Пример #1
        public Form1(string characterName)
            mKinectData = new KinectData();
            mKinectData2 = new KinectData(); //second user data
            GazeOut1=new GazeDef();
            GazeOut2 = new GazeDef();
            GazeOut1 = GazeDef.none;
            GazeOut2 = GazeDef.none;
            LastGazeOut1 = new GazeDef();
            LastGazeOut2 = new GazeDef();
            LastGazeOut1 = GazeDef.none;
            LastGazeOut2 = GazeDef.none;

            simpleSound = new SoundPlayer(@"countA.wav");
            eyebrowControllerUsr1 = new EyebrowsController();
            eyebrowControllerUsr2 = new EyebrowsController();
            serialPort1 = new System.IO.Ports.SerialPort();
            serialPort2 = new System.IO.Ports.SerialPort();
            sentonce = false;
            serialPort1.DataReceived += new System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(serialPort1_DataReceived);
            serialPort2.DataReceived += new System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(serialPort2_DataReceived);

            thalamusClient = new PerceptionClient(characterName);
            pipeServer = new PipeServer.Server();
            engagementpipe = new PipeServer.Server();

            Xp = 0;
            Yp = 0;
            Zp = 0;
            Xp2 = -1;
            Yp2 = -1;
            Zp2 = -1;

            Xpold = 0;
            Ypold = 0;
            Zpold = 0;
            Xp2old = -1;
            Yp2old = -1;
            Zp2old = -1;

            RotH = 0;
            RotV = 0;
            RotH2 = 0;
            RotV2 = 0;
            depth = 0;

            allOKAOdata = "";
            allOKAOdata2 = "";
            allQdata = "";
            allQdata2 = "";
            allkinectdata = "";
            allkinectdata2 = "";

            startstop = false;
            FparticipanID = 0;
            FparticipanID2 = 1;

            Fparticipantname = "None";
            Fparticipantname2 = "None2";

            isEmpathic = true; //default value

            OKAOdata = "";
            OKAOdata2 = "";
            Kinectdata = "";
            Kinectdata2 = "";

            Qdata1 = "";
            Qdata2 = "";
            saver = new System.Timers.Timer();
            saver.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(OnsaverEvent);
            saver.Enabled = false;
            saver.Interval = 250; //Herz
            DetectedPerson = false;
            aTimer = new System.Timers.Timer();
            aTimer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(OnTimedEvent); //publisher
            aTimer.Interval = 350;//increased the timer to reduce thalamus messages

            videoTimer = new MicroLibrary.MicroTimer();
            videoTimer.MicroTimerElapsed += new MicroLibrary.MicroTimer.MicroTimerElapsedEventHandler(saveframe);
            videoTimer.Interval = 33333; //30fps

            //thalamusClient.ClientConnected += connected;
            this.pipeServer.MessageReceived +=
                new PipeServer.Server.MessageReceivedHandler(pipeServer_MessageReceived);
            this.engagementpipe.MessageReceived +=
                new PipeServer.Server.MessageReceivedHandler(engagementpipe_MessageReceived);
            button1_Click(this,null); //auto start the pipe servers

            if (scenarioselected == 0)
                scenarioselected = 1;

Пример #2
        void OnTimedEvent(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e) //thalamus publisher
            #region Kinect2
            if (kinectenable.Checked==true)

