public void Setup(GameplayEntity attacker, GameplayEntity target, int pushDistance, int hitDamage) { m_attacker = attacker; m_target = target; m_pushDistance = pushDistance; m_hitDamage = hitDamage; }
public void Begin() { //get list of selectable player for (int i = 0; i < m_manager.PlayerEntities.Count; i++) { GameplayEntity entity = m_manager.PlayerEntities[i]; if (entity.Status.Health > 0) { if (entity.HaveAction) { m_selectablePlayer.Add(entity); } } } if (m_selectablePlayer.Count == 0) { //end this state ShouldEnd = true; } else { ShouldEnd = false; } m_manager.Ui.SkipTurnButton.onClick.AddListener(OnSkipTurnClicked); m_manager.Ui.SkillsDropdown.onValueChanged.AddListener(OnDropDownValueChanged); m_manager.Ui.SkipTurnButton.gameObject.SetActive(true); m_manager.Ui.SkillsDropdownCanvasGroup.alpha = 0; }
public T GetSkill <T>(GameplayEntity owner) where T : ISkill { T skill = System.Activator.CreateInstance <T>(); skill.Initialize(owner, m_manager); return(skill); }
public void Setup(GameplayEntity attacker, GameplayEntity target, int damage) { m_attacker = attacker; m_target = target; m_damage = damage; }
public void Begin() { m_skill.GetValidPositions(m_spawnPositions); if (m_spawnPositions.Count > 0) { m_timer = 3f; Vector2Int spawnPosition = m_spawnPositions[Random.Range(0, m_spawnPositions.Count)]; EntityType spawnType = m_skill.SpawnType; EntityComponent visual = m_manager.Service.InstantiateEntity(spawnPosition.x, spawnPosition.y, spawnType); GameplayEntity gameplayEntity = m_manager.RegisterEntity(visual); gameplayEntity.Move(spawnPosition, 0); m_manager.Service.PlayQuakeAnimation(spawnPosition.x, spawnPosition.y, 2); m_manager.Pathfinder.NavGraph.SetGridType(spawnPosition, visual.Type); if (m_owner.Visual.Type == spawnType) { m_manager.Ui.ShowAndHideBanner("Reinforcement has arrived", 0, 2); } else { m_manager.Ui.ShowAndHideBanner("Magic malfunction", 0, 2); } } else { m_timer = .1f; } }
public void Begin() { m_timer = 2.5f; m_skill.GetValidTargets(m_targets); m_skill.Owner.Move(m_skill.Center, 0); m_manager.Service.PlayQuakeAnimation(m_skill.Center.x, m_skill.Center.y, m_skill.Radius, .2f); for (int i = 0; i < m_targets.Count; i++) { GameplayEntity target = m_targets[i]; float delay = .2f + Vector2Int.Distance(m_skill.Center, target.Visual.GridPosition) * .1f; target.Status.Damage(1); target.PlayHealthBarAnimation(delay); target.Visual.PlayTakeDamageAnimation(delay); if (target.Status.Health <= 0) { m_manager.Pathfinder.NavGraph.SetGridType(target.Visual.GridPosition, EntityType.None); target.Visual.PlayDeathAnimation(delay + .15f); } } }
public void ReplaceWispCollision(GameplayEntity newCollidedWith) { var index = GameplayComponentsLookup.WispCollision; var component = CreateComponent <DuckOfDoom.Danmaku.WispCollision>(index); component.CollidedWith = newCollidedWith; ReplaceComponent(index, component); }
//determine which side go first, prioritize player first public void Begin() { m_timer = 0; m_manager.Ui.SkipTurnButton.gameObject.SetActive(false); //evaluate and remove dead entity m_manager.EnemiesEntities.Clear(); m_manager.PlayerEntities.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < m_manager.GameplayEntities.Count; i++) { GameplayEntity entity = m_manager.GameplayEntities[i]; if (entity.Status.Health <= 0) { m_manager.GameplayEntities.RemoveAt(i); i--; } else { if (entity.Visual.Type == EntityType.Player) { m_manager.PlayerEntities.Add(entity); } else if (entity.Visual.Type == EntityType.Enemy) { m_manager.EnemiesEntities.Add(entity); } } } if (HaveMoveLeft(m_manager.PlayerEntities)) { m_manager.StateManager.RegisterState <PlayerInputState>(); if (m_manager.RoundInfo.PlayerRound != m_manager.RoundInfo.CurrentRound) { m_manager.RoundInfo.PlayerRound = m_manager.RoundInfo.CurrentRound; m_manager.Ui.ShowAndHideBanner("Player's Turn", 0, BannerDuration); m_timer = BannerDuration; } } else if (HaveMoveLeft(m_manager.EnemiesEntities)) { m_manager.StateManager.RegisterState <AIState>(); if (m_manager.RoundInfo.EnemyRound != m_manager.RoundInfo.CurrentRound) { m_manager.RoundInfo.EnemyRound = m_manager.RoundInfo.CurrentRound; m_manager.Ui.ShowAndHideBanner("Enemy Turn", 0, BannerDuration); m_timer = BannerDuration; } } else { m_manager.StateManager.RegisterState <StartRoundState>(); } }
