public MyStack() { var config = new Config(); var environment = Deployment.Instance.StackName; // Create an Azure Resource Group var resourceGroup = new ResourceGroup("rg", new ResourceGroupArgs { Name = NamingConvention.GetResourceGroupName(environment) }); var vnet = new VirtualNetwork("vnet", new VirtualNetworkArgs { Name = NamingConvention.GetVNetName(environment), ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name, AddressSpaces = { config.Require("vnet.addressSpaces") } }); // Create a Subnet for the cluster var apimSubnet = new Subnet("apim-net", new SubnetArgs { Name = "apim-net", ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name, VirtualNetworkName = vnet.Name, AddressPrefixes = { config.Require("vnet.subnets.apim.addressPrefixes") }, }); // Create a Subnet for the afw var firewallSubnet = new Subnet("afw-net", new SubnetArgs { Name = "AzureFirewallSubnet", ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name, VirtualNetworkName = vnet.Name, AddressPrefixes = { config.Require("vnet.subnets.afw.addressPrefixes") }, }); var agwSubnet = new Subnet("agw-net", new SubnetArgs { Name = "agw-net", ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name, VirtualNetworkName = vnet.Name, AddressPrefixes = { config.Require("vnet.subnets.agw.addressPrefixes") }, }); var privateEndpointSubnet = new Subnet("functions-net", new SubnetArgs { Name = "functions-net", ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name, VirtualNetworkName = vnet.Name, AddressPrefixes = { config.Require("vnet.subnets.functions.addressPrefixes") }, }); var eventHubNamespace = new EventHubNamespace("ehn", new EventHubNamespaceArgs { Name = "iac-apim-logging-ns", Location = resourceGroup.Location, ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name, Sku = "Standard", Capacity = 1 }); var eventHub = new EventHub("eh", new EventHubArgs { Name = "apim-logging", NamespaceName = eventHubNamespace.Name, ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name, PartitionCount = 2, MessageRetention = 1, }); var apimExternal = new Service("apim-external", new ServiceArgs { Name = "iac-dev-ext-apim", ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name, Location = resourceGroup.Location, PublisherName = "IaC", PublisherEmail = "*****@*****.**", SkuName = "Developer_1", Identity = new ServiceIdentityArgs { Type = "SystemAssigned" }, VirtualNetworkType = "External", VirtualNetworkConfiguration = new ServiceVirtualNetworkConfigurationArgs { SubnetId = apimSubnet.Id }, HostnameConfiguration = new ServiceHostnameConfigurationArgs { Proxies = new [] { new ServiceHostnameConfigurationProxyArgs { HostName = "", DefaultSslBinding = false, NegotiateClientCertificate = false }, new ServiceHostnameConfigurationProxyArgs { HostName = "", KeyVaultId = config.Require("certificate.keyvaultid"), DefaultSslBinding = true, NegotiateClientCertificate = false }, new ServiceHostnameConfigurationProxyArgs { HostName = "", KeyVaultId = config.Require("certificate.keyvaultid"), DefaultSslBinding = true, NegotiateClientCertificate = false } } } }); var apimInternal = new Service("apim-int", new ServiceArgs { Name = NamingConvention.GetApimName(environment), ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name, Location = resourceGroup.Location, PublisherName = "IaC", PublisherEmail = "*****@*****.