public void run() { Recordset rc = dv.GetRecordset(false, CursorType.Dynamic); Dictionary <int, Feature> feas = rc.GetAllFeatures(); foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Feature> item in feas) { GeoModel gm = item.Value.GetGeometry() as GeoModel; Console.WriteLine("==" + gm.Position + "=="); //GeoModel model = new ModelIncubation.CuboidModel(10, 10, 10); Point3Ds p3ds = new Point3Ds(); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { double seta = 2 * Math.PI * i / 7; p3ds.Add(new Point3D(Math.Sin(seta) * 10, Math.Cos(seta) * 10, 0)); } GeoModel model = new ModelIncubation.PrismModel(p3ds, 30); //临时处理,未知原因导致Position.Z属性设置无效,手动偏移模型实体 model.OffsetModel(new Point3D(0, 0, 1650)); model.Position = gm.Position; model.MergeMeshs(); Console.WriteLine(""); model.Position = gm.Position; model.ComputeBoundingBox(); scene.TrackingLayer.Add(model, model.Position.ToString()); scene.Refresh(); GeoModel m = scene.TrackingLayer.Get(0) as GeoModel; Thread.Sleep(1000); break; } }
//指定模型,并设置其节点动画属性 private void cb_Model_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { //如果之前的模型正在运动,则停止运动 if (m_nodeAnimation != null && m_nodeAnimation.IsEnabled == true) { m_nodeAnimation.IsEnabled = false; } //获取当前模型,并设置节点动画 String featureName = this.cb_Model.SelectedItem as String; Feature3Ds features = m_layerKML.Features; Feature3D[] feature3Ds = features.FindFeature(featureName, Feature3DSearchOption.AllFeatures); if (feature3Ds.Length > 0) { Feature3D feature3D = feature3Ds[0]; GeoPlacemark geoPlacemark = feature3D.Geometry as GeoPlacemark; m_geoModel = geoPlacemark.Geometry as GeoModel; if (m_geoModel != null) { m_nodeAnimation = m_geoModel.NodeAnimation; //位置变更事件 m_nodeAnimation.TimePositionChanged -= new TimePositionChangedEventHandler(m_nodeAnimationTimePositionChanged); m_nodeAnimation.TimePositionChanged += new TimePositionChangedEventHandler(m_nodeAnimationTimePositionChanged); if (m_geoLine3D != null && m_geoLine3D.PartCount > 0) { m_nodeAnimation.SetTrack(m_geoLine3D); m_nodeAnimation.TimePostition = 0; } } } }
private void geomag(GeoModel pmodel0, GeoModel pmodel1, double sdate, double latitude, double longitude, double elev) { int nmax; /** This will compute everything needed for 1 point in time. **/ if (pmodel1 != null) { getshc(1,, pmodel0.smax1, this.gh1); getshc(1,, pmodel1.smax1, this.gh2); interpsh(sdate, pmodel0.yrmin, pmodel0.smax1, pmodel1.yrmin, pmodel1.smax1, this.gha); nmax = interpsh(sdate + 1, pmodel0.yrmin, pmodel0.smax1, pmodel1.yrmin, pmodel1.smax1, this.ghb); } else { getshc(1,, pmodel0.smax1, this.gh1); getshc(0,, pmodel0.smax2, this.gh2); extrapsh(sdate, pmodel0.yrmin, pmodel0.smax1, pmodel0.smax2, this.gha); nmax = extrapsh(sdate + 1, pmodel0.yrmin, pmodel0.smax1, pmodel0.smax2, this.ghb); } /* Do the first calculations */ shval3(latitude, longitude, elev / 1000.0, nmax, 3); dihf3(); shval3(latitude, longitude, elev / 1000.0, nmax, 4); /** Above will compute everything for 1 point in time. **/ }
public ActionResult ULGeoLocationList(string cityName, string type) { GeoBiz geoBiz = GeoBiz.GetInstant(); GeoModel geo = geoBiz.GetGeoByCityName(cityName); IList <GeoLocationModel> locations = new List <GeoLocationModel>(); string typeName = ""; if (type == "geoDs") { typeName = "行政区"; locations = geoBiz.GetGeoDs( as IList <GeoLocationModel>; } else if (type == "geoCls") { typeName = "商业区"; locations = geoBiz.GetGeoCls( as IList <GeoLocationModel>; } else if (type == "geoLLs") { typeName = "标志物"; locations = geoBiz.GetGeoLls( as IList <GeoLocationModel>; } ViewData[typeof(GeoLocationModel).Name] = locations; ViewData["typeName"] = typeName; return(View()); }
