private PdfInfo GetPdfInfo(string path) { string output; string pdfInfoPath = GetPathInfoResource(); GhostscriptSettings settings = new GhostscriptSettings { GhostscriptArgument.NoDisplay, GhostscriptArgument.Quiet, { GhostscriptArgument.File, path }, pdfInfoPath }; output = _engine.Execute(settings); try { // remove temporary file File.Delete(pdfInfoPath); } catch { // ok, it's 4 Kb in the temp folder, not a big deal } // Deserialize PDF info output from XML using (StringReader outputReader = new StringReader(output)) { return((PdfInfo)_pdfInfoSerializer.Deserialize(outputReader)); } }
private void ApplyResizeSettings(ResizeSettings settings, GhostscriptSettings ghostscriptSettings) { // Parse resize settings // - graphicsAlphaBits int graphicsAlphaBits = settings.GetValueOrDefault("graphicsbits", 0); if (!_validAlphaBitValues.Contains(graphicsAlphaBits)) { // Use default value graphicsAlphaBits = _validAlphaBitValues.Last(); } ghostscriptSettings.Add(GhostscriptArgument.GraphicsAlphaBits, graphicsAlphaBits); // - textAlphaBits int textAlphaBits = settings.GetValueOrDefault("textbits", 0); if (!_validAlphaBitValues.Contains(textAlphaBits)) { // Use default value textAlphaBits = _validAlphaBitValues.Last(); } ghostscriptSettings.Add(GhostscriptArgument.TextAlphaBits, textAlphaBits); ghostscriptSettings[GhostscriptArgument.GridFitTT] = (settings.Get <bool>("gridfit") == true ? 2 : 0).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); ghostscriptSettings[GhostscriptArgument.AlignToPixels] = (settings.Get <bool>("subpixels") == true ? 1 : 0).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); if (settings.Get <bool>("printed", true) == false) { ghostscriptSettings.Remove(GhostscriptArgument.Printed); } }
public static void WriteOut(int pJpegWidth = 0, int[] pages = null) { var OutputPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; var sourceFile = "test.pdf"; var jpegFile = Path.ChangeExtension(sourceFile, "jpg"); var settings = new GhostscriptSettings { Page = { AllPages = false, Start = 1, End = 1 }, Size = { Native = GhostscriptPageSizes.a2 }, Device = GhostscriptDevices.png16m, Resolution = new Size(150, 122) }; if (pages.Length > 1) { // PDF contains multiple pages, make each one into a jpg var iPageNumber = 0; foreach (var page in pages) { //FORMAT: GhostscriptWrapper.GenerateOutput(<pdf file path>, <destination jpg path>, <settings>); GhostscriptWrapper.GenerateOutput(OutputPath + sourceFile, OutputPath + jpegFile.Replace(".jpg", "_" + iPageNumber + ".jpg"), settings); // add page number into jpg string iPageNumber++; settings.Page.Start = settings.Page.End = iPageNumber + 1; } } else { //FORMAT: GhostscriptWrapper.GenerateOutput(<pdf file path>, <destination jpg path>, <settings>); GhostscriptWrapper.GenerateOutput(OutputPath + sourceFile, OutputPath + jpegFile, settings); } }
private static GhostscriptSettings GsSettings() { GhostscriptSettings gsSettings = new GhostscriptSettings { Device = GhostscriptDevices.jpeg, Page = new GhostscriptPages { Start = 1, End = 1, AllPages = false }, Resolution = new Size { //dpi Height = 20, Width = 20 }, Size = new GhostscriptPageSize { Native = GhostscriptPageSizes.a4 } }; return(gsSettings); }
private void ButtonGenerate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string inputPath = this.textBoxInputPath.Text; string outputPath = this.textBoxOutputPath.Text; int page = (int)this.numericUpDownPage.Value; int resolution = (int)this.numericUpDownResolution.Value; GhostscriptDevices device = (GhostscriptDevices)this.comboBoxDevice.SelectedItem; GhostscriptPageSizes pageSize = (GhostscriptPageSizes)this.comboBoxPageSize.SelectedItem; GhostscriptSettings ghostscriptSettings = new GhostscriptSettings { Page = new GhostscriptPages { Start = page, End = page }, Device = device, Resolution = new Size(resolution, resolution), Size = new GhostscriptPageSize { Native = pageSize } }; GhostscriptWrapper.GenerateOutput(inputPath, outputPath, ghostscriptSettings); Process.Start(outputPath); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(exception.ToString()); } }
