Пример #1
 //upload is done first, with the fileid returned, then we call this update which will process the uploaded file
 internal static void Update(UserSecurityContext user, JToken dat, HttpContext context, CancellationToken cancel)
     if (dat != null)
         JObject payload = dat as JObject;
         if (payload != null)
             Guid fileId = JsonUtils.ToGuid(dat[JsonUtils.Id]);
             if (!Guid.Empty.Equals(fileId))
                 FilestoreFile tempFile = FileStoreManager.Instance.GetProvider().Get(fileId);
                 if (tempFile != null)
                     GeneralDetProcessor prov = DetProcessorManager.Instance.GetProvider(user);
                     if (prov != null)
                         UpdateStatus stat = prov.Update(tempFile);
                         PushStat(stat, context);
     context.Response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCodes.Status400BadRequest;
Пример #2
 //{sampleeventid:<id>, datatype:<det type>}
 //returns map of  [{type:<det type>, id:<detfileid>}, ...]
 //      note datatype is optional - if omitted, get list of all dets for that sample event
 internal static void Get(UserSecurityContext user, JToken dat, HttpContext context, CancellationToken cancel)
     if (dat != null)
         JObject payload = dat as JObject;
         if (payload != null)
             CompoundIdentity seId = JsonUtils.ToId(dat[JsonUtils.Id]);
             if (seId != null)
                 GeneralDetProcessor prov = DetProcessorManager.Instance.GetProvider(user);
                 if (prov != null)
                     SampleEventMap map = prov.GetMap(seId);
                     if (map != null)
                         RestUtils.Push(context.Response, RestUtils.JsonOpStatus(JsonOpStatus.Ok, ToJson(map).ToString()));
                         RestUtils.Push(context.Response, RestUtils.JsonOpStatus(JsonOpStatus.Ok)); //no dets in sample event
     context.Response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCodes.Status400BadRequest;
Пример #3
        //{eventid:<id>, cascade:<bool>, type:<dettype>}
        //      note that cascade is optional, if omitted, treated as false
        //      note that if cascade==true, that means delete both the file and all stored data in the system for that file -- THIS CANNOT BE UNDONE
        //      note that type is optional, if omitted, treated as all det types otherwise it's a single type such as wq
        internal static void Delete(UserSecurityContext user, JToken dat, HttpContext context, CancellationToken cancel)
            if (dat != null)
                JObject payload = dat as JObject;
                if (payload != null)
                    CompoundIdentity seId = JsonUtils.ToId(dat["eventid"]);
                    if (seId != null)
                        bool   fileOnly = true;
                        JToken t        = payload["cascade"];
                        if (t != null)
                            string tmp = t.ToString();
                            if (tmp != null)
                                tmp = tmp.Trim().ToLowerInvariant();
                                if (tmp.StartsWith("tr"))
                                    fileOnly = false;
                                context.Response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCodes.Status400BadRequest;

                        KnownDetType type = KnownDetType.Unknown;
                        t = payload[JsonUtils.Type];
                        if (t != null)
                            string tmp = KnownDets.Instance.Clean(t.ToString());
                            if (!KnownDets.Instance.IsValid(tmp))
                                context.Response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCodes.Status400BadRequest;
                            type = ToType(tmp);

                        GeneralDetProcessor prov = DetProcessorManager.Instance.GetProvider(user);
                        if (prov != null)
                            bool res = false;
                            if (type != KnownDetType.Unknown)
                                res = prov.Delete(seId, fileOnly, type);
                                res = prov.Delete(seId, fileOnly);

                            if (res)
                                RestUtils.Push(context.Response, RestUtils.JsonOpStatus(JsonOpStatus.Ok));
                                RestUtils.Push(context.Response, RestUtils.JsonOpStatus(JsonOpStatus.Failed));
            context.Response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCodes.Status400BadRequest;
Пример #4
        //to support mutliple det types in a single request (which all share the same sample event), we have a collection of items as follows:
        //{id:<fieldtripid>, name:<sampleeventname - to be>, desc:<sampleeventdesc - to be>, princorgid: <id>, start:<date>, end:<date>, dets:[<det element>,...]}
        //each det element is an object as follows:
        //{type:<dettype>, privacy:<bool>, <<entity bundle ids specific to det>>}   (example is sites:{id:bundleid,include:[key list]})    optional "exclude" instead of include would allow removing elements from bundle in det
        //returns fileid of the file to download
        //      note that the name is required, desc is optional - name
        //for all types, the entity bundle format is:  {id:<entitybundleid>, keys:[<id>, <id>, ...]}
        //      note that keys are optional - if not provided it means "all items in bundle"
        //      note that the bundle should be of the type expected for the parameter - e.g. if the provided bundle is for "sites", that bundle should be of sites
        internal static void Create(UserSecurityContext user, JToken dat, HttpContext context, CancellationToken cancel)
            if (dat != null)
                JObject payload = dat as JObject;
                if (payload != null)
                    //these are requried for any and all DETs to create
                    CompoundIdentity ftId    = JsonUtils.ToId(payload[JsonUtils.Id]);
                    CompoundIdentity prOrgId = JsonUtils.ToId(payload[JsonUtils.OwnerId]);

                    if (HasAffiliation(user, prOrgId))
                        string name = JsonUtils.ToString(payload[JsonUtils.Name]);
                        string desc = JsonUtils.ToString(payload[JsonUtils.Description]);

