private void OnDataAcquired(CollectedData data)
            DeviceInfo di = DataContext as DeviceInfo;

            if (data.DataIsCollected)
                if (data.D != null && data.D.Count > 0)
                    GenericDictionaryData <DriveInfo> dict = (GenericDictionaryData <DriveInfo>)data.D[0];
                    if (dict != null)
                        Dictionary <string, DriveInfo> d2 = dict.Data;
                        di.monitoredDrives.AddRange(new List <DriveInfo>(dict.Data.Values));

                string message = "Data collection failure";
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.Message) == false)
                    message += "\n" + data.Message;

                MessageBox.Show(message, "Drive list retrieval", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
Пример #2
        // Token: 0x060015CA RID: 5578 RVA: 0x00080E1C File Offset: 0x0007F01C
        protected void Load(string base64SyncData)
            byte[] array = SyncCalendarSyncStateBase.ConvertBase64SyncStateData(base64SyncData);
            ExTraceGlobals.MethodEnterExitTracer.TraceDebug((long)this.GetHashCode(), "SyncCalendarSyncStateBase.Load called.");
            GenericDictionaryData <StringData, string, DerivedData <ICustomSerializableBuilder> > genericDictionaryData = null;

                if (array != null && array.Length > 0)
                    using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(array))
                        using (MemoryStream memoryStream2 = new MemoryStream())
                            using (BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(memoryStream2))
                                ComponentDataPool componentDataPool = new ComponentDataPool();
                                byte[]            transferBuffer    = new byte[71680];
                                SerializationHelper.Decompress(memoryStream, memoryStream2, transferBuffer);
                                memoryStream2.Seek(0L, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                GenericDictionaryData <StringData, string, DerivedData <ICustomSerializableBuilder> > genericDictionaryData2 = new GenericDictionaryData <StringData, string, DerivedData <ICustomSerializableBuilder> >();
                                genericDictionaryData2.DeserializeData(binaryReader, componentDataPool);
                                genericDictionaryData = genericDictionaryData2;
                    if (genericDictionaryData == null)
                        throw new CorruptSyncStateException("No SyncStateDictionaryData", null);
                    genericDictionaryData = new GenericDictionaryData <StringData, string, DerivedData <ICustomSerializableBuilder> >(new Dictionary <string, DerivedData <ICustomSerializableBuilder> >());
            catch (CustomSerializationException innerException)
                throw new CorruptSyncStateException("SyncCalendarSyncStateBase.Load caught", innerException);
            catch (ArgumentException innerException2)
                throw new CorruptSyncStateException("SyncCalendarSyncStateBase.Load caught", innerException2);
            catch (EndOfStreamException innerException3)
                throw new CorruptSyncStateException("SyncCalendarSyncStateBase.Load caught", innerException3);
            this.syncStateTable = genericDictionaryData;
            ExTraceGlobals.MethodEnterExitTracer.TraceDebug((long)this.GetHashCode(), "SyncCalendarSyncStateBase.Load successful.");
Пример #3
        public static Data Create(DataCollectorContext context, string value)
            GenericDictionaryData <Process> d = new GenericDictionaryData <Process>(context);
            ProcessInfoBuilder builder        = new ProcessInfoBuilder();

            if (builder.Processes != null)
                d.Data = builder.Processes;
Пример #4
        public override CollectedData OnAcquire()
            CollectedData cd          = base.OnAcquire();
            CollectedData return_data = new CollectedData(Context, false);

            if (cd.DataIsCollected)
                List <DictionaryData> drive_data = cd.D.Select(w => w as DictionaryData).ToList();
                List <Data>           data       = new List <Data>();

                // Package the drive information into a single Data object that maps the drive letter to a DiskName
                // object that maintains the drive's values
                GenericDictionaryData <DriveInfo> d = new GenericDictionaryData <DriveInfo>(Context);
                while (drive_data.Count > 0)
                    DictionaryData usage = drive_data[0];

                    // Only report local disks. Don't do removeable (floppy or thumb drive), CDs, or network drives.
                    int drive_type;
                    if (int.TryParse(usage.Data["DriveType"], out drive_type) &&
                        drive_type == (int)EDriveType.LocalDisk &&
                        usage.Data.ContainsKey("Name") &&
                        string drive_name  = usage.Data["Name"].Trim();
                        string description = usage.Data["VolumeName"].Trim();

