private static Arbitrary <Party> ArbParty(NonEmptyString role, NonEmptyString partyId) { return(Gen.OneOf( Gen.Fresh(() => new Party(role.Get, partyId.Get)), Gen.Constant <Party>(null)) .ToArbitrary()); }
private static Gen <Tuple <PublicKeyCertificateChoiceType, object> > CreateEncryptionCertificateInfoGen( string findValue, string certificate) { var genCertFindCriteria = Gen.OneOf( Gen.Constant(Tuple.Create( PublicKeyCertificateChoiceType.CertificateFindCriteria, (object)null)), Gen.Fresh(() => Tuple.Create( PublicKeyCertificateChoiceType.CertificateFindCriteria, (object)new CertificateFindCriteria { CertificateFindValue = findValue }))); var genPublicKeyCert = Gen.OneOf( Gen.Constant(Tuple.Create( PublicKeyCertificateChoiceType.PublicKeyCertificate, (object)null)), Gen.Fresh(() => Tuple.Create( PublicKeyCertificateChoiceType.PublicKeyCertificate, (object)new PublicKeyCertificate { Certificate = certificate }))); return(Gen.OneOf(genCertFindCriteria, genPublicKeyCert)); }
public void ListOfGenerator() { var gen = Gen.Constant(42) .ListOf(1); var value = Gen.Sample(1, 10, gen); }
public static Gen <Method> CreateMethodGen() { var parameterGen = Arb.Generate <string>() .Two() .SelectMany(t => Gen.OneOf( Gen.Constant((Parameter)null), Gen.Constant(new Parameter { Name = t.Item1, Value = t.Item2 }))); var parametersGen = Arb.Generate <string>() .Two() .ListOf() .SelectMany(xs => Gen.OneOf( Gen.Constant((IList <Parameter>)null), parameterGen.ListOf())); return(Gen.OneOf( Gen.Constant((Method)null), Arb.Generate <string>() .SelectMany(s => parametersGen.Select( p => new Method { Type = s, Parameters = p?.ToList() })))); }
private static Gen <CollaborationInfo> GenCollaborationInfo() { var genAgreementRef = Arb.Generate <NonNull <string> >() .Select(x => new AgreementReference(x.Get).AsMaybe()) .Or(Gen.Constant(Maybe <AgreementReference> .Nothing)); var genServiceWithoutType = Arb.Generate <NonNull <string> >() .Select(x => new Service(x.Get)); var genServiceWithType = Arb.Generate <NonNull <string> >() .Two() .Select(t => new Service(t.Item1.Get, t.Item2.Get)); var genActionConversation = Arb.Generate <NonNull <string> >() .Two(); return(genAgreementRef .Zip(genServiceWithoutType.Or(genServiceWithType)) .Zip(genActionConversation) .Select(tt => new CollaborationInfo( tt.Item1.Item1, tt.Item1.Item2, tt.Item2.Item1.Get, tt.Item2.Item2.Get))); }
private static Gen <Tuple <TlsCertificateChoiceType, object> > CreateTlsCertificateInfoGen( string clientCertFindValue, string password, string certificate) { var genClientCertRef = Gen.OneOf( Gen.Constant(Tuple.Create( TlsCertificateChoiceType.ClientCertificateReference, (object)null)), Gen.Fresh(() => Tuple.Create( TlsCertificateChoiceType.ClientCertificateReference, (object)new ClientCertificateReference { ClientCertificateFindValue = clientCertFindValue }))); var genPrivateKeyCert = Gen.OneOf( Gen.Constant(Tuple.Create( TlsCertificateChoiceType.PrivateKeyCertificate, (object)null)), Gen.Fresh(() => Tuple.Create( TlsCertificateChoiceType.PrivateKeyCertificate, (object)new PrivateKeyCertificate { Password = password, Certificate = certificate }))); return(Gen.OneOf(genClientCertRef, genPrivateKeyCert)); }
public static Gen <Tuple <PrivateKeyCertificateChoiceType, object> > CreatePrivateKeyCertificateGen( string findValue, string certificate, string password) { var genCertFindCriteria = Gen.OneOf( Gen.Constant(Tuple.Create( PrivateKeyCertificateChoiceType.CertificateFindCriteria, (object)null)), Gen.Fresh(() => Tuple.Create( PrivateKeyCertificateChoiceType.CertificateFindCriteria, (object)new CertificateFindCriteria { CertificateFindValue = findValue }))); var genPrivateKeyCert = Gen.OneOf( Gen.Constant(Tuple.Create( PrivateKeyCertificateChoiceType.PrivateKeyCertificate, (object)null)), Gen.Fresh(() => Tuple.Create( PrivateKeyCertificateChoiceType.PrivateKeyCertificate, (object)new PrivateKeyCertificate { Certificate = certificate, Password = password }))); return(Gen.OneOf(genCertFindCriteria, genPrivateKeyCert)); }
