Пример #1
        public void GetDigitsPromptsTest()
            GetDigits getDigits = new GetDigits("http://foo.com");

            Say say = new Say();



            Pause pause = new Pause(1000);


            say = new Say();


            string json = getDigits.toJson();

            Assert.AreEqual(json, "{\"GetDigits\":{\"actionUrl\":\"http://foo.com\",\"prompts\":[{\"Say\":{\"text\":\"hello\",\"language\":\"en-US\"}},{\"Pause\":{\"length\":1000}},{\"Say\":{\"text\":\"goodbye\",\"language\":\"en-US\"}}]}}");
        public ActionResult CallDequeueSelect(GetDigitsActionCallback getDigitsStatusCallback)
            // Create an empty PerCL script container
            PerCLScript script = new PerCLScript();

            if ((getDigitsStatusCallback.getDigits != null) &&
                (getDigitsStatusCallback.getDigits.Length > 0))
                // Create PerCL dequeue script and add to PerCL container
                script.Add(new Dequeue());
                // Create PerCL getdigits script
                GetDigits digits = new GetDigits(getAppUrl() + "/voice/CallDequeueSelect");

                // Create PerCL say script with US English as the language
                Say say = new Say();
                // Add prompt to for queue exit
                say.setText("Press any key to exit queue.");

                // Add say script as a prompt to getdigits

                // Add PerCL getdigits script to PerCL container
            // Convert PerCL container to JSON and append to response
            return(Content(script.toJson(), "application/json"));
Пример #3
        public Program()
            Get["/record_api"] = x =>
                Plivo.XML.Response resp = new Plivo.XML.Response();
                String             getdigits_action_url = "http://dotnettest.apphb.com/recording_action";
                GetDigits          gd = new GetDigits("", new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "action", getdigits_action_url }, // The URL to which the digits are sent
                    { "method", "GET" },                // Submit to action URL using GET or POST.
                    { "timeout", "7" },                 // Time in seconds to wait to receive the first digit.
                    { "numDigitd", "1" },               // Maximum number of digits to be processed in the current operation.
                    { "retries", "1" },                 // Indicates the number of retries the user is allowed to input the digits
                    { "redirect", "false" } // Redirect to action URL if true. If false,only request the URL and continue to next element.

                gd.AddSpeak("Press 1 to record this call", new Dictionary <string, string>());
                resp.AddWait(new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "length", "10" } // Time to wait in seconds


                var output = resp.ToString();
                var res    = (Nancy.Response)output;
                res.ContentType = "text/xml";

            Get["/recording_action"] = x =>
                String digits = Request.Query["Digits"];
                String uuid   = Request.Query["CallUUID"];
                Debug.WriteLine("Digit pressed : {0}, Call UUID : {1}", digits, uuid);

                if (digits == "1")
                    string auth_id    = "Your AUTH_ID";
                    string auth_token = "Your AUTH_TOKEN";

                    RestAPI plivo = new RestAPI(auth_id, auth_token);

                    IRestResponse <Plivo.API.Record> resp = plivo.record(new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "call_uuid", uuid } // ID of the call


Пример #4
        public void GetDigitsNoPromptsTest()
            GetDigits getDigits = new GetDigits("http://foo.com");

            string json = getDigits.toJson();

            Assert.AreEqual(json, "{\"GetDigits\":{\"actionUrl\":\"http://foo.com\",\"prompts\":[]}}");
        public Program()
            Get["/speak_api"] = x =>
                Plivo.XML.Response resp = new Plivo.XML.Response();
                String getdigits_action_url = "http://dotnettest.apphb.com/speak_action";

                // Add GetDigits XML Tag
                GetDigits gd = new GetDigits("",new Dictionary<string, string>() 
                    {"action",getdigits_action_url}, // The URL to which the digits are sent. 
                    {"method","GET"}, // Submit to action URL using GET or POST.
                    {"timeout","7"}, // Time in seconds to wait to receive the first digit. 
                    {"retries","1"}, // Indicates the number of retries the user is allowed to input the digits,
                    {"redirect","false"} // Redirect to action URL if true. If false,only request the URL and continue to next element.