                        DriveInfo disk = new DriveInfo()
                            name   = description,
                            letter = drive_name,
                            type   = (EDriveType)drive_type
                        d.Data[drive_name] = disk;

                if (d.Data.Count > 0)
                    return_data.DataIsCollected = true;

Пример #5
        public static Data Create(DataCollectorContext context, string value)
            Data d          = null;
            var  definition = new { Value = new Dictionary <string, DiskUsage>() };
            var  data       = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(value, definition);

            if (data != null)
                d = new GenericDictionaryData <DiskUsage>(context)
                    Data = data.Value
Пример #6
        private void OnDataAcquired(CollectedData data)
            string message = string.Empty;
            bool   success = false;

            if (data == null)
                message = "Null collected data";
            else if (data.DataIsCollected)
                success = true;
                foreach (Data d in data.D)
                    GenericDictionaryData <DriveInfo> dict = (GenericDictionaryData <DriveInfo>)d;
                    if (dict != null)
                        Dictionary <string, DriveInfo> d2 = dict.Data;
                        CollectorsControl.UpdateDrives(new List <DriveInfo>(d2.Values));

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
                        message += "\n";

                    message += JsonConvert.SerializeObject(d, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented,
                                                           new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings {
                        StringEscapeHandling = StringEscapeHandling.EscapeHtml
                message = "Data collection failure";
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.Message) == false)
                    message += "\n" + data.Message;

            MessageBox.Show(message, "Connection test", MessageBoxButton.OK, success ? MessageBoxImage.Information : MessageBoxImage.Error);
Пример #7
        public override CollectedData OnAcquire()
            CollectedData cd          = base.OnAcquire();
            CollectedData return_data = new CollectedData(Context, false);

            if (cd.DataIsCollected)
                List <DictionaryData> usage_data = cd.D.Select(w => w as DictionaryData).ToList();
                //MonitoredDrivesRequest request = new MonitoredDrivesRequest(Context.Name);
                List <Data> data = new List <Data>();

                // Package the drive information into a single Data object that maps the drive letter to a DiskUsage
                // object that maintains the capacity/free/used values for that drive.
                GenericDictionaryData <DiskUsage> d = new GenericDictionaryData <DiskUsage>(Context);

                // Unfortunately, there's no way to determine the drive type when determining the disk speeds (see DiskSpeed class).
                // So that we're reporting the same drives, record the drive letters here, then match them when we do the disk speed.
                // And we also want to keep track of the drive letter => name ("C:" => "OSDisk", for example), so let's grab that now
                // as well.
                Dictionary <string, string> drive_descriptions = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                while (usage_data.Count > 0)
                    DictionaryData usage = usage_data[0];

                    // Only report local disks. Don't do removeable (floppy or thumb drive), CDs, or network drives.
                    if (int.TryParse(usage.Data["DriveType"], out int drive_type) &&
                        drive_type == (int)EDriveType.LocalDisk &&
                        usage.Data.ContainsKey("Size") &&
                        usage.Data.ContainsKey("FreeSpace") &&
                        usage.Data.ContainsKey("Name") &&
                        string drive_name  = usage.Data["Name"].Trim();
                        string description = usage.Data["VolumeName"].Trim();
                        drive_descriptions[drive_name] = description;

                        if (ulong.TryParse(usage.Data["Size"], out ulong c) &&
                            ulong.TryParse(usage.Data["FreeSpace"], out ulong f))
                            d.Data[drive_name] = new DiskUsage()
                                CapacityNum = c, FreeNum = f

                if (d.Data.Count > 0)
                    return_data.DataIsCollected = true;

