void AddOverlay(ref Gdk.Pixbuf icon, Gdk.Pixbuf overlay)
            Gdk.Pixbuf cached = Context.GetComposedIcon(icon, overlay);
            if (cached != null)
                icon = cached;

            int dx = 2;
            int dy = 2;

            Gdk.Pixbuf res = new Gdk.Pixbuf(icon.Colorspace, icon.HasAlpha, icon.BitsPerSample, icon.Width + dx, icon.Height + dy);
            icon.CopyArea(0, 0, icon.Width, icon.Height, res, 0, 0);

                              res.Width - overlay.Width, res.Height - overlay.Height,
                              overlay.Width, overlay.Height,
                              res.Width - overlay.Width, res.Height - overlay.Height,
                              1, 1, Gdk.InterpType.Bilinear, 255);

            Context.CacheComposedIcon(icon, overlay, res);
            icon = res;
Пример #2
        //caller should check that sizes match
        public static Gdk.Pixbuf MergeIcons(Gdk.Pixbuf icon1, Gdk.Pixbuf icon2)
            if (icon2 == null)
            if (icon1 == null)

            Gdk.Pixbuf res = new Gdk.Pixbuf(icon1.Colorspace, icon1.HasAlpha, icon1.BitsPerSample, icon1.Width, icon1.Height);
            icon1.CopyArea(0, 0, icon1.Width, icon1.Height, res, 0, 0);
            icon2.Composite(res, 0, 0, icon2.Width, icon2.Height, 0, 0, 1, 1, Gdk.InterpType.Bilinear, 255);

            var icon1_2x = Get2xIconVariant(icon1);
            var icon2_2x = Get2xIconVariant(icon2);

            if (icon1_2x != null || icon2_2x != null)
                if (icon1_2x == null)
                    icon1_2x = ScaleIcon(icon1, icon1.Width * 2, icon1.Height * 2);
                if (icon2_2x == null)
                    icon2_2x = ScaleIcon(icon2, icon2.Width * 2, icon2.Height * 2);
                var res2x = MergeIcons(icon1_2x, icon2_2x);
                Set2xIconVariant(res, res2x);

        private void MarkImage(Token t)
            if (t == null)
                originalImageArea.Image = originalImage;

            Gdk.Pixbuf originalMarked = originalImage.Copy();

            // We tint the copy in red.
            originalMarked =
                                                    100, 1,
                                                    0xAAAAAA, 0xAAAAAA);

            // Over the red tinted copy, we place the piece we want to be
            // normal.

            originalImageArea.Image = originalMarked;
Пример #4
        public ImageTexture(Stream input)
            Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf(input);

            uint width  = (uint)pixbuf.Width;
            uint height = (uint)pixbuf.Height;

            // Round to next power-of-two isn't needed with newer OpenGL versions
            if (!GlHelper.HasExtension("GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two"))
                width  = NextPowerOfTwo((uint)width);
                height = NextPowerOfTwo((uint)height);

            Gdk.Pixbuf target = new Gdk.Pixbuf(Gdk.Colorspace.Rgb, true, 8, (int)width, (int)height);
            pixbuf.CopyArea(0, 0, pixbuf.Width, pixbuf.Height, target, 0, 0);

            ImageWidth  = (float)pixbuf.Width;
            ImageHeight = (float)pixbuf.Height;

            this.width  = (uint)target.Width;
            this.height = (uint)target.Height;

            this.pixbuf = target;
Пример #5
 //caller should check null and that sizes match
 static Gdk.Pixbuf MergeIcons(Gdk.Pixbuf icon1, Gdk.Pixbuf icon2)
     Gdk.Pixbuf res = new Gdk.Pixbuf(icon1.Colorspace, icon1.HasAlpha, icon1.BitsPerSample, icon1.Width, icon1.Height);
     icon1.CopyArea(0, 0, icon1.Width, icon1.Height, res, 0, 0);
     icon2.Composite(res, 0, 0, icon2.Width, icon2.Height, 0, 0, 1, 1, Gdk.InterpType.Bilinear, 255);
Пример #6
 public static Gdk.Pixbuf AddIconOverlay(Gdk.Pixbuf target, Gdk.Pixbuf overlay)
     Gdk.Pixbuf res = new Gdk.Pixbuf(target.Colorspace, target.HasAlpha, target.BitsPerSample, target.Width, target.Height);
     target.CopyArea(0, 0, target.Width, target.Height, res, 0, 0);
     overlay.Composite(res, 0, 0, overlay.Width, overlay.Height, 0, 0, 1, 1, Gdk.InterpType.Bilinear, 255);
Пример #7
        public override void Execute(SurfaceReceiver receiver)
            int x, y;
            int tx, ty;
            int width, height;