private static Gen <Regex <char> > DefineGen() { var delayedRegex = Gen.Delay(new GetRegex()); return(Gen.ChoiceRecursive( new[] { from c in Gen.Unicode select Regex <char> .Just(c), Gen.Constant(Regex <char> .Fail), Gen.Constant(Regex <char> .Epsilon), }, new[] { from c in delayedRegex select ~c, from c in delayedRegex select !c, from l in delayedRegex from r in delayedRegex select l *r, from l in delayedRegex from r in delayedRegex select l + r, from l in delayedRegex from r in delayedRegex select l& r, })); }
private static IGen <T> CreateGenGeneric <T>(IReflectedGenHandler innerHandler, ReflectedGenHandlerContext context, ContextualErrorFactory errorFactory) { var constructor = TryFindConstructor(typeof(T)) !; var parameterGens = constructor .GetParameters() .Select(parameter => innerHandler .CreateGen(parameter.ParameterType, context.Next(parameter.Name, parameter.ParameterType)) // TODO: Indicate it's a ctor param in the path .Cast <object>()); return(Gen .Zip(parameterGens) .SelectMany(parameters => { try { return Gen.Constant((T)constructor.Invoke(parameters.ToArray())); } catch (TargetInvocationException ex) { var innerEx = ex.InnerException; var message = $"'{innerEx.GetType()}' was thrown while calling constructor with message '{innerEx.Message}'"; return errorFactory(message, context).Cast <T>(); } })); }
private static Gen <IList <IList <int> > > GenSolutionRows(int numCols, int numSolutionRows) { return (from solutionRows in Gen.Constant(0).ListOf(numCols).ListOf(numSolutionRows) from randomRowIdxs in Gen.Choose(0, numSolutionRows - 1).ListOf(numCols) select RandomlySprinkleOnesIntoSolutionRows(solutionRows, randomRowIdxs)); }
public Gen <Command <ISet <int>, ISet <int> > > Next(ISet <int> value) { var count = value.Count; return(Gen.Frequency(Tuple.Create(Math.Max(1, 5 - count), Build(i => new AddSet(i))), Tuple.Create(1 + 3 * count, Build(i => new RemoveSet(i))), Tuple.Create(1, Gen.Constant <Command <ISet <int>, ISet <int> > >(new ClearSet())))); }
public static Gen <RiskFactor> NoneOrLowRisk() { return(Gen.Frequency(new[] { System.Tuple.Create(1, Gen.Constant(RiskFactor.None)), System.Tuple.Create(4, Gen.Constant(RiskFactor.Low)) })); }
public Gen <Command <IDictionary <int, string>, IDictionary <int, string> > > Next(IDictionary <int, string> value) { var count = value.Count; return(Gen.Frequency(Tuple.Create(Math.Max(1, 5 - count), Build(tuple => new AddDictionary(tuple))), Tuple.Create(1 + 3 * count, Build(i => new RemoveDictionary(i))), Tuple.Create(1, Gen.Constant <Command <IDictionary <int, string>, IDictionary <int, string> > >(new ClearDictionary())))); }
public static Gen <double> Range(double lower, double upper) => Gen.Frequency (Tuple(1, Gen.Constant(lower)), Tuple(1, Gen.Constant(lower + double.Epsilon)), Tuple(1, Gen.Constant(upper - double.Epsilon)), Tuple(1, Gen.Constant(upper)), Tuple(20, GenFloat._Range(lower, upper)) );
public static Arbitrary <IntervalStringWithInvalidFormat <T, TComparer> > NormalIntervalStringsWithInvalidFormat <T, TComparer>() where TComparer : struct, IBoundaryValueComparer <T> => Arb.From( from interval in NonEmptyIntervals <T, TComparer>().Generator from lowerBoundaryType in Gen.OneOf(Gen.Elements('[', '('), Arb.Generate <char>()) let lowerBoundaryValue = interval.LowerBoundary.Value from separator in Gen.OneOf(Gen.Constant(','), Arb.Generate <char>()) let upperBoundaryValue = interval.UpperBoundary.Value from upperBoundaryType in Gen.OneOf(Gen.Elements(']', ')'), Arb.Generate <char>()) select new IntervalStringWithInvalidFormat <T, TComparer>(Padded(lowerBoundaryType, lowerBoundaryValue, separator, upperBoundaryValue, upperBoundaryType)));
