Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WfsFeatureTypeInfo"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="nsPrefix">
 /// Use an empty string or 'null', if there is no prefix for the featuretype.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="featureTypeNamespace">
 /// Use an empty string or 'null', if there is no namespace for the featuretype.
 /// You don't need to know the namespace of the feature type, if you use the quick geometries option.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="geometryName">
 /// The geometry name is the property of the featuretype from which geometry information can be obtained from.
 /// Usually this property is called something like 'Shape' or 'geom'. It is absolutely necessary to give this parameter.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="geometryType">
 /// Specifying the geometry type helps to accelerate the rendering process.
 /// </param>
 public WfsFeatureTypeInfo(string serviceURI, string nsPrefix, string featureTypeNamespace, string featureType,
                           string geometryName, GeometryTypeEnum geometryType)
     _ServiceURI           = serviceURI;
     _Prefix               = nsPrefix;
     _FeatureTypeNamespace = string.IsNullOrEmpty(featureTypeNamespace) ? string.Empty : featureTypeNamespace;
     _Name = featureType;
     _Geometry._GeometryName = geometryName;
     _Geometry._GeometryType = geometryType.ToString();
Пример #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WfsFeatureTypeInfo"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="serviceUri"></param>
 /// <param name="nsPrefix">
 /// Use an empty string or 'null', if there is no prefix for the featuretype.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="featureTypeNamespace">
 /// Use an empty string or 'null', if there is no namespace for the featuretype.
 /// You don't need to know the namespace of the feature type, if you use the quick geometries option.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="featureType"></param>
 /// <param name="geometryName">
 /// The geometry name is the property of the featuretype from which geometry information can be obtained from.
 /// Usually this property is called something like 'Shape' or 'geom'. It is absolutely necessary to give this parameter. 
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="geometryType">
 /// Specifying the geometry type helps to accelerate the rendering process.   
 /// </param>
 public WfsFeatureTypeInfo(string serviceUri, string nsPrefix, string featureTypeNamespace, string featureType,
                           string geometryName, GeometryTypeEnum geometryType)
     _serviceUri = serviceUri;
     _prefix = nsPrefix;
     _featureTypeNamespace = string.IsNullOrEmpty(featureTypeNamespace) ? string.Empty : featureTypeNamespace;
     _name = featureType;
     _geometry.GeometryName = geometryName;
     _geometry.GeometryType = geometryType.ToString();
Пример #3
        }                                      // temp solution

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WfsFeatureTypeInfo"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceUri"></param>
        /// <param name="nsPrefix">
        /// Use an empty string or 'null', if there is no prefix for the featuretype.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="featureTypeNamespace">
        /// Use an empty string or 'null', if there is no namespace for the featuretype.
        /// You don't need to know the namespace of the feature type, if you use the quick geometries option.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="featureType"></param>
        /// <param name="geometryName">
        /// The geometry name is the property of the featuretype from which geometry information can be obtained from.
        /// Usually this property is called something like 'Shape' or 'geom'. It is absolutely necessary to give this parameter.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="geometryType">
        /// Specifying the geometry type helps to accelerate the rendering process.
        /// </param>
        public WfsFeatureTypeInfo(string serviceUri, string nsPrefix, string featureTypeNamespace, string featureType,
                                  string geometryName, GeometryTypeEnum geometryType)
            _serviceUri           = serviceUri;
            _prefix               = nsPrefix;
            _featureTypeNamespace = string.IsNullOrEmpty(featureTypeNamespace) ? string.Empty : featureTypeNamespace;
            _name = featureType;
            _geometry.GeometryName = geometryName;
            _geometry.GeometryType = geometryType.ToString();
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="WfsFeatureTypeInfo"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="nsPrefix">
 /// Use an empty string or 'null', if there is no prefix for the featuretype.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="featureTypeNamespace">
 /// Use an empty string or 'null', if there is no namespace for the featuretype.
 /// You don't need to know the namespace of the feature type, if you use the quick geometries option.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="geometryName">
 /// The geometry name is the property of the featuretype from which geometry information can be obtained from.
 /// Usually this property is called something like 'Shape' or 'geom'. It is absolutely necessary to give this parameter. 
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="geometryType">
 /// Specifying the geometry type helps to accelerate the rendering process.   
 /// </param>
 public WfsFeatureTypeInfo(string serviceURI, string nsPrefix, string featureTypeNamespace, string featureType,
                           string geometryName, GeometryTypeEnum geometryType)
     _ServiceURI = serviceURI;
     _Prefix = nsPrefix;
     _FeatureTypeNamespace = string.IsNullOrEmpty(featureTypeNamespace) ? string.Empty : featureTypeNamespace;
     _Name = featureType;
     _Geometry._GeometryName = geometryName;
     _Geometry._GeometryType = geometryType.ToString();
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// This method gets metadata about the featuretype to query from 'GetCapabilities' and 'DescribeFeatureType'.
        /// </summary>
        private void GetFeatureTypeInfo()
                _featureTypeInfo = new WfsFeatureTypeInfo();
                var config = new WFSClientHttpConfigurator(_textResources);

