Пример #1
        public static DGraph2 perturb_fill_2(DGraph2 graphIn, GeneralPolygon2d bounds, double waveWidth, double stepSize)
            DGraph2Util.Curves curves = DGraph2Util.ExtractCurves(graphIn);
            Polygon2d          poly   = curves.Loops[0];

            GeneralPolygon2dBoxTree gpTree    = new GeneralPolygon2dBoxTree(bounds);
            Polygon2dBoxTree        outerTree = new Polygon2dBoxTree(bounds.Outer);
            Polygon2dBoxTree        innerTree = new Polygon2dBoxTree(bounds.Holes[0]);

            DGraph2 graph = new DGraph2();



            DGraph2Resampler resampler = new DGraph2Resampler(graph);

            if (graph.VertexCount % 2 != 0)
                // TODO smallest edge
                Index2i ev = graph.GetEdgeV(graph.EdgeIndices().First());
                DGraph2.EdgeCollapseInfo cinfo;
                graph.CollapseEdge(ev.a, ev.b, out cinfo);

            // move to borders
            int  startv = graph.VertexIndices().First();
            int  eid    = graph.VtxEdgesItr(startv).First();
            int  curv   = startv;
            bool outer  = true;

                Polygon2dBoxTree use_tree = (outer) ? outerTree : innerTree;
                outer = !outer;
                graph.SetVertex(curv, use_tree.NearestPoint(graph.GetVertex(curv)));

                Index2i next = DGraph2Util.NextEdgeAndVtx(eid, curv, graph);
                eid  = next.a;
                curv = next.b;
            } while (curv != startv);

Пример #2
        public static DGraph2 perturb_fill(DGraph2 graphIn, GeneralPolygon2d bounds, double waveWidth, double stepSize)
            DGraph2Util.Curves curves = DGraph2Util.ExtractCurves(graphIn);
            Polygon2d          poly   = curves.Loops[0];

            GeneralPolygon2dBoxTree gpTree    = new GeneralPolygon2dBoxTree(bounds);
            Polygon2dBoxTree        outerTree = new Polygon2dBoxTree(bounds.Outer);
            Polygon2dBoxTree        innerTree = new Polygon2dBoxTree(bounds.Holes[0]);

            DGraph2 graph = new DGraph2();


            double len = poly.Perimeter;
            int    waves = (int)(len / waveWidth);
            double lenScale = len / (MathUtil.TwoPI * waves);
            double accum_len = 0;
            int    prev_vid = -1, start_vid = -1;
            int    N = poly.VertexCount;

            for (int k = 0; k < N; ++k)
                double t = accum_len / lenScale;
                t = Math.Cos(t);
                //Vector2d normal = poly.GetNormal(k);
                Vector2d normal = poly[k].Normalized;
                int      vid    = graph.AppendVertex(poly[k], new Vector3f(t, normal.x, normal.y));
                if (prev_vid != -1)
                    graph.AppendEdge(prev_vid, vid);
                    accum_len += graph.GetVertex(prev_vid).Distance(graph.GetVertex(vid));
                    start_vid = vid;
                prev_vid = vid;
            graph.AppendEdge(prev_vid, start_vid);

            Vector2d[] newPos = new Vector2d[graph.MaxVertexID];

            for (int k = 0; k < 10; ++k)
                smooth_pass(graph, 0.5f, newPos);

            for (int k = 0; k < 20; ++k)
                foreach (int vid in graph.VertexIndices())
                    Vector2d v = graph.GetVertex(vid);
                    Vector3f c = graph.GetVertexColor(vid);

                    float    t = c.x;
                    Vector2d n = new Vector2d(c.y, c.z);

                    if (k == 0 || Math.Abs(t) > 0.9)
                        v += t * stepSize * n;
                        if (!bounds.Contains(v))
                            v = gpTree.NearestPoint(v);

                    newPos[vid] = v;

                foreach (int vid in graph.VertexIndices())
                    graph.SetVertex(vid, newPos[vid]);

                for (int j = 0; j < 5; ++j)
                    smooth_pass(graph, 0.1f, newPos);

Пример #3
        protected DGraph2 compute_result(GeneralPolygon2d poly, double fOffset, double fTargetSpacing)
            double dt     = fTargetSpacing / 2;
            int    nSteps = (int)(Math.Abs(fOffset) / dt);

            if (nSteps < 10)
                nSteps = 10;

            // [TODO] we could cache this over multiple runs...
            DGraph2 graph = new DGraph2();

            foreach (var h in poly.Holes)

            // resample to nbrhood of target spacing
            SplitToMaxEdgeLength(graph, fTargetSpacing * 1.33);

            // build bvtree for polygon
            if (poly_tree == null || poly_tree.Polygon != poly)
                poly_tree = new GeneralPolygon2dBoxTree(poly);

