Пример #1
        static void realize(IntPtr self)
            GdkRectangle allocation;

            gtk_widget_get_allocation(self, out allocation);

            gtk_widget_set_realized(self, true);

            GdkWindowAttr attributes = new GdkWindowAttr();

            attributes.x           = allocation.x;
            attributes.y           = allocation.y;
            attributes.width       = allocation.width;
            attributes.height      = allocation.height;
            attributes.window_type = GdkWindowType.GDK_WINDOW_CHILD;
            attributes.event_mask  = gtk_widget_get_events(self)
                                     | GdkEventMask.GDK_BUTTON_MOTION_MASK
                                     | GdkEventMask.GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK
                                     | GdkEventMask.GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK
                                     | GdkEventMask.GDK_EXPOSURE_MASK
                                     | GdkEventMask.GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK
                                     | GdkEventMask.GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK;
            attributes.visual = gtk_widget_get_visual(self);
            attributes.wclass = GdkWindowWindowClass.GDK_INPUT_OUTPUT;
            GdkWindowAttributesType attributes_mask = GdkWindowAttributesType.GDK_WA_X | GdkWindowAttributesType.GDK_WA_Y | GdkWindowAttributesType.GDK_WA_VISUAL;
            IntPtr window = gdk_window_new(gtk_widget_get_parent_window(self), ref attributes, attributes_mask);

            gtk_widget_set_window(self, window);
            gtk_widget_register_window(self, window);
Пример #2
		static extern IntPtr gdk_window_new (IntPtr gdk_parent, ref GdkWindowAttr gdk_window_attributes, int attributes_mask);
Пример #3
		internal override IntPtr CreateWindow (CreateParams cp) 
			GdkWindowAttr 		gdk_window_attributes;
			GdkWindowAttributesType attributes_mask = 0;
			Hwnd			hwnd;
			int			X;
			int			Y;
			int			Width;
			int			Height;
			IntPtr 			GdkParentHandle;
			IntPtr 			GdkWholeWindow;
			IntPtr 			GdkClientWindow;
			Rectangle		ClientRect;
			GdkWindowType 		gdk_window_type;
			hwnd = new Hwnd ();
			gdk_window_attributes = new GdkWindowAttr ();
			X = cp.X;
			Y = cp.Y;
			Width = cp.Width;
			Height = cp.Height;
			if (Width < 1) Width = 1;
			if (Height < 1) Height = 1;
			gdk_window_type = GdkWindowType.GDK_WINDOW_CHILD;
			if (cp.Parent != IntPtr.Zero) {
				GdkParentHandle = gdk_window_lookup (Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle (cp.Parent).client_window);
			} else {
				if ((cp.Style & (int)WindowStyles.WS_CHILD) != 0) {
					// We need to use our foster parent window until this poor child gets it's parent assigned
					GdkParentHandle = GdkFosterParent;
				} else if ((cp.Style & (int)WindowStyles.WS_POPUP) != 0) {
					GdkParentHandle = GdkRootWindow;
				} else {
					// Default position on screen, if window manager doesn't place us somewhere else
					if (X < 1) X = 50;
					if (Y < 1) Y = 50;
					GdkParentHandle = GdkRootWindow;
//			ValueMask = SetWindowValuemask.BitGravity | SetWindowValuemask.WinGravity;
//			Attributes.bit_gravity = Gravity.NorthWestGravity;
//			Attributes.win_gravity = Gravity.NorthWestGravity;
			// FIXME: does gdk need that ?
			// Save what's under the toolwindow
			if ((cp.ExStyle & (int)WindowStyles.WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW) != 0) {
//				Attributes.save_under = true;
//				ValueMask |= SetWindowValuemask.SaveUnder;
			// If we're a popup without caption we override the WM
			if ((cp.Style & ((int)WindowStyles.WS_POPUP)) != 0) {
				if ((cp.Style & (int)WindowStyles.WS_CAPTION) == 0) {
					gdk_window_attributes.override_redirect = true;
					attributes_mask |= GdkWindowAttributesType.GDK_WA_NOREDIR;
			hwnd.x = X;
			hwnd.y = Y;
			hwnd.width = Width;
			hwnd.height = Height;
			hwnd.parent = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle (cp.Parent);
			if ((cp.Style & ((int)WindowStyles.WS_DISABLED)) != 0) {
				hwnd.enabled = false;
			ClientRect = hwnd.ClientRect;
			GdkClientWindow = IntPtr.Zero;
			gdk_window_attributes.x = X;
			gdk_window_attributes.y = Y;
			gdk_window_attributes.width = Width;
			gdk_window_attributes.height = Height;
			gdk_window_attributes.window_type = gdk_window_type;
			attributes_mask |= GdkWindowAttributesType.GDK_WA_X | GdkWindowAttributesType.GDK_WA_Y;
			gdk_window_attributes.wclass = GdkWindowClass.GDK_INPUT_OUTPUT;
			lock (XlibLock) {
				GdkWholeWindow = gdk_window_new (GdkParentHandle, ref gdk_window_attributes, (int)attributes_mask);
				if (GdkWholeWindow != IntPtr.Zero) {
					attributes_mask &= ~GdkWindowAttributesType.GDK_WA_NOREDIR;
					if (GdkCustomVisual != IntPtr.Zero && GdkCustomColormap != IntPtr.Zero) {
						attributes_mask |= GdkWindowAttributesType.GDK_WA_COLORMAP | GdkWindowAttributesType.GDK_WA_VISUAL;
						gdk_window_attributes.colormap = GdkCustomColormap;
						gdk_window_attributes.visual = GdkCustomVisual;
					gdk_window_attributes.x = ClientRect.X;
					gdk_window_attributes.y = ClientRect.Y;
					gdk_window_attributes.width = ClientRect.Width;
					gdk_window_attributes.height = ClientRect.Height;
					GdkClientWindow = gdk_window_new (GdkWholeWindow, ref gdk_window_attributes, (int)attributes_mask);
			if ((GdkWholeWindow == IntPtr.Zero) || (GdkClientWindow == IntPtr.Zero)) {
				throw new Exception ("Could not create X11 Gdk windows");
			hwnd.WholeWindow = gdk_x11_drawable_get_xid (GdkWholeWindow);
			hwnd.ClientWindow = gdk_x11_drawable_get_xid (GdkClientWindow);
			#if DriverDebug
				Console.WriteLine("Created window {0:X} / {1:X} parent {2:X}", ClientWindow.ToInt32(), WholeWindow.ToInt32(), hwnd.parent != null ? hwnd.parent.Handle.ToInt32() : 0);
			lock (XlibLock) {
				gdk_window_set_events (GdkWholeWindow, (int)GdkSelectInputMask);
				gdk_window_set_events (GdkClientWindow, (int)GdkSelectInputMask);
				if ((cp.Style & (int)WindowStyles.WS_VISIBLE) != 0) {
					gdk_window_show (GdkWholeWindow);
					gdk_window_show (GdkClientWindow);
					hwnd.visible = true;
			SetWMStyles (hwnd, cp);
			if ((cp.Style & (int)WindowStyles.WS_MINIMIZE) != 0) {
				SetWindowState (hwnd.Handle, FormWindowState.Minimized);
			} else if ((cp.Style & (int)WindowStyles.WS_MAXIMIZE) != 0) {
				SetWindowState (hwnd.Handle, FormWindowState.Maximized);
			// for now make all windows dnd enabled
			Dnd.SetAllowDrop (hwnd, true);
			// Set caption/window title
			Text (hwnd.Handle, cp.Caption);
			return hwnd.Handle;