protected void InitModel(Point3Ds Bottom, Point3Ds Top) { geoModel = new GeoModel(); n = Math.Min(Bottom.Count, Top.Count); surface = new Mesh[n + 2]; surface[n] = geoModel.CreateMesh(Bottom); surface[n + 1] = geoModel.CreateMesh(Top); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Point3Ds p3ds = new Point3Ds(); p3ds.Add(Bottom[i]); p3ds.Add(Bottom[(i + 1) % n]); p3ds.Add(Top[(i + 1) % n]); p3ds.Add(Top[i]); surface[i] = geoModel.CreateMesh(p3ds); } if (this.Meshes.Count > 0) { this.Meshes.Clear(); } for (int i = 0; i < surface.Length; i++) { this.Meshes.Add(surface[i]); } }
/// <summary> /// Lädt ein Modell aus einer Datei /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Name des Modells</param> /// <param name="filename">Datei des Modells</param> /// <param name="callerName"></param> public static void LoadModelFromFile(string name, string filename, [CallerMemberName] string callerName = "") { if (callerName != "Prepare") { HelperGeneral.ShowErrorAndQuit("KWEngine::LoadModelFromFile()", "This method may only be called from the Prepare() method."); return; } if (KWEngine.Models.ContainsKey(name.Trim())) { HelperGeneral.ShowErrorAndQuit("KWEngine::LoadModelFromFile()", "Model name already exists."); return; } GeoModel m = SceneImporter.LoadModel(filename, true, SceneImporter.AssemblyMode.File); if (m != null) { name = name.Trim(); m.Name = name; lock (KWEngine.Models) { KWEngine.Models.Add(name, m); } } }
// // GET: /Geo/ public ActionResult Index(string cityName, string geoClId, string geoDId) { GeoBiz geoBiz = GeoBiz.GetInstant(); cityName = ObjectUtil.Parse(cityName, "广州"); GeoModel geo = geoBiz.GetGeoByCityName(cityName); if (geo == null) { geo = geoBiz.GetGeoByCityName("广州"); } GeoLocationModel geoLocation = null; PageSeoModel seo = PublicBiz.getCurPageSeo(); this.setPageDesc(string.Format(seo.cityDesc, geo.cityCode, geo.cityName)); this.setPageKeyWords(string.Format(seo.cityKeywords, geo.cityCode, geo.cityName)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(geoClId)) { geoLocation = BaseZdBiz.Load <GeoCommercialLocationModel>(Restrictions.Eq("geoFk",, Restrictions.Eq("locationId", geoClId)); this.setPageDesc(string.Format(seo.cityClDesc, geo.cityCode, geo.cityName, geoLocation.locationId,; this.setPageKeyWords(string.Format(seo.cityClKeywords, geo.cityCode, geo.cityName, geoLocation.locationId,; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(geoDId)) { geoLocation = BaseZdBiz.Load <GeoDistrictsModel>(Restrictions.Eq("geoFk",, Restrictions.Eq("locationId", geoDId)); this.setPageDesc(string.Format(seo.cityDDesc, geo.cityCode, geo.cityName, geoLocation.locationId,; this.setPageKeyWords(string.Format(seo.cityDKeywords, geo.cityCode, geo.cityName, geoLocation.locationId,; } ViewData[typeof(GeoLocationModel).Name] = geoLocation; ViewData[typeof(GeoModel).Name] = geo; return(View()); }
public ActionResult Index() { PublicBiz publicBiz = PublicBiz.GetInstant(); FrontPageModel frontPage = publicBiz.getCurFrontPage(); string[] cityNames = frontPage.homeHotCityNameArray.Split(','); GeoBiz geoBiz = GeoBiz.GetInstant(); IList <GeoModel> geos = new List <GeoModel>(); foreach (string cityName in cityNames) { GeoModel geo = geoBiz.GetGeoByCityName(cityName); geo.geoCls = geoBiz.GetGeoCls(; geo.geoDs = geoBiz.GetGeoDs(; geo.geoLls = geoBiz.GetGeoLls(; geos.Add(geo); } ViewData[typeof(IList <GeoModel>).Name] = geos; this.VdCityTopHotel(20, cityNames); this.VdHotBookingHotel(10); this.VdHotBrand(12); this.VdHotCity(15); this.setPageDesc(PublicBiz.getCurPageSeo().hotelIndexDesc); this.setPageKeyWords(PublicBiz.getCurPageSeo().hotelIndexKeywords); return(View()); }