                //pointing and mutual pointing publisher

                    if (scenarioselected==2)
                        if (lefthandX_1 >= -0.58 && lefthandX_1 <= 0.58 && lefthandY_1 <= -0.32 && lefthandZ_1 <= 0.65) //left hand of user1 above the screen area
                            thalamusClient.PerceptionPublisher.PointingPosition(1, EmoteCommonMessages.Hand.lefthand, lefthandX_1, lefthandY_1, lefthandZ_1);
                            //now check for mutual point with user2 first with user2 lefthand
                            if ((lefthandX_1 >= lefthandX_2 - 0.15) && (lefthandX_1 <= lefthandX_2 + 0.15) && (lefthandZ_1 >= lefthandZ_2 - 0.15) && (lefthandZ_1 <= lefthandZ_2 + 0.15))
                                thalamusClient.PerceptionPublisher.UserMutualPoint(true, ((lefthandX_1 + lefthandX_2) / 2), ((lefthandZ_1 + lefthandZ_2) / 2));
                            //then with user2 righthand
                            if ((lefthandX_1 >= righthandX_2 - 0.15) && (lefthandX_1 <= righthandX_2 + 0.15) && (lefthandZ_1 >= righthandZ_2 - 0.15) && (lefthandZ_1 <= righthandZ_2 + 0.15))
                                thalamusClient.PerceptionPublisher.UserMutualPoint(true, ((lefthandX_1 + righthandX_2) / 2), ((lefthandZ_1 + righthandZ_2) / 2));

                        if (righthandX_1 >= -0.58 && righthandX_1 <= 0.58 && righthandY_1 <= -0.32 && righthandZ_1 <= 0.65) //right hand of user1 above the screen area

                            thalamusClient.PerceptionPublisher.PointingPosition(1, EmoteCommonMessages.Hand.righthand, righthandX_1, righthandY_1, righthandZ_1);
                            //now check for mutual point with user2 first with user2 lefthand
                            if ((righthandX_1 >= lefthandX_2 - 0.15) && (righthandX_1 <= lefthandX_2 + 0.15) && (righthandZ_1 >= lefthandZ_2 - 0.15) && (righthandZ_1 <= lefthandZ_2 + 0.15))
                                thalamusClient.PerceptionPublisher.UserMutualPoint(true, ((righthandX_1 + lefthandX_2) / 2), ((righthandZ_1 + lefthandZ_2) / 2));
                            //then with user2 righthand
                            if ((righthandX_1 >= righthandX_2 - 0.15) && (righthandX_1 <= righthandX_2 + 0.15) && (righthandZ_1 >= righthandZ_2 - 0.15) && (righthandZ_1 <= righthandZ_2 + 0.15))
                                thalamusClient.PerceptionPublisher.UserMutualPoint(true, ((righthandX_1 + righthandX_2) / 2), ((righthandZ_1 + righthandZ_2) / 2));
                        if (lefthandX_2 >= -0.58 && lefthandX_2 <= 0.58 && lefthandY_2 <= -0.32 && lefthandZ_2 <= 0.65) //left hand of user2 above the screen area
                            thalamusClient.PerceptionPublisher.PointingPosition(2, EmoteCommonMessages.Hand.lefthand, lefthandX_2, lefthandY_2, lefthandZ_2);
                        if (righthandX_2 >= -0.58 && righthandX_2 <= 0.58 && righthandY_2 <= -0.32 && righthandZ_2 <= 0.65) //right hand of user2 above the screen area
                            thalamusClient.PerceptionPublisher.PointingPosition(2, EmoteCommonMessages.Hand.righthand, righthandX_2, righthandY_2, righthandZ_2);
                    //eye brow publisher
                    //it utilises the same controller. It uses au2 for left eye and au4 for right eye
                    eyebrowControllerUsr1.SetBrowsValues(eyebrowleft_1, eyebrowright_1);
                    if (scenarioselected == 2)
                        eyebrowControllerUsr2.SetBrowsValues(eyebrowleft_2, eyebrowright_2);

                    thalamusClient.PerceptionPublisher.EyebrowsAU(eyebrowControllerUsr1.AU2BrowRaiser, eyebrowControllerUsr1.AU4BrowLower, eyebrowControllerUsr2.AU2BrowRaiser, eyebrowControllerUsr2.AU4BrowLower); //old method
                //detecting mutual gazing and publisher
                    if (rotY_1 < -40 && rotY_2 > 40)
                            gazed = false;

