Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a hue filter matrix using the given angle in degrees.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="degrees">The angle of rotation in degrees.</param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="ColorMatrix"/></returns>
        public static ColorMatrix CreateHueFilter(float degrees)
            // Wrap the angle round at 360.
            degrees %= 360;

            // Make sure it's not negative.
            while (degrees < 0)
                degrees += 360;

            float radian    = GeometryUtilities.DegreeToRadian(degrees);
            float cosRadian = MathF.Cos(radian);
            float sinRadian = MathF.Sin(radian);

            // The matrix is set up to preserve the luminance of the image.
            // See http://graficaobscura.com/matrix/index.html
            // Number are taken from https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj192162(v=vs.85).aspx
            return(new ColorMatrix
                M11 = .213F + (cosRadian * .787F) - (sinRadian * .213F),
                M21 = .715F - (cosRadian * .715F) - (sinRadian * .715F),
                M31 = .072F - (cosRadian * .072F) + (sinRadian * .928F),

                M12 = .213F - (cosRadian * .213F) + (sinRadian * .143F),
                M22 = .715F + (cosRadian * .285F) + (sinRadian * .140F),
                M32 = .072F - (cosRadian * .072F) - (sinRadian * .283F),

                M13 = .213F - (cosRadian * .213F) - (sinRadian * .787F),
                M23 = .715F - (cosRadian * .715F) + (sinRadian * .715F),
                M33 = .072F + (cosRadian * .928F) + (sinRadian * .072F),
                M44 = 1F
Пример #2
        private void CreateSelectionIndicators(RuntimeSurfaceGeometry surface, bool isfloor)
            var vertices = surface.GetComponent <MeshCollider>().sharedMesh.vertices;

            var localToWorldMatrix = surface.transform.localToWorldMatrix;

            for (var i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                var     currentVertexWorldPosition = localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint(vertices[i]);
                Vector3 previousVertexWorldPosition;
                Vector3 nextVertexWorldPosition;

                if (isfloor)
                    previousVertexWorldPosition = localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint(vertices[i >= 1 ? i - 1 : vertices.Length - 1]);
                    nextVertexWorldPosition     = localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint(vertices[i < vertices.Length - 1 ? i + 1 : 0]);
                    previousVertexWorldPosition = localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint(vertices[i < vertices.Length - 1 ? i + 1 : 0]);
                    nextVertexWorldPosition     = localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint(vertices[i >= 1 ? i - 1 : vertices.Length - 1]);

                selectionVisualizationIndicators.Add(GeometryUtilities.CreateSurfaceSelectionIndicator($"Vertex ({i})", surface.transform, currentVertexWorldPosition, nextVertexWorldPosition, previousVertexWorldPosition));
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Registers the circle event created by the three parabolas as the directrix moves.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shrinking">The parabola which is shrinking. This parabola is assigned the circle event.</param>
        /// <param name="left">The left parabola which will swallow the shrinking parabola</param>
        /// <param name="right">The right parabola which will swallow the shrinking parabola</param>
        private void RegisterCircleEvent(VParabolaNode left, VParabolaNode shrinking, VParabolaNode right)
            if (left == null || right == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("left or right");

            // check for conditions at which shrinking wouldn't be swallowed, return if that's the case
            if (shrinking.Site.Y.Within(left.Site.Y, double.Epsilon) &&
                shrinking.Site.Y > right.Site.Y)

            if (shrinking.Site.Y.Within(right.Site.Y, double.Epsilon) &&
                shrinking.Site.Y > left.Site.Y)

            // todo: left and right commons are already computed at Parabola Event, can steal from there?
            var leftCommon  = (VEdgeNode)shrinking.GetRightParent();
            var rightCommon = (VEdgeNode)shrinking.GetLeftParent();

