Пример #1
        // Note: not actually an embed
        internal static async Task RoleEmbedCreate(CommandContext ctx,
                                                   DiscordChannel channel,
                                                   string title,
                                                   DiscordEmoji emoji,
                                                   DiscordRole role)
            if (title.Length > 0)
                DiscordMessage roleMessage = await channel.SendMessageAsync(
                    content : String.Format("{0}\n{1} {2}",
                                            arg0: title,
                                            arg1: EmojiConverter.GetEmojiString(emoji),
                                            arg2: role.Mention));

                var a = roleMessage.CreateReactionAsync(emoji);
                var b = AddMessageToDatabase(roleMessage.Id, role, emoji);

                await Task.WhenAll(a, b);

                await ctx.RespondAsync(
                    embed : Generics.GenericEmbedTemplate(
                        color: Generics.NeutralColor,
                        description: $"Tasks:\nCreate Reaction Success: {a.IsCompletedSuccessfully}\n" +
                        $"Database Success: {a.IsCompletedSuccessfully}",
                        title: @"Create new embed"));
                await GenericResponses.HandleInvalidArguments(ctx);
Пример #2
        public async Task ExcludeBase(CommandContext ctx,
                                      string action,
                                      string exclude = @"")
            // Check if they have the permissions to call this command.
            if (await Permissions.HandlePermissionsCheck(ctx))
                switch (action)
                case "new":
                case "add":
                    if (!(await FilterSystem.HasItem(exclude)))
                    {       // The exclude doesn't exist already.
                        await FilterSystem.AddExclude(ctx, exclude);
                    {       // The exclude does exist.
                        await GenericResponses.SendGenericCommandError(
                            "Unable to add exclude",
                            $"the provided exclude `{exclude}` exists already as an exclude or mask...");

                case "remove":
                case "delete":
                    if ((await FilterSystem.HasExclude(exclude)))
                    {       // The exclude  exists.
                        await FilterSystem.RemoveExclude(ctx, exclude);
                    {       // The exclude doesn't exist.
                        await GenericResponses.SendGenericCommandError(
                            "Unable to remove exclude",
                            $"the provided exclude `{exclude}` exists already...");

                case "list":
                    await FilterSystem.ListExcludes(ctx);


                    await GenericResponses.HandleInvalidArguments(ctx);

Пример #3
        public async Task FilterBase(CommandContext ctx,
                                     string action,
                                     string mask = @"")
            // Check if they have the permissions to call this command.
            if (await Permissions.HandlePermissionsCheck(ctx))
                switch (action)
                case "new":
                case "add":
                    if (!(await FilterSystem.HasItem(mask)))
                    {       // The mask doesn't exist already.
                        await FilterSystem.AddMask(ctx, mask);
                    {       // The mask does exist.
                        await GenericResponses.SendGenericCommandError(
                            "Unable to add mask",
                            $"the provided mask `{mask}` exists already as an exclude or mask...");

                case "remove":
                case "delete":
                    if ((await FilterSystem.HasMask(mask)))
                    {       // The mask exists.
                        await FilterSystem.RemoveMask(ctx, mask);
                    {       // The mask doesn't exist.
                        await GenericResponses.SendGenericCommandError(
                            "Unable to remove mask",
                            $"the provided mask `{mask}` does not exist...");

                case "list":
                    await FilterSystem.ListMasks(ctx);


                default:     // Invalid arguments.
                    await GenericResponses.HandleInvalidArguments(ctx);

Пример #4
 public async Task RoleEmbedCreate(CommandContext ctx,
                                   DiscordChannel channel,
                                   DiscordEmoji emoji,
                                   DiscordRole role,
                                   string title)
     if (await Permissions.HandlePermissionsCheck(ctx))
         if (!(title is null) && title.Length > 0)
             await RoleRequestSystem.RoleEmbedCreate(ctx, channel, title, emoji, role);
             await GenericResponses.HandleInvalidArguments(ctx);
Пример #5
        public async Task MentionsLookup(CommandContext ctx,
                                         params string[] users)
            if (await Permissions.HandlePermissionsCheck(ctx))
                // Convert the string[] into a ulong[]

                ulong[] userIds        = new ulong[users.Length];
                bool    validArguments = true;

                for (int i = 0; i < users.Length && validArguments; i++)
                    Match m = UserIdLookupRegex.Match(users[i]);

                    if (m.Success && ulong.TryParse(m.Value,
                                                    ulong a))
                        userIds[i] = a;
                        validArguments = false;