private static Gen <IList <IList <int> > > GenPartitionedSolutionRows(int numCols, int startIdx, int endIdx, int numSolutionRows) { return (from solutionRows in Gen.Constant(InitPartitionedSolutionRows(numCols, startIdx, endIdx, numSolutionRows)) from randomRowIdxs in Gen.Choose(0, numSolutionRows - 1).ListOf(endIdx - startIdx) where Enumerable.Range(0, numSolutionRows).All(randomRowIdxs.Contains) select RandomlySprinkleOnesIntoSolutionRows(solutionRows, randomRowIdxs, startIdx)); }
public static Gen <SigHash> SigHashType() => Gen.OneOf <SigHash>(new List <Gen <SigHash> > { Gen.Constant(SigHash.All), Gen.Constant(SigHash.Single), Gen.Constant(SigHash.None), Gen.Constant(SigHash.AnyoneCanPay | SigHash.All), Gen.Constant(SigHash.AnyoneCanPay | SigHash.Single), Gen.Constant(SigHash.AnyoneCanPay | SigHash.None) });
public Property String_LengthMax(NonNull <string> s, NonNull <string> x) { Gen <string> gen = Gen.Constant(s.Get).Or(Gen.Constant(x.Get)); return(Prop.ForAll(gen.ToArbitrary(), target => { Spec <string> spec = Spec.Of <string>().LengthMax(s.Get.Length + 1, "should have max string length"); return spec.ToProperty(target, target.Length <= s.Get.Length + 1); })); }
public Property NonEmpty(NonEmptyArray <string> array) { Gen <string[]> gen = Gen.Constant(Array.Empty <string>()).Or(Gen.Constant(array.Get)); return(Prop.ForAll(gen.ToArbitrary(), target => { Spec <string[]> spec = Spec.Of <string[]>().NonEmpty("should not be empty"); return spec.ToProperty(target, target.Length != 0); })); }
public Property SequenceEqual(NonNull <int[]> array) { Gen <int[]> gen = Gen.Constant(array.Get).Or(Gen.Shuffle(array.Get)).Or(Arb.Generate <int[]>()); return(Prop.ForAll(gen.ToArbitrary(), target => { Spec <int[]> spec = Spec.Of <int[]>().SequenceEqual(array.Get, "should be sequence eaual"); return spec.ToProperty(target, target.SequenceEqual(array.Get)); })); }
public static List <AttributeTypeDTO> ListOfAttributeTypeDtos(int size = 10, int attributeListSize = 10) { return(Enumerable.Repeat <AttributeTypeDTO>(new AttributeTypeDTO() { AllowMultipleSelections = Gen.Sample(1, 1, Gen.OneOf(Gen.Constant(true), Gen.Constant(false))).HeadOrDefault, Attributes = ListOfAttributeDtos(attributeListSize), AttributeTypeId = Gen.Sample(1, 1, Gen.OneOf(Arb.Generate <int>())).HeadOrDefault, Name = Gen.Sample(1, 1, Gen.OneOf(Arb.Generate <string>())).HeadOrDefault }, size).ToList()); }
public static Arbitrary <Maybe <T> > MaybeGen <T>() { Gen <Maybe <T> > just = Arb.From <T>().Generator.Select(Maybe.Just); Gen <Maybe <T> > nothing = Gen.Constant(Maybe <T> .Nothing); return(Gen.Frequency( Tuple.Create(1, nothing), Tuple.Create(2, just)) .ToArbitrary()); }
private static Gen <int[, ]> GenMatrixOfIntWithSingleSolution() { return (from numCols in Gen.Choose(2, 20) from solution in GenSolution(numCols) from numRows in Gen.Choose(solution.Count, solution.Count * 5) from matrix in Gen.Constant(0).ListOf(numCols).ListOf(numRows) from randomRowIdxs in PickRandomRowIdxs(solution.Count, numRows) select PokeSolutionRowsIntoMatrix(matrix, solution, randomRowIdxs).To2DArray()); }