            // :: Find the intersection of the two edges which converge on the swallowed parabola
            // :: this will be the center of the circle event.
            var intersection = GeometryUtilities.FindNondegenerateIntersection(
                leftCommon.Site, leftCommon.Direction,
                rightCommon.Site, rightCommon.Direction
            var circleRadius = shrinking.Site.DistanceTo(intersection);
            var newEvent     = new VCircleEvent(intersection, circleRadius, shrinking);

    private void OnSceneGUI()
        const float RADIUS = .2f;

        var transform = ((JHingeJoint)target).transform;
        var dir       = transform.forward;

        var p1 = Body1 != null ? Body1.transform.position : transform.position;
        var p2 = Body2 != null ? p1 + dir * (Body2.transform.position - p1).magnitude : p1 + dir;
        var n1 = GeometryUtilities.GetArbitraryPerpendicular(dir) * RADIUS;
        var n2 = Vector3.Cross(dir, n1);

        var color = Handles.color;

        Handles.color = JPhysics.Color;
            Handles.DrawLine(p1, p2);

            Handles.DrawWireDisc(p1, dir, RADIUS);
            Handles.DrawWireDisc(p2, dir, RADIUS);

            Handles.DrawLine(p1 - n1, p1 + n1);
            Handles.DrawLine(p1 - n2, p1 + n2);
            Handles.DrawLine(p2 - n1, p2 + n1);
            Handles.DrawLine(p2 - n2, p2 + n2);
        Handles.color = color;
    public void LineDefinedByMovingEndPointsCrossesOrigin()
        // parallel
            new Point(-1, -1).Sweep(new Vector(0, 2)),
            new Point(+1, -1).Sweep(new Vector(0, 2))
            ).AssertEquals(new GeometryUtilities.IntersectionParameters {
            T = 0.5, S = 0.5
            new Point(-1, -1).Sweep(new Vector(2, 0)),
            new Point(-1, +1).Sweep(new Vector(2, 0))
            ).AssertEquals(new GeometryUtilities.IntersectionParameters {
            T = 0.5, S = 0.5
            new Point(-1, -1).Sweep(new Vector(0.5, 0)),
            new Point(-1, +1).Sweep(new Vector(0.5, 0))

        // fixed
            new Point(-1, 0).Sweep(new Vector(0, 0)),
            new Point(+1, 0).Sweep(new Vector(0, 0))
            ).AssertEquals(new GeometryUtilities.IntersectionParameters {
            T = 0, S = 0.5
            new Point(-1, -1).Sweep(new Vector(0, 0)),
            new Point(+1, -1).Sweep(new Vector(0, 0))

        // orthogonal
            new Point(-1, +10).Sweep(new Vector(0, -11)),
            new Point(-1, -1).Sweep(new Vector(11, 0))
            new Point(-1, +3).Sweep(new Vector(0, -4)),
            new Point(-1, -1).Sweep(new Vector(4, 0))
            ).AssertEquals(new GeometryUtilities.IntersectionParameters {
            T = 0.5, S = 0.5
            new Point(-1, +1).Sweep(new Vector(0, -2)),
            new Point(-1, -1).Sweep(new Vector(2, 0))

        // anchored
            new Point(-1, 0).Sweep(new Vector(0, 0)),
            new Point(+1, -1).To(new Point(+1, +1))
            ).AssertEquals(new GeometryUtilities.IntersectionParameters {
            T = 0.5, S = 0.5
            new Point(-1, 0).Sweep(new Vector(0, 0)),
            new Point(+1, -1).To(new Point(+1, -0.5))
        public void AppendSkewDegrees_WithSkewCenter(
            int width,
            int height,
            float degreesX,
            float degreesY,
            float cx,
            float cy,
            float x,
            float y)
            var      size    = new Size(width, height);
            TBuilder builder = this.CreateBuilder();

            var centerPoint = new Vector2(cx, cy);

            this.AppendSkewDegrees(builder, degreesX, degreesY, centerPoint);

            var matrix = Matrix3x2.CreateSkew(GeometryUtilities.DegreeToRadian(degreesX), GeometryUtilities.DegreeToRadian(degreesY), centerPoint);

            var     position = new Vector2(x, y);
            var     expected = Vector2.Transform(position, matrix);
            Vector2 actual   = this.Execute(builder, new Rectangle(Point.Empty, size), position);

