Пример #1
        public override void MapComponentTick()
            if (speciality == null)
            IntVec3 place;

            if (speciality.AnimalSpeciality != null && Find.TickManager.TicksGame % 1210 == 0 && Rand.Value < 0.0268888883f * map.wildSpawner.DesiredAnimalDensity(map) * (1 + pawnExtraSpawn) && RCellFinder.TryFindRandomPawnEntryCell(out place, this.map, CellFinder.EdgeRoadChance_Animal, null))
            ThingDef plantDef = speciality.PlantSpeciality;

            if (plantDef != null)
                float num = map.gameConditionManager.AggregatePlantDensityFactor();
                if (num > 0.0001f)
                    int   num2 = map.Size.x * 2 + map.Size.z * 2;
                    float num3 = 650f / ((float)num2 / 100f);
                    int   num4 = (int)(num3 / num);
                    if (num4 <= 0 || Find.TickManager.TicksGame % num4 == 0)
                        if (RCellFinder.TryFindRandomCellToPlantInFromOffMap(plantDef, map, out place))
                            GenPlantReproduction.TryReproduceFrom(place, plantDef, SeedTargFindMode.MapEdge, map);
Пример #2
 private void spawnPlant(IntVec3 place, MapGenFloatGrid caves, float desiredTotalDensity, ThingDef plantDef)
     if (place.GetEdifice(map) == null && place.GetCover(map) == null && caves[place] <= 0f)
         float num2 = map.fertilityGrid.FertilityAt(place);
         float num3 = num2 * desiredTotalDensity;
         if (Rand.Value < num3)
             for (int j = 0; j < plantDef.plant.wildClusterSizeRange.RandomInRange; j++)
                 IntVec3 c2;
                 if (j == 0)
                     c2 = place;
                 else if (!GenPlantReproduction.TryFindReproductionDestination(place, plantDef, SeedTargFindMode.MapGenCluster, map, out c2))
                 Plant plant = (Plant)ThingMaker.MakeThing(plantDef, null);
                 plant.Growth = Rand.Range(0.07f, 1f);
                 if (plant.def.plant.LimitedLifespan)
                     plant.Age = Rand.Range(0, Mathf.Max(plant.def.plant.LifespanTicks - 50, 0));
                 GenSpawn.Spawn(plant, c2, map);
        public static bool GenerateCavePlant_PreFix(Map map)
            map.regionAndRoomUpdater.Enabled = false;
            MapGenFloatGrid caves  = MapGenerator.Caves;
            List <ThingDef> source = (from x in DefDatabase <ThingDef> .AllDefsListForReading
                                      where x.category == ThingCategory.Plant && x.plant.cavePlant
                                      select x).ToList <ThingDef>();

            foreach (IntVec3 c in map.AllCells.InRandomOrder(null))
                if (c.GetEdifice(map) == null && c.GetCover(map) == null && (caves[c] > 0f || map.Biome.defName == "RWBCavern") && c.Roofed(map) && map.fertilityGrid.FertilityAt(c) > 0f)
                    IEnumerable <ThingDef> source2 = from def in source
                                                     where def.CanEverPlantAt(c, map)
                                                     select def;
                    if (source2.Any <ThingDef>())
                        ThingDef thingDef      = source2.RandomElement <ThingDef>();
                        int      randomInRange = thingDef.plant.wildClusterSizeRange.RandomInRange;
                        float    chance;
                        if (Math.Abs(map.Biome.CommonalityOfPlant(thingDef)) > Double.Epsilon)
                            chance = map.Biome.CommonalityOfPlant(thingDef);
                            chance = 0.18f;
                        if (Rand.Chance(chance))
                            for (int i = 0; i < randomInRange; i++)
                                IntVec3 c2;
                                if (i == 0)
                                    c2 = c;
                                else if (!GenPlantReproduction.TryFindReproductionDestination(c, thingDef, SeedTargFindMode.MapGenCluster, map, out c2))
                                Plant plant = (Plant)ThingMaker.MakeThing(thingDef, null);
                                plant.Growth = Rand.Range(0.07f, 1f);
                                if (plant.def.plant.LimitedLifespan)
                                    plant.Age = Rand.Range(0, Mathf.Max(plant.def.plant.LifespanTicks - 50, 0));
                                GenSpawn.Spawn(plant, c2, map);
            map.regionAndRoomUpdater.Enabled = true;
        private static void WildSpawner_TrySpawnPlantFromMapEdge_PostFix(WildSpawner __instance)
            //every 2 in game seconds at speed 1
            if ((Find.TickManager.TicksGame % 120) == 0)
                float SpawnedMaturity = 0.05f;
                int   SpawnRate       = 1;