                // Check if all arguments are valid. If any are not, we tell the user they f****d it up.
                if (validArguments)
                    await MentionsLookupUnwrapper(ctx, userIds);
                    await GenericResponses.HandleInvalidArguments(ctx);
Пример #6
        public async Task ExcludeChannel(CommandContext ctx, string command, params DiscordChannel[] channels)
            if (await Permissions.HandlePermissionsCheck(ctx))
                Func <DiscordChannel, bool> commandsAction;
                string verb;
                string verb2;

                switch (command)
                case "add":
                    commandsAction = delegate(DiscordChannel c)
                    { ulong id = c.Id;
                      // Make sure it doesn't exist.
                      bool notExists_returnVal = !Program.Settings.ExcludedChannels.Contains(id);
                      // It doesn't exist, so we can add it.
                      if (notExists_returnVal)

                      return(notExists_returnVal); };

                    verb  = @"add";
                    verb2 = @"added";

                case "remove":
                    commandsAction = delegate(DiscordChannel c)
                    { ulong id = c.Id;
                      // Check if it exists.
                      bool exists_returnVal = Program.Settings.ExcludedChannels.Contains(id);
                      // Only remove it if it exists.
                      if (exists_returnVal)

                      return(exists_returnVal); };

                    verb  = @"remove";
                    verb2 = @"removed";

                    commandsAction = null;
                    verb           = String.Empty;
                    verb2          = String.Empty;

                // Check if we got a valid command arg.
                if (commandsAction is null)
                {   // We did not get a valid command arg.
                    await GenericResponses.HandleInvalidArguments(ctx);
                {   // We did get a valid command arg.
                    // Array of everything and a description of if it was added or not.
                    Dictionary <DiscordChannel, bool> successAdded =
                        new Dictionary <DiscordChannel, bool>(channels.Length);

                    // Loop through each channel.
                    foreach (DiscordChannel chan in channels)
                    {   // Invoke our command on each channel
                        successAdded.Add(chan, commandsAction.Invoke(chan));

                    // Check if anything was added successfully.
                    if (successAdded.Any(a => a.Value))
                    {   // Yes, at least one thing was added successfully. So let's save the settings now that they've been updated.

                    // Respond.

                    await GenericResponses.SendMessageChangedNotChanged(
                        channel : ctx.Channel,
                        title : $"Attempted to {verb} channel(s)",
                        mention : ctx.Member.Mention,
                        body : $"I attempted to {verb} the channels you gave me.",
                        successChanged : successAdded,
                        verb : verb2,
                        invertedVerb : $"not {verb2}");
Пример #7
        public static async Task AddReminder(CommandContext ctx, string args)
        {   // Firstly get all the matches.
            MatchCollection regexMatches  = DateRegex.Matches(args);
            BitArray        regexCoverage = new BitArray(args.Length);
            var             dto           = ctx.Message.CreationTimestamp;
            List <ulong>    mentions      = new List <ulong>();

            // String processing - find the message and get the reminder end date.
            // To find what's not a date, we simply look for the first character that isn't in the boundaries of a Regex match.
            // Structure of a possible string:
            //             Date String | Message String
            //  DATE, DATE, DATE, DATE | message
            // Beyond the Date String we want to stop processing time information as people may reference time in the message string, so we don't
            // erronously want that data added to the date string.

            // Populate the regexCoverage...
            foreach (Match match in regexMatches)
                for (int i = match.Index; i < match.Index + match.Length; i++)
                    regexCoverage[i] = true;

            // So I want to explain what I'm about to do here. Every value in regexCoverage[] indicates if that's part of the initial time
            // string. We want to use it to determine if something is a message or a time value, so if at any point, we run into something that
            // isn't a time string, we want to set every instance thereafter as false so we know it's part of a message.
            if (regexMatches.Count > 0)
                bool value = regexCoverage[0];
                for (int k = 1; k < regexCoverage.Count; k++)
                    if (!IsWhitespace(args[k]))
                        if (!regexCoverage[k] && value)
                            value = false;

                        if (!value)
                            regexCoverage[k] = value;
            // We need to figure out where the date string ends.
            string messageString = String.Empty;

            int  dateEndIndex = 0;
            bool messageFound = false;

            while (dateEndIndex < regexCoverage.Length && !messageFound)
                char stringChar        = args[dateEndIndex];
                bool inRegexBoundaries = regexCoverage[dateEndIndex];

                // This checks to see if the character is non-white-space and outside of any RegEx boundaries.
                messageFound = !IsWhitespace(stringChar) && !inRegexBoundaries;

                // If not found, continue; otherwise, keep incrementing.
                if (!messageFound)

            // If we aren't going out of bounds, let's set the string to this.
            if (dateEndIndex < regexCoverage.Length)
                messageString = args.Substring(dateEndIndex);

            // Get date information
            foreach (Match match in regexMatches)
                // Only try to exclude Message String date information if a message string was found.
                if (!messageFound || (regexCoverage[match.Index] && regexCoverage[match.Index + match.Length - 1]))
                    InterpretTime(match.Groups[1].Value, match.Groups[2].Value, ref dto);

            // Get mentions
            foreach (DiscordUser user in ctx.Message.MentionedUsers)
                ulong id = user.Id;

                if (!user.IsBot && !mentions.Contains(id))

            // At this point, now we have the DateTimeOffset describing when this reminder needs to be set off, and we have a message string if
            // any. So now we just need to make sure it's within reasonable boundaries, set the reminder, and notify the user.