            Assert.Equal(actual, expected, Comparer);
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets and Sets the dynamic state of an asset in inertial coordinates at the given simulation time.
        /// This method overwrites any existing state data at simTime.
        /// If the dynamic state data does not exist at simTime, the value returned is a linear interpolation
        /// of existing data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="simTime">The simulation time key</param>
        /// <returns>The inertial dynamic state date of the asset</returns>
        private Matrix <double> this[double simTime]
                if (Type == DynamicStateType.STATIC_LLA)
                    // Set the JD associated with simTime
                    double JD = simTime / 86400.0 + SimParameters.SimStartJD;
                    return(GeometryUtilities.LLA2ECI(InitialConditions(), JD));

                else if (Type == DynamicStateType.STATIC_ECI)
                else if (Type == DynamicStateType.PREDETERMINED_ECI || Type == DynamicStateType.PREDETERMINED_LLA)
                    bool hasNotPropagated = _stateData.Count() == 1;
                    if (hasNotPropagated)

                    Matrix <double> dynamicStateAtSimTime;

                    if (!_stateData.TryGetValue(simTime, out dynamicStateAtSimTime))
                        int lowerIndex = _stateData.Keys.LowerBoundIndex(simTime);
                        int slopeInd   = 1;
                        if (simTime >= SimParameters.SimEndSeconds)
                            slopeInd = -1;
                        KeyValuePair <double, Matrix <double> > lowerData = _stateData.ElementAt(lowerIndex);
                        KeyValuePair <double, Matrix <double> > upperData = _stateData.ElementAt(lowerIndex + slopeInd);

                        double          lowerTime  = lowerData.Key;
                        Matrix <double> lowerState = lowerData.Value;

                        double          upperTime  = upperData.Key;
                        Matrix <double> upperState = upperData.Value;

                        Matrix <double> slope = (upperState - lowerState) / (upperTime - lowerTime);

                        dynamicStateAtSimTime = slope * (simTime - lowerTime) + lowerState;

                    return(null); // TODO: Throw exception?
                _stateData[simTime] = value;
Пример #8
        public void TestCenterOfMass(int testCaseNum, double expectedCenterOfMassX, double expectedCenterOfMassY)
            GeometryUtilities utilities = new GeometryUtilities();
            var actualCenterOfMass      = utilities.CalculateCenterOfMass(PointsForCenterOfMassDictionary[testCaseNum]);

            Assert.LessOrEqual(Math.Abs(expectedCenterOfMassX - actualCenterOfMass.X), Epsilon);
            Assert.LessOrEqual(Math.Abs(expectedCenterOfMassY - actualCenterOfMass.Y), Epsilon);
Пример #9
        public void TestCalculateCartesianDistance(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double expectedDistance)
            var point1            = new Point(x1, y1);
            var point2            = new Point(x2, y2);
            var geometryUtilities = new GeometryUtilities();
            var distance          = geometryUtilities.CalculateCartesianDistance(point1, point2);

            Assert.LessOrEqual(Math.Abs(distance - expectedDistance), Epsilon);
Пример #10
        public static List <int> getSelectedBuildings(LTE.Geometric.Point p, double fromAngle, double toAngle, double radius)
            IPoint centralPoint = GeometryUtilities.ConstructPoint2D(p.X, p.Y);

            double arithmeticToAngle = GeometricUtilities.GetRadians(GeometricUtilities.ConvertGeometricArithmeticAngle(toAngle));
            double angle             = (toAngle - fromAngle + 360) % 360;
            bool   isCCW             = true;

            if (angle > 180)
                angle = 360 - angle;
                isCCW = false;
            else if (angle == 0)
                angle = 360;

            double arcDistance = radius * GeometricUtilities.GetRadians(angle);

            IPoint       fromPoint   = GeometryUtilities.ConstructPoint_AngleDistance(centralPoint, arithmeticToAngle, radius);
            ICircularArc circularArc = GeometryUtilities.ConstructCircularArc(centralPoint, fromPoint, isCCW, arcDistance); //逆时针
            IPoint       toPoint     = circularArc.ToPoint;

            ISegment fromSegment = GeometryUtilities.ConstructLine(centralPoint, fromPoint) as ISegment;
            ISegment toSegment   = GeometryUtilities.ConstructLine(toPoint, centralPoint) as ISegment;

