public override void init() { Gamepad_Util.vibrate(0, 0.0f, 0.0f); Gamepad_Util.vibrate(1, 0.0f, 0.0f); Gamepad_Util.vibrate(2, 0.0f, 0.0f); Gamepad_Util.vibrate(3, 0.0f, 0.0f); graphicsDevice = Starburst.inst().GraphicsDevice; sprite_batch = new SpriteBatch(graphicsDevice); add_subsystems( new Menu_Input_Handler(), new Sound() ); font = Starburst.inst().get_content <SpriteFont>("sector034"); // hämta inputs från föregående state var inputs = last_state.get_entities_fast(typeof(Input)); for (int i = 0; i < inputs.Count; i++) { var input = inputs[i].get_component <Input>(); var gamepadPlayer = create_entity(Player.create_components(input)); } restore_vol = MediaPlayer.Volume; MediaPlayer.Volume *= 0.4f; }
public override void init() { Gamepad_Util.vibrate(0, 0.0f, 0.0f); Gamepad_Util.vibrate(1, 0.0f, 0.0f); Gamepad_Util.vibrate(2, 0.0f, 0.0f); Gamepad_Util.vibrate(3, 0.0f, 0.0f); sprite_batch = new SpriteBatch(Starburst.inst().GraphicsDevice); add_subsystems( new Menu_Input_Handler(), new Sound(), new Particle_System(), new Background_Renderer(sprite_batch) ); outDelay = delay + inDuration + displayTime; animationTime = outDelay + outDuration; soundMgr = create_entity(SoundManager.create_backmusic_component()); soundMgr.get_component <SoundLibrary>().song_index = 1; vp = sprite_batch.GraphicsDevice.Viewport; lowRes = (vp.Height < 800 && vp.Width < 1600); // load textures background = Starburst.inst().get_content <Texture2D>("backdrops/backdrop4"); rectBg = new Texture2D(Fab5_Game.inst().GraphicsDevice, 1, 1); rectBg.SetData(new Color[] { Color.Black }, 1, 1);//Starburst.inst().get_content<Texture2D>("controller_rectangle"); font = Starburst.inst().get_content <SpriteFont>(!lowRes ? "sector034" : "small"); largeFont = Starburst.inst().get_content <SpriteFont>("large"); controller_a_button = Starburst.inst().get_content <Texture2D>("menu/Xbox_A_white"); keyboard_key = Starburst.inst().get_content <Texture2D>("menu/Key"); controller_l_stick = Starburst.inst().get_content <Texture2D>("menu/Xbox_L_white"); okSize = font.MeasureString(" "); controllerBtnSize = !lowRes ? 50 : 38; // ikon för knapp heightDiff = (int)(controllerBtnSize - okSize.Y); yPos = (int)(vp.Height - controllerBtnSize - 15); for (int i = 0; i < players.Count; i++) { if (players[i].get_component <Input>() != null) { create_entity(Player.create_components(players[i].get_component <Input>())); } } graphicsDevice = sprite_batch.GraphicsDevice; resultsViewHeight = (int)(vp.Height * .83f); resultsRT = new RenderTarget2D(graphicsDevice, vp.Width, resultsViewHeight); Comparer <Entity> sort_on_score = Comparer <Entity> .Create((e1, e2) => - e1.get_component <Score>().score.CompareTo(e2.get_component <Score>().score)); if (gameConfig.mode == Game_Config.GM_TEAM_DEATHMATCH) { redTeam = new List <Entity>(); blueTeam = new List <Entity>(); redScore = 0; blueScore = 0; redGoals = 0; blueGoals = 0; // lägg spelare i rätt lag for (int p = 0; p < players.Count; p++) { Ship_Info player_info = players[p].get_component <Ship_Info>(); Score player_score = players[p].get_component <Score>(); if (players[p].get_component <Velocity>() == null) // turret, lägg till poäng men inte entiteten i laget { if ( == 1) { redScore += (int)player_score.score; } else { blueScore += (int)player_score.score; } continue; } if (player_info == null) { continue; } if ( == 1) { redTeam.Add(players[p]); redGoals = player_score.num_goals; redScore += (int)player_score.score; } else { blueTeam.Add(players[p]); blueGoals = player_score.num_goals; blueScore += (int)player_score.score; } } // sortera lag efter bäst score redTeam.Sort(sort_on_score); blueTeam.Sort(sort_on_score); redTeamHeight = rowHeight * (redTeam.Count + 0) + vertSpacing * (redTeam.Count - 1); blueTeamHeight = rowHeight * (blueTeam.Count + 0) + vertSpacing * (blueTeam.Count - 1); totalPlayerHeight = redTeamHeight + 50 + blueTeamHeight + 50; totalResultsHeight = totalPlayerHeight - resultsViewHeight + 100; if (resultsViewHeight < redTeamHeight + 50 + blueTeamHeight + 50 + 100) { scrollable = true; } } else { bestScore = 0; bestPlayers = new List <Entity>(); List <Entity> checkedPlayers = new List <Entity>(); // ta bort turrets (ska inte finnas några här, men tas bort utifall att) for (int i = 0; i < players.Count; i++) { if (players[i].get_component <Velocity>() != null) { checkedPlayers.Add(players[i]); } } players = checkedPlayers; for (int i = 0; i < players.Count; i++) { Score player_score = players[i].get_component <Score>(); Ship_Info player_info = players[i].get_component <Ship_Info>(); if (player_score == null) { continue; } if (player_score.score > bestScore) { bestPlayers.Clear(); bestScore = (int)player_score.score; bestPlayers.Add(players[i]); } else if (player_score.score == bestScore) { bestPlayers.Add(players[i]); } } players.Sort(sort_on_score); totalPlayerHeight = rowHeight * (players.Count + 0) + vertSpacing * (players.Count - 1); totalResultsHeight = totalPlayerHeight + 50 - resultsViewHeight; if (resultsViewHeight < totalPlayerHeight + 50) { scrollable = true; } } vertPadding = 10; horPadding = 20; horSpacing = 20; nameWidth = 300; killsHeader = "Kills"; deathsHeader = "Deaths"; scoreHeader = "Score"; handlerSize = new Vector2(80, 64); killsSize = font.MeasureString(killsHeader); deathsSize = font.MeasureString(deathsHeader); scoreSize = font.MeasureString("999999"); iconSizeX = 42; iconSizeY = 30; iconSizeX = 63; iconSizeY = 45; totalScoreWidth = (int)(iconSizeX + horSpacing + nameWidth + horSpacing + killsSize.X + horSpacing + deathsSize.X + horSpacing + scoreSize.X); iconX = (int)(vp.Width * .5f - totalScoreWidth * .5f); nameX = iconX + iconSizeX + horSpacing; killsX = nameX + nameWidth + horSpacing; deathsX = (int)(killsX + killsSize.X + horSpacing); scoreX = (int)(deathsX + deathsSize.X + horSpacing); textOffset = (int)((rowHeight - killsSize.Y) * .5f); }
public override void draw(float t, float dt) { var entities = Fab5_Game.inst().get_entities_fast(typeof(Input)); int num_components = entities.Count; for (int i = 0; i < num_components; i++) { var entity = entities[i]; var pos = entity.get_component <Position>(); var input = entity.get_component <Input>(); var angle = entity.get_component <Angle>(); if (input.left_vib != input.old_left_vib || input.right_vib != input.old_right_vib) { //System.Console.WriteLine("vib " + input.left_vib + ", " + input.right_vib); if (input.device == Input.InputType.Controller) { Gamepad_Util.vibrate((int)input.gp_index, input.left_vib, input.right_vib); } input.old_left_vib = input.left_vib; input.old_right_vib = input.right_vib; } input.left_vib -= 4.0f * input.left_vib * dt; input.right_vib -= 4.0f * input.right_vib * dt; if (input.left_vib < 0.05f) { input.left_vib = 0.0f; } if (input.right_vib < 0.05f) { input.right_vib = 0.0f; } // all player controlled objects get an angular drag force to prevent the players from going insane lol angle.ang_vel -= angle.ang_vel * 5.0f * dt; if (!input.enabled) { continue; } var velocity = entity.get_component <Velocity>(); var ship = entity.get_component <Ship_Info>(); Primary_Weapon primaryWeapon = entity.get_component <Primary_Weapon>(); Secondary_Weapon secondaryWeapon = entity.get_component <Secondary_Weapon>(); var max_speed = ship.top_velocity; var acc = ship.acceleration; float turn = 0.0f; KeyboardState currentKeyboardState = Keyboard.GetState(); // Keyboard device if (input.device == Input.InputType.Keyboard) { if (currentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(input.left)) { turn -= 1.0f; } if (currentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(input.right)) { turn += 1.0f; } input.throttle = 0.0f; if (currentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(input.up)) { input.throttle = 1.0f; } else if (currentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(input.down)) { input.throttle = -1.0f; } if (currentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(input.primary_fire)) { fire(entity, ship, primaryWeapon); } if (currentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(input.secondary_fire)) { fire(entity, ship, secondaryWeapon); } if (is_key_clicked(input.powerup_next, currentKeyboardState, input.keyboardState)) { Fab5_Game.inst().message("play_sound", new { name = "nextpowerup", volume = 1 }); ship.powerup_inv_index = ship.powerup_inv_index >= ship.max_powerups_inv - 1 ? 0 : ship.powerup_inv_index + 1; } if (is_key_clicked(input.powerup_use, currentKeyboardState, input.keyboardState)) { Fab5_Game.inst().message("play_sound", new { name = "use_powerup", volume = 1 }); ship.use_powerup(ship.powerup_inv_index); } } // Gamepad device else { GamePadState state = GamePad.GetState(input.gp_index); turn = state.ThumbSticks.Left.X; //turn = Math.Sign((float)Math.Atan2(-state.ThumbSticks.Left.Y, state.ThumbSticks.Left.X) - angle.angle) * 10.0f;; input.throttle = (float)Math.Pow(state.Triggers.Right, 1.5f) - (float)Math.Pow(state.Triggers.Left, 1.5f); if (state.Buttons.A == ButtonState.Pressed) { fire(entity, ship, primaryWeapon); } if (state.Buttons.X == ButtonState.Pressed) { fire(entity, ship, secondaryWeapon); } if (state.Buttons.LeftShoulder == ButtonState.Released && state.Buttons.RightShoulder == ButtonState.Released) { input.can_switch_powerups = true; } if (is_gamepad_clicked(Buttons.LeftShoulder, state, input.gamepadState)) { ship.powerup_inv_index = ship.powerup_inv_index > 0 ? ship.powerup_inv_index - 1 : ship.max_powerups_inv - 1; Fab5_Game.inst().message("play_sound", new { name = "nextpowerup", volume = 1 }); } if (is_gamepad_clicked(Buttons.RightShoulder, state, input.gamepadState)) { ship.powerup_inv_index = ship.powerup_inv_index >= ship.max_powerups_inv - 1 ? 0 : ship.powerup_inv_index + 1; Fab5_Game.inst().message("play_sound", new { name = "nextpowerup", volume = 1 }); } if (is_gamepad_clicked(Buttons.Y, state, input.gamepadState) && ship.powerup_inv_index < ship.powerup_inv.Length) { ship.use_powerup(ship.powerup_inv_index); Fab5_Game.inst().message("play_sound", new { name = "use_powerup", volume = 1 }); } if (is_gamepad_clicked(Buttons.Start, state, input.gamepadState)) { Fab5_Game.inst().message("start", null); } input.gamepadState = state; } if (Math.Abs(turn) > 0.01f) { var ang_acc = 4.5f * dt;// @To-do: borde specas i shipinfo eller nåt //angle.ang_vel += ang_acc * turn; angle.angle += ang_acc * turn; } if (Math.Abs(input.throttle) > 0.01f) { Fab5_Game.inst().message("play_sound", new { name = "thrust", gp_index = input.gp_index, pos = pos }); velocity.x += dt * (float)(Math.Cos(angle.angle)) * acc * input.throttle; velocity.y += dt * (float)(Math.Sin(angle.angle)) * acc * input.throttle; var speed = (float)Math.Sqrt(velocity.x * velocity.x + velocity.y * velocity.y); if (speed > max_speed && !ship.has_powerup(typeof(Boost_Powerup))) { velocity.x = max_speed * (velocity.x / speed); velocity.y = max_speed * (velocity.y / speed); } } else { Fab5_Game.inst().message("stop_sound", new { name = "thrust", gp_index = input.gp_index, pos = pos }); } // Misc keys if (input.keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.N)) { Fab5_Game.inst().message("change_song", null); } if (input.keyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.M)) { Fab5_Game.inst().message("play_sound", new { name = "mute" }); } if (currentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftAlt) && is_key_clicked(Keys.Enter, currentKeyboardState, input.keyboardState)) { Fab5_Game.inst().message("fullscreen", null); } else if (is_key_clicked(Keys.Escape, currentKeyboardState, input.keyboardState)) { Fab5_Game.inst().message("start", null); } input.keyboardState = Keyboard.GetState(); } }