Пример #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string            username      = Classes.Cookie.GetCookie("ggZurkVKwLIM+SQ2NMcfsra8/nnrhm9u5sl4TMYTE2Y", false);
            var               roles         = Utilities.AccountUtilities.getUserRoles(username);
            RoleUtilities     roleUtilities = new RoleUtilities();
            List <RolesModel> rolesModels   = new List <RolesModel>();
            List <string>     roleLists     = roles.Split(',').ToList();

            if (roleLists.Find(f => f.ToLower() == "16") == null)

            if (Request.HttpMethod == "POST")
                if (Request.Files["documentUpload"].ContentLength > 0)
                    if (Request.Files["documentUpload"].ContentLength > 10485760)
                        toastrUtilities.SessionPush("toast", new KeyValuePair <string, string>("error", $"Please Upload a File Below 5MB"));
                        var file = Request.Files[0];

                        using (NpgsqlConnection conn = Classes.DB.InstBTCDB("instbtc"))
                            #region Validate if Client Id is Valid
                            var           query = @"SELECT id FROM clients WHERE id=@id";
                            NpgsqlCommand cmd   = new NpgsqlCommand(query, conn);
                            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", int.Parse(Request.Form["clientId"]));
                            var dt = Classes.DB.Select(conn, query, cmd);
                            if (dt.Rows.Count < 0 || dt == null)
                                toastrUtilities.SessionPush("toast", new KeyValuePair <string, string>("error", $"Client is not existing, please check the correctness of client id."));

                            #region Check if file can convert to base64 docs
                            var base64doc = string.Empty;
                                base64doc = GeneralUtilities.ConvertToBase64(Request.Files["documentUpload"]);
                                base64doc = string.Empty;

                            #region Upload the file to Aws Bucket
                            string awsBaseUrl  = $"https://instbtcdocs.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/";
                            var    DocFileName = Classes.BrandsMaster.Utilities.AmazonS3Utility.S3UploadFile("instbtcdocs", file, "AKIAXCLOKQTQ4SHCAS64", "Sdx7hnFx2U1D7WUv+mDSoZjvaj3+/MDD8K98fJOe");

                            #region Build the Document Model
                            DocumentModel document = new DocumentModel
                                ClientId    = int.Parse(Request.Form["clientId"]),
                                Type        = Request.Form["documentType"],
                                Base64Doc   = base64doc,
                                Status      = "Initial",
                                CreatedDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
                                SubType     = GeneralUtilities.FixInvalidChars(Request.Form["documentSubtype"]),
                                aws_file    = $"{awsBaseUrl}{DocFileName}"

                            var res = InsertDocument(conn, document);

                            if (res == "Success")
                                toastrUtilities.SessionPush("toast", new KeyValuePair <string, string>("success", $"Document Upload Successfully."));
                                toastrUtilities.SessionPush("toast", new KeyValuePair <string, string>("error", $"Problem with uploading document"));