private void SkipTurn() { for (int i = 0; i < m_manager.EnemiesEntities.Count; i++) { GameplayEntity entity = m_manager.EnemiesEntities[i]; entity.TurnState.CanAttack = entity.TurnState.CanMove = false; } m_manager.StateManager.RegisterState <StartTurnState>(); }
private static void AddDamage(GameplayEntity entity, float amount) { if (entity.hasDamage) { entity.damage.Amount += amount; } else { entity.AddDamage(amount); } }
private void OnSkipTurnClicked() { for (int i = 0; i < m_selectablePlayer.Count; i++) { GameplayEntity entity = m_selectablePlayer[i]; entity.Visual.ShowSelection(false); entity.TurnState.CanAttack = entity.TurnState.CanMove = false; } ShouldEnd = true; m_manager.StateManager.RegisterState <StartTurnState>(); }
public GameplayEntity GetEntityAtPosition(Vector2Int position, List <GameplayEntity> list) { for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { GameplayEntity entity = list[i]; if (entity.Visual.GridPosition == position) { return(entity); } } return(null); }
private bool HaveMoveLeft(List <GameplayEntity> entities) { for (int i = 0; i < entities.Count; i++) { GameplayEntity entity = entities[i]; if (entity.HaveAction) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public void GetValidTargets(List <GameplayEntity> results) { results.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < m_manager.GameplayEntities.Count; i++) { GameplayEntity entity = m_manager.GameplayEntities[i]; if (entity.Visual.GridPosition != Center && Vector2.Distance(Center, entity.Visual.GridPosition) <= Radius) { results.Add(entity); } } }
public void GetValidTargets(List<GameplayEntity> results) { results.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < m_manager.GameplayEntities.Count; i++) { GameplayEntity entity = m_manager.GameplayEntities[i]; if (m_owner.Visual.Type != entity.Visual.Type) { if (Vector2Int.Distance(m_owner.Visual.GridPosition, entity.Visual.GridPosition) <= 1) { results.Add(entity); } } } }
public GameplayEntity RegisterEntity(EntityComponent visualEntity) { GameplayEntity entity = new GameplayEntity(visualEntity); entity.Status.MaxTraverseCount = 7;//6 grids + current grid entity.Skills.Add(m_skillManager.GetSkill <BasicAttack>(entity)); //assign special skills if (Random.value < .5f) { entity.Skills.Add(m_skillManager.GetSkill <PushAttack>(entity)); } if (Random.value < .5f) { entity.Skills.Add(m_skillManager.GetSkill <Reinforcement>(entity)); } if (Random.value < .5f) { entity.Skills.Add(m_skillManager.GetSkill <GroundSlam>(entity)); } if (Random.value < .5f) { entity.Skills.Add(m_skillManager.GetSkill <Convert>(entity)); } if (Random.value < .5f) { entity.Skills.Add(m_skillManager.GetSkill <Heal>(entity)); } GameplayEntities.Add(entity); if (entity.Visual.Type == EntityType.Player) { PlayerEntities.Add(entity); } else if (entity.Visual.Type == EntityType.Enemy) { EnemiesEntities.Add(entity); } return(entity); }
private IEnumerator ConvertActions(GameplayEntity targetConvert, EntityType convertTo, float delay) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(delay)); EntityComponent visual = m_manager.Service.InstantiateEntity(targetConvert.Visual.GridPosition.x, targetConvert.Visual.GridPosition.y, convertTo); GameplayEntity gameplayEntity = m_manager.RegisterEntity(visual); gameplayEntity.Status.SetHealth(targetConvert.Status.Health); gameplayEntity.Visual.PlayHealthBarAnimation(gameplayEntity.Status.HealthPercentage); targetConvert.Status.SetHealth(0); targetConvert.Visual.gameObject.SetActive(false); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2)); m_end = true; }
