//private methods private bool WebElementExist(By findBy) { if (_helper.ElementExist(findBy)) { return(_helper.GetElementWait(findBy).Displayed); } return(false); }
public bool StatusColorIsOk(string status, string hexacolor) { if (status.Equals("Processing")) { if (!_helper.ElementExist(processingStatusElement.findsBy)) { throw new Exception("Theres any element with the given status: " + status); } return(CheckStatusColor(processingStatusElement, hexacolor)); } if (status.Equals("Shipped")) { if (!_helper.ElementExist(shippedStatusElement.findsBy)) { throw new Exception("Theres any element with the given status: " + status); } return(CheckStatusColor(shippedStatusElement, hexacolor)); } if (status.Equals("Canceled")) { if (!_helper.ElementExist(canceledStatusElement.findsBy)) { throw new Exception("Theres any element with the given status: " + status); } return(CheckStatusColor(canceledStatusElement, hexacolor)); } //undefined status if (!_helper.ElementExist(canceledStatusElement.findsBy)) { throw new Exception("Theres any element with the given status: " + status); } return(CheckStatusColor(undefinedStatusElement, hexacolor)); }