public void ParsesNCodeWithGCode()
            var parser = new GenericGCodeParser();
            var line   = parser.ParseLine("N100 G1", 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(LineType.GCode, line.Type);
Пример #2
        protected virtual GCodeFile LoadGCodeFileFromDisk(string gcodeFilePath)
            var parser = new GenericGCodeParser();

            using var fileReader = File.OpenText(gcodeFilePath);
        public void ParsesUnknownString(string s)
            var parser = new GenericGCodeParser();
            var line   = parser.ParseLine(s, 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(LineType.UnknownString, line.Type);
        public void ParsesNCodeOnly()
            var parser = new GenericGCodeParser();
            var line   = parser.ParseLine("N100", 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(LineType.Blank, line.Type);
Пример #5
        static void LoadGeneratedGCodeFile(string sPath)
            // read gcode file
            GenericGCodeParser parser = new GenericGCodeParser();
            GCodeFile          gcode;

            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(sPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) {
                using (TextReader reader = new StreamReader(fs)) {
                    gcode = parser.Parse(reader);

            // write back out gcode we loaded
            //StandardGCodeWriter writer = new StandardGCodeWriter();
            //using ( StreamWriter w = new StreamWriter("../../../sample_output/writeback.gcode") ) {
            //	writer.WriteFile(gcode, w);

            GCodeToToolpaths    converter   = new GCodeToToolpaths();
            MakerbotInterpreter interpreter = new MakerbotInterpreter();


            InterpretArgs interpArgs = new InterpretArgs();

            interpreter.Interpret(gcode, interpArgs);

            if (LastSettings != null)
                View.PathDiameterMM = (float)LastSettings.Machine.NozzleDiamMM;
Пример #6
        static DMesh3 GenerateTubeMeshesForGCode(string sPath, double pathWidth = 0.4)
            GenericGCodeParser parser = new GenericGCodeParser();
            GCodeFile          gcode;

            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(sPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) {
                using (TextReader reader = new StreamReader(fs)) {
                    gcode = parser.Parse(reader);
            GCodeToLayerTubeMeshes make_tubes = new GCodeToLayerTubeMeshes()
                TubeProfile = Polygon2d.MakeCircle(pathWidth / 2, 12),
                InterpretZChangeAsLayerChange = false

            ThreeAxisCNCInterpreter interpreter = new ThreeAxisCNCInterpreter();

            interpreter.Interpret(gcode, new InterpretArgs());
            DMesh3 tubeMesh2 = make_tubes.GetCombinedMesh(1);

Пример #7
    public GCodeToolpath(string file, CartesianTarget referenceTarget, Vector3d alignment)
        using var reader = File.OpenText(file);

        var parser = new GenericGCodeParser();
        var code   = parser.Parse(reader);

        Toolpath = new FiveAxisToRobots(referenceTarget, alignment, code);
        _targets = Toolpath.Targets;
Пример #8
        static DMesh3 GenerateTubeMeshesForGCode(string sPath)
            GenericGCodeParser parser = new GenericGCodeParser();
            GCodeFile          gcode;

            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(sPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) {
                using (TextReader reader = new StreamReader(fs)) {
                    gcode = parser.Parse(reader);
            GCodeToLayerTubeMeshes make_tubes = new GCodeToLayerTubeMeshes()
                TubeProfile = Polygon2d.MakeCircle(0.2f, 12)
            MakerbotInterpreter interpreter = new MakerbotInterpreter();

            interpreter.Interpret(gcode, new InterpretArgs());
            DMesh3 tubeMesh2 = make_tubes.GetCombinedMesh(1);

Пример #9
        static void LoadGCodeFile(string sPath)
            GenericGCodeParser parser = new GenericGCodeParser();
            GCodeFile          gcode;

            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(sPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) {
                using (TextReader reader = new StreamReader(fs)) {
                    gcode = parser.Parse(reader);

            GCodeToToolpaths    converter   = new GCodeToToolpaths();
            MakerbotInterpreter interpreter = new MakerbotInterpreter();

            InterpretArgs interpArgs = new InterpretArgs();

            interpreter.Interpret(gcode, interpArgs);

            ToolpathSet Paths = converter.PathSet;

Пример #10
        static void PrintFile(PrinterControl simCtl)
            Console.WriteLine("\nDefault file will be used unless alternate file is given");
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue");
            OpenFileDialog filePath = new OpenFileDialog();
            string         path     = "";

            if (filePath.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                path = filePath.FileName;
            if (path == "")
                path = "..\\..\\..\\SampleSTLs\\F-35_Corrected.gcode";
            StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader(path);