//用來轉換PDF成一張一張的jpeg圖片 public void f_ConvertAllPDF(string pdfPath, string savePath) { GhostscriptSettings ghostscriptSettings = new GhostscriptSettings(); ghostscriptSettings.Device = GhostscriptSharp.Settings.GhostscriptDevices.jpeg; //圖片類型 ghostscriptSettings.Size.Native =; //legal為原尺寸 //ghostscriptSettings.Size.Manual = new System.Drawing.Size(2552, 3579); //此為設定固定尺寸 ghostscriptSettings.Resolution = new System.Drawing.Size(150, 150); //此為解析度 ghostscriptSettings.Page.AllPages = true; GhostscriptWrapper.GenerateOutput(pdfPath, savePath, ghostscriptSettings); Debug.Log("Complete!"); }
public void GenerateSinglePageOutput() { var settings = new GhostscriptSettings { Page = { AllPages = false, Start = 1, End = 1 }, Size = { Native = GhostscriptPageSizes.a2 }, Device = GhostscriptDevices.png16m, Resolution = new Size(150, 122) }; GhostscriptWrapper.GenerateOutput(OutputPath + TEST_FILE_LOCATION, OutputPath + SINGLE_FILE_LOCATION, settings); Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(OutputPath + SINGLE_FILE_LOCATION)); }
private static void PdfToJpg(string path, string fileName, GhostscriptDevices devise, GhostscriptPageSizes pageFormat, int qualityX, int qualityY) { var settingsForConvert = new GhostscriptSettings { Device = devise }; var pageSize = new GhostscriptPageSize { Native = pageFormat }; settingsForConvert.Size = pageSize; settingsForConvert.Resolution = new System.Drawing.Size(qualityX, qualityY); GhostscriptWrapper.GenerateOutput(path, @"C:\YR\Receipt\" + fileName + "_" + ".jpg", settingsForConvert); // here you could set path and name for out put file. }
public static GhostscriptSettings Default() { // FG20131016: Verificare come si comporta con documenti con formato di pagina non omogeneo. var settings = new GhostscriptSettings() { Device = GhostscriptDevices.png256, Resolution = new Size(300, 300), Size = new GhostscriptPageSize() { Native = GhostscriptPageSizes.a4 } }; settings.Page.AllPagesWorkaround(); return(settings); }
private PdfInfo GetPdfInfo(string path) { string output; GhostscriptSettings settings = new GhostscriptSettings { GhostscriptArgument.NoDisplay, GhostscriptArgument.Quiet, { GhostscriptArgument.File, path }, PdfInfoPath }; output = _engine.Execute(settings); // Deserialize PDF info output from XML using (StringReader outputReader = new StringReader(output)) { return((PdfInfo)_pdfInfoSerializer.Deserialize(outputReader)); } }
//Pdfから画像を取得する private string getImageFromPdf(string baseFilePass, string pdfFielName) { //拡張子無しでファイル名を取得する string imgFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pdfFielName) + ".png"; try { //Pdfから画像を取得 GhostscriptSettings settings = new GhostscriptSettings(); settings.Page.AllPages = true; //全ページ出力 settings.Page.Start = 1; //出力開始ページ settings.Page.End = 1; //出力終了ページ settings.Size.Native = GhostscriptSharp.Settings.GhostscriptPageSizes.a0; //出力サイズ指定 settings.Device = GhostscriptSharp.Settings.GhostscriptDevices.png256; //出力ファイルフォーマット指定(pngで指定) settings.Resolution = new Size(600, 600); //出力Dpi string inputPath = baseFilePass + "\\" + pdfFielName; string outputPath = baseFilePass + "\\" + imgFileName; GhostscriptWrapper.GenerateOutput(inputPath, outputPath, settings); // Create the initial thumbnail //ファイルが生成されない場合はパスを返さない if (!System.IO.File.Exists(outputPath)) { imgFileName = ""; outLogMsg(pdfFielName, "Pdf埋め込み画像なし"); } else { outLogMsg(pdfFielName, "Pdf画像変換完了"); } } catch (Exception exp) { imgFileName = ""; outLogMsg(pdfFielName, "Pdf画像取得実施エラー : " + exp.Message); } return(imgFileName); }