internal static Intersection TestIntersectionTerrain(Hitbox caller, Hitbox collider, Vector3 offset) { float heightOnMap; triangles.Clear(); GeoModel model = collider.Owner.Model; triangles.AddRange(model.Meshes.Values.ElementAt(0).Terrain.GetTrianglesForHitbox(caller, collider.Owner.Position, offset)); float a = (caller.Owner.Position.Y - caller.GetLowestVertexHeight()); TestIntersectionSATForTerrain(ref triangles, caller, collider, offset); Vector3 mobbPosition = new Vector3(); int lowestTriangle = -1; float lowestIntersectionHeight = float.MaxValue; int c = 0; foreach (GeoTerrainTriangle triangle in trianglesMTV) { mobbPosition.X = caller.Owner.GetLargestHitbox().mCenter.X + offset.X; mobbPosition.Y = caller.Owner.GetLargestHitbox().mCenter.Y + caller.Owner.CurrentWorld.WorldCenter.Y + caller.Owner.CurrentWorld.WorldDistance; mobbPosition.Z = caller.Owner.GetLargestHitbox().mCenter.Z + offset.Z; int rayResult = triangle.Intersect3D_RayTriangle(ref mobbPosition, ref tmpMap, collider.Owner.Position); float lowestVertexHeight = caller.GetLowestVertexHeight(); if (rayResult > 0) { if (tmpMap.Y < lowestIntersectionHeight) { lowestIntersectionHeight = tmpMap.Y; lowestTriangle = c; } } else { if (rayResult == 0) { if (mobbPosition.X == tmpMap.X && mobbPosition.Z == tmpMap.Z) { if (tmpMap.Y < lowestIntersectionHeight) { lowestIntersectionHeight = tmpMap.Y; lowestTriangle = c; } } } } c++; } if (lowestTriangle >= 0) { heightOnMap = lowestIntersectionHeight + a - offset.Y; return(new Intersection(collider.Owner, Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Zero, collider.Owner.Name, heightOnMap, lowestIntersectionHeight, true)); } if (trianglesMTV.Count > 0) { return(new Intersection(collider.Owner, Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Zero, collider.Owner.Name, collider.mCenter.Y, collider.mCenter.Y, true)); } return(null); }
internal void DrawBloom(GeoModel quad, ref Matrix4 mvp, bool bloomDirectionHorizontal, int bloomTexture) { GL.UniformMatrix4(mUniform_MVP, false, ref mvp); GL.ActiveTexture(TextureUnit.Texture0); GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, bloomTexture); GL.Uniform1(mUniform_TextureBloom, 0); GL.Uniform1(mUniform_BloomRadius, 1.0f); GL.Uniform1(mUniform_Horizontal, bloomDirectionHorizontal ? 1 : 0); float factor = KWEngine.PostProcessing == PostProcessingState.HighQuality ? 0.8f : 0.4f; GL.Uniform2( mUniform_Resolution, 1f / (KWEngine.CurrentWindow.Width * factor), 1f / (KWEngine.CurrentWindow.Height * factor) ); GL.BindVertexArray(quad.Meshes.Values.ElementAt(0).VAO); GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer, quad.Meshes.Values.ElementAt(0).VBOIndex); GL.DrawElements(quad.Meshes.Values.ElementAt(0).Primitive, quad.Meshes.Values.ElementAt(0).IndexCount, DrawElementsType.UnsignedInt, 0); GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer, 0); GL.BindVertexArray(0); GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0); }