                _featureTypeInfo.Prefix = _nsPrefix;
                _featureTypeInfo.Name   = _featureType;

                string featureQueryName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(_nsPrefix)
                                              ? _featureType
                                              : _nsPrefix + ":" + _featureType;


                /* GetCapabilities request  /
                *  /***************************/

                if (_featureTypeInfoQueryManager == null)
                    /* Initialize IXPathQueryManager with configured HttpClientUtil */
                    _featureTypeInfoQueryManager =
                        new XPathQueryManagerCompiledExpressionsDecorator(new XPathQueryManager());
                        config.ConfigureForWfsGetCapabilitiesRequest(_httpClientUtil, _getCapabilitiesUri));
                    /* Namespaces for XPath queries */
                    _featureTypeInfoQueryManager.AddNamespace(_textResources.NSWFSPREFIX, _textResources.NSWFS);
                    _featureTypeInfoQueryManager.AddNamespace(_textResources.NSOWSPREFIX, _textResources.NSOWS);
                    _featureTypeInfoQueryManager.AddNamespace(_textResources.NSXLINKPREFIX, _textResources.NSXLINK);

                /* Service URI (for WFS GetFeature request) */
                _featureTypeInfo.ServiceUri = _featureTypeInfoQueryManager.GetValueFromNode
                /* If no GetFeature URI could be found, try GetCapabilities URI */
                if (_featureTypeInfo.ServiceUri == null)
                    _featureTypeInfo.ServiceUri = _getCapabilitiesUri;
                else if (_featureTypeInfo.ServiceUri.EndsWith("?", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    _featureTypeInfo.ServiceUri =
                        _featureTypeInfo.ServiceUri.Remove(_featureTypeInfo.ServiceUri.Length - 1);

                /* URI for DescribeFeatureType request */
                string describeFeatureTypeUri = _featureTypeInfoQueryManager.GetValueFromNode
                /* If no DescribeFeatureType URI could be found, try GetCapabilities URI */
                if (describeFeatureTypeUri == null)
                    describeFeatureTypeUri = _getCapabilitiesUri;
                else if (describeFeatureTypeUri.EndsWith("?", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    describeFeatureTypeUri =
                        describeFeatureTypeUri.Remove(describeFeatureTypeUri.Length - 1);

                /* Spatial reference ID */
                var srid = _featureTypeInfoQueryManager.GetValueFromNode
                               (_featureTypeInfoQueryManager.Compile(_textResources.XPATH_SRS), new[] { new DictionaryEntry("_param1", featureQueryName) });
                /* If no SRID could be found, try '4326' by default */
                srid = (srid == null) ? "4326" : srid.Substring(srid.LastIndexOf(":", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1);
                _featureTypeInfo.SRID = srid;