            Stopwatch swTimer = new Stopwatch();


            // Parse the GCode file
            var parser       = new GenericGCodeParser();
            var instructions = parser.Parse(file);

             * Commands to note:
             * G28: Home all axes
             * G28 X0: Home x axis

            double currentX     = 0;
            double currentY     = 0;
            double currentZ     = 0;
            bool   isLaserOn    = false;
            bool   oldIsLaserOn = false;

            int instructionCount = 0;

            foreach (var line in instructions.AllLines())
                if (line.parameters != null)
                    if (line.code == 1)
                        bool containsX = false;
                        bool containsY = false;
                        bool containsZ = false;
                        bool containsE = false;
                        foreach (var parameter in line.parameters)
                            if (parameter.identifier.ToUpper() == "X")
                                currentX  = parameter.doubleValue;
                                containsX = true;

                            if (parameter.identifier.ToUpper() == "Y")
                                currentY  = parameter.doubleValue;
                                containsY = true;

                            if (parameter.identifier.ToUpper() == "Z")
                                currentZ  = parameter.doubleValue;
                                containsZ = true;

                            if (parameter.identifier.ToUpper() == "E")
                                isLaserOn = parameter.doubleValue > 0;
                                containsE = true;

                        // Command number: 0x00
                        // Format: X (4 bytes), Y (4 bytes)
                        if (containsX && containsY)
                            var bytesToSend = new byte[12];
                            bytesToSend[0] = 0x00; // Command number
                            bytesToSend[1] = 0x08; // Data length
                            bytesToSend[2] = 0x00; // Blank (for checksum)
                            bytesToSend[3] = 0x00; // Blank (for checksum)

                            // Convert x position and y position to a byte array
                            var xBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((float)currentX);
                            var yBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((float)currentY);

                            // Insert x position
                            for (int i = 0; i < xBytes.Length; i++)
                                bytesToSend[i + 4] = xBytes[i];

                            // Insert y position
                            for (int i = 0; i < yBytes.Length; i++)
                                bytesToSend[i + 8] = yBytes[i];

                            // Send data
                            if (!HostToFirmware(bytesToSend, simCtl))   // NOTE: the first byte here is 8!!!!!!!!!!!!!=============
                                Console.WriteLine("Print failed - command failed to send.");

                        // Command number: 0x01
                        // Format: Z (4 bytes)
                        else if (containsZ)
                            var bytesToSend = new byte[8];
                            bytesToSend[0] = 0x01; // Command number
                            bytesToSend[1] = 0x04; // Data length   // changed from 04
                            bytesToSend[2] = 0x00; // Blank (for checksum)
                            bytesToSend[3] = 0x00; // Blank (for checksum)

                            // Convert z position to a byte array
                            var zBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((float)currentZ);

                            // Insert z position
                            for (int i = 0; i < zBytes.Length; i++)
                                bytesToSend[i + 4] = zBytes[i];

                            // Send data
                            if (!HostToFirmware(bytesToSend, simCtl))
                                Console.WriteLine("Print failed - command failed to send.");
                        else if (containsX || containsY)
                            throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid GCode command - command contains one X/Y command without the other.");

                        // Separately, if it contains an E
                        // Command number: 0x02
                        // Format: isLaserOn (1 byte)
                        if (containsE && (isLaserOn != oldIsLaserOn))
                            oldIsLaserOn = isLaserOn;
                            var bytesToSend = new byte[8];
                            bytesToSend[0] = 0x02; // Command number
                            bytesToSend[1] = 0x01; // Data length
                            bytesToSend[2] = 0x00; // Blank (for checksum)
                            bytesToSend[3] = 0x00; // Blank (for checksum)

                            // Convert z position to a byte array
                            var isLaserOnBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(isLaserOn);

                            // Insert isLaserOn
                            for (int i = 0; i < isLaserOnBytes.Length; i++)
                                bytesToSend[i + 4] = isLaserOnBytes[i];

                            // Send data
                            if (!HostToFirmware(bytesToSend, simCtl))
                                Console.WriteLine("Print failed - command failed to send.");

            Console.WriteLine("Host: There were " + instructionCount.ToString() + " instructions sent by the host.");

            long elapsedMS = swTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            Console.WriteLine("Total Print Time: {0}", elapsedMS / 1000.0);
            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue");