Пример #1
        public async Task ImportForeignGenClassifications(WRLDCWarehouseDbContext _context, ILogger _log, string oracleConnStr, EntityWriteOption opt)
            GeneratorClassificationExtract genClassificationExtract = new GeneratorClassificationExtract();
            List <GeneratorClassification> genClassifications       = genClassificationExtract.ExtractGeneratorClassifications(oracleConnStr);

            LoadGeneratorClassification loadGenClassification = new LoadGeneratorClassification();

            foreach (GeneratorClassification genClassification in genClassifications)
                GeneratorClassification insertedGenClassification = await loadGenClassification.LoadSingleAsync(_context, _log, genClassification, opt);
Пример #2
        public List <GeneratorClassification> ExtractGeneratorClassifications(string oracleConnString)
            using (OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(oracleConnString))
                using (OracleCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand())
                        cmd.BindByName = true;

                        cmd.CommandText = "select ID, CLASSIFICATION from CLASSIFICATION_MASTER";

                        // Assign id parameter
                        OracleParameter id = new OracleParameter("id", 1);

                        // Execute the command and use DataReader to display the data
                        OracleDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                        List <GeneratorClassification> genClassfications = new List <GeneratorClassification>();
                        while (reader.Read())
                            GeneratorClassification genClassification = new GeneratorClassification();
                            genClassification.WebUatId = reader.GetInt32(0);
                            genClassification.Name     = reader.GetString(1);


                    catch (Exception ex)
Пример #3
        public async Task <GeneratorClassification> LoadSingleAsync(WRLDCWarehouseDbContext _context, ILogger _log, GeneratorClassification genClassification, EntityWriteOption opt)
            // check if entity already exists
            GeneratorClassification existingGenClassification = await _context.GeneratorClassifications.SingleOrDefaultAsync(gc => gc.WebUatId == genClassification.WebUatId);

            // check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingGenClassification != null)

            // if entity is not present, then insert or check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (existingGenClassification == null || (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingGenClassification != null))
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();


            // check if we should not modify existing entities
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.DontReplace && existingGenClassification != null)

            // check if we have to modify the entity
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Modify && existingGenClassification != null)
                existingGenClassification.Name = genClassification.Name;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

Пример #4
        public async Task <GeneratingStation> LoadSingleAsync(WRLDCWarehouseDbContext _context, ILogger _log, GeneratingStationForeign genStationForeign, EntityWriteOption opt)
            // check if entity already exists
            GeneratingStation existingGenStation = await _context.GeneratingStations.SingleOrDefaultAsync(ss => ss.WebUatId == genStationForeign.WebUatId);

            // check if we should not modify existing entities
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.DontReplace && existingGenStation != null)

            // find the GeneratorClassification of the substation via the GenClassification WebUatId
            int genClassificationWebUatId             = genStationForeign.GenClassificationWebUatId;
            GeneratorClassification genClassification = await _context.GeneratorClassifications.SingleOrDefaultAsync(gc => gc.WebUatId == genClassificationWebUatId);

            // if GeneratorClassification doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (genClassification == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Could not find GeneratorClassification with WebUatId {genClassificationWebUatId} in warehouse while creating Generating Station with WebUat Id {genStationForeign.WebUatId} and name {genStationForeign.Name}");

            // find the Generation Type of the substation via the Voltage WebUatId
            int            genTypeWebUatId = genStationForeign.GenerationTypeWebUatId;
            GenerationType genType         = await _context.GenerationTypes.SingleOrDefaultAsync(gt => gt.WebUatId == genTypeWebUatId);

            // if GenerationType doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (genType == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Could not find GenerationType with WebUatId {genTypeWebUatId} in warehouse while creating Generating Station with WebUat Id {genStationForeign.WebUatId} and name {genStationForeign.Name}");

            // find the State of the substation via the State WebUatId
            int   stateWebUatId = genStationForeign.StateWebUatId;
            State state         = await _context.States.SingleOrDefaultAsync(s => s.WebUatId == stateWebUatId);

            // if state doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (state == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Could not find State with WebUatId {stateWebUatId} in warehouse while creating Generating Station with WebUat Id {genStationForeign.WebUatId} and name {genStationForeign.Name}");

            // find the fuel of the substation via the State WebUatId
            int  fuelWebUatId = genStationForeign.FuelWebUatId;
            Fuel fuel         = await _context.Fuels.SingleOrDefaultAsync(f => f.WebUatId == fuelWebUatId);

            // if fuel doesnot exist, skip the import. Ideally, there should not be such case
            if (fuel == null)
                _log.LogCritical($"Could not find Fuel with WebUatId {fuelWebUatId} in warehouse while creating Generating Station with WebUat Id {genStationForeign.WebUatId} and name {genStationForeign.Name}");
                // uncomment this after vendor complies to non null fuel types
                // return null;

            // check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingGenStation != null)

            // if entity is not present, then insert or check if we have to replace the entity completely
            if (existingGenStation == null || (opt == EntityWriteOption.Replace && existingGenStation != null))
                GeneratingStation genStation = new GeneratingStation();
                genStation.Name                      = genStationForeign.Name;
                genStation.GenerationTypeId          = genType.GenerationTypeId;
                genStation.GeneratorClassificationId = genClassification.GeneratorClassificationId;
                genStation.StateId                   = state.StateId;
                if (fuel != null)
                    genStation.FuelId = fuel.FuelId;
                genStation.WebUatId = genStationForeign.WebUatId;

                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();


            // check if we have to modify the entity
            if (opt == EntityWriteOption.Modify && existingGenStation != null)
                existingGenStation.Name                      = genStationForeign.Name;
                existingGenStation.GenerationTypeId          = genType.GenerationTypeId;
                existingGenStation.GeneratorClassificationId = genClassification.GeneratorClassificationId;
                existingGenStation.StateId                   = state.StateId;
                if (fuel != null)
                    existingGenStation.FuelId = fuel.FuelId;
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