                // Record the drive descriptions as an attribute in the database. We will also use this to get the drive letters
                // when needed.
                string           json         = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(drive_descriptions);
                AttributeRequest attr_request = new AttributeRequest(Context.ID.Name + ".all.drives.descriptions", false)
                    Value = json

        public void SerializeData(BinaryWriter writer, ComponentDataPool componentDataPool)
            GenericDictionaryData <DerivedData <RecipientInfoCacheSyncItemId>, RecipientInfoCacheSyncItemId, Int64Data, long> genericDictionaryData = new GenericDictionaryData <DerivedData <RecipientInfoCacheSyncItemId>, RecipientInfoCacheSyncItemId, Int64Data, long>();

            genericDictionaryData.Bind(this.cacheEntryIdToLastUpdateTime).SerializeData(writer, componentDataPool);
            DateTimeData dateTimeData = new DateTimeData(this.LastModifiedTime);

            dateTimeData.SerializeData(writer, componentDataPool);
        public void DeserializeData(BinaryReader reader, ComponentDataPool componentDataPool)
            GenericDictionaryData <DerivedData <RecipientInfoCacheSyncItemId>, RecipientInfoCacheSyncItemId, Int64Data, long> genericDictionaryData = new GenericDictionaryData <DerivedData <RecipientInfoCacheSyncItemId>, RecipientInfoCacheSyncItemId, Int64Data, long>();

            genericDictionaryData.DeserializeData(reader, componentDataPool);
            this.cacheEntryIdToLastUpdateTime = genericDictionaryData.Data;
            DateTimeData dateTimeData = new DateTimeData();

            dateTimeData.DeserializeData(reader, componentDataPool);
            this.lastModifiedTime = dateTimeData.Data;
Пример #10
        static void HandleData(Data d)
            WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(d, Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.Indented,
                                                  new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonSerializerSettings {
                StringEscapeHandling = StringEscapeHandling.EscapeHtml

            switch (d.Type)
            case ECollectorType.Memory:

            case ECollectorType.Disk:
                if (d is GenericDictionaryData <DiskUsage> )
                    Dictionary <string, DiskUsage> value = ((GenericDictionaryData <DiskUsage>)d).Data;
                    DiskSpaceStatus ds_status            = new DiskSpaceStatus(80, 90);
                    EStatusType     status = EStatusType.AdequateDiskSpace;
                    foreach (string drive in value.Keys)
                        DiskUsage data = value[drive];
                        Tuple <EStatusType, double> drive_status = ds_status.GetStatus(data.UsedNum, data.CapacityNum);
                        status = status.DiskSpaceCompare(drive_status.Item1);
                        WriteLine($"{drive} -- {drive_status.Item2:0.0} %");
                    WriteLine($"Status: {status}");

            case ECollectorType.CPUUsage:

            case ECollectorType.NICUsage:

            case ECollectorType.Uptime:

            case ECollectorType.LastBootTime:

            case ECollectorType.Processes:
                GenericDictionaryData <> processes = d as GenericDictionaryData <>;
                ulong working_set         = 0;
                ulong working_set_private = 0;
                ulong private_bytes       = 0;
                ulong memory = 0;
                foreach ( process in processes.Data.Values)
                    memory              += process.MemoryNum;
                    working_set         += process.WorkingSetNum;
                    working_set_private += process.WorkingSetPrivateNum;
                    private_bytes       += process.PrivateBytesNum;

                WriteLine($"Total memory: {memory} bytes, {memory / (float)(1024 * 1024)} MB");
                WriteLine($"Total working set: {working_set} bytes, {working_set / (float)(1024 * 1024)} MB");
                WriteLine($"Total private working set: {working_set_private} bytes, {working_set_private / (float)(1024 * 1024)} MB");
                WriteLine($"Total private bytes: {private_bytes} bytes, {private_bytes / (float)(1024 * 1024)} MB");


            case ECollectorType.Ping:

            case ECollectorType.InstalledApplications:

            case ECollectorType.Services:

            case ECollectorType.SystemErrors:

            case ECollectorType.ApplicationErrors:

            case ECollectorType.DatabaseSize:

            case ECollectorType.UPS:

            case ECollectorType.DiskSpeed:

            case ECollectorType.Configuration:

            case ECollectorType.SMART:

            //case CollectorType.AntiVirus:
            //    break;
            //case CollectorType.Firewall:
            //    break;
            case ECollectorType.Unknown:

Пример #11
        // Token: 0x060015CD RID: 5581 RVA: 0x00081040 File Offset: 0x0007F240
        protected void InitializeSyncStateTable()
            GenericDictionaryData <StringData, string, DerivedData <ICustomSerializableBuilder> > genericDictionaryData = new GenericDictionaryData <StringData, string, DerivedData <ICustomSerializableBuilder> >(new Dictionary <string, DerivedData <ICustomSerializableBuilder> >());

            this.syncStateTable = genericDictionaryData;
Пример #12
 internal void DeserializeData(BinaryReader reader, ComponentDataPool componentDataPool)
     lock (this.instanceLock)
         DateTimeData dateTimeDataInstance = componentDataPool.GetDateTimeDataInstance();
         dateTimeDataInstance.DeserializeData(reader, componentDataPool);
         this.LastCleanTime = dateTimeDataInstance.Data;
         GenericDictionaryData <StringData, string, MeetingOrganizerEntryData, MeetingOrganizerEntry> genericDictionaryData = new GenericDictionaryData <StringData, string, MeetingOrganizerEntryData, MeetingOrganizerEntry>();
         genericDictionaryData.DeserializeData(reader, componentDataPool);     = genericDictionaryData.Data;
         this.IsDirty = false;
         if (this.LastCleanTime - (ExDateTime)TimeProvider.UtcNow > MeetingOrganizerInfo.AllowedClockSkew)
             throw new CorruptSyncStateException(new LocalizedString("DeviceBehavior.DeserializeData"), null);
Пример #13
        // Token: 0x060008E7 RID: 2279 RVA: 0x00035378 File Offset: 0x00033578
        public virtual void DeserializeData(BinaryReader reader, ComponentDataPool componentDataPool)
            if (componentDataPool.ExternalVersion < 1)
                GenericDictionaryData <StringData, string, StoreObjectIdData, StoreObjectId> genericDictionaryData = new GenericDictionaryData <StringData, string, StoreObjectIdData, StoreObjectId>();
                genericDictionaryData.DeserializeData(reader, componentDataPool);
                Dictionary <string, StoreObjectId> data = genericDictionaryData.Data;
                this.syncIdToMailboxIdTable = new Dictionary <string, ISyncItemId>(data.Count);
                using (Dictionary <string, StoreObjectId> .Enumerator enumerator = data.GetEnumerator())
                    while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                        KeyValuePair <string, StoreObjectId> keyValuePair = enumerator.Current;
                        this.syncIdToMailboxIdTable[keyValuePair.Key] = MailboxSyncItemId.CreateForNewItem(keyValuePair.Value);
                    goto IL_92;
            GenericDictionaryData <StringData, string, DerivedData <ISyncItemId>, ISyncItemId> genericDictionaryData2 = new GenericDictionaryData <StringData, string, DerivedData <ISyncItemId>, ISyncItemId>();

            genericDictionaryData2.DeserializeData(reader, componentDataPool);
            this.syncIdToMailboxIdTable = genericDictionaryData2.Data;
            this.mailboxIdToSyncIdTable = new Dictionary <ISyncItemId, string>(this.syncIdToMailboxIdTable.Count);
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ISyncItemId> keyValuePair2 in this.syncIdToMailboxIdTable)
                this.mailboxIdToSyncIdTable.Add(keyValuePair2.Value, keyValuePair2.Key);
            GenericListData <StringData, string> genericListData = new GenericListData <StringData, string>();

            genericListData.DeserializeData(reader, componentDataPool);
            this.deletedItems = genericListData.Data;
            genericListData.DeserializeData(reader, componentDataPool);
            this.addedItems    = genericListData.Data;
            this.uniqueCounter = reader.ReadInt64();
Пример #14
 internal void SerializeData(BinaryWriter writer, ComponentDataPool componentDataPool)
     lock (this.instanceLock)
         componentDataPool.GetDateTimeDataInstance().Bind(this.LastCleanTime).SerializeData(writer, componentDataPool);
         GenericDictionaryData <StringData, string, MeetingOrganizerEntryData, MeetingOrganizerEntry> genericDictionaryData = new GenericDictionaryData <StringData, string, MeetingOrganizerEntryData, MeetingOrganizerEntry>(;
         genericDictionaryData.SerializeData(writer, componentDataPool);
Пример #15
        public void DeserializeData(BinaryReader reader, ComponentDataPool componentDataPool)
            GenericDictionaryData <DerivedData <ISyncItemId>, ISyncItemId, FolderTree.FolderInfo> genericDictionaryData = new GenericDictionaryData <DerivedData <ISyncItemId>, ISyncItemId, FolderTree.FolderInfo>();