                //detecting touch chin and publisher
                   //first user both hands
                    if ((lefthandX_1 >= chinPosX_1 - 0.1 && lefthandX_1 <= chinPosX_1 + 0.1 && lefthandY_1 >= chinPosY_1 - 0.2 && lefthandY_1 <= chinPosY_1-0.05 && lefthandZ_1 >= chinPosZ_1 - 0.2 ) || (righthandX_1 >= chinPosX_1 - 0.1 && righthandX_1 <= chinPosX_1 + 0.1 && righthandY_1 >= chinPosY_1 - 0.2 && righthandY_1 <= chinPosY_1-0.05 && righthandZ_1 >= chinPosZ_1 - 0.2 ))//user1 touched chin
                        thalamusClient.PerceptionPublisher.UserTouchChin(1, true);
                        chin1touched = true;
                        if (chin1touched == true)
                            thalamusClient.PerceptionPublisher.UserTouchChin(1, false);
                            chin1touched = false;
                    //second user both hands
                    if (scenarioselected==2)
                        if ((lefthandX_2 >= chinPosX_2 - 0.1 && lefthandX_2 <= chinPosX_2 + 0.1 && lefthandY_2 >= chinPosY_2 - 0.2 && lefthandY_2 <= chinPosY_2 - 0.05 && lefthandZ_2 >= chinPosZ_2 - 0.2) || (righthandX_2 >= chinPosX_2 - 0.1 && righthandX_2 <= chinPosX_2 + 0.1 && righthandY_2 >= chinPosY_2 - 0.2 && righthandY_2 <= chinPosY_2 - 0.05 && righthandZ_2 >= chinPosZ_2 - 0.2))//user1 touched chin
                            if (chin2touched == false)
                                thalamusClient.PerceptionPublisher.UserTouchChin(2, true);
                                chin2touched = true;
                                if (chin2touched == true)
                                    thalamusClient.PerceptionPublisher.UserTouchChin(2, false);
                                    chin1touched = false;
                //keep same names for both kinects
                Xp = locX_1;
                Yp = locY_1;
                Zp = locZ_1;
                Xp2 = locX_2;
                Yp2 = locY_2;
                Zp2 = locZ_2;

            if (isEmpathic == true) //publish head position only if its empathic session
                if (Xp != Xpold && Yp != Ypold && Zp != Zpold)
                    thalamusClient.PerceptionPublisher.HeadTracking(1, Xp, Yp, Zp, DetectedPerson);
                    Xpold = Xp;
                    Ypold = Yp;
                    Zpold = Zp;
                if (Xp2 != Xp2old && Yp2 != Yp2old && Zp2 != Zp2old)
                    thalamusClient.PerceptionPublisher.HeadTracking(2, Xp2, Yp2, Zp2, DetectedPerson2);
                    Xp2old = Xp2;
                    Yp2old = Yp2;
                    Zp2old = Zp2;

                //user 1 detected on screen form kinect
                if (DetectedPerson == true)
                    if (GazeOut1 == GazeDef.screenL && GazeOut1 != LastGazeOut1) //screen left
                        thalamusClient.PerceptionPublisher.GazeTracking(1, EmoteCommonMessages.GazeEnum.ScreenLeft, GazeConfidence1);
                    if (GazeOut1 == GazeDef.screenR && GazeOut1 != LastGazeOut1) //screen right
                        thalamusClient.PerceptionPublisher.GazeTracking(1, EmoteCommonMessages.GazeEnum.ScreenRight, GazeConfidence1);
                    if (GazeOut1 == GazeDef.Robot && GazeOut1 != LastGazeOut1) //at robot
                        thalamusClient.PerceptionPublisher.GazeTracking(1, EmoteCommonMessages.GazeEnum.Robot, GazeConfidence1);
                    if (GazeOut1 == GazeDef.elsewhere && GazeOut1 != LastGazeOut1)  //else
                        thalamusClient.PerceptionPublisher.GazeTracking(1, EmoteCommonMessages.GazeEnum.Other, GazeConfidence1);
                    if (GazeOut1 == GazeDef.none && GazeOut1 != LastGazeOut1)  //none
                        thalamusClient.PerceptionPublisher.GazeTracking(1, EmoteCommonMessages.GazeEnum.None, GazeConfidence1);
                    LastGazeOut1 = GazeOut1;
                    //okao message publisher (latest known values)
                    thalamusClient.PerceptionPublisher.OKAOMessage(1, smile1, confidence1, o1Expression1, o1Expression2, o1Expression3, o1Expression4, o1Expression5, o1Expression6, o1Expression7, GazeOut1.ToString());
                    //q sensor publisher
                    if (Qdata1 != "")
                        string[] q_temp1 = Qdata1.Split(',');
                        thalamusClient.PerceptionPublisher.QSensorMessage(1, Double.Parse(q_temp1[0]), Double.Parse(q_temp1[1]), Double.Parse(q_temp1[2]), Double.Parse(q_temp1[3]), Double.Parse(q_temp1[4]));