// // GET: /Exhi/ public ActionResult Index(string cityName, string keyword) { ICriteria icr = BaseZdBiz.CreateCriteria <ExhiModel>(new PagerObject(1, 20)); GeoBiz geoBiz = GeoBiz.GetInstant(); if (WebUtil.IsPost()) { GeoModel geo = geoBiz.GetGeoByCityName(cityName); icr.Add(Restrictions.Eq("geoFk",; icr.Add(Restrictions.Like("name", "%" + keyword + "%")); } icr.AddOrder(Order.Desc("startDate")); IList <ExhiModel> exhis = icr.List <ExhiModel>(); ViewData[typeof(ExhiModel).Name] = exhis; this.VdHotBookingHotel(10); this.VdHotBrand(12); this.VdHotCity(15); PageSeoModel seo = PublicBiz.getCurPageSeo(); this.setPageDesc(seo.exhiIndexDesc); this.setPageKeyWords(seo.exhiIndexKeywords); return(View()); }
internal static void InitializeModels() { Models.Add("KWCube", SceneImporter.LoadModel("kwcube.obj", false, SceneImporter.AssemblyMode.Internal)); Models.Add("KWCube6", SceneImporter.LoadModel("kwcube6.obj", false, SceneImporter.AssemblyMode.Internal)); KWRect = SceneImporter.LoadModel("kwrect.obj", false, SceneImporter.AssemblyMode.Internal); Models.Add("KWSphere", SceneImporter.LoadModel("kwsphere.obj", false, SceneImporter.AssemblyMode.Internal)); KWStar = SceneImporter.LoadModel("star.obj", false, SceneImporter.AssemblyMode.Internal); Models.Add("KWStar", KWStar); KWHeart = SceneImporter.LoadModel("heart.obj", false, SceneImporter.AssemblyMode.Internal); Models.Add("KWHeart", KWHeart); KWSkull = SceneImporter.LoadModel("skull.obj", false, SceneImporter.AssemblyMode.Internal); Models.Add("KWSkull", KWSkull); KWDollar = SceneImporter.LoadModel("dollar.obj", false, SceneImporter.AssemblyMode.Internal); Models.Add("KWDollar", KWDollar); CoordinateSystem = SceneImporter.LoadModel("csystem.obj", false, SceneImporter.AssemblyMode.Internal); CoordinateSystemX = SceneImporter.LoadModel("csystemX.obj", false, SceneImporter.AssemblyMode.Internal); CoordinateSystemY = SceneImporter.LoadModel("csystemY.obj", false, SceneImporter.AssemblyMode.Internal); CoordinateSystemZ = SceneImporter.LoadModel("csystemZ.obj", false, SceneImporter.AssemblyMode.Internal); GHitbox = SceneImporter.LoadModel("Hitbox.obj", false, SceneImporter.AssemblyMode.Internal); for (int i = 0; i < Explosion.Axes.Length; i++) { Explosion.Axes[i] = Vector3.Normalize(Explosion.Axes[i]); } }
internal static Intersection TestIntersectionTerrain(Hitbox caller, Hitbox collider, Vector3 offset) { GeoModel model = collider.Owner.Model; Vector3 untranslatedPosition = caller.Owner.GetLargestHitbox().GetCenter() + offset - new Vector3(collider.Owner.Position.X, 0, collider.Owner.Position.Z); Sector s = model.Meshes.Values.ElementAt(0).Terrain.GetSectorForUntranslatedPosition(untranslatedPosition); if (s != null) { GeoTerrainTriangle?tris = s.GetTriangle(ref untranslatedPosition); if (tris.HasValue) { Intersection i = TestIntersectionSATForTerrain(tris.Value, caller, collider, ref offset); if (i != null) { return(i); } return(null); } else { return(null); } } else { return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// 该方法可将geomodel中的mesh集合合并为一个mesh对象 /// </summary> /// <param name="geoModel"></param> /// <param name="Tolerance">容差,小数点后位数。设置后所有点坐标的小数点后只保留该长度</param> public static void MergeMeshs(this GeoModel geoModel, int Tolerance = 2) { if (geoModel.Meshes.Count > 0) { Mesh mesh = new Mesh(); Dictionary <int, Vertice> vPDic; List <Index> vPIndex; geoModel.structureData(Tolerance, out vPDic, out vPIndex); //归一化法线 foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Vertice> vP in vPDic) { double distence = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(vP.Value.Normal.X, 2) + Math.Pow(vP.Value.Normal.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(vP.Value.Normal.Z, 2)); if (distence > 0) { vP.Value.Normal.X /= distence; vP.Value.Normal.Y /= distence; vP.Value.Normal.Z /= distence; } } geoModel.MakeMesh(vPDic, vPIndex); geoModel.CalculateNormals(ref vPDic, vPIndex); } }
public IHttpActionResult PutGeo(GeoModel geoModel) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } try { var locationExist = db.Geos.FirstOrDefault(w => w.Id == geoModel.Id); if (locationExist != null) { var locationValue = Common.CreatePoint(geoModel.Latitude, geoModel.Longitude); locationExist.Location = locationValue; } else { var locationValue = Common.CreatePoint(geoModel.Latitude, geoModel.Longitude); var location = new Geo(); location.Id = geoModel.Id; location.Address = geoModel.Address; location.Location = locationValue; db.Geos.Add(location); } db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { return(BadRequest(ex.Message)); } return(Ok()); }
public ActionResult Datagrid_del() { GeoModel e = new GeoModel(); DatagridObject datagrid = createGeoDatagrid(BaseModel.STATUS_DELETE); return(JsonText(datagrid, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
/// <summary> /// 计算法向量 /// </summary> /// <param name="geoModel"></param> public static void CalculateNormals(this GeoModel geoModel, ref Dictionary <int, Vertice> vPDic, List <Index> vPIndex) { Normal normal1, normal2, normal3; foreach (Index index in vPIndex) { normal1 = vPDic[index.P1].Normal; normal2 = vPDic[index.P2].Normal; normal3 = vPDic[index.P3].Normal; double a1 = vPDic[index.P2].X - vPDic[index.P1].X, a2 = vPDic[index.P2].Y - vPDic[index.P1].Y, a3 = vPDic[index.P2].Z - vPDic[index.P1].Z, b1 = vPDic[index.P3].X - vPDic[index.P1].X, b2 = vPDic[index.P3].Y - vPDic[index.P1].Y, b3 = vPDic[index.P3].Z - vPDic[index.P1].Z; double aXb1 = a2 * b3 - a3 * b2, aXb2 = a3 * b1 - a1 * b3, aXb3 = a1 * b2 - a2 * b1; #region 法线正向 //法线投影到XY平面,(aXb1,aXb2)+(Px,Py)长度大于(Px,Py),则为正 if ((Math.Pow(vPDic[index.P1].X + aXb1, 2) + Math.Pow(vPDic[index.P1].Y + aXb2, 2)) < (Math.Pow(vPDic[index.P1].X, 2) + Math.Pow(vPDic[index.P1].Y, 2))) { aXb1 *= -1; aXb2 *= -1; aXb3 *= -1; } #endregion normal1.X += aXb1; normal1.Y = aXb2; normal1.Z = aXb3; normal2.X += aXb1; normal2.Y = aXb2; normal2.Z = aXb3; normal3.X += aXb1; normal3.Y = aXb2; normal3.Z = aXb3; //归一化法线 double d1 = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(normal1.X, 2) + Math.Pow(normal1.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(normal1.Z, 2)); double d2 = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(normal2.X, 2) + Math.Pow(normal2.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(normal2.Z, 2)); double d3 = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(normal3.X, 2) + Math.Pow(normal3.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(normal3.Z, 2)); if (d1 > 0) { normal1.X /= d1; normal1.Y /= d1; normal1.Z /= d1; } if (d2 > 0) { normal2.X /= d2; normal2.Y /= d2; normal2.Z /= d2; } if (d3 > 0) { normal3.X /= d3; normal3.Y /= d3; normal3.Z /= d3; } vPDic[index.P1].Normal = normal1; vPDic[index.P2].Normal = normal2; vPDic[index.P3].Normal = normal3; } }