public static string GetDeviceExtension(this GhostscriptSettings source) { switch (source.Device) { case GhostscriptDevices.bmpgray: return(".bmp"); case GhostscriptDevices.jpeg: case GhostscriptDevices.jpeggray: return(".jpg"); case GhostscriptDevices.pnggray: case GhostscriptDevices.pngmono: case GhostscriptDevices.png256: return(".png"); default: break; } throw new NotImplementedException("Estensione non implementata per il GhostscriptDevices specificato."); }
private PdfInfo GetPdfInfo(string path) { string output; GhostscriptSettings settings = new GhostscriptSettings { GhostscriptArgument.NoDisplay, GhostscriptArgument.Quiet, {GhostscriptArgument.File, path}, PdfInfoPath }; output = _engine.Execute(settings); // Deserialize PDF info output from XML using(StringReader outputReader = new StringReader(output)) { return (PdfInfo)_pdfInfoSerializer.Deserialize(outputReader); } }
private PdfInfo GetPdfInfo(string path) { string output; string pdfInfoPath = GetPathInfoResource(); GhostscriptSettings settings = new GhostscriptSettings { GhostscriptArgument.NoDisplay, GhostscriptArgument.Quiet, { GhostscriptArgument.File, path }, pdfInfoPath }; output = _engine.Execute(settings); try { // remove temporary file File.Delete(pdfInfoPath); } catch { // ok, it's 4 Kb in the temp folder, not a big deal } // Deserialize PDF info output from XML using(StringReader outputReader = new StringReader(output)) { return (PdfInfo)_pdfInfoSerializer.Deserialize(outputReader); } }
private void ApplyResizeSettings(ResizeSettings settings, GhostscriptSettings ghostscriptSettings) { // Parse resize settings // - graphicsAlphaBits int graphicsAlphaBits = settings.GetValueOrDefault("graphicsbits", 0); if(!_validAlphaBitValues.Contains(graphicsAlphaBits)) { // Use default value graphicsAlphaBits = _validAlphaBitValues.Last(); } ghostscriptSettings.Add(GhostscriptArgument.GraphicsAlphaBits, graphicsAlphaBits); // - textAlphaBits int textAlphaBits = settings.GetValueOrDefault("textbits", 0); if(!_validAlphaBitValues.Contains(textAlphaBits)) { // Use default value textAlphaBits = _validAlphaBitValues.Last(); } ghostscriptSettings.Add(GhostscriptArgument.TextAlphaBits, textAlphaBits); ghostscriptSettings[GhostscriptArgument.GridFitTT] = (settings.Get<bool>("gridfit") == true ? 2 : 0).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); ghostscriptSettings[GhostscriptArgument.AlignToPixels] = (settings.Get<bool>("subpixels") == true ? 1 : 0).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); if (settings.Get<bool>("printed",true) == false) ghostscriptSettings.Remove(GhostscriptArgument.Printed); }
public override Bitmap DecodeStream(Stream s, ResizeSettings settings, string optionalPath) { if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(optionalPath)) { if (s.CanSeek) { //Check the header instead if no filename is present. byte[] header = new byte[4]; s.Read(header, 0, 4); bool isPdf = (header[0] == '%' && header[1] == 'P' && header[2] == 'D' && header[3] == 'F'); s.Seek(-4, SeekOrigin.Current); //Restore position. if (!isPdf) return null; } else { return null; //It's not seekable, we can't check the header. } } else if(!_supportedExtensions.Contains(Path.GetExtension(optionalPath), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { // Not a supported format return null; } // Do not allow decoding if Ghostscript there are issues with performing this decode IIssue[] issues = GetIssues().ToArray(); if(issues.Length > 0) { string message = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, issues.Select(x => x.Summary).ToArray()); throw new InvalidOperationException(message); } // Must write input stream to a temporary file for Ghostscript to process. FileInfo tempInputPathInfo = new FileInfo(Path.GetTempFileName()); try { using(FileStream