                /* Bounding Box */
                IXPathQueryManager bboxQuery = _featureTypeInfoQueryManager.GetXPathQueryManagerInContext(
                    new[] { new DictionaryEntry("_param1", featureQueryName) });

                if (bboxQuery != null)
                    var bbox       = new WfsFeatureTypeInfo.BoundingBox();
                    var formatInfo = new NumberFormatInfo {
                        NumberDecimalSeparator = "."
                    string bboxVal;

                    if (_wfsVersion == WFSVersionEnum.WFS_1_0_0)
                        bbox.MinLat =
                                (bboxVal =
                                     bboxQuery.GetValueFromNode(bboxQuery.Compile(_textResources.XPATH_BOUNDINGBOXMINY))) !=
                                    ? bboxVal
                                    : "0.0", formatInfo);
                    else if (_wfsVersion == WFSVersionEnum.WFS_1_1_0)
                        bbox.MinLat =
                                (bboxVal =
                                     bboxQuery.GetValueFromNode(bboxQuery.Compile(_textResources.XPATH_BOUNDINGBOXMINY))) !=
                                    ? bboxVal.Substring(bboxVal.IndexOf(' ') + 1)
                                    : "0.0", formatInfo);

                    if (_wfsVersion == WFSVersionEnum.WFS_1_0_0)
                        bbox.MaxLat =
                                (bboxVal =
                                     bboxQuery.GetValueFromNode(bboxQuery.Compile(_textResources.XPATH_BOUNDINGBOXMAXY))) !=
                                    ? bboxVal
                                    : "0.0", formatInfo);
                    else if (_wfsVersion == WFSVersionEnum.WFS_1_1_0)
                        bbox.MaxLat =
                                (bboxVal =
                                     bboxQuery.GetValueFromNode(bboxQuery.Compile(_textResources.XPATH_BOUNDINGBOXMAXY))) !=
                                    ? bboxVal.Substring(bboxVal.IndexOf(' ') + 1)
                                    : "0.0", formatInfo);

                    if (_wfsVersion == WFSVersionEnum.WFS_1_0_0)
                        bbox.MinLong =
                                (bboxVal =
                                     bboxQuery.GetValueFromNode(bboxQuery.Compile(_textResources.XPATH_BOUNDINGBOXMINX))) !=
                                    ? bboxVal
                                    : "0.0", formatInfo);
                    else if (_wfsVersion == WFSVersionEnum.WFS_1_1_0)
                        bbox.MinLong =
                                (bboxVal =
                                     bboxQuery.GetValueFromNode(bboxQuery.Compile(_textResources.XPATH_BOUNDINGBOXMINX))) !=
                                    ? bboxVal.Substring(0, bboxVal.IndexOf(' ') + 1)
                                    : "0.0", formatInfo);

                    if (_wfsVersion == WFSVersionEnum.WFS_1_0_0)
                        bbox.MaxLong =
                                (bboxVal =
                                     bboxQuery.GetValueFromNode(bboxQuery.Compile(_textResources.XPATH_BOUNDINGBOXMAXX))) !=
                                    ? bboxVal
                                    : "0.0", formatInfo);
                    else if (_wfsVersion == WFSVersionEnum.WFS_1_1_0)
                        bbox.MaxLong =
                                (bboxVal =
                                     bboxQuery.GetValueFromNode(bboxQuery.Compile(_textResources.XPATH_BOUNDINGBOXMAXX))) !=
                                    ? bboxVal.Substring(0, bboxVal.IndexOf(' ') + 1)
                                    : "0.0", formatInfo);

                    _featureTypeInfo.BBox = bbox;

                //Continue with a clone in order to preserve the 'GetCapabilities' response
                IXPathQueryManager describeFeatureTypeQueryManager = _featureTypeInfoQueryManager.Clone();


                /* DescribeFeatureType request /
                *  /******************************/

                /* Initialize IXPathQueryManager with configured HttpClientUtil */
                                                                       (_httpClientUtil, describeFeatureTypeUri,

                /* Namespaces for XPath queries */
                describeFeatureTypeQueryManager.AddNamespace(_textResources.NSSCHEMAPREFIX, _textResources.NSSCHEMA);
                describeFeatureTypeQueryManager.AddNamespace(_textResources.NSGMLPREFIX, _textResources.NSGML);

                /* Get target namespace */
                string targetNs = describeFeatureTypeQueryManager.GetValueFromNode(
                if (targetNs != null)
                    _featureTypeInfo.FeatureTypeNamespace = targetNs;

                /* Get geometry */
                string geomType = _geometryType == GeometryTypeEnum.Unknown ? null : _geometryType.ToString();
                string geomName = null;

