Пример #1
        public static Gamma Q(Gamma ratio, [Proper] Gamma A, [Proper] Gamma B)
            if (B.IsPointMass)
            if (ratio.IsPointMass)
                return(GammaRatioOp.BAverageConditional(ratio.Point, A) * B);
            double shape1 = A.Shape + B.Shape;
            double shape2 = GammaFromShapeAndRateOp_Slow.AddShapesMinus1(A.Shape, ratio.Shape);
            // find the maximum of the factor marginalized over Ratio and A, times B
            // logf = s*log(b) - (s+ya-1)*log(b*r + yb)
            // let b' = b*r and maximize over b'
            double x = GammaFromShapeAndRateOp_Slow.FindMaximum(shape1, shape2, ratio.Rate, B.Rate / A.Rate);

            if (x == 0)
            x /= A.Rate;
            double[] dlogfss = dlogfs(x, ratio, A);
            double   dlogf   = dlogfss[0];
            double   ddlogf  = dlogfss[1];

            return(GammaFromShapeAndRateOp_Laplace.GammaFromDerivatives(B, x, dlogf, ddlogf));
Пример #2
        public void GammaFromShapeAndRateOpTest4()
            Gamma  sample = Gamma.FromShapeAndRate(2, 0);
            Gamma  rate   = Gamma.FromShapeAndRate(4, 1);
            double shape  = 1;

            Gamma rateExpected = GammaFromShapeAndRateOp_Slow.RateAverageConditional(sample, shape, rate);
            Gamma q            = GammaFromShapeAndRateOp_Laplace.Q(sample, shape, rate);
            Gamma rateActual   = GammaFromShapeAndRateOp_Laplace.RateAverageConditional(sample, shape, rate, q);

            Assert.True(rateExpected.MaxDiff(rateActual) < 1e-4);

            Gamma  to_sample2 = GammaFromShapeAndRateOp_Laplace.SampleAverageConditional(sample, shape, rate, q);
            double evExpected = GammaFromShapeAndRateOp_Laplace.LogEvidenceRatio(sample, shape, rate, to_sample2, q);

            Console.WriteLine("sample = {0} to_sample = {1} evidence = {2}", sample, to_sample2, evExpected);
            for (int i = 40; i < 41; i++)
                sample.Rate = System.Math.Pow(0.1, i);
                q           = GammaFromShapeAndRateOp_Laplace.Q(sample, shape, rate);
                Gamma  to_sample = GammaFromShapeAndRateOp_Laplace.SampleAverageConditional(sample, shape, rate, q);
                double evActual  = GammaFromShapeAndRateOp_Laplace.LogEvidenceRatio(sample, shape, rate, to_sample, q);
                Console.WriteLine("sample = {0} to_sample = {1} evidence = {2}", sample, to_sample, evActual);
                Assert.True(to_sample2.MaxDiff(to_sample2) < 1e-4);
                Assert.True(MMath.AbsDiff(evExpected, evActual) < 1e-4);
Пример #3
        public void GammaRatioOpTest()
            Gamma  ratio     = new Gamma(2, 3);
            double shape     = 4;
            Gamma  A         = new Gamma(shape, 1);
            Gamma  B         = new Gamma(5, 6);
            Gamma  q         = GammaFromShapeAndRateOp_Laplace.Q(ratio, shape, B);
            Gamma  bExpected = GammaFromShapeAndRateOp_Laplace.RateAverageConditional(ratio, shape, B, q);
            Gamma  rExpected = GammaFromShapeAndRateOp_Laplace.SampleAverageConditional(ratio, shape, B, q);

            q = GammaRatioOp_Laplace.Q(ratio, A, B);
            Gamma bActual = GammaRatioOp_Laplace.BAverageConditional(ratio, A, B, q);
            Gamma rActual = GammaRatioOp_Laplace.RatioAverageConditional(ratio, A, B);

            Console.WriteLine("b = {0} should be {1}", bActual, bExpected);
            Console.WriteLine("ratio = {0} should be {1}", rActual, rExpected);
            Assert.True(bExpected.MaxDiff(bActual) < 1e-4);
            Assert.True(rExpected.MaxDiff(rActual) < 1e-4);
Пример #4
        public void GammaFromShapeAndRateOpTest5()
            Gamma  sample;
            Gamma  rate;
            double shape = 1;
            Gamma  q, sampleExpected, sampleActual;