                //second user publishing only if in front of camera/kinect
                if (DetectedPerson2 == true)
                    if (GazeOut2 == GazeDef.screenL && GazeOut2 != LastGazeOut2) //screen left
                        thalamusClient.PerceptionPublisher.GazeTracking(2, EmoteCommonMessages.GazeEnum.ScreenLeft, GazeConfidence2);
                    if (GazeOut2 == GazeDef.screenR && GazeOut2 != LastGazeOut2) //screen right
                        thalamusClient.PerceptionPublisher.GazeTracking(2, EmoteCommonMessages.GazeEnum.ScreenRight, GazeConfidence2);
                    if (GazeOut2 == GazeDef.Robot && GazeOut2 != LastGazeOut2) //at robot
                        thalamusClient.PerceptionPublisher.GazeTracking(2, EmoteCommonMessages.GazeEnum.Robot, GazeConfidence2);
                    if (GazeOut2 == GazeDef.elsewhere && GazeOut2 != LastGazeOut2)  //else
                        thalamusClient.PerceptionPublisher.GazeTracking(2, EmoteCommonMessages.GazeEnum.Other, GazeConfidence2);
                    if (GazeOut1 == GazeDef.none && GazeOut2 != LastGazeOut2)  //none
                        thalamusClient.PerceptionPublisher.GazeTracking(2, EmoteCommonMessages.GazeEnum.None, GazeConfidence2);
                    LastGazeOut2 = GazeOut2;
                    //okao message publisher (latest known values)
                    thalamusClient.PerceptionPublisher.OKAOMessage(2, smile2, confidence2, o2Expression1, o2Expression2, o2Expression3, o2Expression4, o2Expression5, o2Expression6, o2Expression7, GazeOut2.ToString());
                    //q sensor publisher
                    if (Qdata2 != "")
                        string[] q_temp2 = Qdata2.Split(',');
                        thalamusClient.PerceptionPublisher.QSensorMessage(2, Double.Parse(q_temp2[0]), Double.Parse(q_temp2[1]), Double.Parse(q_temp2[2]), Double.Parse(q_temp2[3]), Double.Parse(q_temp2[4]));


                DetectedPerson = false;
                DetectedPerson2 = false;
            if (checkedListBox1.GetItemChecked(0)==true)//kinect v1 enabled
                //publish mutual gaze similarly to v2
                //detecting mutual gazing and publisher
                if (scenarioselected == 2)
                        if (RotV < -40 && RotV2 > 40)
                            if (gazed == false)
                                gazed = true;
                                if (gazed == true)
                                    gazed = false;

