Пример #1
        public DataSet GetProductsWithVendorsDataSet()
            DataSet ds  = new DataSet();
            string  sql = "select p.*,";

            sql += "(select c.name from productcategory c";
            sql += " join productsubcategory s on s.productcategoryid=c.productcategoryid";
            sql += " where s.productsubcategoryid=p.productsubcategoryid) Category,";
            sql += " (select s.name from productsubcategory s where s.productsubcategoryid=p.productsubcategoryid) SubCategory,";
            sql += " (select v.name from vendor v where v.vendorid=p.primaryvendorid) PrimaryVendor,";
            sql += " (select v.name from vendor v where v.vendorid=p.secondaryvendorid) SecondaryVendor";
            sql += " from product p Order by p.name";
            GenericQuery q = new GenericQuery();

                ds = q.GetDataSet(false, sql);
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Write(ex.Message, sql);
                throw (ex);

Пример #2
        public decimal GetTotalOrdersByCustomer(int CustomerID)
            decimal      tot = 0;
            GenericQuery gen = new GenericQuery();

                string sql = "select sum(TotalDue) as tot from salesorderheader where status=6 and customerid=)" + CustomerID.ToString();

                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                ds = gen.GetDataSet(false, sql);
                foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    if (dr["tot"] != DBNull.Value)
                        tot += decimal.Parse(dr["tot"].ToString());
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Write(ex.Message, "GetTotalOrdersByCustomer");
                throw (ex);
                gen = null;
Пример #3
        public decimal GetTotalPaymentsByInvoice(int InvoiceID)
            decimal      tot = 0;
            GenericQuery gen = new GenericQuery();

                string sql = "select sum(amount) as tot from payment where invoiceid=" + InvoiceID.ToString();

                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                ds = gen.GetDataSet(false, sql);
                foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    if (dr["tot"] != DBNull.Value)
                        tot += decimal.Parse(dr["tot"].ToString());
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Write(ex.Message, "GetTotalPaymentsByInvoice");
                throw (ex);
                gen = null;
Пример #4
        public void UpdatePaymentStatus(int invoiceid)
            decimal            payments = 0;
            SalesInvoiceHeader inv      = new SalesInvoiceHeader();
            GenericQuery       q        = new GenericQuery();

                inv = inv.GetSalesInvoiceHeaders(invoiceid);
                string  sql = "select sum(amount) as TotalPayments from payment where invoiceid=" + inv.InvoiceID;
                DataSet ds  = new DataSet();
                ds = q.GetDataSet(false, sql);
                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    payments = decimal.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["TotalPayments"].ToString());

                if (payments >= inv.TotalDue)
                    inv.Status = 5;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw (ex);
                inv = null;
                q   = null;
Пример #5
        private void btnHSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            //   int productid = Int32.Parse(cmbProducts.SelectedValue.ToString());
            GenericQuery q           = new GenericQuery();
            DataSet      ds          = new DataSet();
            string       productDesc = txtHProduct.Text;
            string       sql         = "select p.productid,c.name as Category,s.name as Subcategory,p.description as Product,";

            sql         += " v.quantity as Quantity, h.adjustedquantity as AdjustedQuanity,";
            sql         += "h.reason as Reason, ";
            sql         += " h.ModifiedDate as LastModified ";
            sql         += " from  ";
            sql         += " product p ,productinventory v,productcategory c,productsubcategory s, productadjustmenthistory h ";
            sql         += " where  ";
            sql         += " p.productid=v.productid and p.productid=h.productid and p.productsubcategoryid = s.productsubcategoryid and s.productcategoryid=c.productcategoryid";
            string where = " and p.description like '" + productDesc + "%'";
            if (cmbProductSubCategories.SelectedIndex > 0)
                where += " and p.productsubcategoryid=" + cmbProductSubCategories.SelectedValue.ToString();
            else if (cmbProductCategories.SelectedIndex > 0)
                where += " and s.productcategoryid=" + cmbProductCategories.SelectedValue.ToString();
            string OrderBy = " order by p.description,LastModified desc ";