            DateTimeOffset      maxtime = new DateTimeOffset(ctx.Message.CreationTimestamp.UtcDateTime).AddMonths(Program.Settings.MaxReminderTimeMonths);
            DiscordEmbedBuilder embed;

            bool sendErrorEmbed = false;

            if (dto.UtcTicks == ctx.Message.CreationTimestamp.UtcTicks)
            {   // No time was added.
                embed = Generics.GenericEmbedTemplate(
                    color: Generics.NegativeColor,
                    description: Generics.NegativeDirectResponseTemplate(
                        mention: ctx.Member.Mention,
                        body: @"I was unable able to add the reminder you gave me. You didn't supply me a valid time..."),
                    title: @"Unable to add reminder",
                    thumbnail: Generics.URL_REMINDER_GENERIC

                sendErrorEmbed = true;
            else if (dto.UtcTicks > maxtime.UtcTicks)
            {   // More than our allowed time away.
                int maxMonths = Program.Settings.MaxReminderTimeMonths;

                embed = Generics.GenericEmbedTemplate(
                    color: Generics.NegativeColor,
                    description: Generics.NegativeDirectResponseTemplate(
                        mention: ctx.Member.Mention,
                        body: $"I was unable able to add the reminder you gave me. That's more than {maxMonths} month{(maxMonths > 0 ? @"s" : String.Empty)} away..."),
                    title: @"Unable to add reminder",
                    thumbnail: Generics.URL_REMINDER_GENERIC

                sendErrorEmbed = true;
            {   // Everything is good in the world... except that the world is burning, but that's not something we're worried about here, for
                // now...

                embed = Generics.GenericEmbedTemplate(
                    color: Generics.PositiveColor,
                    description: Generics.PositiveDirectResponseTemplate(
                        mention: ctx.Member.Mention,
                        body: @"I added the reminder you gave me!"),
                    title: @"Add reminder",
                    thumbnail: Generics.URL_REMINDER_GENERIC

                Reminder reminder = new Reminder(
                    originalMessageId: ctx.Message.Id.ToString(),
                    text: messageString.Length.Equals(0) ? @"n/a" : messageString.ToString(),
                    time: (int)(dto.ToUnixTimeSeconds() / 60),
                    user: ctx.Member.Id,
                    channel: ctx.Channel.Id,
                    usersToNotify: mentions.Select(a => Generics.GetMention(a)).ToArray());

                embed.AddField(@"User", ctx.Member.Mention, true);
                embed.AddField(@"Time (UTC)", dto.ToString(Generics.DateFormat), true);
                embed.AddField(@"Remaining time", Generics.GetRemainingTime(dto), true);
                embed.AddField(@"Notification Identifier", reminder.OriginalMessageId.ToString(), false);

                if (GetUsersToNotify(reminder.UsersToNotify, out string mentionsString))
                    embed.AddField(@"Users to mention", mentionsString, false);

                // Let's build the command.
                using var command = new SqliteCommand(BotDatabase.Instance.DataSource)
                          CommandText = QQ_AddReminder

                SqliteParameter a = new SqliteParameter("$id", reminder.OriginalMessageId.ToString())
                    DbType = DbType.String

                SqliteParameter b = new SqliteParameter("$userid", reminder.User)
                    DbType = DbType.String

                SqliteParameter c = new SqliteParameter("$channelid", reminder.Channel)
                    DbType = DbType.String

                SqliteParameter d = new SqliteParameter("$message", reminder.Text)
                    DbType = DbType.String

                SqliteParameter e = new SqliteParameter("$time", reminder.Time)
                    DbType = DbType.Int32

                var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                stringBuilder.AppendJoin(' ', reminder.UsersToNotify);

                SqliteParameter f = new SqliteParameter("$mention", stringBuilder.ToString())
                    DbType = DbType.String

                command.Parameters.AddRange(new SqliteParameter[] { a, b, c, d, e, f });

                await BotDatabase.Instance.ExecuteNonQuery(command);

                // Send the response.
                await ctx.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : embed);

            if (sendErrorEmbed)
                var a = ctx.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed: embed);
                var b = GenericResponses.HandleInvalidArguments(ctx);

                await Task.WhenAll(a, b);