                /* The easiest way to get geometry info, just ask for the 'gml'-prefixed type-attribute...
                 * Simple, but effective in 90% of all cases...this is the standard GeoServer creates.*/
                /* example: <xs:element nillable = "false" name = "the_geom" maxOccurs = "1" type = "gml:MultiPolygonPropertyType" minOccurs = "0" /> */
                /* Try to get context of the geometry element by asking for a 'gml:*' type-attribute */
                IXPathQueryManager geomQuery = describeFeatureTypeQueryManager.GetXPathQueryManagerInContext(
                if (geomQuery != null)
                    geomName = geomQuery.GetValueFromNode(geomQuery.Compile(_textResources.XPATH_NAMEATTRIBUTEQUERY));

                    /* Just, if not set manually... */
                    if (geomType == null)
                        geomType = geomQuery.GetValueFromNode(geomQuery.Compile(_textResources.XPATH_TYPEATTRIBUTEQUERY));
                    /* Try to get context of a complexType with element ref ='gml:*' - use the global context */

                    /* example:
                     * <xs:complexType name="geomType">
                     *  <xs:sequence>
                     *      <xs:element ref="gml:polygonProperty" minOccurs="0"/>
                     *  </xs:sequence>
                     * </xs:complexType> */
                    geomQuery = describeFeatureTypeQueryManager.GetXPathQueryManagerInContext(
                    if (geomQuery != null)
                        /* Ask for the name of the complextype - use the local context*/
                        string geomComplexTypeName = geomQuery.GetValueFromNode(geomQuery.Compile(_textResources.XPATH_NAMEATTRIBUTEQUERY));

                        if (geomComplexTypeName != null)
                            /* Ask for the name of an element with a complextype of 'geomComplexType' - use the global context */
                            geomName =
                                        _textResources.XPATH_GEOMETRY_ELEMREF_GEOMNAMEQUERY), new[]
                                new DictionaryEntry
                                new DictionaryEntry
                            /* The geometry element must be an ancestor, if we found an anonymous complextype */
                            /* Ask for the element hosting the anonymous complextype - use the global context */

                            /* example:
                             * <xs:element name ="SHAPE">
                             *  <xs:complexType>
                             *      <xs:sequence>
                             *              <xs:element ref="gml:lineStringProperty" minOccurs="0"/>
                             *    </xs:sequence>
                             *  </xs:complexType>
                             * </xs:element> */
                            geomName =
                        /* Just, if not set manually... */
                        if (geomType == null)
                            /* Ask for the 'ref'-attribute - use the local context */
                            if (
                                (geomType =
                                         geomQuery.Compile(_textResources.XPATH_GEOMETRY_ELEMREF_GMLELEMENTQUERY))) != null)
                                switch (geomType)
                                case "gml:pointProperty":
                                    geomType = "PointPropertyType";

                                case "gml:lineStringProperty":
                                    geomType = "LineStringPropertyType";

                                case "gml:curveProperty":
                                    geomType = "CurvePropertyType";

                                case "gml:polygonProperty":
                                    geomType = "PolygonPropertyType";

                                case "gml:surfaceProperty":
                                    geomType = "SurfacePropertyType";

                                case "gml:multiPointProperty":
                                    geomType = "MultiPointPropertyType";

                                case "gml:multiLineStringProperty":
                                    geomType = "MultiLineStringPropertyType";

                                case "gml:multiCurveProperty":
                                    geomType = "MultiCurvePropertyType";

                                case "gml:multiPolygonProperty":
                                    geomType = "MultiPolygonPropertyType";

                                case "gml:multiSurfaceProperty":
                                    geomType = "MultiSurfacePropertyType";

                if (geomName == null)
                    /* Default value for geometry column = geom */
                    geomName = "geom";

                if (geomType == null)
                    /* Set geomType to an empty string in order to avoid exceptions.
                     * The geometry type is not necessary by all means - it can be detected in 'GetFeature' response too.. */
                    geomType = string.Empty;

                /* Remove prefix */
                if (geomType.Contains(":"))
                    geomType = geomType.Substring(geomType.IndexOf(":", StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1);

                _featureTypeInfo.Geometry = new WfsFeatureTypeInfo.GeometryInfo
                    GeometryName = geomName,
                    GeometryType = geomType