                        ValueRange <DateTime> range = JsonUtils.ToRange(payload, JsonUtils.Start, JsonUtils.Finish);

                        if (ftId != null && prOrgId != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                            JToken dets = payload["dets"];
                            if (dets != null && dets is JArray)
                                JArray detItems = dets as JArray;
                                if (detItems != null)
                                    List <DetPayload> items = JsonDetExtractor.ExtractAll(detItems);
                                    if (items != null && items.Count > 0) //we actually have things to create
                                        GeneralDetProcessor prov = DetProcessorManager.Instance.GetProvider(user);
                                        if (prov != null)
                                            CompoundIdentity     seId  = prov.CreateSampleEvent(ftId, prOrgId, name, desc, range);
                                            EntityBundleProvider eProv = EntityBundleManager.Instance.GetProvider(user);
                                            if (eProv != null)
                                                if (seId != null)
                                                    Dictionary <string, Guid> fileIds = new Dictionary <string, Guid>();
                                                    foreach (DetPayload cur in items)
                                                        if (cur.DetTypeName == KnownDets.Instance.WQ)
                                                            EntityBundle siteBundle = eProv.Get(cur.EntityBundles[JsonDetExtractor.Sites]);
                                                            EntityBundle instBundle = eProv.Get(cur.EntityBundles[JsonDetExtractor.Instruments]);
                                                            if (siteBundle != null && instBundle != null)
                                                                FilestoreFile fil = prov.CreateWQ(seId, siteBundle, instBundle, cur.IsPrivate);
                                                                if (fil != null)
                                                                    fileIds.Add(cur.DetTypeName, fil.FileId);
                                                                    fil = null;
                                                        else if (cur.DetTypeName == KnownDets.Instance.Fish)
                                                            EntityBundle siteBundle  = eProv.Get(cur.EntityBundles[JsonDetExtractor.Sites]);
                                                            EntityBundle instBundle  = eProv.Get(cur.EntityBundles[JsonDetExtractor.Nets]);
                                                            EntityBundle fishBundle  = eProv.Get(cur.EntityBundles[JsonDetExtractor.Fish]);
                                                            EntityBundle macroBundle = eProv.Get(cur.EntityBundles[JsonDetExtractor.Macro]);

                                                            if (siteBundle != null && instBundle != null && fishBundle != null && macroBundle != null)
                                                                FilestoreFile fil = prov.CreateFish(seId, siteBundle, instBundle, fishBundle, macroBundle, cur.IsPrivate);
                                                                if (fil != null)
                                                                    fileIds.Add(cur.DetTypeName, fil.FileId);
                                                                    fil = null;
                                                        else if (cur.DetTypeName == KnownDets.Instance.Veg)
                                                            EntityBundle siteBundle  = eProv.Get(cur.EntityBundles[JsonDetExtractor.Sites]);
                                                            EntityBundle treeBundle  = eProv.Get(cur.EntityBundles[JsonDetExtractor.Tree]);
                                                            EntityBundle shrubBundle = eProv.Get(cur.EntityBundles[JsonDetExtractor.Shrub]);
                                                            EntityBundle herbBundle  = eProv.Get(cur.EntityBundles[JsonDetExtractor.Herb]);
                                                            EntityBundle plotBundle  = eProv.Get(cur.EntityBundles[JsonDetExtractor.Plots]);

                                                            EntityBundle nlBundle = null;
                                                            if (JsonDetExtractor.NonLiving != null)
                                                                nlBundle = eProv.Get(cur.EntityBundles[JsonDetExtractor.NonLiving]);

                                                            if (siteBundle != null && treeBundle != null && shrubBundle != null && herbBundle != null && plotBundle != null)
                                                                FilestoreFile fil = prov.CreateVeg(seId, siteBundle, plotBundle, shrubBundle, treeBundle, herbBundle, nlBundle, cur.IsPrivate);
                                                                if (fil != null)
                                                                    fileIds.Add(cur.DetTypeName, fil.FileId);
                                                                    fil = null;
                                                    //NOTE - we may want to deal with partial successes in case we have multiple DETs and some work, some don't
                                                    //ok, now we do the response with a list of fileIds
                                                    if (fileIds.Count > 0)
                                                        RestUtils.Push(context.Response, RestUtils.JsonOpStatus(JsonOpStatus.Ok, JsonUtils.ToJson(fileIds).ToString()));
                                                        RestUtils.Push(context.Response, RestUtils.JsonOpStatus(JsonOpStatus.Failed, new JValue("\"No items succeeded\"").ToString()));
                        context.Response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCodes.Status401Unauthorized; //in this case, by way of affiliation
            context.Response.StatusCode = HttpStatusCodes.Status400BadRequest;