                //are we in the caverns
                Map map = (Map)typeof(WildSpawner).GetField("map", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(__instance);
                if (map.Biome.defName == "RWBCavern")
                    //at normal spawnrate of 1
                    ThingDef plantDef;
                    if (SpawnRate == 1)
                        if (!map.Biome.AllWildPlants.TryRandomElementByWeight((ThingDef def) => map.Biome.CommonalityOfPlant(def), out plantDef))
                        // Checks wether the plantdef has a fertility value(Added for TiberiumRim users since Tiberium has 0% fertility)
                        if (plantDef.plant == null || plantDef.plant.fertilityMin <= 0f)
                            Log.Message("[Biomes!] if you see this message, contact the modmakers because of a mod conflict");
                        IntVec3 source;
                        int     FailSafe = 0;
                            //loop that runs 5 times to look for a plantable tile
                            source = CellFinder.RandomCell(map);
                            if (FailSafe >= 4)
                                return;     // Exit because no free spot found.
                        }while (!plantDef.CanEverPlantAt(source, map));

                        GenPlantReproduction.TryReproduceInto(source, plantDef, map);
                        if (source.GetPlant(map).def == plantDef)
                            source.GetPlant(map).Growth = SpawnedMaturity;
Пример #5
        public override void TickLong()
            if (!GenPlant.GrowthSeasonNow(this.Position, Find.VisibleMap))
            if (!this.HasEnoughLightToGrow)
                this.unlitTicks += 2000;
                this.unlitTicks = 0;
            bool flag = this.LifeStage == PlantLifeStage.Mature;