                thalamusClient.PerceptionPublisher.EyebrowsAU(eyebrowControllerUsr1.AU2BrowRaiser, eyebrowControllerUsr1.AU4BrowLower, eyebrowControllerUsr2.AU2BrowRaiser, eyebrowControllerUsr2.AU4BrowLower);
Пример #3
        void DisplayMessageReceived(PipeServer.Server.Client client, string message)
            if (message.StartsWith("Temp")) //q sensor data
                //no more active
            if (message.Substring(1,3)=="Dep") //kinect1 data
                Console.WriteLine("Kinect: " + message);
                aTimer.Enabled = true;
                if (message.StartsWith("1"))
                    string[] parseMsg = message.Split(';');
                    Kinectdata = message;
                    Kinectdata2 = "";
                        depth = Convert.ToDouble(parseMsg[0].Substring(parseMsg[0].IndexOf(':') + 1), ifp);
                        Xp = Convert.ToDouble(parseMsg[1].Substring(parseMsg[1].IndexOf(':') + 1), ifp);
                        Yp = Convert.ToDouble(parseMsg[2].Substring(parseMsg[2].IndexOf(':') + 1), ifp);
                        Zp = Convert.ToDouble(parseMsg[3].Substring(parseMsg[3].IndexOf(':') + 1), ifp);
                        RotH = Convert.ToDouble(parseMsg[4].Substring(parseMsg[4].IndexOf(':') + 1), ifp);
                        RotV = Convert.ToDouble(parseMsg[5].Substring(parseMsg[5].IndexOf(':') + 1), ifp);
                        depth = 0;
                        Xp = 0;
                        Yp = 0;
                        Zp = 0;
                        RotH = 0;
                        RotV = 0;

                    DetectedPerson = true;

                        AU4BrowLower = Convert.ToDouble(parseMsg[10].Substring(parseMsg[10].IndexOf(':') + 1), ifp);
                        AU2BrowRaiser = Convert.ToDouble(parseMsg[11].Substring(parseMsg[11].IndexOf(':') + 1), ifp);
                        AU4BrowLower = 0;
                        AU2BrowRaiser = 0;

                    eyebrowControllerUsr1.SetBrowsValues(AU2BrowRaiser, AU4BrowLower);
                    Kinectdata2 = message;
                    Kinectdata = "";
                    string[] parseMsg = message.Split(';');
                        depth = Convert.ToDouble(parseMsg[0].Substring(parseMsg[0].IndexOf(':') + 1), ifp);
                        Xp2 = Convert.ToDouble(parseMsg[1].Substring(parseMsg[1].IndexOf(':') + 1), ifp);
                        Yp2 = Convert.ToDouble(parseMsg[2].Substring(parseMsg[2].IndexOf(':') + 1), ifp);
                        Zp2 = Convert.ToDouble(parseMsg[3].Substring(parseMsg[3].IndexOf(':') + 1), ifp);
                        RotH2 = Convert.ToDouble(parseMsg[4].Substring(parseMsg[4].IndexOf(':') + 1), ifp);
                        RotV2 = Convert.ToDouble(parseMsg[5].Substring(parseMsg[5].IndexOf(':') + 1), ifp);
                        depth = 0;
                        Xp2 = 0;
                        Yp2 = 0;
                        Zp2 = 0;
                        RotH2 = 0;
                        RotV2 = 0;

                    DetectedPerson2 = true;

                        AU4BrowLower = Convert.ToDouble(parseMsg[10].Substring(parseMsg[10].IndexOf(':') + 1), ifp);
                        AU2BrowRaiser = Convert.ToDouble(parseMsg[11].Substring(parseMsg[11].IndexOf(':') + 1), ifp);
                        AU4BrowLower = 0;
                        AU2BrowRaiser = 0;
                    eyebrowControllerUsr2.SetBrowsValues(AU2BrowRaiser, AU4BrowLower);

                checkedListBox1.SetItemChecked(0, true);