            ISegment[]          segmentArray = new ISegment[] { fromSegment, circularArc as ISegment, toSegment };
            IGeometryCollection polygon      = GeometryUtilities.ConstructPolygon(segmentArray);
            IPolygon            pPolygon     = polygon as IPolygon;

            IGeometry pGeometry = GeometryUtilities.ConvertProjToGeo(pPolygon as IGeometry);

            IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer = GISMapApplication.Instance.GetLayer(LayerNames.Projecton) as IFeatureLayer;
            IFeatureClass pFeatureClass = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass;

            ISpatialFilter spatialFilter = new SpatialFilterClass();

            spatialFilter.Geometry      = pGeometry;
            spatialFilter.GeometryField = pFeatureClass.ShapeFieldName;
            spatialFilter.SpatialRel    = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects;

            //Execute the spatialfilter
            IFeatureCursor featureCursor = pFeatureClass.Search(spatialFilter, false);

            IFeature   pFeature = null;
            List <int> bids     = new List <int>();

            while ((pFeature = featureCursor.NextFeature()) != null)

        public void DrawPolygon_Transformed <TPixel>(TestImageProvider <TPixel> provider)
            where TPixel : unmanaged, IPixel <TPixel>
            PointF[] simplePath =
                new Vector2(10, 10), new Vector2(200, 150), new Vector2(50, 300)

                c => c.SetDrawingTransform(Matrix3x2.CreateSkew(GeometryUtilities.DegreeToRadian(-15), 0, new Vector2(200, 200)))
                .DrawPolygon(Color.White, 2.5f, simplePath));
Пример #12
    public static GameObject[] CreatePlayFieldFrame(Transform parent, Vector3 offset)
        float x = 0.5F * cardWidth + fieldPadding;
        float z = 0.5F * cardHeight + fieldPadding;

        return(GeometryUtilities.CreateCylinderFrame(parent, new Vector3[4] {
            new Vector3(-x, 0.0F, -z) + offset,
            new Vector3(+x, 0.0F, -z) + offset,
            new Vector3(+x, 0.0F, +z) + offset,
            new Vector3(-x, 0.0F, +z) + offset,
        }, fieldThickness));
Пример #13
        public override bool canPerform(Event proposedEvent, Universe environment)
            if (!base.canPerform(proposedEvent, environment))
            DynamicState    position     = Asset.AssetDynamicState;
            Matrix <double> assetPosECI  = position.PositionECI(proposedEvent.GetTaskStart(Asset));
            Matrix <double> targetPosECI = _task.Target.DynamicState.PositionECI(proposedEvent.GetTaskStart(Asset));

            return(GeometryUtilities.hasLOS(assetPosECI, targetPosECI));
Пример #14
        public override bool CanPerform(Event proposedEvent, Domain environment)
            if (!base.CanPerform(proposedEvent, environment))
            DynamicState position     = Asset.AssetDynamicState;
            Vector       assetPosECI  = position.PositionECI(proposedEvent.GetTaskStart(Asset));
            Vector       targetPosECI = _task.Target.DynamicState.PositionECI(proposedEvent.GetTaskStart(Asset));

            return(GeometryUtilities.hasLOS(assetPosECI, targetPosECI));
Пример #15
        public void hasLOSTest()
            Vector sat    = new Vector(new List <double>(new double[] { 7378, 0, 0 }));
            Vector ground = new Vector(new List <double>(new double[] { -33.47, -70.65, 0 }));

            ground = GeometryUtilities.LLA2ECI(ground, 2457709);

            bool vector = GeometryUtilities.hasLOS(sat, ground);
            bool matrix = GeometryUtilities.hasLOS((Matrix <double>)sat, (Matrix <double>)ground);

Пример #16
        public void Fill_RegularPolygon <TPixel>(TestImageProvider <TPixel> provider, int vertices, float radius, float angleDeg)
            where TPixel : struct, IPixel <TPixel>
            float angle   = GeometryUtilities.DegreeToRadian(angleDeg);
            var   polygon = new RegularPolygon(100, 100, vertices, radius, angle);
            var   color   = Color.Yellow;