            genericDictionaryData.DeserializeData(reader, componentDataPool);
            this.folderTree = genericDictionaryData.Data;
Пример #16
        public override CollectedData OnAcquire()
            // The number of cores will be different for each of the devices that we monitor, so we have to get this
            // inside each RunningProcessesData object, not globally. But at least it won't change so we can just get it once.
            if (m_cores == 0)
                WMIRetriever retriever = new WMIRetriever(new WMIContext("Win32_Processor", "NumberOfCores", WmiContext.RemoteInfo), new WMIRetrieverOptions());
                WMIRetriever.RetrievalContext retrieval_context = retriever.Retrieve(null);

                if (retrieval_context != null && retrieval_context.RetrievedData.Count > 0)
                    Dictionary <string, object> r = retrieval_context.RetrievedData[0];
                    uint.TryParse(r["NumberOfCores"].ToString(), out m_cores);

            if (m_cores == 0)
                throw new Exception("Unable to determine the # of cores on the machine");

            Dictionary <string, Process> collected_data = new Dictionary <string, Process>();

            // We do this twice...I found that sometimes the first time we'd try and get the data we'd get nothing,
            // but the second attempt would work. Go figure.
            OnAcquireDelegate(dict => { });
                dict =>
                string name = dict["Name"].ToString();
                string percent_processor_time = dict["PercentProcessorTime"].ToString();
                string working_set            = dict["WorkingSet"].ToString();
                string working_set_private    = dict["WorkingSetPrivate"].ToString();
                string pool_nonpaged_bytes    = dict["PoolNonpagedBytes"].ToString();
                string pool_paged_bytes       = dict["PoolPagedBytes"].ToString();
                string private_bytes          = dict["PrivateBytes"].ToString();

                if (!ulong.TryParse(percent_processor_time, out ulong cpu) ||
                    !ulong.TryParse(working_set, out ulong set) ||
                    !ulong.TryParse(working_set_private, out ulong set_private) ||
                    !ulong.TryParse(pool_nonpaged_bytes, out ulong pool_nonpaged) ||
                    !ulong.TryParse(pool_paged_bytes, out ulong pool_paged) ||
                    !ulong.TryParse(private_bytes, out ulong priv) ||
                    string.Compare(name, "_Total", true) == 0 ||
                    string.Compare(name, "Idle", true) == 0)

                // Sometimes an app will have multiple parts to it. For example,
                // Chrome will often report chrome, chrome#1, chrome#2, chrome#3, etc.
                // This is to combine all of those together into a single 'chrome' report.
                // We sum up the percentages, which I think is OK.
                Match m = m_process_suffix.Match(name);
                if (m.Success)
                    name = m.Groups[1].Value;

                    if (collected_data.TryGetValue(name, out Process p))
                        p.Add(cpu, set, set_private, pool_nonpaged, pool_paged, priv);
                        collected_data[name] = new Process(name, cpu, set, set_private, pool_nonpaged, pool_paged, priv);
                    collected_data[name] = new Process(name, cpu, set, set_private, pool_nonpaged, pool_paged, priv);

            // Package the process information into a single Data object that contains a double-dictionary. The dictionary will contain
            // a mapping from process name to process information, and the process information is itself a dictionary mapping a string
            // ("Memory", "CPU") to the number representing that.
            GenericDictionaryData <Process> d = new GenericDictionaryData <Process>(Context);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Process> process in collected_data)
                Process p = process.Value;