tempInputStream = tempInputPathInfo.Create()) { StreamExtensions.CopyToStream(s, tempInputStream); } // Get information about the PDF such as page count and media boxes // Although this creates a second trip to Ghostscript engine, it's not possible to generate a rendered image in exact // dimensions requested. Skipping this step will cause a rendered image, of some size, to be resized further. PdfInfo pdfInfo = GetPdfInfo(tempInputPathInfo.FullName); // Extract the requested page number from resize settings, or default to first page int pageNumber = settings.GetValueOrDefault("page", 1); // Try to get the page number from PDF info. If not available, abort. This is caused by // requesting a page that does not exist. PageInfo pageInfo = pdfInfo.Pages.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Number == pageNumber); if(pageInfo == null) { return null; } // We only support media box (as opposed to clip, bleed, art, etc.) If this is not available, abort. if(pageInfo.MediaBox == null) { return null; } // Get the output size of the generated bitmap by applying the resize settings and media box. Size outputSize = (pageInfo.Rotate == -90 || pageInfo.Rotate == 90) ? GetOutputSize(settings, pageInfo.MediaBox.Height,pageInfo.MediaBox.Width) : GetOutputSize(settings, pageInfo.MediaBox.Width, pageInfo.MediaBox.Height) ; // Create default Ghostscript settings and apply the resize settings. GhostscriptSettings ghostscriptSettings = new GhostscriptSettings { GhostscriptArgument.NoPause, GhostscriptArgument.Quiet, GhostscriptArgument.Safer, GhostscriptArgument.Batch, {GhostscriptArgument.OutputDevice, "pngalpha"}, {GhostscriptArgument.MaxBitmap, 24000000}, {GhostscriptArgument.RenderingThreads, 4}, {GhostscriptArgument.GridFitTT, 0}, {GhostscriptArgument.AlignToPixels, 0}, //Subpixel rendering depends on output device... perhaps testing would help determine if 1 would be better? {GhostscriptArgument.FirstPage, pageNumber}, {GhostscriptArgument.LastPage, pageNumber}, GhostscriptArgument.Printed, GhostscriptArgument.PdfFitPage, GhostscriptArgument.FixedMedia, {GhostscriptArgument.Height, outputSize.Height}, {GhostscriptArgument.Width, outputSize.Width} }; ApplyResizeSettings(settings, ghostscriptSettings); // Have Ghostscript process the input to a PNG file with transparency. // The PNG will be reloaded and further processed by the resizer pipeline. FileInfo tempOutputPathInfo = new FileInfo(Path.GetTempFileName()); try { // Add output file and input file. The input file must be the very last argument. ghostscriptSettings.Add(GhostscriptArgument.OutputFile, tempOutputPathInfo.FullName); ghostscriptSettings.Add(tempInputPathInfo.FullName); _engine.Execute(ghostscriptSettings); // NOTE: Do not dispose of memory stream because it is used as the backing source for the loaded bitmap. MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream((int)tempOutputPathInfo.Length); using(FileStream fileStream = tempOutputPathInfo.Open(FileMode.Open)) { StreamExtensions.CopyToStream(fileStream, memoryStream); } // Per ImagerResizer plugin example source code: // NOTE: If the Bitmap class is used for decoding, read gdi-bugs.txt and make sure you set b.Tag to new BitmapTag(optionalPath,stream); BitmapTag bitmapTag = new BitmapTag("ghostscript.png", memoryStream); return new Bitmap(memoryStream) { Tag = bitmapTag }; } //catch(GhostscriptException) //{ // // Conversion failed // return null; //or maybe we should show details? If it's a valid PDF? //} finally { tempOutputPathInfo.Delete(); } } finally { tempInputPathInfo.Delete(); } }