**", SkuName = "Developer_1", Identity = new ServiceIdentityArgs { Type = "SystemAssigned" }, VirtualNetworkType = "Internal", VirtualNetworkConfiguration = new ServiceVirtualNetworkConfigurationArgs { SubnetId = apimSubnet.Id }, HostnameConfiguration = new ServiceHostnameConfigurationArgs { Proxies = new [] { new ServiceHostnameConfigurationProxyArgs { HostName = "", DefaultSslBinding = false, NegotiateClientCertificate = false }, new ServiceHostnameConfigurationProxyArgs { HostName = "", KeyVaultId = config.Require("certificate.keyvaultid"), DefaultSslBinding = true, NegotiateClientCertificate = false }, new ServiceHostnameConfigurationProxyArgs { HostName = "", KeyVaultId = config.Require("certificate.keyvaultid"), DefaultSslBinding = true, NegotiateClientCertificate = false }, new ServiceHostnameConfigurationProxyArgs { HostName = "", KeyVaultId = config.Require("certificate.keyvaultid"), DefaultSslBinding = true, NegotiateClientCertificate = false } } } }); var apim1 = Output.Create(GetService.InvokeAsync(new GetServiceArgs { Name = "iac-dev-apim1", ResourceGroupName = "iac-dev-rg", })); if (config.RequireBoolean("firstTimeAPIM")) { var apimInternal1 = new Service("apim-int1", new ServiceArgs { Name = "iac-dev-apim1", ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name, Location = resourceGroup.Location, PublisherName = "IaC", PublisherEmail = "*****@*****.**", SkuName = "Developer_1", Identity = new ServiceIdentityArgs { Type = "SystemAssigned" }, VirtualNetworkType = "Internal", VirtualNetworkConfiguration = new ServiceVirtualNetworkConfigurationArgs { SubnetId = apimSubnet.Id } }); } else { var apimInternal1 = new Service("apim-int1", new ServiceArgs { Name = "iac-dev-apim1", ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name, Location = resourceGroup.Location, PublisherName = "IaC", PublisherEmail = "*****@*****.**", SkuName = "Developer_1", Identity = new ServiceIdentityArgs { Type = "SystemAssigned" }, VirtualNetworkType = "Internal", VirtualNetworkConfiguration = new ServiceVirtualNetworkConfigurationArgs { SubnetId = apimSubnet.Id }, HostnameConfiguration = new ServiceHostnameConfigurationArgs { Proxies = new [] { new ServiceHostnameConfigurationProxyArgs { HostName = "", DefaultSslBinding = false, NegotiateClientCertificate = false }, new ServiceHostnameConfigurationProxyArgs { HostName = "", KeyVaultId = config.Require("certificate.keyvaultid"), DefaultSslBinding = true, NegotiateClientCertificate = false }, } } }); } var ehLogger = new Logger("ehLogger", new LoggerArgs { Name = "ehLogger", ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name, ApiManagementName = apimInternal.Name, Eventhub = new LoggerEventhubArgs { Name = eventHub.Name, ConnectionString = eventHubNamespace.DefaultPrimaryConnectionString } }); var agwName = NamingConvention.GetAGWName("api", environment); var agwPublicIp = new PublicIp("agw-api-pip", new PublicIpArgs { Name = NamingConvention.GetPublicIpName("agw-api", environment), ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name, Sku = "Standard", AllocationMethod = "Static", DomainNameLabel = agwName }); var agwMI = new UserAssignedIdentity("agw-mi", new UserAssignedIdentityArgs { Name = NamingConvention.GetManagedIdentityName("agw", environment), ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name }); var apiAgw = new ApplicationGateway("agw-api", new ApplicationGatewayArgs { Name = agwName, ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name, Identity = new ApplicationGatewayIdentityArgs { Type = "UserAssigned", IdentityIds = agwMI.Id }, Sku = new ApplicationGatewaySkuArgs { Name = "WAF_v2", Tier = "WAF_v2", Capacity = 1 }, SslCertificates = new [] { new ApplicationGatewaySslCertificateArgs { Name = "gateway-listener", KeyVaultSecretId = config.Require("certificate.keyvaultid") } }, FrontendPorts = new [] { new ApplicationGatewayFrontendPortArgs { Name = "port443", Port = 443 }, new ApplicationGatewayFrontendPortArgs { Name = "port80", Port = 80 } }, GatewayIpConfigurations = new [] { new ApplicationGatewayGatewayIpConfigurationArgs { Name = "appGatewayIpConfig", SubnetId = agwSubnet.Id } }, FrontendIpConfigurations = new [] { new ApplicationGatewayFrontendIpConfigurationArgs { Name = "frontendIP", PublicIpAddressId = agwPublicIp.Id } }, HttpListeners = new [] { new ApplicationGatewayHttpListenerArgs { Name = "default", FrontendIpConfigurationName = "frontendIP", FrontendPortName = "port443", Protocol = "Https", HostName = "", RequireSni = true, SslCertificateName = "gateway-listener" } }, BackendAddressPools = new[] { new ApplicationGatewayBackendAddressPoolArgs { Name = "apim", IpAddresses = apimInternal.PrivateIpAddresses //config.RequireSecret("apim.backend.ip") } }, Probes = new[] { new ApplicationGatewayProbeArgs { Name = "apim-probe-default", Protocol = "Https", Path = "/status-0123456789abcdef", Host = "", Interval = 30, Timeout = 120, UnhealthyThreshold = 8, PickHostNameFromBackendHttpSettings = false, MinimumServers = 0 } }, BackendHttpSettings = new [] { new ApplicationGatewayBackendHttpSettingArgs { Name = "apim-settings-default", Port = 443, Protocol = "Https", CookieBasedAffinity = "Disabled", PickHostNameFromBackendAddress = false, RequestTimeout = 30, ProbeName = "apim-probe-default" } }, RequestRoutingRules = new[] { new ApplicationGatewayRequestRoutingRuleArgs { Name = "default", RuleType = "Basic", HttpListenerName = "default", BackendAddressPoolName = "apim", BackendHttpSettingsName = "apim-settings-default" } } }); // var la = new AnalyticsWorkspace("la", new AnalyticsWorkspaceArgs // { // Name = NamingConvention.GetLogAnalyticsName(environment), // ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name, // Location = resourceGroup.Location, // Sku = "PerGB2018" // }); // var firewallName = NamingConvention.GetFirewallName(environment); // // var afwPublicIp = new PublicIp("afw-pip", new PublicIpArgs // { // Location = resourceGroup.Location, // ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name, // AllocationMethod = "Static", // Sku = "Standard", // DomainNameLabel = firewallName // }); // // var afw = new Firewall("afw", new FirewallArgs // { // Name = firewallName, // Location = resourceGroup.Location, // ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name, // IpConfigurations = // { // new FirewallIpConfigurationArgs // { // Name = "configuration", // SubnetId = firewallSubnet.Id, // PublicIpAddressId = afwPublicIp.Id, // }, // }, // }); // // var afwNatRuleCollection = new FirewallNatRuleCollection("apim-dnat", new FirewallNatRuleCollectionArgs // { // Name = "apim-dnat", // AzureFirewallName = afw.Name, // ResourceGroupName = resourceGroup.Name, // Priority = 100, // Action = "Dnat", // Rules = // { // new FirewallNatRuleCollectionRuleArgs // { // Name = "apim", // SourceAddresses = "*", // DestinationPorts = // { // "443", // }, // DestinationAddresses = // { // afwPublicIp.IpAddress, // }, // TranslatedPort = "443", // TranslatedAddress = apimInternal.PrivateIpAddresses.First(), // Protocols = // { // "UDP", // "TCP", // } // } // } // }); // var afwDiagnosticSetting = new DiagnosticSetting("afw-diagnostics", new DiagnosticSettingArgs // { // Name = "diagnostics", // TargetResourceId = afw.Id, // LogAnalyticsWorkspaceId = la.Id, // Logs = // { // new DiagnosticSettingLogArgs // { // Category = "AzureFirewallApplicationRule", // Enabled = true, // RetentionPolicy = new DiagnosticSettingLogRetentionPolicyArgs // { // Enabled = false // } // }, // new DiagnosticSettingLogArgs // { // Category = "AzureFirewallNetworkRule", // Enabled = true, // RetentionPolicy = new DiagnosticSettingLogRetentionPolicyArgs // { // Enabled = false // } // }, // new DiagnosticSettingLogArgs // { // Category = "AzureFirewallDnsProxy", // Enabled = true, // RetentionPolicy = new DiagnosticSettingLogRetentionPolicyArgs // { // Enabled = false, // } // } // }, // Metrics = // { // new DiagnosticSettingMetricArgs // { // Category = "AllMetrics", // Enabled = true, // RetentionPolicy = new DiagnosticSettingMetricRetentionPolicyArgs // { // Enabled = false, // } // } // } // }); }