                // Add GetDigits Speak XML Tag
                gd.AddSpeak("Press 1 to listen to a message",new Dictionary<string,string>());

                // Add Wait XML Tag
                resp.AddWait(new Dictionary<string, string>() 


                var output = resp.ToString();
                var res = (Nancy.Response)output;
                res.ContentType = "text/xml";
                return res;

            Get["/speak_action"] = x =>
                String digits = Request.Query["Digits"];
                String uuid = Request.Query["CallUUID"];
                Debug.WriteLine("Digit pressed : {0}, Call UUID : {1}",digits, uuid );

                RestAPI plivo = new RestAPI("Your AUTH_ID", "Your AUTH_TOKEN";

                // Call to Speak API
                IRestResponse<GenericResponse> resp = plivo.speak(new Dictionary<string, string>() 
                    { "call_uuid", uuid }, // ID of the call
                    { "text", "Hello, from Speak API" }, // Text to be played.
                    { "voice", "WOMAN" }, // The voice to be used, can be MAN,WOMAN. Defaults to WOMAN.
                    {"language","en-GB"} // The language to be used

                return "Speak API";
Пример #6
        [HttpPost("InboundCall")] //POST /voice/InboundCall
        public ActionResult InboundCall(CallStatusCallback callStatus)
            PerCLScript script             = new PerCLScript();
            var         getDigitsActionUrl = getAppUrl() + "/voice/GetDigitsDone";
            GetDigits   getDigits          = new GetDigits(getDigitsActionUrl);

            Say say = new Say();

            say.setText("Hello. Welcome to the conferences tutorial, please enter your access code.");
            return(Content(script.toJson(), "application/json"));
        [HttpPost("InboundCall")] // POST voice/InboundCall
        public ActionResult InboundCall(CallStatusCallback freeClimbRequest)
            // Create an empty PerCL script container
            PerCLScript script = new PerCLScript();

            // Verify inbund call is in proper state
            if (freeClimbRequest.getCallStatus == ECallStatus.Ringing)
                // Create PerCL say script with US English as the language
                Say say = new Say();
                // Set greeting prompt

                // Add PerCL say script to PerCL container

                // Create PerCL pause script with a 100 millisecond pause
                Pause pause = new Pause(100);

                // Add PerCL pause script to PerCL container

                // Create PerCL getdigits script
                string getDigitsUrl = AppUrl + "/voice/ColorSelectionDone";

                GetDigits getDigits = new GetDigits(getDigitsUrl);
                // Set the max and min number of expected digits to 1
                // Set the DTMF buffer flush to false

                // Create PerCL say script with US English as the language
                say = new Say();
                // Set color selection menu prompt
                say.setText("Please select a color. Enter one for green, two for red or three for yellow.");

                // Add main selection menu prompt to the getdigits script

                // Add PerCL getdigits script to PerCL container

            // Convert PerCL container to JSON and append to response
            return(Content(script.toJson(), "application/json"));
        public ActionResult InboundCallWait(QueueWaitCallback queueWaitStatusCallback)
            // Create an empty PerCL script container
            PerCLScript script = new PerCLScript();
            // Create PerCL getdigits script
            string    getDigitsUrl = Url.Action(getAppUrl() + "/voice/CallDequeueSelect");
            GetDigits digits       = new GetDigits(getDigitsUrl); // actionUrl

            // Create PerCL say script with US English as the language
            Say say = new Say();

            // Add prompt to for queue exit
            say.setText("Press any key to exit queue.");

            // Add say script as a prompt to getdigits

            // Add PerCL getdigits script to PerCL container

            // Convert PerCL container to JSON and append to response
            return(Content(script.toJson(), "application/json"));
Пример #9
        public Program()
            // When the call is answered, a text is played which prompts the user to press 1 to transfer the call.
            // Once the digit is pressed, the transfer API request is made and the call is transfered to another number.

            Get["call_transfer"] = x =>
                Plivo.XML.Response resp = new Plivo.XML.Response();
                String             getdigits_action_url = "http://dotnettest.apphb.com/transfer_action";

                // Add GetDigits XML Tag
                GetDigits gd = new GetDigits("", new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "action", getdigits_action_url }, // The URL to which the digits are sent.
                    { "method", "GET" },                // Submit to action URL using GET or POST.
                    { "timeout", "7" },                 // Time in seconds to wait to receive the first digit.
                    { "retries", "1" },                 // Indicates the number of retries the user is allowed to input the digits
                    { "redirect", "false" },            // Redirect to action URL if true. If false,only request the URL and continue to next element.
                    { "numDigits", "1" }

                // Add Speak XML Tag
                gd.AddSpeak("Press 1 to transfer this call", new Dictionary <string, string>());

                // Add Wait XML Tag
                resp.AddWait(new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "length", "10" }


                var output = resp.ToString();
                var res    = (Nancy.Response)output;
                res.ContentType = "text/xml";

