Пример #1
        // this function adds a new set of detector data to the block, constructed
        // by normalising the PMT data to the norm data. The normalisation is done
        // by dividing the PMT tofs through by the integrated norm data. The integration
        // is done according to the provided GatedDetectorExtractSpec.
        public void Normalise(GatedDetectorExtractSpec normGate)
            GatedDetectorData normData    = GatedDetectorData.ExtractFromBlock(this, normGate);
            double            averageNorm = 0;

            foreach (double val in normData.PointValues)
                averageNorm += val;
            averageNorm /= normData.PointValues.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                Shot shot      = ((EDMPoint)points[i]).Shot;
                TOF  normedTOF = ((TOF)shot.TOFs[0]) / (normData.PointValues[i] * (1 / averageNorm));
            // give these data a name
Пример #2
 public static GatedDetectorData ExtractFromBlock(Block b, GatedDetectorExtractSpec gate)
     GatedDetectorData gd = new GatedDetectorData();
     GatedDetectorExtractFunction f;
     if (gate.Integrate) f = new GatedDetectorExtractFunction(b.GetTOFIntegralArray);
     else f = new GatedDetectorExtractFunction(b.GetTOFMeanArray);
     double[] rawData = f(gate.Index, gate.GateLow, gate.GateHigh);
     //if (gate.BackgroundSubtract)
         //TOFFitResults results = (new TOFFitter()).FitTOF(b.GetAverageTOF(gate.Index));
         //double bg = results.Background * (gate.GateHigh - gate.GateLow);
         //double[] bgSubData = new double[rawData.Length];
         //for (int i = 0; i < rawData.Length; i++) bgSubData[i] = rawData[i] - bg;
         //gd.SubtractedBackground = bg;
     gd.Gate = gate;
     return gd;
Пример #3
        // this function adds a new set of detector data to the block, constructed
        // by normalising the PMT data to the norm data. The normalisation is done
        // by dividing the PMT tofs through by the integrated norm data. The integration
        // is done according to the provided GatedDetectorExtractSpec.
        public void Normalise(GatedDetectorExtractSpec normGate)
            GatedDetectorData normData = GatedDetectorData.ExtractFromBlock(this, normGate);
            double averageNorm = 0;
            foreach (double val in normData.PointValues) averageNorm += val;
            averageNorm /= normData.PointValues.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                Shot shot = ((EDMPoint)points[i]).Shot;
                TOF normedTOF = ((TOF)shot.TOFs[0]) / (normData.PointValues[i] * (1 / averageNorm));
            // give these data a name
Пример #4
        //private static void AddSliceConfig(string name, double offset, double width)
        //    // the slow half of the fwhm
        //    DemodulationConfigBuilder dcb = delegate(Block b)
        //    {
        //        DemodulationConfig dc;
        //        GatedDetectorExtractSpec dg0, dg1, dg2, dg3, dg4;
        //        dc = new DemodulationConfig();
        //        dc.AnalysisTag = name;
        //        dg0 = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeGateFWHM(b, 0, offset, width);
        //        dg0.Name = "top";
        //        dg0.BackgroundSubtract = true;
        //        dg1 = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeGateFWHM(b, 1, offset, width);
        //        dg1.Name = "norm";
        //        dg1.BackgroundSubtract = true;
        //        dg2 = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeWideGate(2);
        //        dg2.Name = "mag1";
        //        dg2.Integrate = false;
        //        dg3 = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeWideGate(3);
        //        dg3.Name = "short";
        //        dg3.Integrate = false;
        //        dg4 = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeWideGate(4);
        //        dg4.Name = "battery";
        //        dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg0.Name, dg0);
        //        dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg1.Name, dg1);
        //        dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg2.Name, dg2);
        //        dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg3.Name, dg3);
        //        dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg4.Name, dg4);
        //        dc.PointDetectorChannels.Add("MiniFlux1");
        //        dc.PointDetectorChannels.Add("MiniFlux2");
        //        dc.PointDetectorChannels.Add("MiniFlux3");
        //        dc.PointDetectorChannels.Add("NorthCurrent");
        //        dc.PointDetectorChannels.Add("SouthCurrent");
        //        dc.PointDetectorChannels.Add("PumpPD");
        //        dc.PointDetectorChannels.Add("ProbePD");
        //        return dc;
        //    };
        //    standardConfigs.Add(name, dcb);
        private static void AddFixedSliceConfig(string name, double centre, double width)
            // the slow half of the fwhm
            DemodulationConfigBuilder dcb = delegate(Block b)
                DemodulationConfig dc;
                GatedDetectorExtractSpec dg0, dg1, dg2, dg3, dg4, dg5, dg6, dg7;

                //This dodgy bit of code is to make sure that the reflected rf power meters
                // only select a single point in the centre of the rf pulse. It won't work
                // if either of the rf pulses is centred at a time not divisible w/o rem. by 10us

                int rf1CT = (int)b.Config.Settings["rf1CentreTime"];
                int rf2CT = (int)b.Config.Settings["rf2CentreTime"];
                int clock = (int)b.Config.Settings["clockFrequency"];
                int conFac = clock / 1000000;

                dc = new DemodulationConfig();
                dc.AnalysisTag = name;
                dg0 = new GatedDetectorExtractSpec();
                dg0.Index = 0;
                dg0.Name = "top";
                dg0.BackgroundSubtract = false;
                dg0.GateLow = (int)(centre - width);
                dg0.GateHigh = (int)(centre + width);
                dg1 = new GatedDetectorExtractSpec();
                dg1.Index = 1;
                dg1.Name = "norm";
                dg1.BackgroundSubtract = false;
                dg1.GateLow = (int)((centre - width) / kDetectorDistanceRatio);
                dg1.GateHigh = (int)((centre + width) / kDetectorDistanceRatio);
                dg2 = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeWideGate(2);
                dg2.Name = "magnetometer";
                dg2.Integrate = false;
                dg3 = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeWideGate(3);
                dg3.Name = "gnd";
                dg3.Integrate = false;
                dg4 = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeWideGate(4);
                dg4.Name = "battery";
                dg4.Integrate = false; //Add this in to analyse By in 3 axis internal magnetometer tests
                dg5 = GatedDetectorExtractSpec.MakeWideGate(5);
                dg5.Name = "rfCurrent";
                dg5.Integrate = false;
                dg6 = new GatedDetectorExtractSpec();
                dg6.Index = 6;
                dg6.Name = "reflectedrf1Amplitude";
                dg6.BackgroundSubtract = false;
                dg6.GateLow = 800;
                dg6.GateHigh = 1800;
                //dg6.GateLow = (rf1CT / conFac) - 1;
                //dg6.GateHigh = (rf1CT / conFac) + 1;
                dg7 = new GatedDetectorExtractSpec();
                dg7.Index = 7 ;
                dg7.Name = "reflectedrf2Amplitude";
                dg7.BackgroundSubtract = false;
                //dg7.GateLow = (rf2CT / conFac) - 1;
                //dg7.GateHigh = (rf2CT / conFac) + 1;
                dg7.GateLow = 800;
                dg7.GateHigh =1800;

                dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg0.Name, dg0);
                dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg1.Name, dg1);

                dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg2.Name, dg2);
                dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg3.Name, dg3);
                dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg4.Name, dg4);
                dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg5.Name, dg5);
                dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg6.Name, dg6);
                dc.GatedDetectorExtractSpecs.Add(dg7.Name, dg7);


                return dc;
            standardConfigs.Add(name, dcb);