            sample = Gamma.FromShapeAndRate(101, 6.7234079315458819E-154);
            rate   = Gamma.FromShapeAndRate(1, 1);
            q      = GammaFromShapeAndRateOp_Laplace.Q(sample, shape, rate);
            sampleExpected = GammaFromShapeAndRateOp_Slow.SampleAverageConditional(sample, shape, rate);
            sampleActual   = GammaFromShapeAndRateOp_Laplace.SampleAverageConditional(sample, shape, rate, q);
            Console.WriteLine("sample = {0} should be {1}", sampleActual, sampleExpected);
            Assert.True(sampleExpected.MaxDiff(sampleActual) < 1e-4);

            sample         = Gamma.FromShapeAndRate(1.4616957536444839, 6.2203585601953317E+36);
            rate           = Gamma.FromShapeAndRate(2.5, 0.99222007168007165);
            sampleExpected = GammaFromShapeAndRateOp_Slow.SampleAverageConditional(sample, shape, rate);
            q            = Gamma.FromShapeAndRate(3.5, 0.99222007168007154);
            sampleActual = GammaFromShapeAndRateOp_Laplace.SampleAverageConditional(sample, shape, rate, q);
            Console.WriteLine("sample = {0} should be {1}", sampleActual, sampleExpected);
            Assert.True(sampleExpected.MaxDiff(sampleActual) < 1e-4);

            sample         = Gamma.FromShapeAndRate(1.9692446124520258, 1.0717828357423075E+77);
            rate           = Gamma.FromShapeAndRate(101.0, 2.1709591889324445E-80);
            sampleExpected = GammaFromShapeAndRateOp_Slow.SampleAverageConditional(sample, shape, rate);
            q            = GammaFromShapeAndRateOp_Laplace.Q(sample, shape, rate);
            sampleActual = GammaFromShapeAndRateOp_Laplace.SampleAverageConditional(sample, shape, rate, q);
            Console.WriteLine("sample = {0} should be {1}", sampleActual, sampleExpected);
            Assert.True(sampleExpected.MaxDiff(sampleActual) < 1e-4);

                         GammaFromShapeAndRateOp_Laplace.LogEvidenceRatio(Gamma.Uniform(), 4.0, Gamma.PointMass(0.01), Gamma.FromShapeAndRate(4, 0.01),
        public static Gamma Q(GammaPower product, [Proper] GammaPower A, [Proper] GammaPower B)
            // ensure B has the larger shape
            if (B.Shape < A.Shape)
                return(Q(product, B, A));
            if (B.IsPointMass)
            if (A.IsPointMass)
                return(Gamma.FromShapeAndRate(B.Shape, B.Rate));
            if (A.Power != product.Power)
                throw new NotSupportedException($"A.Power ({A.Power}) != product.Power ({product.Power})");
            if (B.Power != product.Power)
                throw new NotSupportedException($"B.Power ({B.Power}) != product.Power ({product.Power})");
            double x;

            if (product.IsPointMass)
                if (product.Point == 0)
                double productPointPower = Math.Pow(product.Point, 1 / A.Power);
                // y = product^(1/power)
                // logf = -a_s*log(b) - y*a_r/b
                // logp = b_s*log(b) - b_r*b
                // dlogfp = (b_s-a_s)/b - b_r + y*a_r/b^2 = 0
                // -b_r b^2 + (b_s-a_s) b + y*a_r = 0
                double shape = B.Shape - A.Shape;
                x = (Math.Sqrt(shape * shape + 4 * B.Rate * A.Rate * productPointPower) + shape) / 2 / B.Rate;
                double shape1 = GammaFromShapeAndRateOp_Slow.AddShapesMinus1(B.Shape, product.Shape) + (1 - product.Power);
                if (product.Rate == 0)
                    x = GammaFromShapeAndRateOp_Slow.FindMaximum(shape1, 0, A.Rate, B.Rate);
                    double shape2 = GammaFromShapeAndRateOp_Slow.AddShapesMinus1(A.Shape, product.Shape) + (1 - A.Power);
                    // find the maximum of the factor marginalized over Product and A, times B
                    // From above:
                    // logf = (y_s/y_p-1)*pb*log(b) - (s+y_s-pa)*log(r + b^(pb/y_p)*y_r)
                    x = GammaFromShapeAndRateOp_Slow.FindMaximum(shape1, shape2, A.Rate / product.Rate, B.Rate);
                if (x == 0)
                    x = 1e-100;
            double[] dlogfss = dlogfs(x, product, A);
            double   dlogf   = dlogfss[0];
            double   ddlogf  = dlogfss[1];

            return(GammaFromShapeAndRateOp_Laplace.GammaFromDerivatives(Gamma.FromShapeAndRate(B.Shape, B.Rate), x, dlogf, ddlogf));