                // The percentage is based on the capacity of a single core, so we have to divide by the # of cores
                // to get the overall capacity.
                ulong percent = (ulong)((double)p.CPUNum / (double)m_cores + 0.5f);
                p.CPUNum = percent;

                d.Data[p.Name] = p;

            return(new CollectedData(Context, d.Data.Count > 0, d));
Пример #17
 // Token: 0x0600184E RID: 6222 RVA: 0x0008E9FC File Offset: 0x0008CBFC
 private void UpdateFilter(Dictionary <StoreObjectId, string> mapping, DateTimeCustomSyncFilter dateTimeFilter, Dictionary <string, CommonNode> items)
     foreach (StoreObjectId storeObjectId in mapping.Keys)
         string      key        = mapping[storeObjectId];
         CommonNode  commonNode = items[key];
         ISyncItemId syncItemId = MailboxSyncItemId.CreateForNewItem(storeObjectId);
         if (commonNode.IsCalendar)
             dateTimeFilter.UpdateFilterStateWithAddOrChange(syncItemId, true, true, commonNode.EndTime);
         ChangeTrackingNode[] array;
         if (commonNode.IsEmail)
             array = new ChangeTrackingNode[]
                 new ChangeTrackingNode("Email", "Read")
             array = new ChangeTrackingNode[]
         GenericDictionaryData <DerivedData <ISyncItemId>, ISyncItemId, FolderSync.ClientStateInformation> genericDictionaryData = (GenericDictionaryData <DerivedData <ISyncItemId>, ISyncItemId, FolderSync.ClientStateInformation>) this.syncState[SyncStateProp.ClientState];
         if (!genericDictionaryData.Data.ContainsKey(syncItemId))
             genericDictionaryData.Data[syncItemId] = new FolderSync.ClientStateInformation();
         FolderSync.ClientStateInformation clientStateInformation = genericDictionaryData.Data[syncItemId];
         clientStateInformation.ChangeTrackingInformation = new int?[array.Length];
         clientStateInformation.ClientHasItem             = true;
 // Token: 0x060006CE RID: 1742 RVA: 0x00025F84 File Offset: 0x00024184
 private void FillFidMapping(GetSyncStateResult results, MailboxSession session)
     foreach (DeviceData deviceData in results.Devices)
         foreach (SyncStateFolderData syncStateFolderData in deviceData.SyncFolders)
             if (syncStateFolderData != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(syncStateFolderData.SyncStateBlob))
                 syncStateFolderData.FolderMapping = new List <FolderMappingData>();
                 using (PooledMemoryStream pooledMemoryStream = new PooledMemoryStream(102400))
                     byte[] array = Convert.FromBase64String(syncStateFolderData.SyncStateBlob);
                     pooledMemoryStream.Write(array, 0, array.Length);
                     pooledMemoryStream.Position = 0L;
                     int  num;
                     int  num2;
                     long num3;
                     long num4;
                     Dictionary <string, bool> dictionary;
                     GenericDictionaryData <ConstStringData, string, DerivedData <ICustomSerializableBuilder> > genericDictionaryData = SyncState.InternalDeserializeData(pooledMemoryStream, out num, out num2, out num3, out num4, out dictionary);
                     FolderIdMapping       folderIdMapping    = genericDictionaryData.Data["IdMapping"].Data as FolderIdMapping;
                     IDictionaryEnumerator syncIdIdEnumerator = folderIdMapping.SyncIdIdEnumerator;
                     while (syncIdIdEnumerator.MoveNext())
                         string        shortId       = syncIdIdEnumerator.Key as string;
                         ISyncItemId   syncItemId    = syncIdIdEnumerator.Value as ISyncItemId;
                         StoreObjectId storeObjectId = syncItemId.NativeId as StoreObjectId;
                             using (Folder folder = Folder.Bind(session, storeObjectId, new PropertyDefinition[]
                                 DefaultFolderType defaultFolderType = session.IsDefaultFolderType(folder.Id);
                                 syncStateFolderData.FolderMapping.Add(new FolderMappingData
                                     ShortId           = shortId,
                                     LongId            = storeObjectId.ToString(),
                                     Name              = folder.DisplayName,
                                     DefaultFolderType = defaultFolderType.ToString(),
                                     Exception         = null
                         catch (Exception ex)
                             syncStateFolderData.FolderMapping.Add(new FolderMappingData
                                 ShortId           = shortId,
                                 LongId            = "[Error]",
                                 Name              = "[Error]",
                                 DefaultFolderType = "[Error]",
                                 Exception         = ex.ToString()