/// <summary> /// 根据结构化的数据制作mesh,三角网构造算法还没写好。此函数构造的面连线不正确 /// </summary> /// <param name="geoModel"></param> /// <param name="vPDic">顶点集合</param> /// <param name="vPIndex">索引列表</param> public static void MakeMesh(this GeoModel geoModel, Dictionary <int, Vertice> vPDic, List <Index> vPIndex) { #region 输出结构化数据到顺序数组 double[] Vertices = new double[vPIndex.Count * 3 * 3];//由于顶点被按照索引展开,这里需要额外的空间。 Int32[] Indexes = new Int32[vPIndex.Count * 3]; double[] Normals = new double[Vertices.Length]; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Indexes.Length; i++) { Indexes[i] = i;//顺序写入索引,之后的点序列按照这个索引展开 } foreach (Index index in vPIndex) { //这里又产生了重复数据,我不知道要怎么再不产生重复的基础上写入数组 #region 依赖索引list写入顶点数组,此过程多次索引的顶点被展开了 Vertices[j] = vPDic[index.P1].X; Vertices[j + 1] = vPDic[index.P1].Y; Vertices[j + 2] = vPDic[index.P1].Z; Vertices[j + 3] = vPDic[index.P2].X; Vertices[j + 4] = vPDic[index.P2].Y; Vertices[j + 5] = vPDic[index.P2].Z; Vertices[j + 6] = vPDic[index.P3].X; Vertices[j + 7] = vPDic[index.P3].Y; Vertices[j + 8] = vPDic[index.P3].Z; #endregion #region 计算法向量 geoModel.CalculateNormals(ref vPDic, vPIndex); #endregion #region 写入法向量 Normals[j / 9] = vPDic[index.P1].Normal.X; Normals[(j / 9) + 1] = vPDic[index.P1].Normal.Y; Normals[(j / 9) + 2] = vPDic[index.P1].Normal.Z; Normals[(j / 9) + 3] = vPDic[index.P2].Normal.X; Normals[(j / 9) + 4] = vPDic[index.P2].Normal.Y; Normals[(j / 9) + 5] = vPDic[index.P2].Normal.Z; Normals[(j / 9) + 6] = vPDic[index.P3].Normal.X; Normals[(j / 9) + 7] = vPDic[index.P3].Normal.Y; Normals[(j / 9) + 8] = vPDic[index.P3].Normal.Z; #endregion j += 9; } #endregion Mesh mesh = new Mesh(); mesh.Vertices = Vertices; mesh.Indexes = Indexes; mesh.Normals = Normals; geoModel.Meshes.Clear(); geoModel.Meshes.Add(mesh); }
public ActionResult Save() { GeoModel geo = new GeoModel(); geo = ObjectUtil.Eval(geo, Request.Params, "", ""); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty( { = geo.createPk().ToString(); } JsResultObject result = BaseZdBiz.SaveOrUpdate(geo, "地理信息"); return(JsonText(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
//关闭对话框 private void DlgNodeAnimation_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { this.cb_Model.Items.Clear(); this.m_sceneControl.Scene.TrackingLayer.Clear(); m_nodeAnimation.TimePositionChanged -= new TimePositionChangedEventHandler(m_nodeAnimationTimePositionChanged); m_sceneControl.Tracked -= new Tracked3DEventHandler(m_sceneControl_Tracked); m_nodeAnimation.IsEnabled = false; m_geoLine3D = null; m_style3D = null; m_nodeAnimation = null; m_geoModel = null; this.btn_AddToKML.Enabled = false; }
internal void DrawBloom(GeoModel quad, ref Matrix4 mvp, int bloomTexture, float step) { GL.UniformMatrix4(mUniform_MVP, false, ref mvp); GL.ActiveTexture(TextureUnit.Texture0); GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, bloomTexture); GL.Uniform1(mUniform_TextureBloom, 0); GL.BindVertexArray(quad.Meshes.Values.ElementAt(0).VAO); GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer, quad.Meshes.Values.ElementAt(0).VBOIndex); GL.DrawElements(quad.Meshes.Values.ElementAt(0).Primitive, quad.Meshes.Values.ElementAt(0).IndexCount, DrawElementsType.UnsignedInt, 0); GL.BindBuffer(BufferTarget.ElementArrayBuffer, 0); GL.BindVertexArray(0); GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0); }
public static string GetPathClHotel(GeoModel geo, GeoLocationModel geoCl) { string pattern = "{0}{1}"; string filePath = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ZDSL.Webapp.path.Hotel.Cl"]; filePath = string.Format(filePath, geo.cityCode, geoCl.locationId); if (IsDebug()) { return(string.Format(pattern, WebUtil.GetWebRootPath(), "/Public/Hotel/Search?cityName=" + geo.cityName + "&geoClId=" + geoCl.locationId)); } else { return(string.Format(pattern, WebUtil.GetWebRootPath(), filePath)); } }
public static void OffsetModel(this GeoModel geoModel, Point3D p) { foreach (Mesh m in geoModel.Meshes) { int length = m.Vertices.Length; double[] Vertices = m.Vertices; for (int i = 0; i < length - 2; i += 3) { Vertices[i] += p.X; Vertices[i + 1] += p.Y; Vertices[i + 2] += p.Z; } m.Vertices = Vertices; } }
