Пример #1
        public void AddScenarios()
            var feature = GherkinParser.Parse(FileFullPath);

            FeatureClass = string.Join("", feature.Name.Split(' ').ToList().Select(y => y.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + y.Substring(1))) + "Feature";
            Scenarios.AddRange(feature.ScenarioDefinitions.Select(x => new ParsedScenario {
                Tags        = feature.Tags.ToList().Concat(x.Tags.ToList()).Distinct(new TagEqualityComparer()).Select(y => y.Name),
                MethodName  = string.Join("", x.Name.Split(' ').ToList().Select(y => y.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + y.Substring(1))),
                Description = x.Steps.Select(y => y.Keyword + " " + y.Text).ToList(),
                Examples    = RetrieveExamples(x)
Пример #2
        public async Task Execute_WhenFieldNameCaseIsDifferent_ThenTestIsSuccessfullyExecuted()
            // Arrange
            string dataSetName = "Test Dataset";
            string fieldName   = "URN";
            string calcName    = "Test Calc";
            string gherkin     = $"Given the dataset '{dataSetName}' field '{fieldName.ToLower()}' is equal to '100050'\n\nThen the result for '{calcName}' is greater than '12' ";

            ICodeMetadataGeneratorService codeMetadataGeneratorService = CreateCodeMetadataGeneratorService();

            .GetTypeInformation(Arg.Any <byte[]>())
            .Returns(new List <TypeInformation>
                new TypeInformation {
                    Type = "Calculations", Methods = new List <MethodInformation> {
                        new MethodInformation {
                            FriendlyName = calcName
                new TypeInformation {
                    Type = "Datasets", Properties = new List <PropertyInformation> {
                        new PropertyInformation {
                            FriendlyName = dataSetName, Type = "DSType"
                new TypeInformation {
                    Type = "DSType", Properties = new List <PropertyInformation> {
                        new PropertyInformation {
                            FriendlyName = fieldName, Type = "String"

            IProviderResultsRepository providerResultsRepository = CreateProviderResultsRepository();

            ITestRunnerResiliencePolicies resiliencePolicies = CreateResiliencePolicies();

            IStepParserFactory stepParserFactory = new StepParserFactory(codeMetadataGeneratorService, providerResultsRepository, resiliencePolicies);

            ICalculationsRepository calculationsRepository = CreateCalculationsRepository();

            .Returns(new byte[1]);

            ILogger logger = CreateLogger();

            GherkinParser gherkinParser = new GherkinParser(stepParserFactory, calculationsRepository, logger);

            ICacheProvider cacheProvider = CreateCacheProvider();

            GherkinExecutor gherkinExecutor = CreateGherkinExecutor(gherkinParser, cacheProvider);

            ProviderResult providerResult = new ProviderResult
                Provider = new ProviderSummary {
                    Id = "prov1"
                CalculationResults = new List <CalculationResult>
                    new CalculationResult {
                        Calculation = new Common.Models.Reference {
                            Name = calcName
                        }, Value = 14
            IEnumerable <ProviderSourceDataset> datasets = new List <ProviderSourceDataset>
                new ProviderSourceDataset
                    DataRelationship = new Common.Models.Reference {
                        Name = dataSetName
                    Current = new ProviderSourceDatasetVersion
                        Rows = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >
                            new Dictionary <string, object> {
                                { fieldName, 100050 }
            IEnumerable <TestScenario> testScenarios = new List <TestScenario>
                new TestScenario {
                    Id = "ts1", Name = "Test Scenario 1", SpecificationId = "spec1", Current = new TestScenarioVersion {
                        Gherkin = gherkin
            BuildProject buildProject = new BuildProject {
                Build = new Build()

            // Act
            IEnumerable <ScenarioResult> scenarioResults = await gherkinExecutor.Execute(providerResult, datasets, testScenarios, buildProject);

            // Assert

            .BeFalse("there should be no errors");

            .Be(scenarioResults.First().TotalSteps, "all steps should be executed");
Пример #3
 private static Feature ParseFeature(string featureFilePath)
            .Parse(Path.Combine(ProjectDirectory, "BDD", "Features", $"{featureFilePath}.feature"))