            FormattableString testOutput = $"V({vertices})_R({radius})_Ang({angleDeg})";

                c => c.Fill(color, polygon),
                appendSourceFileOrDescription: false,
                appendPixelTypeToFileName: false);
Пример #17
        private Vector4[] BuildUVs(short textureOffsetX, short textureOffsetY)
            var meshUVs = new Vector4[polygonEntity.NativeObject.VertexCount];

            for (var i = 0; i < polygonEntity.NativeObject.VertexCount; i++)
                var vertexPosition = GeometryUtilities.GetMeshVertex(polygonEntity.ParentLevel.Level, polygonEntity.NativeObject.EndpointIndexes[i]);

                var u           = -(vertexPosition.z * GeometryUtilities.MeterToWorldUnit);
                var v           = -(vertexPosition.x * GeometryUtilities.MeterToWorldUnit);
                var floorOffset = new Vector4(textureOffsetY / GeometryUtilities.WorldUnitIncrementsPerWorldUnit,
                                              -textureOffsetX / GeometryUtilities.WorldUnitIncrementsPerWorldUnit,
                meshUVs[i] = new Vector4(u, v, lastLightIndex, lastTextureIndex) + floorOffset;

Пример #18
        public void TestQuadraticFormula(double a, double b, double c, double?solution1, double?solution2)
            GeometryUtilities utilities   = new GeometryUtilities();
            var quadraticFormulaSolutions = utilities.QuadraticFormula(a, b, c);

            if (solution1 == null)
                Assert.AreEqual(quadraticFormulaSolutions.Count, 0);
            if (solution2 == null)
                Assert.AreEqual(quadraticFormulaSolutions.Count, 1);
                Assert.LessOrEqual(Math.Abs(solution1.Value - quadraticFormulaSolutions[0]), Epsilon);
            Assert.AreEqual(quadraticFormulaSolutions.Count, 2);
            Assert.LessOrEqual(Math.Abs(solution1.Value - quadraticFormulaSolutions[0]), Epsilon);
            Assert.LessOrEqual(Math.Abs(solution2.Value - quadraticFormulaSolutions[1]), Epsilon);
Пример #19
        public void TestGetVertices(int numSides, int sideLength)
            var geometryUtilities = new GeometryUtilities();
            var polygon           = new RegularPolygon(numSides, sideLength, new Point(0, 0), new Angle(0, MeasurementType.Radians));
            var actualPoints      = polygon.Vertices.ToArray();
            var expectedPoints    = numSidesToPointOrientationDictionary[numSides].ToArray();

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedPoints.Length, actualPoints.Length);
            for (int i = 0; i < actualPoints.Length; i++)
                Assert.LessOrEqual(Math.Abs(expectedPoints[0].Radians - actualPoints[0].Theta.Radians), Epsilon);
                    Math.Abs(geometryUtilities.CalculateCartesianDistance(actualPoints[i], actualPoints[(i + 1) % numSides]) - 2),
                    Math.Abs(actualPoints[i].R - (double)sideLength / (2 * Math.Sin(Math.PI / (double)numSides))),
        public static void Main()
            Console.WriteLine(GeometryUtilities.CalcTriangleArea(3, 4, 5));


            Console.WriteLine(ArithmeticUtilities.FindMax(5, -1, 3, 2, 14, 2, 3));

            PrintUtilities.PrintNumber(1.3, 1);
            PrintUtilities.PrintPercent(0.75, 0);
            PrintUtilities.PrintAlignedNumber(2.30, 8);

            Console.WriteLine(GeometryUtilities.CalcDistance(3, -1, 3, 2.5));
            Console.WriteLine("Horizontal? " + GeometryUtilities.IsHorizontalLine(3, -1, 3, 2.5));
            Console.WriteLine("Vertical? " + GeometryUtilities.IsVerticallLine(3, -1, 3, 2.5));

            Student peter = new Student("Peter", "Ivanov", "Sofia", new DateTime(1992, 3, 17));

            Student stella = new Student("Stella", "Markova", "Vidin", new DateTime(1993, 11, 3));