public string Execute(GhostscriptSettings settings) { if(settings == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("settings"); } // Flatten settings into Ghostscript arguments string[] arguments = GetArguments(settings); // Use callback handlers to capture stdout and stderr. // NOTE: Delegates do not need to be pinned. StringBuilder outputBuilder = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder errorBuilder = new StringBuilder(); GhostscriptMessageEventHandler outputHandler = (i, s, l) => HandleOutputMessage(outputBuilder, s, l); GhostscriptMessageEventHandler errorHandler = (i, s, l) => HandleOutputMessage(errorBuilder, s, l); GhostscriptMessageEventHandler inputHandler = (i, s, l) => l; // NOTE: Ghostscript supports only one instance per process int result; lock(_syncObject) { // Create a new instance of Ghostscript. This instance is passed to most other gsapi functions. // The caller_handle will be provided to callback functions. IntPtr instance; GhostscriptNativeMethods.NewInstance(out instance, IntPtr.Zero); // Set the callback functions for stdio. GhostscriptNativeMethods.SetMessageHandlers(instance, inputHandler, outputHandler, errorHandler); // Initialise the interpreter. // This calls gs_main_init_with_args() in imainarg.c. See below for return codes. // The arguments are the same as the "C" main function: argv[0] is ignored and the user supplied arguments are // argv[1] to argv[argc-1]. result = GhostscriptNativeMethods.InitializeWithArguments(instance, arguments.Length, arguments); // Exit the interpreter. // This must be called on shutdown if gsapi_init_with_args() has been called, and just before gsapi_delete_instance(). GhostscriptNativeMethods.Exit(instance); // Destroy an instance of Ghostscript. // Before you call this, Ghostscript must have finished. // If Ghostscript has been initialised, you must call gsapi_exit before gsapi_delete_instance. GhostscriptNativeMethods.DeleteInstance(instance); } // Check for errors. Zero and e_Quit(-101) are not errors. string output = outputBuilder.ToString(); if(result != 0 && result != -101) { // Use error as message if output is empty string error = errorBuilder.ToString(); if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(output)) { output = error; } GhostscriptException exception = new GhostscriptException(output); exception.Data["args"] = arguments; exception.Data["stderr"] = error; throw exception; } // Return the output message return output; }
private static string[] GetArguments(GhostscriptSettings settings) { // Flatten Ghostscript engine settings into string array // - first argument ignore (argv[0]) // - input path as last argument string[] arguments; List<string> argumentItems = new List<string> { string.Empty }; foreach(string key in settings.AllKeys) { string[] values = settings.GetValues(key); if(values == null) { // No value argumentItems.Add(key); } else { IEnumerable<string> items = values.Select(value => string.Concat(key, value)); argumentItems.AddRange(items); } } arguments = argumentItems.ToArray(); return arguments; }
public override Bitmap DecodeStream(Stream s, ResizeSettings settings, string optionalPath) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(optionalPath)) { if (s.CanSeek) { //Check the header instead if no filename is present. byte[] header = new byte[4]; s.Read(header, 0, 4); bool isPdf = (header[0] == '%' && header[1] == 'P' && header[2] == 'D' && header[3] == 'F'); s.Seek(-4, SeekOrigin.Current); //Restore position. if (!isPdf) { return(null); } } else { return(null); //It's not seekable, we can't check the header. } } else if (!