private void updateMask(GeoModel model, GeoCell cell) { short nswe = cell.getNSWE(); if ((nswe & GEO.NSWE_ALL) == GEO.NSWE_ALL) { model.Mask = Vector4.Zero; } else { model.Mask.X = ((nswe & GEO.NORTH) == GEO.NORTH ? 0f : 1f); model.Mask.Y = ((nswe & GEO.EAST) == GEO.EAST ? 0f : 1f); model.Mask.Z = ((nswe & GEO.SOUTH) == GEO.SOUTH ? 0f : 1f); model.Mask.W = ((nswe & GEO.WEST) == GEO.WEST ? 0f : 1f); } }
public void ImportGeoList() { IList <ELongGeoAdapter> Geos = ELongStaticClient.GetGeoList(); this.OpenSession(); ITransaction tx = this.session.BeginTransaction(); foreach (ELongGeoAdapter geo in Geos) { GeoModel temp = new GeoModel(); temp.from(geo); System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}:{3}",, temp.provinceName, temp.cityName, temp.url)); this.session.SaveOrUpdate(temp); } tx.Commit(); }
// GET: api/Geos public IHttpActionResult GetGeos() { var location = db.Geos; List <GeoModel> geomodels = new List <GeoModel>(); foreach (var item in location) { GeoModel model = new GeoModel(); model.Latitude = (double)item.Location.Latitude; model.Longitude = (double)item.Location.Longitude; model.Id = item.Id; model.Address = item.Address; geomodels.Add(model); } return(Ok(geomodels)); }
private GeoModel appendModel(float x, float y, float z, bool is_large) { float size_xz = (is_large ? 8f * GeoScene.BLOCK_SIZE : GeoScene.BLOCK_SIZE); // GeoModel i = new GeoModel(); i.IsLarge = is_large; i.Position.X = x; i.Position.Y = y; i.Position.Z = z; i.SetBounds(size_xz, GeoScene.BLOCK_SIZE, size_xz); i.UpdateWorld(); models.Add(i); // vis_tree.InsertTree(i); return(i); }
private async void PostGeoData(Location location) { using (var client = ClientHelper.GetClient(CrossSettings.Current.GetValueOrDefault("token", ""))) { GeoModel model = new GeoModel { gps_time = DateTime.Now, lat = location.Latitude.ToString().Replace(",", "."), lng = location.Longitude.ToString().Replace(",", ".") }; DriverInfoService.InitializeClient(client); var o_data = new ServiceResponseObject <SuccessResponse>(); o_data = await DriverInfoService.PostGeoData(model); Toast.MakeText(Application.Context, o_data.Message, ToastLength.Long).Show(); } }
public static NodeBinder Bind(ModelBuilder builder, GeoModel node) { if (null != (object)builder) { var nb = new NodeBinder { builder = builder, Restore = System.Threading.Interlocked.Exchange(ref builder.geoModel, node), Replace = node, }; nb.NeedDispose = nb.Restore != nb.Replace; if (nb.NeedDispose) { return(nb); } } return(default(NodeBinder)); }
public ActionResult Search(string cityName, string keyWord, string geoClId, string geoDId, DateTime?checkInDate) { PublicBiz publicBiz = PublicBiz.GetInstant(); FrontPageModel frontPage = publicBiz.getCurFrontPage(); GeoBiz geoBiz = GeoBiz.GetInstant(); GeoModel geo = geoBiz.GetGeoByCityName(cityName); this.VdGeoLocation(geo); GeoLocationModel geoLocation = null; PageSeoModel seo = PublicBiz.getCurPageSeo(); this.setPageDesc(string.Format(seo.cityDesc, geo.cityCode, geo.cityName)); this.setPageKeyWords(string.Format(seo.cityKeywords, geo.cityCode, geo.cityName)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(geoClId)) { geoLocation = BaseZdBiz.Load <GeoCommercialLocationModel>(Restrictions.Eq("geoFk",, Restrictions.Eq("locationId", geoClId)); this.setPageDesc(string.Format(seo.cityClDesc, geo.cityCode, geo.cityName, geoLocation.locationId,; this.setPageKeyWords(string.Format(seo.cityClKeywords, geo.cityCode, geo.cityName, geoLocation.locationId,; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(geoDId)) { geoLocation = BaseZdBiz.Load <GeoDistrictsModel>(Restrictions.Eq("geoFk",, Restrictions.Eq("locationId", geoDId)); this.setPageDesc(string.Format(seo.cityDDesc, geo.cityCode, geo.cityName, geoLocation.locationId,; this.setPageKeyWords(string.Format(seo.cityDKeywords, geo.cityCode, geo.cityName, geoLocation.locationId,; } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyWord)) { this.setPageDesc(string.Format(seo.hotelSearchDesc, cityName, keyWord, (checkInDate ?? DateTime.Now).ToShortDateString())); this.setPageKeyWords(string.Format(seo.hotelSearchKeywords, cityName, keyWord, (checkInDate ?? DateTime.Now).ToShortDateString())); } ViewData[typeof(GeoLocationModel).Name] = geoLocation; ICriteria icr = BaseZdBiz.CreateCriteria <BrandModel>(); string[] brandNames = frontPage.searchBrandNameArray.Split(','); icr.Add(Restrictions.In("brandName", brandNames)); IList <BrandModel> brands = icr.List <BrandModel>(); ViewData[typeof(BrandModel).Name] = brands; this.VdHotCity(15); return(View()); }
public void run() { Recordset rc = dv.GetRecordset(false, CursorType.Dynamic); Dictionary<int, Feature> feas = rc.GetAllFeatures(); foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Feature> item in feas) { GeoModel gm = item.Value.GetGeometry() as GeoModel; Console.WriteLine("==" + gm.Position + "=="); GeoModel model = new GeoModel(); model.Position = gm.Position; foreach (Mesh m in gm.Meshes) { if (m.Material.TextureFile.Length > 1) { //Console.WriteLine(m.Material.TextureFile.ToString()); Point3Ds p3ds = new Point3Ds(); for (int i = 0; i < m.Vertices.Length; i += 3) { bool repition = false; foreach (Point3D p in p3ds) { if (p.X == m.Vertices[i] && p.Y == m.Vertices[i + 1] && p.Z == m.Vertices[i + 2]) { repition = true; } } if (!repition) { p3ds.Add(new Point3D(m.Vertices[i], m.Vertices[i + 1], m.Vertices[i + 2])); } } foreach (Point3D p3d in p3ds) { Console.WriteLine(string.Format(" {0},{1},{2}", p3d.X, p3d.Y, p3d.Z)); scene.TrackingLayer.Add(new GeoPoint3D(p3d.X, p3d.Y, p3d.Z), ""); } //model.Meshes.Add(MakeMeshPot(p3ds)); Mesh mesh = new Mesh(m); mesh.Material.TextureFile = @".\78310a55b319ebc41f7810198326cffc1e171629.png"; model.Meshes.Add(mesh); #region 写属性表 Dictionary<string, double> fields = new Dictionary<string, double>(); fields.Add("FaceMeshCenterX", model.Position.X); fields.Add("FaceMeshCenterY", model.Position.Y); fields.Add("FaceMeshCenterZ", model.Position.Z); fields.Add("FaceMeshLx", p3ds.leftbottom().X); fields.Add("FaceMeshLy", p3ds.leftbottom().Y); fields.Add("FaceMeshLz", p3ds.leftbottom().Z); fields.Add("FaceMeshUx", p3ds.rightup().X); fields.Add("FaceMeshUy", p3ds.rightup().Y); fields.Add("FaceMeshUz", p3ds.rightup().Z); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, double> field in fields) { if (dv.FieldInfos.IndexOf(field.Key) < 0) { FieldInfo fieldInf = new FieldInfo(field.Key, FieldType.Double); dv.FieldInfos.Add(fieldInf); } string fieldName = field.Key; double fieldValue = field.Value; try { rc.SeekID(item.Value.GetID()); rc.Edit(); rc.SetFieldValue(fieldName, fieldValue); rc.Update(); } catch { Console.WriteLine("error!"); } //Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", item.GetID(), fieldName, fieldValue)); } #endregion } } Console.WriteLine(""); model.ComputeBoundingBox(); scene.TrackingLayer.Add(model, gm.Position.ToString()); scene.Refresh(); } }