protected override void PreStart()
            var getlatestPrice = new GetLatestPrice(_tickerSymbol);

            // get the historical price
            _priceViewActor.Tell(new GetPriceHistory(_tickerSymbol));
            _priceCheckInterval = Context.System.Scheduler.ScheduleTellRepeatedlyCancelable(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3),
                                                                                            TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3), _priceViewActor, getlatestPrice, Self);

Пример #2
        public static void Main()
            #region Test Code/Classes

            //string tickerSymbol = "AAPL";

            ////initializes method from SMADayAverage class and sets it to a variable
            //SMADayAverage RealTimeSMA = new SMADayAverage();

            ////calls method from SMADayAverage class
            //var SMAAverageDay_13 = RealTimeSMA.SMACurrentAverage(13, tickerSymbol);
            //var SMAAverageDay_8 = RealTimeSMA.SMACurrentAverage(8, tickerSymbol);
            //var SMAAverageDay_5 = RealTimeSMA.SMACurrentAverage(5, tickerSymbol);

            //Console.WriteLine($"20SMA: { SMAAverageDay_13}");
            //Console.WriteLine($"10SMA: {SMAAverageDay_8}");
            //Console.WriteLine($"5SMA: {SMAAverageDay_5}");


            ////initializes method from GetLatestPrice class and sets it to a variable
            //GetLatestPrice RealTimePrice = new GetLatestPrice();

            ////call method from GetLatestPrice class and return the decemial value
            //var currentPrice = RealTimePrice.TickerCurrentPrice(tickerSymbol);

            //Console.WriteLine($"LatestPrice: {currentTickerPrice}");

            ////initializes method from BuyShares class and then executes buy order for ticker
            //BuyShares buy = new BuyShares();
            //var buyTicker = buy.ExecuteOrder("AAPL");

            ////initializes method from SellShares class and then executes sell order for ticker
            //SellShares sell = new SellShares();
            //var sellTicker = sell.ExecuteOrder("AAPL");

            ////initializes method from Account Summary class then displays gain/loss on account for the intraday
            //AccountSummary ViewAccountSummary = new AccountSummary();
            //var portfolioBalance = ViewAccountSummary.ExecuteAccountEquity();

            #region Timer
            ////timeer for starting the real loop at 9:30am or around that time
            //var waitFiveMinutes = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5);
            //int x = 0;
            //while (x < 18)
            //    Thread.Sleep(waitFiveMinutes);
            //    x++;
            //    Console.WriteLine("tick-tock");

            List <string> tickerList = new List <string> {
                "AAPL", "MSFT", "CSCO"

            var waitFiveSeconds = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
            int i = 0;
            while (i < 5399)

                foreach (string tickerSymbol in tickerList)
                    //initializes method from GetLatestPrice class and sets it to a variable
                    GetLatestPrice RealTimePrice = new GetLatestPrice();

                    //call method from GetLatestPrice class and return the decemial value
                    var     currentTickerPrice = RealTimePrice.TickerCurrentPrice(tickerSymbol);
                    double  currentPrice       = Convert.ToDouble(currentTickerPrice);
                    decimal _CurrentPrice      = Convert.ToDecimal(currentTickerPrice);

                    //Console.WriteLine($"LatestPrice: {currentTickerPrice}");

                    //initializes method from Account Summary class then displays amount in account and sets 5% of the account to be traded
                    AccountSummary ViewAccountSummary = new AccountSummary();
                    var            portfolioBalance   = ViewAccountSummary.ExecuteAccountEquity();

                    //converts portfolio balance to a double so it can be divided to get 5% of account
                    var    results             = portfolioBalance.Result;
                    double doublevalue         = Convert.ToDouble(results);
                    var    tenPercentOfAccount = doublevalue * 0.10;