            Gdk.Pixbuf      pixbuf;
            Gdk.Rectangle[] rects;
            Gdk.Rectangle   clippedRect;

            if (codecID != CODEC_ID_REMOTEFX)

            RfxMessage rfxMsg = receiver.rfx.ParseMessage(bitmapData, bitmapDataLength);

            x     = y = 0;
            width = height = 64;
            rects = new Gdk.Rectangle[rfxMsg.RectCount];

            int count = 0;

            while (rfxMsg.HasNextRect())
                rfxMsg.GetNextRect(ref x, ref y, ref width, ref height);

                tx = x + destLeft;
                ty = y + destTop;

                rects[count++] = new Gdk.Rectangle(tx, ty, width, height);

            while (rfxMsg.HasNextTile())
                rfxMsg.GetNextTile(buffer, ref x, ref y);

                tx = x + destLeft;
                ty = y + destTop;

                Gdk.Rectangle tileRect = new Gdk.Rectangle(tx, ty, 64, 64);

                foreach (Gdk.Rectangle rect in rects)
                    rect.Intersect(tileRect, out clippedRect);

                    if (!clippedRect.IsEmpty)
                        pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf(buffer, Gdk.Colorspace.Rgb, true, 8, 64, 64, 64 * 4);

                        pixbuf.CopyArea(0, 0, clippedRect.Width, clippedRect.Height,
                                        receiver.surface, clippedRect.X, clippedRect.Y);

                        receiver.InvalidateRect(clippedRect.X, clippedRect.Y, clippedRect.Width, clippedRect.Height);
Пример #8
        public override void Execute(SurfaceReceiver receiver)
            int x, y;
            int tx, ty;
            int width, height;
            Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf;
            Gdk.Rectangle[] rects;
            Gdk.Rectangle clippedRect;

            if (codecID != CODEC_ID_REMOTEFX)

            RfxMessage rfxMsg = receiver.rfx.ParseMessage(bitmapData, bitmapDataLength);

            x = y = 0;
            width = height = 64;
            rects = new Gdk.Rectangle[rfxMsg.RectCount];

            int count = 0;
            while (rfxMsg.HasNextRect())
                rfxMsg.GetNextRect(ref x, ref y, ref width, ref height);

                tx = x + destLeft;
                ty = y + destTop;

                rects[count++] = new Gdk.Rectangle(tx, ty, width, height);

            while (rfxMsg.HasNextTile())
                rfxMsg.GetNextTile(buffer, ref x, ref y);

                tx = x + destLeft;
                ty = y + destTop;

                Gdk.Rectangle tileRect = new Gdk.Rectangle(tx, ty, 64, 64);

                foreach (Gdk.Rectangle rect in rects)
                    rect.Intersect(tileRect, out clippedRect);

                    if (!clippedRect.IsEmpty)
                        pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf(buffer, Gdk.Colorspace.Rgb, true, 8, 64, 64, 64 * 4);

                        pixbuf.CopyArea(0, 0, clippedRect.Width, clippedRect.Height,
                            receiver.surface, clippedRect.X, clippedRect.Y);

                        receiver.InvalidateRect(clippedRect.X, clippedRect.Y, clippedRect.Width, clippedRect.Height);
Пример #9
        private void InitializeColorComboBox(Gtk.ComboBox colorChooser, ObservableCollection <FileNodeColorViewModel> colors, MenuLayoutViewModel dataContext)
            colorChooser.SetValue(IFakeDependencyObjectHelpers.DataContextPropertyName, dataContext);
            colorChooser.TooltipText = MenuLayoutViewModel.ColorTip;
            foreach (var color in colors)
                var pixbufColor = new Gdk.Pixbuf(Gdk.Colorspace.Rgb, true, 8, 14, 14);
                var uintColor   = (uint)((color.Fill.Red & 0xFF) << 24) | (uint)((color.Fill.Green & 0xFF) << 16) | (uint)((color.Fill.Blue & 0xFF) << 8) | 0xFF;
                var pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf(Gdk.Colorspace.Rgb, true, 8, 16, 16);
                pixbuf.Fill(0xFF); // black background
                pixbufColor.CopyArea(0, 0, 14, 14, pixbuf, 1, 1);
                ColorPixbufs[color.IntvColor] = pixbuf;