private void PushBack(GameplayEntity entity, Vector2Int location, int damage, float delay) { entity.Status.Damage(damage); entity.Visual.Leap(location, delay); entity.Visual.PlayTakeDamageAnimation(delay); entity.PlayHealthBarAnimation(delay); m_manager.Pathfinder.NavGraph.SetGridType(entity.Visual.GridPosition, EntityType.None); if (entity.Status.Health <= 0) { entity.Visual.PlayDeathAnimation(delay + .3f); } else { m_manager.Pathfinder.NavGraph.SetGridType(location, entity.Visual.Type); } }
public void Begin() { m_manager.Ui.SkipTurnButton.gameObject.SetActive(false); //update gameplay entities before starting round for (int i = 0; i < m_manager.GameplayEntities.Count; i++) { GameplayEntity entity = m_manager.GameplayEntities[i]; entity.InitializeTurn(); } if (m_manager.PlayerEntities.Count == 0 || m_manager.EnemiesEntities.Count == 0) { m_manager.StateManager.RegisterState <GameOverState>(); } else { m_manager.RoundInfo.CurrentRound++; m_manager.StateManager.RegisterState <StartTurnState>(); } }
private IEnumerator Spawn(GameplayEntity e, ISpawnerSettings settings) { var currentBurstCount = 0f; var currentBurstDelay = settings.Burst.Delay; while (e.isEnabled && currentBurstCount < settings.Burst.Count) { if (currentBurstDelay >= settings.Burst.Delay) { var angleDelta = Mathf.PI * 2 / settings.Pattern.Size; var angle = 0f; var centerOffset = 0.1f; while (angle < Mathf.PI * 2) { var vectorAway = new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(angle), Mathf.Sin(angle)); var pos = vectorAway * 2f * centerOffset + e.position.Value; _projectilesFactory.SpawnProjectile( pos, vectorAway * 5f + (e.hasVelocity ? e.velocity.Linear : ); angle += angleDelta; } currentBurstDelay = 0; currentBurstCount++; } else { currentBurstDelay += _gameTime.DeltaTime; } yield return(null); } }
public void Move(GameplayEntity entity, List <Vector2Int> path) { m_entity = entity; m_path = path; }
public void Execute(GameplayEntity target) { m_manager.StateManager.RegisterState <ReinforcementState>().Setup(m_owner, this); }
public void Initialize(GameplayEntity owner, GameManager manager) { m_manager = manager; m_owner = owner; }
public void Setup(GameplayEntity owner, Reinforcement skill) { m_owner = owner; m_skill = skill; }
public void Begin() { if (m_manager.PlayerEntities.Count == 0) { //no target left skip turn SkipTurn(); return; } for (int i = 0; i < m_manager.EnemiesEntities.Count; i++) { GameplayEntity entity = m_manager.EnemiesEntities[i]; if (entity.Status.Health > 0) { //get closest enemy if (entity.TurnState.CanAttack) { int randomness = Random.Range(0, entity.Skills.Count); m_alternateAttacks.Clear(); for (int j = 0; j < entity.Skills.Count; j++) { ISkill skill = entity.Skills[(j + randomness) % entity.Skills.Count]; skill.GetValidTargets(m_targetableEntities); //filter targets for (int k = 0; k < m_targetableEntities.Count; k++) { GameplayEntity targetEntity = m_targetableEntities[k]; if (skill.Type == ESkillType.Offensive && targetEntity.Visual.Type == EntityType.Enemy) { m_targetableEntities.RemoveAt(k); k--; } else if (targetEntity.Visual.Type == EntityType.Obstacle) { m_alternateAttacks.Add(new KeyValuePair <ISkill, GameplayEntity>(skill, targetEntity)); m_targetableEntities.RemoveAt(k); k--; } } if (m_targetableEntities.Count > 0) { GameplayEntity bestTarget = m_targetableEntities[0]; for (int k = 1; k < m_targetableEntities.Count; k++) { GameplayEntity target = m_targetableEntities[k]; if (target.Status.Health < bestTarget.Status.Health) { bestTarget = target; } } //do attack here skill.Execute(bestTarget); entity.TurnState.CanAttack = false; return; } } if (!entity.TurnState.CanMove) { bool noPathToPlayer = true; for (int j = 0; j < m_manager.PlayerEntities.Count; j++) { if (m_manager.Pathfinder.Navigate(entity.Visual.GridPosition, m_manager.PlayerEntities[j].Visual.GridPosition, m_pathBuffer)) { noPathToPlayer = false; break; } } if (noPathToPlayer) { //no enemies in target, attack whatever if (m_alternateAttacks.Count > 0) { KeyValuePair <ISkill, GameplayEntity> alternate = m_alternateAttacks[Random.Range(0, m_alternateAttacks.Count)]; alternate.Key.Execute(alternate.Value); entity.TurnState.CanAttack = false; return; } } } } if (entity.TurnState.CanMove) { GameplayEntity bestTarget = m_manager.PlayerEntities[0]; m_manager.Pathfinder.Navigate(entity.Visual.GridPosition, bestTarget.Visual.GridPosition, m_bestPathBuffer); for (int j = 1; j < m_manager.PlayerEntities.Count; j++) { GameplayEntity target = m_manager.PlayerEntities[j]; m_manager.Pathfinder.Navigate(entity.Visual.GridPosition, target.Visual.GridPosition, m_pathBuffer); if (m_pathBuffer.Count < m_bestPathBuffer.Count) { m_bestPathBuffer.Clear(); m_bestPathBuffer.AddRange(m_pathBuffer); } } entity.TurnState.CanMove = false; if (m_bestPathBuffer.Count >= 2) { entity.ValidateMovement(m_bestPathBuffer); m_manager.StateManager.RegisterState <EntityMoveState>().Move(entity, m_bestPathBuffer); return; } } } } SkipTurn(); }
public void Execute(GameplayEntity target) { m_manager.StateManager.RegisterState<BasicAttackState>().Setup(m_owner,target, 1); }
public void Execute(GameplayEntity target) { m_manager.StateManager.RegisterState <ConvertState>().Setup(m_owner, target); }
private void OnPlayerCollision(IGroup <GameplayEntity> group, GameplayEntity entity, int index, IComponent component) { ProcessCollision(entity.wispCollision); entity.Destroy(); }
public void Tick() { Vector2Int currentMousePosition = LevelGrid.MouseToGridCoordinates(); GameplayEntity selectedPlayerEntity = m_manager.GetEntityAtPosition(currentMousePosition, m_selectablePlayer); if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && selectedPlayerEntity != null && selectedPlayerEntity != m_activeEntity && !selectedPlayerEntity.Visual.AttackTargetSelection.activeSelf) { m_activeEntity?.Visual.ShowSelection(false); m_activeEntity = selectedPlayerEntity; m_activeEntity.Visual.ShowSelection(true); if (m_activeEntity.TurnState.CanAttack) { m_DropdownOptions.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < m_activeEntity.Skills.Count; i++) { m_DropdownOptions.Add(new Dropdown.OptionData(m_activeEntity.Skills[i].Name)); } m_skillSelected = 0; Dropdown dropdown = m_manager.Ui.SkillsDropdown; dropdown.ClearOptions(); dropdown.AddOptions(m_DropdownOptions); dropdown.value = m_skillSelected; dropdown.RefreshShownValue(); CanvasGroup canvasGroup = dropdown.GetComponentInChildren <CanvasGroup>();//<-fix for unity bug if (canvasGroup != null) { canvasGroup.alpha = 1; } m_manager.Ui.SkillsDropdownCanvasGroup.alpha = 1; UpdateSkillTarget(); } else { m_manager.Ui.SkillsDropdownCanvasGroup.alpha = 0; ToggleTarget(false); m_targetableEntities.Clear(); } m_forceRepath = true; return; } if (m_activeEntity != null) { if (m_activeEntity.TurnState.CanAttack) { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { GameplayEntity entity = m_manager.GetEntityAtPosition(currentMousePosition, m_targetableEntities); if (entity != null) { //reset m_manager.Service.HideAllBreadCrumbs(); ToggleTarget(false); //attack state m_activeEntity.Visual.ShowSelection(false); m_activeEntity.Skills[m_skillSelected].Execute(entity); m_activeEntity.TurnState.CanAttack = false; ShouldEnd = true; return; } } } if (m_activeEntity.TurnState.CanMove) { if (m_forceRepath || currentMousePosition != m_previousMouse) { m_manager.Pathfinder.Navigate(m_activeEntity.Visual.GridPosition, currentMousePosition, m_pathBuffer); m_activeEntity.ValidateMovement(m_pathBuffer); m_manager.Service.HideAllBreadCrumbs(); for (int i = 1; i < m_pathBuffer.Count; i++) { Vector2Int coord = m_pathBuffer[i]; m_manager.Service.ShowBreadCrumb(coord.x, coord.y, true, i * .05f); } m_previousMouse = currentMousePosition; m_forceRepath = false; } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && m_pathBuffer.Count >= 2) { //move ToggleTarget(false); m_activeEntity.Visual.ShowSelection(false); m_manager.StateManager.RegisterState <EntityMoveState>().Move(m_activeEntity, m_pathBuffer); m_activeEntity.TurnState.CanMove = false; ShouldEnd = true; return; } } } }
public void Setup(GameplayEntity attacker, GameplayEntity target) { m_attacker = attacker; m_target = target; }