Size() публичный Метод

public Size ( ) : int
Результат int
Пример #1
    public HeuristicD(GenerateGraph graph)
        heuristicCost = new Dictionary <Node, float>();
        //itemList = new List<GameObject> ();
        //GameObject item = GameObject.Find ("Item1");
        //itemList.Add (item);

        PriorityQueue <Node>     pq          = new PriorityQueue <Node>(graph.Size());
        Dictionary <Node, float> cost_so_far = new Dictionary <Node, float> ();

        pq.queue(0.0f, graph.endNode);
        cost_so_far.Add(graph.endNode, 0.0f);
        while (pq.getSize() > 0)
            Node current = pq.dequeue();
            heuristicCost[current] = cost_so_far[current];
            for (int i = 0; i < current.neighbors.Count; i++)
                float new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + Node.distanceBetweenNodes(current, current.neighbors[i]);
                if (!cost_so_far.ContainsKey(current.neighbors[i]) || new_cost < cost_so_far[current.neighbors[i]])
                    cost_so_far[current.neighbors[i]] = new_cost;
                    pq.queue(new_cost, current.neighbors[i]);
Пример #2
    public static List <Node> GetPath(Vector3 start)
        Node startNode = graph.getClosestNode(start);
        PriorityQueue <Node>     open        = new PriorityQueue <Node>(graph.Size());
        HashSet <Node>           closed      = new HashSet <Node>();
        Dictionary <Node, Node>  came_from   = new Dictionary <Node, Node>();
        Dictionary <Node, float> cost_so_far = new Dictionary <Node, float>();

        came_from.Add(startNode, null);
        cost_so_far.Add(startNode, 0);
        open.queue(heuristic.Estimate(startNode), startNode);

        while (open.getSize() > 0)
            Node current = open.dequeue();

            if (current.Equals(graph.endNode))

            foreach (Node n in current.neighbors)
                float graph_cost = cost_so_far[current] + Node.distanceBetweenNodes(current, n);

                if (cost_so_far.ContainsKey(n) == false || graph_cost < cost_so_far[n])
                    cost_so_far[n] = graph_cost;
                    float priority = graph_cost + heuristic.Estimate(n);
                    open.queue(priority, n);
                    came_from[n] = current;

        //Put nodes of the path into the list
        List <Node> path        = new List <Node> ();
        Node        currentNode = graph.endNode;

        while (currentNode.Equals(startNode) == false)
            currentNode = came_from[currentNode];
    public HeuristicD(GenerateGraph graph)
        heuristicCost = new Dictionary<Node, float>();

        PriorityQueue<Node> pq = new PriorityQueue<Node>(graph.Size ());
        Dictionary<Node, float> cost_so_far = new Dictionary<Node, float> ();
        pq.queue(0.0f, graph.endNode);
        cost_so_far.Add (graph.endNode, 0.0f);
        while (pq.getSize() > 0) {
            Node current = pq.dequeue();
            heuristicCost[current] = cost_so_far[current];
            for (int i = 0; i < current.neighbors.Count; i++) {
                float new_cost = cost_so_far[current] + Node.distanceBetweenNodes(current, current.neighbors[i]);
                if (!cost_so_far.ContainsKey(current.neighbors[i]) || new_cost < cost_so_far[current.neighbors[i]]) {
                    cost_so_far[current.neighbors[i]] = new_cost;
                    pq.queue(new_cost, current.neighbors[i]);