            sql += where + OrderBy;
                ds = q.GetDataSet(false, sql);
                dgHisotry.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];
                dgHisotry.Columns["Quantity"].Visible  = false;
                dgHisotry.Columns["productid"].Visible = false;
                if (dgHisotry.Rows.Count > 0)
                    txtQuantity.Text = dgHisotry.Rows[0].Cells["Quantity"].Value.ToString();
                    MessageBox.Show("Product doesn't have adjustment history", "Product Inventory", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    txtQuantity.Text = String.Empty;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Product Inventory", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
                ds             = null;
                q              = null;
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
        public DataSet GetInovoicesBalanceDataSet()
            DataSet      ds  = new DataSet();
            GenericQuery q   = new GenericQuery();
            string       sql = "select * from InvoicesBalance_View where balance<>0";

                ds = q.GetDataSet(false, sql);
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Write(ex.Message, "GetInvoicesBalanceDataSet");
                throw (ex);
                q = null;
Пример #7
        public DataSet GetDiscountByProduct(int productid, int quantity)
            GenericQuery q   = new GenericQuery();
            DataSet      ds  = new DataSet();
            string       sql = "select s.description as SpecialOfferDesc,s.specialofferid,discountpct,type,minqty,maxqty";

            sql += " from specialoffer s";
            sql += " join specialofferproduct sp on s.specialofferid=sp.specialofferid";
            sql += " where productid=" + productid.ToString();
            sql += " and startDate <=getdate() and EndDate >= getdate()";
            sql += " and (minqty=0 or minqty >= " + quantity.ToString() + ")";
                ds = q.GetDataSet(false, sql);
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Write(ex.Message, sql);
                throw (ex);
Пример #8
        public DataSet GetInvoiceDetailsGroupedByName(int invoiceid)
            DataSet ds  = new DataSet();
            string  sql = "select p.name, sum(o.quantity) as Quantity, o.unitprice as Price,";

            sql += " sum(UnitPriceDiscount) as Discount,";
            sql += " ( sum(quantity * unitprice) - sum(UnitPriceDiscount) ) as [Grand Total]";
            sql += " from salesinvoicedetail o,product p";
            sql += " where o.productid=p.productid and";
            sql += " o.invoiceid=" + invoiceid.ToString();
            sql += " group by p.name,o.unitprice order by p.name";
                GenericQuery q = new GenericQuery();
                ds = q.GetDataSet(false, sql);
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Write(ex.Message, sql);
                throw (ex);
Пример #9
        private void Search(int selectedIndex)
            InventoryAdjustmentCount = 0;
            Cursor.Current           = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            GenericQuery gq            = new GenericQuery();
            int          categoryid    = Int32.Parse(cmbCategories.SelectedValue.ToString());
            int          subcategoryid = 0;

            if (cmbSubCategory.Items.Count > 0)
                subcategoryid = Int32.Parse(cmbSubCategory.SelectedValue.ToString());
            string item = txtProduct.Text.Trim();
            string sql  = String.Empty;

            sql          = "select p.productid,c.name as Category,s.name as Subcategory,rtrim(p.Description) as Product,";
            sql         += "(select sum(v.quantity) from productinventory v where v.productid=p.productid) as Quantity,";
            sql         += "(null) as AdjustedQuantity,";
            sql         += "('') as Reason";
            sql         += " from  product p ,productcategory c,productsubcategory s";
            string where = " where p.productsubcategoryid = s.productsubcategoryid and s.productcategoryid=c.productcategoryid";
            where       += " and p.description like '" + item + "%'";
            if (subcategoryid > 0)
                where += " and p.productsubcategoryid =" + subcategoryid;
            else if (categoryid > 0)
                where += " and c.productcategoryid =" + categoryid;
            string groupby  = " group by p.productid,p.Description ,c.name ,s.name";
            string orderyby = " order by p.description";

            sql += where + groupby + orderyby;

            // if (categoryid == 0)