            Gtk.CellRenderer cellRenderer = new Gtk.CellRendererPixbuf()
                Xalign = 0
            colorChooser.PackStart(cellRenderer, false);
            colorChooser.SetCellDataFunc(cellRenderer, (l, e, m, i) => VisualHelpers.CellImageRenderer <FileNodeColorViewModel>(l, e, m, i, c => ColorPixbufs[c.IntvColor]));

            cellRenderer = new Gtk.CellRendererCombo()
                Xalign = 0, Xpad = 4
            colorChooser.PackEnd(cellRenderer, true);
            colorChooser.SetCellDataFunc(cellRenderer, (l, e, m, i) => VisualHelpers.CellTextRenderer <FileNodeColorViewModel>(l, e, m, i, c => c.Name));

            var colorListStore = new Gtk.ListStore(typeof(FileNodeColorViewModel));

            colorChooser.Model = colorListStore;

            MenuLayoutCommandGroup.SetColorCommand.CanExecuteChanged += HandleCanExecuteSetColorChanged;
Пример #10
        public ImageTexture(Stream input)
            Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf = new Gdk.Pixbuf(input);

            uint width = (uint)pixbuf.Width;
            uint height = (uint)pixbuf.Height;

            // Round to next power-of-two isn't needed with newer OpenGL versions
            if (!GlHelper.HasExtension("GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two")) {
                width  = NextPowerOfTwo((uint)width);
                height = NextPowerOfTwo((uint)height);

            Gdk.Pixbuf target = new Gdk.Pixbuf(Gdk.Colorspace.Rgb, true, 8, (int)width, (int)height);
            pixbuf.CopyArea(0, 0, pixbuf.Width, pixbuf.Height, target, 0, 0);

            ImageWidth = (float) pixbuf.Width;
            ImageHeight = (float) pixbuf.Height;

            this.width = (uint)target.Width;
            this.height = (uint)target.Height;

            this.pixbuf = target;
Пример #11
        // window is the scrolled window; should be named apropriately eventually
        public JsonClass(Gtk.Container window, Gtk.Image image, myListStore myListstore)
            Gdk.Pixbuf tileSet = image.Pixbuf, scaled = image.Pixbuf;

            int height = tileSet.Height, width = tileSet.Width;

            // a treestore so the tiles with subtiles can be expanded, eventually also categories that are expandable
            Gtk.TreeStore myListStore = new Gtk.TreeStore(typeof(string), typeof(int), typeof(string), typeof(Gdk.Pixbuf));

            tile_info_nested tile_info = new tile_info_nested();              // should have a better name eventually

            // should either be chosen by user or maybe the folder where the tileset resides
            StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(@"/home/gervinius/Pragramming/Mono/jsonTest/jsonTest/tile_config.json");

            tile_info_nested deserializedJsonFile = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <tile_info_nested> (streamReader.ReadToEnd());


            int value, tileWidthHeight = 16;

            if (deserializedJsonFile.tile_info [0].TryGetValue("height", out value))
                tileWidthHeight = value;

            scaled = scaled.ScaleSimple(tileWidthHeight, tileWidthHeight, Gdk.InterpType.Bilinear);              // temp solution; should look for a more elegant solution
            //this copies the list from the json object list to another list. Could be a better solution someday
            tile_info.tiles = new List <Json_tile_class> (deserializedJsonFile.tiles);

            //checks if tile has subtiles and adds them to a list
            for (int i = 0; i < tile_info.tiles.Count; i++)
                if (tile_info.tiles [i].multitile == true)
                    //just copy the list with subtiles
                    tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles = new List <Json_tile_class> (deserializedJsonFile.tiles[i].additional_tiles);