public Property ReplyHandling_Must_Be_Specified_When_There_Isnt_A_Forward_Element( string responsePMode, string forwardPMode) { var genForward = Gen.OneOf( Gen.Constant((object)null), Gen.Fresh(() => (object)new Forward { SendingPMode = forwardPMode }), Gen.Fresh(() => (object)new Deliver())); var genReplyHandling = Gen.OneOf( Gen.Constant((ReplyHandling)null), Gen.Fresh(() => new ReplyHandling { ResponseConfiguration = new PushConfiguration { Protocol = { Url = "http://not/empty/url" } } })); return(Prop.ForAll( genForward.ToArbitrary(), genReplyHandling.ToArbitrary(), (messageHandlingImp, replyHandling) => { // Arrange ReceivingProcessingMode pmode = CreateValidPMode(); pmode.ReplyHandling = replyHandling; pmode.MessageHandling.Item = messageHandlingImp; // Act ValidationResult result = ExerciseValidation(pmode); // Assert bool specifiedDeliver = messageHandlingImp is Deliver; bool specifiedForward = messageHandlingImp is Forward f && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(f.SendingPMode); bool specifiedReplyHandling = replyHandling?.ResponseConfiguration != null; return result.IsValid .Equals(specifiedReplyHandling && specifiedDeliver) .Or(!specifiedReplyHandling && specifiedForward) .Or(specifiedReplyHandling && specifiedForward) .Label( $"Validation has {(result.IsValid ? "succeeded" : "failed")} " + $"but ReplyHandling {(specifiedReplyHandling ? "is" : "isn't")} specified and " + $"MessageHandling is {(specifiedDeliver ? "a Deliver" : specifiedForward ? "a Forward" : "empty")} element. " + $"{(result.IsValid ? String.Empty : result.AppendValidationErrorsToErrorMessage("Validation Failure: "))}"); })); }
private Gen <List <Concurrent <bool, bool, bool> .CommandResult> > AlwaysTrueCommandResult(int listLen) { var item = from client in Gen.Choose(0, 1) from result in Gen.Constant(true) from command in Gen.Constant(new BoolIdentity()) let clientCommand = new Concurrent <bool, bool, bool> .ClientCommand(client, command) select new Concurrent <bool, bool, bool> .CommandResult(clientCommand, result); return(from list in Gen.ListOf(listLen, item) select list.ToList()); }
private Gen <List <Concurrent <int, int, int> .CommandResult> > ParralelIntCommandGen(int listLen) { var item = from client in Gen.Choose(0, 5) from result in Gen.Choose(1, 1000) from command in Gen.Constant(new IntSutIdentity()) let clientCommand = new Concurrent <int, int, int> .ClientCommand(client, command) select new Concurrent <int, int, int> .CommandResult(clientCommand, result); return(from list in Gen.ListOf(listLen, item) select list.ToList()); }
public static Arbitrary <ObjectDescriptor> ChildDescriptions() { var generatorIjsCsGlue = Gen.Constant(0).Select(index => NSubstitute.Substitute.For <IJsCsGlue>()); var generatorChildDescription =, generatorIjsCsGlue); var generator =, Gen.NonEmptyListOf(generatorChildDescription)) .Select(tuple => new ObjectDescriptor(tuple.Item1, tuple.Item2.Select(t => t.Item1).ToArray(), tuple.Item2.Select(t => t.Item2).ToArray())); return(Arb.From(generator)); }
public static Gen <Developer> KarumieGenerator() { return(Gen.OneOf( Gen.Constant(Karumies.DAVIDE), Gen.Constant(Karumies.PEDRO), Gen.Constant(Karumies.FRAN), Gen.Constant(Karumies.JORGE), Gen.Constant(Karumies.SERGIO), Gen.Constant(Karumies.TONI) )); }
private Arbitrary <string> Dna() => Gen.Sized(n => Gen.ArrayOf(n, Gen.OneOf(new List <Gen <string> > { Gen.Constant("A"), Gen.Constant("C"), Gen.Constant("G"), Gen.Constant("T") })) .Select(r => string.Join("", r))) .Select(r => r ?? "") .ToArbitrary();
public static Arbitrary <EntityDescriptor <int> > ChildDescriptions() { var generatorIJSCSGlue = Gen.Constant(0).Select(index => NSubstitute.Substitute.For <IJSCSGlue>()); var generatorChildDescription =, Gen.Choose(0, 100)) .Select(tuple => new ChildDescription <int>(tuple.Item2, tuple.Item1)); var generator =, Gen.NonEmptyListOf(generatorChildDescription)) .Select(tuple => new EntityDescriptor <int>(tuple.Item1, tuple.Item2)); return(Arb.From(generator)); }