            //    sql = "select p.productid,p.Description as Product,c.name as Category,s.name as Subcategory,";
            //    sql += " v.quantity as Quantity,(select adjustedquantity from productadjustmenthistory where productid = p.productid and id=(select max(id) from productadjustmenthistory where productid =p.productid )) as AdjustedQuanity,";
            //    sql += "(select reason from productadjustmenthistory where productid = p.productid and id=(select max(id) from productadjustmenthistory where productid =p.productid )) as Reason, ";
            //    sql += " v.ModifiedDate as LastModified ";
            //    sql += " from  ";
            //    sql += " product p ,productinventory v,productcategory c,productsubcategory s ";
            //    sql += " where description like '" + item + "%' and" ;
            //    sql += " p.productid=v.productid and p.productsubcategoryid = s.productsubcategoryid and s.productcategoryid=c.productcategoryid";
            //    sql += " order by p.Description";
            //if(categoryid >=1)
            //    where += " and c.productcategoryid =" + categoryid;
            //    if (subcategoryid > 0)
            //    {
            //        where += " and p.productsubcategoryid = " + subcategoryid;
            //    }
            //    sql = "select p.productid,p.Description as Product,c.name as Category,s.name as Subcategory,";
            //    sql += " v.quantity as Quantity,(select adjustedquantity from productadjustmenthistory where productid = p.productid and id=(select max(id) from productadjustmenthistory where productid =p.productid )) as AdjustedQuanity,";
            //    sql += "(select reason from productadjustmenthistory where productid = p.productid and id=(select max(id) from productadjustmenthistory where productid =p.productid )) as Reason ,";
            //    sql += " v.ModifiedDate as LastModified ";
            //    sql += " from  ";
            //    sql += " product p ,productinventory v,productcategory c,productsubcategory s ";
            //    sql += " where  ";
            //    sql += " p.productid=v.productid and p.productsubcategoryid = s.productsubcategoryid and s.productcategoryid=c.productcategoryid";
            //    sql += " and c.productcategoryid =" + categoryid;
            //    sql += " order by p.description ";
                dsProductInventory     = new DataSet();
                dsProductInventory     = gq.GetDataSet(false, sql);
                dgInventory.DataSource = dsProductInventory.Tables[0];
                dgInventory.Columns["productid"].Visible    = false;
                dgInventory.Columns["Category"].ReadOnly    = true;
                dgInventory.Columns["Subcategory"].ReadOnly = true;
                dgInventory.Columns["Product"].ReadOnly     = true;
                dgInventory.Columns["Quantity"].ReadOnly    = true;

                if (dsProductInventory.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    dgInventory.Rows[0].Selected                = false;
                    dgInventory.Rows[selectedIndex].Selected    = true;
                    dgInventory.FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex = selectedIndex;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Product Inventory", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
                gq             = null;
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
Пример #10
        private void SearchProducts()
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            GenericQuery             gq     = new GenericQuery();
            DataSet                  ds     = new DataSet();
            DataGridViewButtonColumn button = new DataGridViewButtonColumn();
            DataGridViewImageColumn  img    = new DataGridViewImageColumn();

            img.Image = Properties.Resources.user_go;
            button.HeaderText = "Last 6 Orders";
            button.Text       = "Orders";
            button.UseColumnTextForButtonValue = true;
            button.DisplayIndex = 0;
            button.FlatStyle    = FlatStyle.System;
            string searchedProduct      = txtProductCode.Text.Trim();
            int    productSubcategoryID = 0;
            int    productCategoryId    = Int32.Parse(cmbCategory.SelectedValue.ToString());

            if (productCategoryId > 0)
                productSubcategoryID = Int32.Parse(cmbSubCategory.SelectedValue.ToString());

            string sql = "SELECT [Product].[ProductID],	[Product].[Description] AS Name, ";