            // The Transfer API is invoked by the Get Digits action URL

            Get["/transfer_action"] = x =>
                String digits = Request.Query["Digits"];
                String uuid   = Request.Query["CallUUID"];
                Debug.WriteLine("Digit pressed : {0}, Call UUID : {1}", digits, uuid);

                RestAPI plivo = new RestAPI("Your AUTH_ID", "Your AUTH_TOKEN");

                // Transfer API
                IRestResponse <GenericResponse> resp = plivo.transfer_call(new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "call_uuid", uuid },                                 // ID of the call
                    { "aleg_url", "http://dotnettest.apphb.com/connect" }, // URL to transfer for aleg
                    { "aleg_method", "GET" } // Method to invoke the aleg_url

                return("Transfer API");
Пример #10
        public Program()
            //  This file will be played when a caller presses 2.
            String PLIVO_SONG = "https://s3.amazonaws.com/plivocloud/music.mp3";
            // This is the message that Plivo reads when the caller dials in
            String IVR_MESSAGE1 = "Welcome to the Plivo IVR Demo App. Press 1 to listen to a pre recorded text in different languages. Press 2 to listen to a song.";

            String IVR_MESSAGE2 = "Press 1 for English. Press 2 for French. Press 3 for Russian";
            // This is the message that Plivo reads when the caller does nothing at all
            String NO_INPUT_MESSAGE = "Sorry, I didn't catch that. Please hangup and try again later.";
            // This is the message that Plivo reads when the caller inputs a wrong number.
            String WRONG_INPUT_MESSAGE = "Sorry, it's a wrong input.";

            Get["/response/ivr"] = x =>
                Plivo.XML.Response resp = new Plivo.XML.Response();
                String             getdigits_action_url = "http://dotnettest.apphb.com/response/ivr";

                // Add GetDigits XML Tag
                GetDigits gd = new GetDigits("", new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "action", getdigits_action_url },
                    { "method", "POST" },
                    { "timeout", "7" },
                    { "numDigits", "1" },
                    { "retries", "1" }

                // Add Speak XML Tag
                gd.AddSpeak(IVR_MESSAGE1, new Dictionary <string, string>()
                // Add Speak XML Tag
                resp.AddSpeak(NO_INPUT_MESSAGE, new Dictionary <string, string>()


                var output = resp.ToString();
                var res    = (Nancy.Response)output;
                res.ContentType = "text/xml";

            Post["/response/ivr"] = x =>
                String digit = Request.Form["Digits"];
                Debug.WriteLine("Digit pressed : {0}", digit);

                Plivo.XML.Response resp = new Plivo.XML.Response();

                if (digit == "1")
                    String getdigits_action_url = "http://dotnettest.apphb.com/response/tree";

                    // Add GetDigits XML Tag
                    GetDigits gd = new GetDigits("", new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "action", getdigits_action_url }, // The URL to which the digits are sent.
                        { "method", "GET" },                // Submit to action URL using GET or POST.
                        { "timeout", "7" },                 // Time in seconds to wait to receive the first digit.
                        { "numDigits", "1" },               // Maximum number of digits to be processed in the current operation.
                        { "retries", "1" } // Indicates the number of retries the user is allowed to input the digits

                    // Add Speak XML Tag
                    gd.AddSpeak(IVR_MESSAGE2, new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    // Add Speak XML Tag
                    resp.AddSpeak(NO_INPUT_MESSAGE, new Dictionary <string, string>()
                else if (digit == "2")
                    // Add Play XML Tag
                    resp.AddPlay(PLIVO_SONG, new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    // Add Speak XML Tag
                    resp.AddSpeak(WRONG_INPUT_MESSAGE, new Dictionary <string, string>()


                var output = resp.ToString();
                var res    = (Nancy.Response)output;
                res.ContentType = "text/xml";

            Get["/response/tree"] = x =>
                Plivo.XML.Response resp  = new Plivo.XML.Response();
                String             digit = Request.Query["Digits"];

                // Add Speak XMLTag
                if (digit == "1")
                    resp.AddSpeak("This message is being read out in English", new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "language", "en-GB" }
                else if (digit == "2")
                    resp.AddSpeak("Ce message est lu en français", new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "language", "fr-FR" }
                else if (digit == "3")
                    resp.AddSpeak("Это сообщение было прочитано в России", new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "language", "ru-RU" }
                    resp.AddSpeak(WRONG_INPUT_MESSAGE, new Dictionary <string, string>()


                var output = resp.ToString();
                var res    = (Nancy.Response)output;
                res.ContentType = "text/xml";