public static AModulableRoom BuildModularRoom(RoomType rType, GenericRoom r) { switch (rType) { case RoomType.STORAGE: return(new StorageRoom(r)); case RoomType.AIRLOCK: if (r == null) { return(new AirlockRoom(, 0)); } return(new AirlockRoom(r.GameObject.transform.position, r.Size.x * r.Size.y)); case RoomType.DEFENSE: return(new DefenseRoom()); case RoomType.FACTORY: return(new FactoryRoom(r)); case RoomType.MINING: return(new MiningRoom(r)); case RoomType.EMPTY: return(new EmptyRoom()); default: throw new System.ArgumentException("Can't build modular room of type " + rType, nameof(rType)); } }
public void CombineWithTest() { string layoutConnect = @"........ ........ " ; GenericRoom roomConnect = new GenericRoom(layoutConnect, new MapCoordinates(10, 7), null); string layout1 = @" .... ...."; GenericRoom room1 = new GenericRoom(layout1, new MapCoordinates(10, 9), null); GenericRoom room2 = new GenericRoom(layout1, new MapCoordinates(14, 9), null); roomConnect.AddExit(room1, new MapCoordinates(10, 9)); roomConnect.AddExit(room2, new MapCoordinates(14, 9)); room1.AddExit(roomConnect, new MapCoordinates(10, 9)); room2.AddExit(roomConnect, new MapCoordinates(14, 9)); room1.CombineWith(room2); Assert.AreEqual(2, room1.ExitMap.Count); Assert.AreEqual(8, room1.Width); Assert.AreEqual(3, room1.Height); Assert.IsTrue(room1.ExitMap.ContainsKey(new MapCoordinates(10, 9))); Assert.IsTrue(room1.ExitMap.ContainsKey(new MapCoordinates(14, 9))); Assert.AreSame(roomConnect, room1.ExitMap[new MapCoordinates(10, 9)]); Assert.AreSame(roomConnect, room1.ExitMap[new MapCoordinates(14, 9)]); }
public void MarkTerrainTest() { GenericRoom target = new GenericRoom(_layout4X2, new MapCoordinates(10, 10), null); MapCoordinates mapLocation = new MapCoordinates(10, 10); target[mapLocation] = '#'; Assert.AreEqual('#', target[mapLocation]); }
private void putPutinInRoom(GenericRoom instance) { Transform putinTransform = FindObjectOfType<TurnPutin> ().gameObject.transform; Transform playerTransform = GameManager.instance.player.gameObject.transform; // Assign putin position playerTransform.position = new Vector3 (instance.GetSpawn ().x, 0f, instance.GetSpawn ().z); putinTransform.localPosition = new Vector3 (0f, 0f, 0f); GameManager.instance.player.GetComponent<Player> ().room = instance; }
private void putPutinInRoom(GenericRoom instance) { Transform putinTransform = FindObjectOfType <TurnPutin> ().gameObject.transform; Transform playerTransform = GameManager.instance.player.gameObject.transform; // Assign putin position playerTransform.position = new Vector3(instance.GetSpawn().x, 0f, instance.GetSpawn().z); putinTransform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f); GameManager.instance.player.GetComponent <Player> ().room = instance; }
public void GenericRoomConstructorTest() { string layout = @".... ...."; List <GenericRoom> exits = null; MapCoordinates location = new MapCoordinates(); GenericRoom target = new GenericRoom(layout, location, exits); Assert.AreEqual(2, target.Height); Assert.AreEqual(4, target.Width); }
public void UpdateRoom(GenericRoom room) { if (room.RoomType.IsMining()) { var metals = GetMetalsCloseEnough(room.GameObject.transform.position); if (metals.Length > 0) { var mr = (MiningRoom)room.RoomType; mr.CurrentMining = metals[0]; mr.Possibilities = metals; } _miningRooms.Add(room); } }
public void UpdateRoom(GenericRoom room) { if (room.RoomType.IsAirlock()) { var airlock = (AirlockRoom)room.RoomType; if (airlock.Emplacements.Any(x => x == null)) { foreach (var sub in _submarines) { sub.GetNewAirlock(airlock); } } } }