_supportedExtensions.Contains(Path.GetExtension(optionalPath), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { // Not a supported format return(null); } // Do not allow decoding if Ghostscript there are issues with performing this decode IIssue[] issues = GetIssues().ToArray(); if (issues.Length > 0) { string message = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, issues.Select(x => x.Summary).ToArray()); throw new InvalidOperationException(message); } // Must write input stream to a temporary file for Ghostscript to process. FileInfo tempInputPathInfo = new FileInfo(Path.GetTempFileName()); try { using (FileStream tempInputStream = tempInputPathInfo.Create()) { StreamExtensions.CopyToStream(s, tempInputStream); } // Get information about the PDF such as page count and media boxes // Although this creates a second trip to Ghostscript engine, it's not possible to generate a rendered image in exact // dimensions requested. Skipping this step will cause a rendered image, of some size, to be resized further. PdfInfo pdfInfo = GetPdfInfo(tempInputPathInfo.FullName); // Extract the requested page number from resize settings, or default to first page int pageNumber = settings.GetValueOrDefault("page", 1); // Try to get the page number from PDF info. If not available, abort. This is caused by // requesting a page that does not exist. PageInfo pageInfo = pdfInfo.Pages.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Number == pageNumber); if (pageInfo == null) { return(null); } // We only support media box (as opposed to clip, bleed, art, etc.) If this is not available, abort. if (pageInfo.MediaBox == null) { return(null); } // Get the output size of the generated bitmap by applying the resize settings and media box. Size outputSize = (pageInfo.Rotate == -90 || pageInfo.Rotate == 90) ? GetOutputSize(settings, pageInfo.MediaBox.Height, pageInfo.MediaBox.Width) : GetOutputSize(settings, pageInfo.MediaBox.Width, pageInfo.MediaBox.Height); // Create default Ghostscript settings and apply the resize settings. GhostscriptSettings ghostscriptSettings = new GhostscriptSettings { GhostscriptArgument.NoPause, GhostscriptArgument.Quiet, GhostscriptArgument.Safer, GhostscriptArgument.Batch, { GhostscriptArgument.OutputDevice, "pngalpha" }, { GhostscriptArgument.MaxBitmap, 24000000 }, { GhostscriptArgument.RenderingThreads, 4 }, { GhostscriptArgument.GridFitTT, 0 }, { GhostscriptArgument.AlignToPixels, 0 }, //Subpixel rendering depends on output device... perhaps testing would help determine if 1 would be better? { GhostscriptArgument.FirstPage, pageNumber }, { GhostscriptArgument.LastPage, pageNumber }, GhostscriptArgument.Printed, GhostscriptArgument.PdfFitPage, GhostscriptArgument.FixedMedia, { GhostscriptArgument.Height, outputSize.Height }, { GhostscriptArgument.Width, outputSize.Width } }; ApplyResizeSettings(settings, ghostscriptSettings); // Have Ghostscript process the input to a PNG file with transparency. // The PNG will be reloaded and further processed by the resizer pipeline. FileInfo tempOutputPathInfo = new FileInfo(Path.GetTempFileName()); try { // Add output file and input file. The input file must be the very last argument. ghostscriptSettings.Add(GhostscriptArgument.OutputFile, tempOutputPathInfo.FullName); ghostscriptSettings.Add(tempInputPathInfo.FullName); _engine.Execute(ghostscriptSettings); // NOTE: Do not dispose of memory stream because it is used as the backing source for the loaded bitmap. MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream((int)tempOutputPathInfo.Length); using (FileStream fileStream = tempOutputPathInfo.Open(FileMode.Open)) { StreamExtensions.CopyToStream(fileStream, memoryStream); } // Per ImagerResizer plugin example source code: // NOTE: If the Bitmap class is used for decoding, read gdi-bugs.txt and make sure you set b.Tag to new BitmapTag(optionalPath,stream); BitmapTag bitmapTag = new BitmapTag("ghostscript.png", memoryStream); return(new Bitmap(memoryStream) { Tag = bitmapTag }); } //catch(GhostscriptException) //{ // // Conversion failed // return null; //or maybe we should show details? If it's a valid PDF? //} finally { tempOutputPathInfo.Delete(); } } finally { tempInputPathInfo.Delete(); } }