            if (message.StartsWith("Cam")) //camera data
                if (message.Substring(3, 1) == "1")
                    checkedListBox1.SetItemChecked(2, true);
                if (message.Substring(3, 1) == "2")
                    checkedListBox1.SetItemChecked(3, true);
                if (message.Substring(3, 1) == "3")
                    checkedListBox1.SetItemChecked(4, true);
                if (message.Substring(3, 1) == "4")
                    checkedListBox1.SetItemChecked(5, true);
                if (message.Substring(3, 1) == "5")
                    checkedListBox1.SetItemChecked(6, true);
                if (message.Substring(3, 1) == "6")
                    checkedListBox1.SetItemChecked(7, true);

            if (message.StartsWith("User")) //okao data
                checkedListBox1.SetItemChecked(1, true);
                OKAOdata = message;
                string[] parseMsg1 = OKAOdata.Split(',');

                if (Convert.ToDouble(parseMsg1[1]) == 1)                   
                {//user 1
                    OKAOdata2 = "";
                        smile1 = Convert.ToInt16(parseMsg1[3]);
                        confidence1 = Convert.ToInt16(parseMsg1[2]);
                        fupdown1 = Convert.ToInt16(parseMsg1[11]);
                        fleftright1 = Convert.ToInt16(parseMsg1[12]);
                        o1Expression1= Convert.ToInt16(parseMsg1[4]); 
                        o1Expression2= Convert.ToInt16(parseMsg1[5]);
                        o1Expression3= Convert.ToInt16(parseMsg1[6]);
                        o1Expression4= Convert.ToInt16(parseMsg1[7]);
                        o1Expression5= Convert.ToInt16(parseMsg1[8]);
                        o1Expression6 = Convert.ToInt16(parseMsg1[9]);
                        o1Expression7 = Convert.ToInt16(parseMsg1[10]);
                        if (parseMsg1[13] == "none")
                            GazeOut1 = GazeDef.none;
                        this.Invoke(new Action(() =>{
                            lblgaze.Text = GazeOut1.ToString();
                            lblHeadX.Text = parseMsg1[11];
                            lblHeadY.Text = parseMsg1[12];
                        smile1 = 0;
                        confidence1 = 0;
                        fupdown1 = 0;
                        fleftright1 = 0;
                        fupdown1 = 0;
                        fleftright1 = 0;

                {//user 2
                    OKAOdata2 = message;
                    OKAOdata = "";
                        smile2 = Convert.ToInt16(parseMsg1[3]);
                        confidence2 = Convert.ToInt16(parseMsg1[2]);
                        fupdown2 = Convert.ToInt16(parseMsg1[11]);
                        fleftright2 = Convert.ToInt16(parseMsg1[12]);
                        o2Expression1 = Convert.ToInt16(parseMsg1[4]);
                        o2Expression2 = Convert.ToInt16(parseMsg1[5]);
                        o2Expression3 = Convert.ToInt16(parseMsg1[6]);
                        o2Expression4 = Convert.ToInt16(parseMsg1[7]);
                        o2Expression5 = Convert.ToInt16(parseMsg1[8]);
                        o2Expression6 = Convert.ToInt16(parseMsg1[9]);
                        o2Expression7 = Convert.ToInt16(parseMsg1[10]);
                        if (parseMsg1[13] == "screenL")
                            GazeOut2 = GazeDef.screenL;
                        if (parseMsg1[13] == "screenR")
                            GazeOut2 = GazeDef.screenR;
                        if (parseMsg1[13] == "else")
                            GazeOut2 = GazeDef.elsewhere;
                        if (parseMsg1[13] == "robot")
                            GazeOut2 = GazeDef.Robot;
                        if (parseMsg1[13] == "none")
                            GazeOut2 = GazeDef.none;
                        this.Invoke(new Action(() =>
                            lblgaze2.Text = GazeOut2.ToString();
                            lblHeadX2.Text = parseMsg1[11];
                            lblHeadY2.Text = parseMsg1[12];
                        smile2 = 0;
                        confidence2 = 0;
                        fupdown2 = 0;
                        fleftright2 = 0;
                        GazeOut2 = GazeDef.none;

            message = "";