public FactoryRoom(GenericRoom r) : base() { Stock = new Resources.ResourceStock(r, ConfigManager.S.Config.FactoryStorageMaxSize); Formula = ConfigManager.S.Config.Formulas[0]; req = new Requirement(r, Formula.Input.Select(x => new ResourceInfo() { Type = x, Amount = ConfigManager.S.Config.NbOfResourcePerTransportation }).ToArray(), true); if (r != null) { r.Requirement = req; } }
public MiningRoom(GenericRoom r) : base() { Stock = new Resources.ResourceStock(r, ConfigManager.S.Config.MiningStorageMaxSize); }
public StorageRoom(GenericRoom r) : base() { Stock = new ResourceStock(r, ConfigManager.S.Config.NormalStorageMaxSize); }
public ResourceStock(GenericRoom r, int maxSize) { Room = r; MaxSize = maxSize; ResourcesManager.S.AddStock(this); }
private void Update() { // We want the user to click and release his mouse on the same element if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { currInfoD = null; var mousePos = Input.mousePosition; mousePos.z = -Camera.main.transform.position.z; var pos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(mousePos); var pos2d = (Vector2)pos; var room = MapManager.S.MapRooms.FirstOrDefault((x) => { var xSize = x.Size.x / 2f; return(pos2d.x > x.GameObject.transform.position.x - xSize && pos2d.x < x.GameObject.transform.position.x + xSize && pos2d.y > x.GameObject.transform.position.y && pos2d.y < x.GameObject.transform.position.y + x.Size.y); }); if (room != null) { if (_currentSelection != null && room.IsBuilt) // We want to change the type of a room { clicked = room as GenericRoom; if (clicked != null && !clicked.RoomType.IsEmpty()) { clicked = null; } } else // Display info about a room { _roomInfo.Name.text = room.GetName(); _roomInfo.Description.text = room.GetDescription(); if (_roomInfo.DetailPanel.transform.childCount > 0) { Destroy(_roomInfo.DetailPanel.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject); } var gRoom = room as GenericRoom; if (gRoom != null || room.IsBuilt) { var p = room.IsBuilt ? gRoom.RoomType.GetDescriptionPanel() : room.GetDescriptionPanel(); if (p != null) { var go = Instantiate(p, _roomInfo.DetailPanel.transform); var t = (RectTransform)go.transform; var pT = (RectTransform)_roomInfo.DetailPanel.transform; t.sizeDelta =; t.position = pT.position; if (room.IsBuilt) { gRoom.RoomType.SetupConfigPanel(go); } else { room.SetupConfigPanel(go); } } } _roomInfo.gameObject.SetActive(true); currInfoD = gRoom; } } else if (Input.mousePosition.x < Screen.width - 200 || Input.mousePosition.y < Screen.height - 300) { _roomInfo.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0) && clicked != null && clicked.IsBuilt) { clicked.RoomType = ModularRoomFactory.BuildModularRoom(_currentSelection.Value, clicked); int index; if (clicked.Size.x == 2) { if (clicked.Size.y == 1) { index = 0; } else { index = 1; } } else { if (clicked.Size.y == 1) { index = 2; } else { index = 3; } } GameObject go; if (_currentSelection.Value == RoomType.AIRLOCK) { go = PAirlock[index]; } else if (_currentSelection.Value == RoomType.DEFENSE) { go = PDefense[index]; } else if (_currentSelection.Value == RoomType.FACTORY) { go = PFactory[index]; } else if (_currentSelection.Value == RoomType.MINING) { go = PMining[index]; } else if (_currentSelection.Value == RoomType.STORAGE) { go = PStorage[index]; } else { go = null; } if (go != null) { var n = Instantiate(go, clicked.GameObject.transform.position, Quaternion.Euler(0f, 180f, 0f)); Destroy(clicked.GameObject); clicked.GameObject = n; } EventManager.S.NotifyManager(Events.Event.RoomSetType, clicked); clicked = null; SetCurrentBuild(-1); } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)) // Reset selection { currInfoD = null; if (_currentSelection != null) { SetCurrentBuild(-1); } SubmarineManager.S.RemoveSubmarinePlacementMode(); } }