                    //sets the maximum gain and loss the account is willing to gin and or loss then converts those values to decimals
                    var     Loss        = tenPercentOfAccount * -.05;
                    decimal maximumLoss = Convert.ToDecimal(Loss);
                    var     Gain        = tenPercentOfAccount * .1;
                    decimal maximumGain = Convert.ToDecimal(Gain);

                    //figures out how many share you can buy with 5% of account then convert value from double to int and round to the nearest whole number
                    var shareCountDouble = tenPercentOfAccount / currentPrice;
                    int shareCount       = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(shareCountDouble));

                    //initializes method from OpenPositions class and pings back how many shares are open currently
                    OpenPositions ViewOpenPositions = new OpenPositions();
                    var           quantity          = ViewOpenPositions.ViewOpenSharesQuantity(tickerSymbol);
                    var           sharesOpen        = quantity.Result;

                    //calls task method and returns value for symbol
                    var symbol     = ViewOpenPositions.ViewPositionSymbol(tickerSymbol);
                    var tickerName = symbol.Result;


                    //calls task method and returns value for gain or loss
                    var change     = ViewOpenPositions.ViewPositionUnrealizedProfitLoss(tickerSymbol);
                    var gainOrLoss = change.Result;


                    //initializes method from SMADayAverage class and sets it to a variable
                    SMADayAverage RealTimeSMA = new SMADayAverage();

                    //calls method from SMADayAverage class
                    var SMAAverageDay_11 = RealTimeSMA.SMACurrentAverage(11, tickerSymbol);
                    var SMAAverageDay_8  = RealTimeSMA.SMACurrentAverage(8, tickerSymbol);
                    var SMAAverageDay_5  = RealTimeSMA.SMACurrentAverage(5, tickerSymbol);

                    Console.WriteLine($"11SMA: {SMAAverageDay_11}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"8SMA: {SMAAverageDay_8}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"5SMA: {SMAAverageDay_5}");

                    //safeguard for if the SMA API call encounters an exception and returns a 0 so it goes back to the beginning of loop
                    if (SMAAverageDay_11 == 0 || SMAAverageDay_8 == 0 || SMAAverageDay_5 == 0)
                    else if (tickerName != tickerSymbol || string.IsNullOrEmpty(tickerName))
                        if (SMAAverageDay_5 >= SMAAverageDay_8 && _CurrentPrice > SMAAverageDay_11)
                            //initializes method from BuyShares class and then executes buy order for ticker
                            BuyShares buy       = new BuyShares();
                            var       buyTicker = buy.ExecuteOrder(tickerSymbol, shareCount);
                            Console.WriteLine($"Bought {shareCount} shares of {tickerSymbol} at ${_CurrentPrice}");
                    else if (tickerName == tickerSymbol)
                        if (SMAAverageDay_5 <= SMAAverageDay_8 && _CurrentPrice <= SMAAverageDay_11)
                            //initializes method from SellShares class and then executes sell order for ticker
                            SellShares sell       = new SellShares();
                            var        sellTicker = sell.ExecuteOrder(tickerSymbol, sharesOpen);
                            Console.WriteLine($"Sold {sharesOpen} shares of {tickerSymbol} at ${_CurrentPrice}");
                        else if (gainOrLoss <= maximumLoss)
                            //initializes method from SellShares class and then executes sell order for ticker
                            SellShares sell       = new SellShares();
                            var        sellTicker = sell.ExecuteOrder(tickerSymbol, sharesOpen);
                            Console.WriteLine($"Sold {sharesOpen} shares of {tickerSymbol} at ${_CurrentPrice}");
                        else if (gainOrLoss >= maximumGain)
                            //initializes method from SellShares class and then executes sell order for ticker
                            SellShares sell       = new SellShares();
                            var        sellTicker = sell.ExecuteOrder(tickerSymbol, sharesOpen);
                            Console.WriteLine($"Sold {sharesOpen} shares of {tickerSymbol} at ${_CurrentPrice}");

            AccountSummary AccountSummary = new AccountSummary();
            var            totalGainLoss  = AccountSummary.ExecuteBalanceView();
