 1)
         *                    section2 = list[1];
         *                if (list.Count > 2)
         *                    section3 = list[2];
         *                this.GiftsRows.Add(new GiftsThreeInARowViewModel(this._categoryName, section1, section2, section3, this._userOrChatId, this._isChat));
         *            }
         *        }
         *    }));
         * }
         * Action<ResultCode> action = callback;
         * if (action == null)
         *  return;
         * int num2 = (int) resultCode;
         * action((ResultCode) num2);
         * }));
         * }*/

        public override void Load(Action <ResultCode> callback)
            //GiftsCatalogCategoryPageViewModel.<>c__DisplayClass11_1 <>c__DisplayClass11_ = new GiftsCatalogCategoryPageViewModel.<>c__DisplayClass11_1();
            //<>c__DisplayClass11_.<>4__this = this;
            //<>c__DisplayClass11_.callback = callback;
            GiftsService.Instance.GetCatalog(this._userOrChatId, this._categoryName, delegate(BackendResult <List <GiftsSection>, ResultCode> result)
                GiftsCatalogCategoryPageViewModel c__DisplayClass11_2 = this;
                //<>c__DisplayClass11_2.CS$<>8__locals1 = <>c__DisplayClass11_;
                ResultCode resultCode = result.ResultCode;
                bool arg_3C_0         = resultCode == ResultCode.Succeeded;
                GiftsCatalogCategoryPageViewModel arg_37_0 = c__DisplayClass11_2;
                List <GiftsSection> expr_1F = result.ResultData;
                List <GiftsSectionItem> arg_37_1;
                if (expr_1F == null)
                    arg_37_1 = null;
                    GiftsSection expr_2B = Enumerable.FirstOrDefault <GiftsSection>(expr_1F);
                    arg_37_1             = ((expr_2B != null) ? expr_2B.items : null);
                //arg_37_0.sectionItems = arg_37_1;

                if (arg_3C_0 && arg_37_1 != null)
                        this.GiftsRows = new ObservableCollection <GiftsThreeInARowViewModel>();
                        IEnumerable <GiftsSectionItem> arg_3A_0 = arg_37_1;
                        Func <GiftsSectionItem, bool> arg_3A_1  = new Func <GiftsSectionItem, bool>((item) => { return(!item.IsDisabled); });

                        //using (IEnumerator<IEnumerable<GiftsSectionItem>> enumerator = Enumerable.Where<GiftsSectionItem>(arg_3A_0, arg_3A_1).Partition(3).GetEnumerator())

                        using (IEnumerator <IEnumerable <GiftsSectionItem> > enumerator = VKClient.Common.Utils.ListExtensions.Partition <GiftsSectionItem>(arg_3A_0, 3).GetEnumerator())//todo: bug
                            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                                List <GiftsSectionItem> list = Enumerable.ToList <GiftsSectionItem>(enumerator.Current);
                                if (list.Count != 0)
                                    GiftsSectionItem section  = list[0];
                                    GiftsSectionItem section2 = null;
                                    GiftsSectionItem section3 = null;
                                    if (list.Count > 1)
                                        section2 = list[1];
                                    if (list.Count > 2)
                                        section3 = list[2];
                                    this.GiftsRows.Add(new GiftsThreeInARowViewModel(this._categoryName, section, section2, section3, this._userOrChatId, this._isChat));
                Action <ResultCode> expr_5D = callback;
                if (expr_5D == null)