public void generateLevel() { int length = map.GetLength(0); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) { if (map[i, j] > 0) { Vector3 currentRoomPosition = start + (rightRoom * j) + (bottomRoom * i); GameObject currentRoom = spawnRoom(map[i, j], currentRoomPosition); //Set room id GenericRoom roomScript = currentRoom.GetComponent <GenericRoom>(); roomScript.roomId = "[ " + i + "," + j + " ]"; //Set generic room script mapGenericRoom[i, j] = roomScript; //Instantiate links and connect //South Room if (i + 1 < length && map[i + 1, j] > 0) { Vector3 currentLinkPosition = currentRoomPosition + (bottomLink); GameObject currentLink = Instantiate(linkX, currentLinkPosition, Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0)); Door door = currentLink.GetComponentInChildren(typeof(Door)) as Door; door.cost = (baseDoorCost * (i + 1) + baseDoorCost * (j + 1)); = "[" + i + "," + j + "]" + " South"; door.rooms.Add(roomScript); roomScript.south = door; } else { //Dead End Vector3 currentLinkPosition = currentRoomPosition + (bottomLink); GameObject deadEnd = Instantiate(endSouth, currentLinkPosition, Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0)); } //Right Room / East Room //j + 1 < length && map[i, j + 1] == 1 if (j + 1 < length && map[i, j + 1] > 0) { Vector3 currentLinkPosition = currentRoomPosition + (rightLink); GameObject currentLink = Instantiate(link, currentLinkPosition, Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0)); Door door = currentLink.GetComponentInChildren(typeof(Door)) as Door; door.cost = (baseDoorCost * (i + 1) + baseDoorCost * (j + 1)); = "[" + i + "," + j + "]" + " East"; door.rooms.Add(roomScript); roomScript.east = door; } else { Vector3 currentLinkPosition = currentRoomPosition + (rightLink); GameObject deadEnd = Instantiate(endEast, currentLinkPosition, Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0)); } //Left Room / West Room if (j - 1 >= 0 && map[i, j - 1] > 0) { //1.Make 2D array of GenericRooms //2.Ask for left room's east door if (mapGenericRoom[i, j - 1] != null) { GenericRoom leftGenericRoom = mapGenericRoom[i, j - 1]; roomScript.west = leftGenericRoom.east; roomScript.west.rooms.Add(roomScript); } else { Debug.Log("ERROR. Somehow null but it shouldn't be"); } } else { Vector3 currentLinkPosition = currentRoomPosition + (leftLink); GameObject deadEnd = Instantiate(endWest, currentLinkPosition, Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0)); } //Top Room / North if (i - 1 >= 0 && map[i - 1, j] > 0) { //Ask for top room's south door if (mapGenericRoom[i - 1, j] != null) { GenericRoom topGenericRoom = mapGenericRoom[i - 1, j]; roomScript.north = topGenericRoom.south; roomScript.north.rooms.Add(roomScript); } else { Debug.Log("ERROR. Somehow null but it shouldn't be"); } } else { Vector3 currentLinkPosition = currentRoomPosition + (topLink); GameObject deadEnd = Instantiate(endNorth, currentLinkPosition, Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0)); } } } } }
public ReceptionRoom(GenericRoom r) : base() { Stock = new Resources.ResourceStock(r, ConfigManager.S.Config.StartingResources.Select(x => x.Amount).Sum()); }