Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// A way to add a multipolygon. Avoids erroneous conversion from multiple polygons containing holes to a simple list of coordinates.
        /// </summary>
        public async Task Add(GeoJsonMultiPolygonJsonString geoJsonMultiPolygonJsonString, Catchment otherCatchmentInfo)
            var geographyFactory = await this.GeometryFactoryProvider.GetGeometryFactoryAsync();

            var multiPolygonGeometry = geoJsonMultiPolygonJsonString.ToMultiPolygon(geographyFactory);

            var catchmentEntity = new Entities.Catchment {
                Identity = otherCatchmentInfo.Identity.Value,
                Name     = otherCatchmentInfo.Name,
                Boundary = multiPolygonGeometry,

            await this.AddCatchmentEntity(catchmentEntity, otherCatchmentInfo.Identity);
Пример #2
        public static GeoJsonMultiPolygonJsonString ToGeoJsonMultiPolygonJsonString(this MultiPolygon multiPolygon)
            var geoJsonSerializer = GeoJsonSerializer.Create();

            using (var stringWriter = new StringWriter())
                using (var jsonWriter = new JsonTextWriter(stringWriter))
                    geoJsonSerializer.Serialize(jsonWriter, multiPolygon);

                    var geoJsonMultiPolygonJsonStringValue = stringWriter.ToString();

                    var geoJsonMultiPolygonJsonString = GeoJsonMultiPolygonJsonString.From(geoJsonMultiPolygonJsonStringValue);
Пример #3
        public async Task SetBoundary(CatchmentIdentity identity, GeoJsonMultiPolygonJsonString newGeoJsonMultiPolygonJsonString)
            var geographyFactory = await this.GeometryFactoryProvider.GetGeometryFactoryAsync();

            var newMultiPolygonGeometry = newGeoJsonMultiPolygonJsonString.ToMultiPolygon(geographyFactory);

            await this.ExecuteInContextAsync(async dbContext =>
                var entity = await dbContext.Catchments.GetByIdentity(identity).SingleAsync();

                entity.Boundary = newMultiPolygonGeometry;

                await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
Пример #4
        public static async Task <CatchmentIdentity> Add(this ICatchmentsRepository repository, string name, GeoJsonMultiPolygonJsonString geoJsonMultiPolygonJsonString)
            var catchmentIdentity = CatchmentIdentity.New();

            var catchment = new Catchment()
                Identity = catchmentIdentity,
                Name     = name,

            await repository.Add(geoJsonMultiPolygonJsonString, catchment);

Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Use a geometry factory to convert a multipolygon geojson string into a multipolygon.
        /// NOTE: this requires that the keys 'type' and 'coordinates' be all-lowercase.
        /// </summary>
        public static MultiPolygon ToMultiPolygon(this GeoJsonMultiPolygonJsonString geoJsonMultiPolygonJsonString, IGeometryFactory geometryFactory)
            // Deserialize string to a JObject.
            var jObject = JObject.Parse(geoJsonMultiPolygonJsonString.Value);

            // Test that the type *IS* multipolygon!
            var geometryTypeValue = jObject["type"].Value <string>();

            if (geometryTypeValue.ToLowerInvariant() != "multipolygon")
                throw new ArgumentException("Input GeoJSON is not a multipolygon.", nameof(GeoJsonMultiPolygonJsonString));

            // Create the linear rings.
            var coordinatesToken = jObject["coordinates"];

            var polygons = new List <IPolygon>();

            foreach (var polygonValues in coordinatesToken.AsJEnumerable())
                ILinearRing shell   = null;
                var         holes   = new List <ILinearRing>();
                var         isFirst = true;
                foreach (var linearRingValues in polygonValues.AsJEnumerable())
                    var coordinateValues = linearRingValues.ToObject <double[][]>();

                    var coordinates = new List <Coordinate>();
                    foreach (var coordinateValue in coordinateValues)
                        // X is longitude.
                        var coordinate = new Coordinate(coordinateValue[0], coordinateValue[1]);


                    var linearRing = geometryFactory.CreateLinearRing(coordinates.ToArray());

                    if (isFirst)
                        isFirst = false;

                        // The first linear ring is assumed to be the outside shell and must be counter-clockwise for the SQL server database (to enclose a limited space, instead of the whole world but the space).
                        shell = linearRing.IsCCW ? linearRing : linearRing.Reverse() as LinearRing;
                        // Holes must be clockwise for the SQL server database.
                        var hole = linearRing.IsCCW ? linearRing.Reverse() as LinearRing : linearRing;


                // Create the polygon.
                var polygon = geometryFactory.CreatePolygon(shell, holes.ToArray());


            // Create the multipolygon.
            var multiPolygon = geometryFactory.CreateMultiPolygon(polygons.ToArray()) as MultiPolygon;