            this.growth += this.GrowthPerTick * 2000f;
            if (!flag && this.LifeStage == PlantLifeStage.Mature)
            if (this.def.plant.LimitedLifespan)
                this.age += 2000;
                if (this.get_Rotting())
                    int num = Mathf.CeilToInt(10f);
                    this.TakeDamage(new DamageInfo(DamageDefOf.Rotting, num, (Thing)null, new BodyPartDamageInfo?(), (ThingDef)null));
            if (this.Destroyed || !this.def.plant.shootsSeeds || ((double)this.growth < 0.600000023841858 || !Rand.MTBEventOccurs(this.def.plant.seedEmitMTBDays, 30000f, 2000f)) || (!GenPlant.SnowAllowsPlanting(this.Position) || GridsUtility.Roofed(this.Position)))
            GenPlantReproduction.TrySpawnSeed(this.Position, this.def, SeedTargFindMode.MapGenCluster, (Thing)this);
Пример #6
 public static void TryFindReproductionDestination_PostFix(IntVec3 source, ThingDef plantDef, SeedTargFindMode mode, Map map, ref IntVec3 foundCell, ref bool __result)
     if (plantDef.plant.cavePlant)
         float radius = -1f;
         if (mode == SeedTargFindMode.Reproduce)
             radius = plantDef.plant.reproduceRadius;
         else if (mode == SeedTargFindMode.MapGenCluster)
             radius = plantDef.plant.WildClusterRadiusActual;
         else if (mode == SeedTargFindMode.MapEdge)
             radius = 40f;
         else if (mode == SeedTargFindMode.Cave)
             radius = plantDef.plant.WildClusterRadiusActual;
         int      num      = 0;
         int      num2     = 0;
         float    num3     = 0f;
         CellRect cellRect = CellRect.CenteredOn(source, Mathf.RoundToInt(radius));
         for (int i = cellRect.minZ; i <= cellRect.maxZ; i++)
             for (int j = cellRect.minX; j <= cellRect.maxX; j++)
                 IntVec3 c2    = new IntVec3(j, 0, i);
                 Plant   plant = c2.GetPlant(map);
                 if (plant != null && (mode != SeedTargFindMode.Cave || plant.def.plant.cavePlant))
                     if (plant.def == plantDef)
                 num3 += c2.GetTerrain(map).fertility;
         float num4  = (mode != SeedTargFindMode.Cave) ? map.Biome.plantDensity : 0.5f;
         float num5  = num3 * num4;
         bool  flag  = (float)num > num5;
         bool  flag2 = (float)num > num5 * 1.25f;
         if (flag2 && map.Biome.defName != "RWBCavern")
             foundCell = IntVec3.Invalid;
         if (mode != SeedTargFindMode.MapGenCluster && mode != SeedTargFindMode.Cave)
             BiomeDef curBiome = map.Biome;
             float    num6     = curBiome.AllWildPlants.Sum((ThingDef pd) => curBiome.CommonalityOfPlant(pd));
             float    num7     = curBiome.CommonalityOfPlant(plantDef) / num6;
             float    num8     = curBiome.CommonalityOfPlant(plantDef) * plantDef.plant.wildCommonalityMaxFraction / num6;
             float    num9     = num5 * num8;
             if ((float)num2 > num9)
                 foundCell = IntVec3.Invalid;
             float num10 = num5 * num7;
             bool  flag3 = (float)num2 < num10 * 0.5f;
             if (flag && !flag3)
                 foundCell = IntVec3.Invalid;
         Predicate <IntVec3> validator = (IntVec3 c) => plantDef.CanEverPlantAt(c, map) && (!plantDef.plant.cavePlant || GenPlantReproduction.GoodRoofForCavePlantReproduction(c, map)) && GenPlant.SnowAllowsPlanting(c, map) && source.InHorDistOf(c, radius) && GenSight.LineOfSight(source, c, map, true, null, 0, 0);
         __result = CellFinder.TryFindRandomCellNear(source, map, Mathf.CeilToInt(radius), validator, out foundCell);
 public override void TickLong()
     if (Destroyed)
     if (GrowthSeasonNow(Position, Map))
         if (!HasEnoughLightToGrow)
             unlitTicks += 2000;
             unlitTicks = 0;
         float num  = growthInt;
         bool  flag = LifeStage == PlantLifeStage.Mature;
         growthInt += GrowthPerTick * 2000f;
         if (growthInt > 1f)
             growthInt = 1f;
         if (((!flag && LifeStage == PlantLifeStage.Mature) || (int)(num * 10f) != (int)(growthInt * 10f)) && CurrentlyCultivated())
             Map.mapDrawer.MapMeshDirty(Position, MapMeshFlag.Things);
         if (def.plant.LimitedLifespan)
             ageInt += 2000;
             if (Dying)
                 Map  map    = Map;
                 bool isCrop = IsCrop;
                 int  amount = Mathf.CeilToInt(10f);
                 TakeDamage(new DamageInfo(DamageDefOf.Rotting, amount, -1f, null, null, null, DamageInfo.SourceCategory.ThingOrUnknown));
                 if (Destroyed)
                     if (isCrop && def.plant.Harvestable && MessagesRepeatAvoider.MessageShowAllowed("MessagePlantDiedOfRot-" + def.defName, 240f))
                         Messages.Message("MessagePlantDiedOfRot".Translate(new object[]
                         }).CapitalizeFirst(), new TargetInfo(Position, map, false), MessageTypeDefOf.NegativeEvent);
         if (def.plant.reproduces && growthInt >= 0.6f && Rand.MTBEventOccurs(def.plant.reproduceMtbDays, 60000f, 2000f))
             if (!GenPlant.SnowAllowsPlanting(Position, Map))
             GenPlantReproduction.TryReproduceFrom(Position, def, SeedTargFindMode.Reproduce, Map);
     hardyCachedLabelMouseover = null;