            //reads the tileset image and copies each individual tile to a pixbuf; should be a seperate method eventually
            for (int i = 0; i < height / tileWidthHeight; i++)
                for (int h = 0; h < width / tileWidthHeight; h++)
                    tile_info.lstPixbuf.Add(scaled.Copy());                      //hack to initialize a empty pixbuf at the correct index in the list, there may be a more performant solution
                    tileSet.CopyArea(h * tileWidthHeight, i * tileWidthHeight, tileWidthHeight, tileWidthHeight,
                                     tile_info.lstPixbuf[i * 16 + h], 0, 0);     //copy the pixels that reperesent one tile to the pixbuf at the lists index

            //checks whether the tile has a bg or fg image (or both)
            for (int i = 0; i < tile_info.tiles.Count; i++)
                Gdk.Pixbuf myListstoreImage = scaled.Copy();                       // initialize a pixbuf with 32x32 pixels;; could be in the class eventually

                if (tile_info.tiles [i].fg != null && tile_info.tiles [i].fg >= 0) // some persons have used the value -1 to mark a nonexisting fg- or bg-image
                    tile_info.tiles[i].fg_image = tile_info.lstPixbuf[tile_info.tiles [i].fg.Value];
                    myListstoreImage            = tile_info.tiles [i].fg_image;

                else if (tile_info.tiles [i].bg != null && tile_info.tiles [i].bg >= 0)
                    tile_info.tiles[i].bg_image = tile_info.lstPixbuf[tile_info.tiles [i].bg.Value];
                    myListstoreImage            = tile_info.tiles [i].bg_image;

                else if (tile_info.tiles [i].fg != null && tile_info.tiles [i].fg >= 0 && tile_info.tiles [i].bg != null && tile_info.tiles [i].bg >= 0)
                    tile_info.tiles[i].fg_image = tile_info.lstPixbuf[tile_info.tiles [i].fg.Value];
                    tile_info.tiles[i].bg_image = tile_info.lstPixbuf[tile_info.tiles [i].bg.Value];

                    // this merges background and foreground
                    tile_info.tiles [i].bg_image.Composite(myListstoreImage, 0, 0, tileWidthHeight, tileWidthHeight, 0, 0, 1, 1, Gdk.InterpType.Bilinear, 1);
                    tile_info.tiles [i].fg_image.Composite(myListstoreImage, 0, 0, tileWidthHeight, tileWidthHeight, 0, 0, 1, 1, Gdk.InterpType.Bilinear, 1);

                // if the tile object has additional tiles ...
                if (tile_info.tiles [i].multitile == true)
                    // create an expandable treeiter
                    Gtk.TreeIter iter = myListStore.AppendValues(tile_info.tiles[i].id);                      // category name is the maintiles name, could be changed later
                    //append the PARENT TILE to the treestore
                    myListStore.AppendValues(iter, tile_info.tiles [i].id, 1,
                                             "test1", myListstoreImage);

                    // look through each subtile and add the foreground or background image to the liststore
                    for (int x = 0; x < tile_info.tiles[i].additional_tiles.Count; x++)
                        if (tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].fg != null && tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].fg >= 0)
                            tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].fg_image = tile_info.lstPixbuf [tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].fg.Value];
                            myListStore.AppendValues(iter, tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].id, "test",
                                                     "test1", tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].fg_image);
                        else if (tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].bg != null && tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].bg >= 0)
                            tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].bg_image = tile_info.lstPixbuf [tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].bg.Value];
                            myListStore.AppendValues(iter, tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].id, "test",
                                                     "test1", tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].bg_image);
                            // ToDo:: merge fg and bg
                        else if (tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].fg != null && tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].fg >= 0 && tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].bg != null && tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].bg >= 0)
                            tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].fg_image = tile_info.lstPixbuf [tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].fg.Value];
                            tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].bg_image = tile_info.lstPixbuf [tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].bg.Value];
                            myListStore.AppendValues(tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].id, "test",
                                                     "test1", tile_info.tiles [i].additional_tiles [x].fg_image);
                    // append the tile at index i to the liststore
                    myListStore.AppendValues(tile_info.tiles [i].id, "test",
                                             "test1", myListstoreImage);
            myListstore.returnTV().Model = myListStore;
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the start of processing of a new node.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">
        /// A <see cref="System.Object"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="args">
        /// A <see cref="EventArgs"/>
        /// </param>
        private void OnControllerTokenChecked(object sender,
                                              TokenCheckedArgs args)
            Application.Invoke(sender, args,
                               delegate(object resender, EventArgs _args)
                TokenCheckedArgs a = _args as TokenCheckedArgs;

                if (!sequencingFinished)
                    currentToken = a.CurrentToken;

