Пример #1
    //Checks if ordering is changed and sorts all mapObjects of same type in map by distance to chosen mapobject. MapObject and geoEntityType are given as parameters
    //Launches event if order is changed
    public void SortMapObjects(MapObject mapObject, GeoEntityType geoEntityType)
        List <MapObject> objs;

        //mapObjects.TryGetValue(geoEntityType, out objs);
        currentFloorMapObjects.TryGetValue(geoEntityType, out objs);

        if (objs != null)
            List <float> distances = new List <float>();

            foreach (MapObject obj in objs)
                float distSqr = (obj.MapPos - mapObject.MapPos).sqrMagnitude;
            float tempDist = 0;
            foreach (float dist in distances)
                if (tempDist > dist)
                    objs.Sort((x, y) => (x.MapPos - mapObject.MapPos).sqrMagnitude.CompareTo((y.MapPos - mapObject.MapPos).sqrMagnitude));
                    mapObjectsSortingChanged(this, new EventArg <GeoEntityType, List <MapObject> >(geoEntityType, objs));
                tempDist = dist;
Пример #2
    void InitializeMaps()
        //Actions that are launched when somthing Changes in virtual space or guide map. Used as parameters when PlaneMap.Init() is called
        EventHandler <EventArg <GeoEntityType, MapObject> > vClosestChangedAction = (sender, args) => {
            GeoEntityType geoEntityType = args.arg1;

            //Add more actions for different geoentity types here if needed
            switch (geoEntityType)
            case GeoEntityType.viewpoint:
                closestVP = args.arg2.LinkedGeoEntity.gameObject;
                closestViewPointChanged(sender, new EventArg <GameObject>(closestVP));

        EventHandler <EventArg <GeoEntityType, List <MapObject> > > vSortingChangedAction = (sender, args) => {
            Debug.LogWarning("Sorting changed" + args.arg2[2].LinkedGeoEntity.gameObject.name);

        if (VirtualSpaceMap != null)
            VirtualSpaceMap.Init(vClosestChangedAction, vSortingChangedAction);

        if (GuideMap != null)
Пример #3
    //Sets closest mapObject of given type. MapObject to compare distance and geoEntityType are given as parameters. Launches event if closest mapobject is changed
    //Not sure if this is much faster than sorting all with SortMapObjects()
    public void setClosest(MapObject mapObject, GeoEntityType geoEntityType)
        List <MapObject> objs;

        //mapObjects.TryGetValue(geoEntityType, out objs);
        currentFloorMapObjects.TryGetValue(geoEntityType, out objs);

        if (objs != null)
            MapObject closest  = null;
            float     distance = float.MaxValue;

            foreach (MapObject obj in objs)
                if (obj != mapObject)
                    float dist = (obj.MapPos - mapObject.MapPos).sqrMagnitude;
                    if (dist < distance)
                        closest  = obj;
                        distance = dist;
            if (closest != null)
                if (!closestObjects.ContainsKey(geoEntityType) || closestObjects[geoEntityType] != closest)
                    closestObjects[geoEntityType] = closest;
                    closestMapObjectChanged(this, new EventArg <GeoEntityType, MapObject>(geoEntityType, closest));