            // allocate and resize caches as necessary
            if (offset_cache == null)
                offset_cache = new DVector <Vector2d>();
            if (offset_cache.size < graph.VertexCount)
                offset_cache.resize(graph.VertexCount * 2);
            if (position_cache == null)
                position_cache = new DVector <Vector2d>();
            if (position_cache.size < graph.VertexCount)
                position_cache.resize(graph.VertexCount * 2);
            if (collapse_cache == null)
                collapse_cache = new DVector <Vector2d>();
            if (collapse_cache.size < graph.VertexCount)
                collapse_cache.resize(graph.VertexCount * 2);
            if (last_step_size == null)
                last_step_size = new DVector <double>();
            if (last_step_size.size < graph.VertexCount)
                last_step_size.resize(graph.VertexCount * 2);

            // insert all points into a hashgrid. We will dynamically update this grid as we proceed
            // [TODO] is this a good bounds-size?
            graph_cache = new PointHashGrid2d <int>(poly.Bounds.MaxDim / 64, -1);
            foreach (int vid in graph.VertexIndices())
                graph_cache.InsertPoint(vid, graph.GetVertex(vid));

            LocalProfiler p = (_enable_profiling) ? new LocalProfiler() : null;

            if (_enable_profiling)

            // run a bunch of steps. The last few are tuning steps where we use half-steps,
            // which seems to help?
            int TUNE_STEPS = nSteps / 2;

            nSteps *= 2;
            for (int i = 0; i < nSteps; ++i)
                if (_enable_profiling)

                double step_dt = dt;
                if (i > nSteps - TUNE_STEPS)
                    step_dt = dt / 2;
                if (last_step_size.size < graph.VertexCount)
                    last_step_size.resize(graph.VertexCount + 256);

                // Each vertex steps forward. In fact we compute two steps and average them,
                // this helps w/ convergence. To produce more accurate convergence, we track
                // the size of the actual step we took at the last round, and use that the next
                // time. (The assumption is that the steps will get smaller at the target distance).
                gParallel.ForEach(graph.VertexIndices(), (vid) =>
                    // use tracked step size if we have it
                    double use_dt = step_dt;
                    if (last_step_size[vid] > 0)
                        use_dt = Math.Min(last_step_size[vid], dt);

                    Vector2d cur_pos = graph.GetVertex(vid);
                    double err, err_2;
                    // take two sequential steps and average them. this vastly improves convergence.
                    Vector2d new_pos   = compute_offset_step(cur_pos, poly, fOffset, use_dt, out err);
                    Vector2d new_pos_2 = compute_offset_step(new_pos, poly, fOffset, use_dt, out err_2);

                    // weighted blend of points - prefer one w/ smaller error
                    //double w = 1.0 / Math.Max(err, MathUtil.ZeroTolerancef);
                    //double w_2 = 1.0 / Math.Max(err_2, MathUtil.ZeroTolerancef);
                    //new_pos = w * new_pos + w_2 * new_pos_2;
                    //new_pos /= (w + w_2);
                    // [RMS] weighted blend doesn't seem to matter if we are tracking per-vertex step size.
                    new_pos = Vector2d.Lerp(new_pos, new_pos_2, 0.5);

                    // keep track of actual step we are taking and use that next iteration
                    double actual_step_dist = cur_pos.Distance(new_pos);
                    if (last_step_size[vid] == 0)
                        last_step_size[vid] = actual_step_dist;
                        last_step_size[vid] = (0.75) * last_step_size[vid] + (0.25) * actual_step_dist;

                    // update point in hashtable and graph
                    graph_cache.UpdatePoint(vid, cur_pos, new_pos);
                    graph.SetVertex(vid, new_pos);

                if (_enable_profiling)
                    p.StopAndAccumulate("offset"); p.Start("smooth");

                // Do a smoothing pass, but for the last few steps, reduce smoothing
                // (otherwise it pulls away from target solution)
                int smooth_steps = 5; double smooth_alpha = 0.75;
                if (i > nSteps - TUNE_STEPS)
                    smooth_steps = 2; smooth_alpha = 0.25;
                smooth_pass(graph, smooth_steps, smooth_alpha, fTargetSpacing / 2);

                if (_enable_profiling)
                    p.StopAndAccumulate("smooth"); p.Start("join");

                // if a vertex is within targetSpacing from another vertex, and they are
                // not geodesically connected in the graph, them we merge/weld them together.
                int joined = 0;
                    //joined = JoinInTolerance(graph, fMergeThresh);
                    //joined = JoinInTolerance_Parallel(graph, fMergeThresh);
                    joined = JoinInTolerance_Parallel_Cache(graph, fTargetSpacing);
                } while (joined > 0);

                if (_enable_profiling)
                    p.StopAndAccumulate("join"); p.Start("refine");

                // now do a pass of graph refinement, to collapse short edges and split long ones
                CollapseToMinEdgeLength(graph, fTargetSpacing * 0.66f);
                SplitToMaxEdgeLength(graph, fTargetSpacing * 1.33);

                if (_enable_profiling)

            if (_enable_profiling)
                System.Console.WriteLine("All: " + p.Elapsed("All"));

            // get rid of junction vertices, if requested
            if (DisconnectGraphJunctions)