            Console.WriteLine("{0} older than {1} -> {2}", peter.FirstName, stella.FirstName, peter.IsOlderThan(stella));
Пример #21
 void placeMenuCharacters()
     BasesInfo   = FindObjectOfType <BasesInfo>();
     baseManager = FindObjectOfType <BaseManager>();
     BaseInfo[]   baseInfos   = BasesInfo.baseInfos;
     Vector3[]    positions   = GeometryUtilities.DivideCircleEquallyXZ(center.position, radius, baseInfos.Length, 0f);
     InputField[] inputFields = new InputField[baseInfos.Length];
     characters = new Transform[baseInfos.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < baseInfos.Length; i++)
         Quaternion lookAt    = Quaternion.LookRotation(positions[i] - center.position);
         GameObject character = Instantiate(baseInfos[i].CharacterMenuPrefab, positions[i], lookAt);
         characters[i] = character.transform;
         InputField inputField = Instantiate(inputFieldPrefab, inputCanvas).GetComponent <InputField>();
         inputFields[i] = inputField;
Пример #22
        public static void drawSector(LTE.Geometric.Point p, double fromAngle, double toAngle, double radius)
            IPoint centralPoint = GeometryUtilities.ConstructPoint2D(p.X, p.Y);

            double arithmeticToAngle = GeometricUtilities.GetRadians(GeometricUtilities.ConvertGeometricArithmeticAngle(toAngle));

            double angle = (toAngle - fromAngle) % 360;
            bool   isCCW = true;

            if (angle > 180)
                angle = 360 - angle;
                isCCW = false;
            if (angle == 0)
                angle = 360;
            double arcDistance = radius * GeometricUtilities.GetRadians(angle);

            IPoint       fromPoint   = GeometryUtilities.ConstructPoint_AngleDistance(centralPoint, arithmeticToAngle, radius);
            ICircularArc circularArc = GeometryUtilities.ConstructCircularArc(centralPoint, fromPoint, isCCW, arcDistance);
            IPoint       toPoint     = circularArc.ToPoint;

            ISegment fromSegment = GeometryUtilities.ConstructLine(centralPoint, fromPoint) as ISegment;
            ISegment toSegment   = GeometryUtilities.ConstructLine(toPoint, centralPoint) as ISegment;

            ISegment[]          segmentArray = new ISegment[] { fromSegment, circularArc as ISegment, toSegment };
            IGeometryCollection polygon      = GeometryUtilities.ConstructPolygon(segmentArray);

            IGraphicsContainer3D graphicsContainer3D = GISMapApplication.Instance.GetLayer(LayerNames.Rays) as IGraphicsContainer3D;
            IPolygonElement      polygonElement      = new PolygonElementClass();
            IElement             element             = polygonElement as IElement;

            element.Geometry = polygon as IGeometry;
Пример #23
        public override void ApplyPositionsAndTriangles()
            var line = sideEntity.ParentLevel.Level.Lines[sideEntity.ParentLineIndex];

            var endpointIndexA = sideEntity.IsClockwise ? line.EndpointIndexes[0] : line.EndpointIndexes[1];
            var endpointIndexB = sideEntity.IsClockwise ? line.EndpointIndexes[1] : line.EndpointIndexes[0];

            var bottomPosition = (short)(LowElevation - HighElevation);

            var positions = new Vector3[]
                GeometryUtilities.GetMeshVertex(sideEntity.ParentLevel.Level, endpointIndexA, bottomPosition),
                GeometryUtilities.GetMeshVertex(sideEntity.ParentLevel.Level, endpointIndexA),
                GeometryUtilities.GetMeshVertex(sideEntity.ParentLevel.Level, endpointIndexB),
                GeometryUtilities.GetMeshVertex(sideEntity.ParentLevel.Level, endpointIndexB, bottomPosition)

            var triangles = new int[6];

            triangles[0] = 0;
            triangles[1] = 1;
            triangles[2] = 2;
            triangles[3] = 2;
            triangles[4] = 3;
            triangles[5] = 0;

            SurfaceMesh.SetTriangles(triangles, submesh: 0);

            SurfaceMesh.RecalculateNormals(MeshUpdateFlags.DontNotifyMeshUsers |
                                           MeshUpdateFlags.DontRecalculateBounds |