                    FloatBitmap sequenceImage;

                    if (a.LastSequence != null)
                        TokenSequence joinSeq =
                            new TokenSequence(a.LastSequence);
                        lastToken = joinSeq.Last;
                        Token joinedToken = Token.Join(joinSeq, "");

                        sequenceImage = joinedToken.Image;
                        sequenceImage = currentToken.Image;
                        lastToken     = null;

                    // We add a border to the orginal image.

                    Gdk.Pixbuf sequencePixbuf = sequenceImage.CreatePixbuf();

                    Gdk.Pixbuf drawnImage =
                        new Gdk.Pixbuf(sequencePixbuf.Colorspace, false, 8,
                                       sequencePixbuf.Width + 10,
                                       sequencePixbuf.Height + 10);


                    sequencePixbuf.CopyArea(0, 0,
                                            5, 5);

                    if (lastToken != null)
                        uint color;
                        if (currentToken.CloseFollows(lastToken))
                            color = 0x00FF00;
                            sequencingStepResultLbl.Markup =
                                String.Format("<b>Sí, el símbolo «{0}» se añadirá a la secuencia actual</b>",
                            color = 0xFF0000;
                            sequencingStepResultLbl.Markup =
                                String.Format("<b>No, «{0}» no puede ser considerado parte de la secuencia ({1})</b>",

                        Gdk.Pixbuf markedImage = drawnImage.Copy();

                        // We paint the image of the color
                        markedImage =
                                                             100, 1, color, color);

                        // We are going to mark the image of the to symbols being considered
                        // with their baselines.
                        int min = int.MaxValue;
                        foreach (Token t in a.LastSequence)
                            if (t.Top < min)
                                min = t.Top;

                        int offset          = Math.Min(min, currentToken.Top);
                        int lastBaseline    = lastToken.Baseline - offset;
                        int currentBaseline = currentToken.Baseline - offset;

                        markedImage.CopyArea(0, lastBaseline,
                                             markedImage.Width, 5,
                                             0, lastBaseline);

                        markedImage.CopyArea(0, currentBaseline,
                                             markedImage.Width, 5,
                                             0, currentBaseline);

                    baselineImageArea.Image = drawnImage;

                if (controller.StepMode == ControllerStepMode.StepByStep)
                    tokenizingNextButtonsAlign.Sensitive = true;
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the controller's SequenceBeingMatched event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">
        /// A <see cref="System.Object"/>
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="quenceBeingMatchedArgs">
        /// A <see cref="Se"/>
        /// </param>
        private void OnControllerSequenceBeingMatched(object sender,
                                                      SequenceBeingMatchedArgs args)
                               delegate(object resender, EventArgs _args)
                SequenceBeingMatchedArgs a = _args as SequenceBeingMatchedArgs;

                Gdk.Pixbuf sequenceImage = a.JoinedToken.Image.CreatePixbuf();

                Gdk.Pixbuf drawnImage = sequenceNodeImage.Copy();

                sequenceImage.CopyArea(0, 0,
                                       sequenceImage.Width, sequenceImage.Height,
                                       0, 0);

                sequenceMatchingImageArea.Image = drawnImage;

                TreeIter iter;
                tokenizingRulesTV.Model.GetIterFirst(out iter);

                TreePath path = tokenizingRulesTV.Model.GetPath(iter);


                string ruleName;
                    ruleName = tokenizingRulesTV.Model.GetValue(iter, 0) as string;

                    if (ruleName == a.MatchingRule.Name)
                                                       0.5f, 0);

                }while(tokenizingRulesTV.Model.GetIter(out iter, path));

                if (a.Found)
                    matchingResultLbl.Markup =
                        String.Format("<b>Sí, se le asigna el item «{0}» a la secuencia actual</b>",
                    matchingResultLbl.Markup =
                        String.Format("<b>No, la regla actual no concuerda con la secuencia</b>");

                // Activate the buttons if necessary.
                if (controller.StepMode == ControllerStepMode.StepByStep)
                    tokenizingNextButtonsAlign.Sensitive = true;