            sql += "[Product].[ProductNumber] PRODUCT_CODE,	[Product].[ReorderPoint],";
            sql += "[ProductInventory].[QUANTITY] as INSTOCK,";
            //sql += "max([so].specialofferid)specialofferid,[so].description as SpecialOfferDesc,";
            sql += "(select max([so].specialofferid) from specialoffer so join specialofferproduct sop on sop.SpecialOfferID=so.SpecialOfferID";
            sql += " where sop.productid=product.productid and so.StartDate <= getdate() and so.EndDate > getdate())specialofferid,";
            sql += " (select [so].description from specialoffer so join specialofferproduct sop on sop.SpecialOfferID=so.SpecialOfferID ";
            sql += " where sop.productid=product.productid and so.StartDate <= getdate() and so.EndDate > getdate()) SpecialOfferDesc,";
            if (m_OrderType == (int)OrderType.SaleOrder)
                sql += "max([Product].[ListPrice]) AS PRICE ";
                sql += "max([Product].[StandardCost]) AS PRICE ";
            sql += " FROM Product";
            sql += " INNER JOIN  ProductSubcategory ON Product.ProductSubcategoryID = ProductSubcategory.ProductSubcategoryID ";
            sql += " LEFT OUTER JOIN ProductInventory ON Product.ProductID = ProductInventory.ProductID ";
            // sql += " LEFT OUTER JOIN SpecialOfferProduct sop on Product.ProductID=sop.ProductID";
            // sql += " LEFT OUTER JOIN SpecialOffer so on sop.SpecialOfferID=so.SpecialOfferID and so.StartDate <= getdate() and so.EndDate > getdate()";
            sql += " WHERE ";
            if (!chkInactive.Checked)
                sql += "activeflag=1 and ";
            if (productSubcategoryID > 0)
                sql += "(Product.ProductSubcategoryID =" + productSubcategoryID + ") AND ";
            if (productCategoryId > 0)
                sql += " (ProductSubcategory.ProductCategoryID = " + productCategoryId + ") AND ";
            if (chkCriticalInvenotry.Checked)
                sql += "(Product.ReorderPoint > ProductInventory.Quantity) AND ";
            if (m_VendorID > 0)
                sql += "(product.primaryvendorid=" + m_VendorID + " or product.secondaryvendorid=" + m_VendorID + ") AND ";
            if (searchedProduct.Trim() == String.Empty)
                sql += " (Product.Description LIKE '%')";
                sql += " (Product.Description LIKE '" + searchedProduct + "%')";
            sql += " group by [Product].[ProductID],[Product].[Description], [Product].[ProductNumber],[Product].[ReorderPoint],[ProductInventory].[QUANTITY]";
            sql += " Order by product.Description";

                ds         = gq.GetDataSet(false, sql);
                dtProducts = ds.Tables[0];

                /*  if (SearchedOrdersGrid.Columns["Edit/View"].Index < 0)
                 * {
                 *  SearchedOrdersGrid.Columns.Add(imgEdit);
                 *  SearchedOrdersGrid.Columns.Add(imgInvoice);
                 * }*/

                dtProducts.Columns.Add("No Cases");
                dtProducts.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Quantity", typeof(int)));
                dtProducts.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Total", typeof(decimal)));

                productGrid.DataSource = dtProducts;
                // productGrid.Columns.Add(img);
                productGrid.Columns["ProductID"].Visible = false;
                //DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
                productGrid.Columns["PRODUCTID"].ReadOnly = true;

                if (m_OrderType == (int)OrderType.SaleOrder)
                    productGrid.Columns["REORDERPOINT"].Visible = false;
                    productGrid.Columns["SpecialOfferDesc"].Visible = false;
                productGrid.Columns["REORDERPOINT"].ReadOnly = true;
                productGrid.Columns["REORDERPOINT"].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
                productGrid.Columns["REORDERPOINT"].HeaderText            = "Reorder Point";
                productGrid.Columns["REORDERPOINT"].Width                 = 70;
                productGrid.Columns["INSTOCK"].ReadOnly                   = true;
                productGrid.Columns["INSTOCK"].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
                productGrid.Columns["INSTOCK"].HeaderText                 = "In Stock";
                productGrid.Columns["INSTOCK"].Width               = 60;
                productGrid.Columns["specialofferid"].Visible      = false;
                productGrid.Columns["SpecialOfferDesc"].HeaderText = "Special Offer";
                productGrid.Columns["SpecialOfferDesc"].ReadOnly   = true;
                productGrid.Columns["SpecialOfferDesc"].Width      = 180;
                productGrid.Columns["NAME"].ReadOnly               = true;
                productGrid.Columns["NAME"].Width                           = 280;
                productGrid.Columns["PRODUCT_CODE"].Visible                 = false;
                productGrid.Columns["PRICE"].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment     = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
                productGrid.Columns["PRICE"].DefaultCellStyle.Format        = "c";
                productGrid.Columns["PRICE"].Width                          = 70;
                productGrid.Columns["No Cases"].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment  = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
                productGrid.Columns["Unit/Case"].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
                productGrid.Columns["Total"].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment     = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
                productGrid.Columns["Total"].DefaultCellStyle.Format        = "c";
                productGrid.Columns["Quantity"].DefaultCellStyle.Alignment  = DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
                productGrid.Columns["Quantity"].Width                       = 70;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Product Picker", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
                gq = null;
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;