            SurfaceMesh.RecalculateTangents(MeshUpdateFlags.DontNotifyMeshUsers |
                                            MeshUpdateFlags.DontRecalculateBounds |
    int createCharacters(int charactersPerCircle, float radius, float angleOffset)
        int charactersNotPlaced = 0;

        while (nCharacters > 0)
            charactersPerCircle = Mathf.Clamp(charactersPerCircle, 0, nCharacters);
            nCharacters        -= charactersPerCircle;

            Vector3[] positions = GeometryUtilities.DivideCircleEquallyXZ(baseLocation, radius, charactersPerCircle, angleOffset);
            for (int i = 0; i < charactersPerCircle; i++)
                if (!trySpawnCharacter(character, positions[i], baseLocation))
                    charactersNotPlaced += 1;

            charactersPerCircle = (int)(charactersPerCircle * 1.25f);
            radius      += 1.4f;
            angleOffset += 15f;
Пример #25
    private void DrawTileLine(string id, Vector3Int start, Vector3Int end, bool draw)
        int xMin = Mathf.Min(start.x, end.x);
        int xMax = Mathf.Max(start.x, end.x);
        int yMin = Mathf.Min(start.y, end.y);
        int yMax = Mathf.Max(start.y, end.y);

        if (draw)
            PlaceTile(id, start);
            PlaceTile(id, end);
            RemoveTile(id, start);
            RemoveTile(id, end);

        for (int x = xMin; x < xMax + 1; x++)
            for (int y = yMin; y < yMax + 1; y++)
                if (GeometryUtilities.LineRect(start.x + 0.5f, start.y + 0.5f, end.x + 0.5f, end.y + 0.5f, x, y, 1, 1))
                    if (draw)
                        PlaceTile(id, new Vector3Int(x, y, 0));
                        RemoveTile(id, new Vector3Int(x, y, 0));
Пример #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Prepends a rotation matrix using the given rotation in degrees at the given origin.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="degrees">The amount of rotation, in degrees.</param>
 /// <param name="origin">The rotation origin point.</param>
 /// <returns>The <see cref="AffineTransformBuilder"/>.</returns>
 public AffineTransformBuilder PrependRotationDegrees(float degrees, Vector2 origin)
 => this.PrependRotationRadians(GeometryUtilities.DegreeToRadian(degrees), origin);
 /// <summary>
 /// Appends a centered skew matrix from the give angles in degrees.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="degreesX">The X angle, in degrees.</param>
 /// <param name="degreesY">The Y angle, in degrees.</param>
 /// <returns>The <see cref="ProjectiveTransformBuilder"/>.</returns>
 internal ProjectiveTransformBuilder AppendSkewDegrees(float degreesX, float degreesY)
 => this.AppendSkewRadians(GeometryUtilities.DegreeToRadian(degreesX), GeometryUtilities.DegreeToRadian(degreesY));
 /// <summary>
 /// Appends a centered rotation matrix using the given rotation in degrees.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="degrees">The amount of rotation, in degrees.</param>
 /// <returns>The <see cref="ProjectiveTransformBuilder"/>.</returns>
 public ProjectiveTransformBuilder AppendRotationDegrees(float degrees)
 => this.AppendRotationRadians(GeometryUtilities.DegreeToRadian(degrees));
 /// <summary>
 /// Appends a skew matrix using the given angles in degrees at the given origin.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="degreesX">The X angle, in degrees.</param>
 /// <param name="degreesY">The Y angle, in degrees.</param>
 /// <param name="origin">The skew origin point.</param>
 /// <returns>The <see cref="ProjectiveTransformBuilder"/>.</returns>
 public ProjectiveTransformBuilder AppendSkewDegrees(float degreesX, float degreesY, Vector2 origin)
 => this.AppendSkewRadians(GeometryUtilities.DegreeToRadian(degreesX), GeometryUtilities.DegreeToRadian(degreesY), origin);
 /// <summary>
 /// Appends a centered rotation matrix using the given rotation in degrees at the given origin.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="degrees">The amount of rotation, in radians.</param>
 /// <param name="origin">The rotation origin point.</param>
 /// <returns>The <see cref="ProjectiveTransformBuilder"/>.</returns>
 internal ProjectiveTransformBuilder AppendRotationDegrees(float degrees, Vector2 origin)
 => this.AppendRotationRadians(GeometryUtilities.DegreeToRadian(degrees), origin);