Пример #1
    // Gets the mouse position is world space (& check for Cube hits)

    private void GameStateUpdates()
        MarkedCube = null; // reset marked Cube
        UpdateUI();        // update Player UI information

        // Shoot ray into middle of screen (marked by sight)
        Ray        ray = Camera.main.ViewportPointToRay(new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0f));
        RaycastHit hit;

        if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 100f, layerMask))
            var cube       = hit.transform.GetComponent <GameCube>(); // get Cube
            var cubeNormal = hit.normal.ToString();                   // get side where Cube was hit

            switch (cubeNormal)                                       // determine position for potential new Cube
            case "(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)":
                NewCube = hit.transform.position + new Vector3(1, 0, 0);

            case "(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0)":
                NewCube = hit.transform.position + new Vector3(-1, 0, 0);

            case "(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)":
                NewCube = hit.transform.position + new Vector3(0, 1, 0);

            case "(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)":
                NewCube = hit.transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0, 1);

            case "(0.0, 0.0, -1.0)":
                NewCube = hit.transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0, -1);

                // no action needed

            NewCubeSector = GameSectors.FindLast(n => n.SectorCoords == cube.ParentSector);
            ActionAllowed = true;                              // allow Build/Destroy actions

            if (cube.PlayerMade == true && BuildMode == false) // update time needed to destroy Cube
                MarkedCube = cube;
            ActionAllowed = false; // no hit = disable Build/Destroy actions
Пример #2
    // Method for rebuild Player Cube

    private void RecreatePlayerCube(GameSector sector, PlayerCubesData cubeData)
        // Create Player Cube according to loaded data about this
        var        cubePos   = cubeData.CubeCoords;
        GameObject newCubeGO = Instantiate(PlayerCubePfbs[cubeData.Endurance - 1],
                                           new Vector3(cubePos.x, cubePos.y, cubePos.z), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
        GameCube newCube = newCubeGO.GetComponent <GameCube>();

        newCubeGO.transform.parent = sector.transform;
        newCube.ParentSector       = sector.SectorCoords;
Пример #3
    // Method for update Game World when any Outer Sector is reached

    public void UpdateSectors(int xDirection, int zDirection)
        var xCoord = Player.PlayerSector.x; // get current Player coords (y = z for us)
        var zCoord = Player.PlayerSector.y;

        if (xDirection != 0) // change on x-axes -> shift Sectors horizontal
            SectorsTmp = GameSectors.FindAll(n => n.SectorCoords.x == xCoord + (3 * xDirection));

            for (int i = 0; i < SectorsTmp.Count; i++) // destoy 'left' Sectors & build new in Pl. direction
                var newCoord = new Vector2((xCoord + (xDirection * -1)), (SectorsTmp[i].SectorCoords.y));
                CreateSector(newCoord, false);

            SectorsTmp = GameSectors.FindAll(n => n.SectorCoords.x == xCoord + (2 * xDirection) && n.InnerSector == true);
            for (int i = 0; i < SectorsTmp.Count; i++) // update Inner/Outer Sector statuses
                SectorTmp = GameSectors.FindLast(n => n.SectorCoords.x == xCoord &&
                                                 n.SectorCoords.y == SectorsTmp[i].SectorCoords.y);
                SectorTmp.InnerSector     = true;
                SectorsTmp[i].InnerSector = false;
        else // change on z-ares -> shift Sectors vertical
            SectorsTmp = GameSectors.FindAll(n => n.SectorCoords.y == zCoord + (3 * zDirection));

            for (int i = 0; i < SectorsTmp.Count; i++) // destoy 'left' Sectors & build new in Pl. direction
                var newCoord = new Vector2(SectorsTmp[i].SectorCoords.x, zCoord + (zDirection * -1));
                CreateSector(newCoord, false);

            SectorsTmp = GameSectors.FindAll(n => n.SectorCoords.y == zCoord + (2 * zDirection) && n.InnerSector == true);
            for (int i = 0; i < SectorsTmp.Count; i++) // update Inner/Outer Sector statuses
                SectorTmp = GameSectors.FindLast(n => n.SectorCoords.y == zCoord &&
                                                 n.SectorCoords.x == SectorsTmp[i].SectorCoords.x);
                SectorTmp.InnerSector     = true;
                SectorsTmp[i].InnerSector = false;
Пример #4
    // Method for Game Cube Creation
    // (Dynamic batching swithed on for reducing number of batches)

    private void CreateGameCube(GameSector sector, Vector2 position)
        int yCoord = NoiseEffect(position.x, position.y); // create 'terrain' effect

        GCIndex = 0;                                      // set Cube color according to y-position
        if (yCoord > 2)
            GCIndex = 1;
        if (yCoord > 5)
            GCIndex = 2;

        GameObject newCubeGO = Instantiate(CubePrefabs[GCIndex], new Vector3(position.x, yCoord, position.y), Quaternion.identity)
                               as GameObject;
        GameCube newCube = newCubeGO.GetComponent <GameCube>();

        newCubeGO.transform.parent = sector.transform;
        newCube.ParentSector       = sector.SectorCoords;
Пример #5
    // Method for Sector Creation

    private void CreateSector(Vector2 sectorCoords, bool IsInner)
        var xCoord = (int)sectorCoords.x * SectorSize; // get x-start point coords
        var zCoord = (int)sectorCoords.y * SectorSize; // get x-start point coords (y = z for us)

        GameObject newSectorGO = Instantiate(SectorPrefab, new Vector3(xCoord, 0, zCoord), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
        GameSector newSector   = newSectorGO.GetComponent <GameSector>();

        newSector.SectorCoords.x = sectorCoords.x;
        newSector.SectorCoords.y = sectorCoords.y;

        if (IsInner == true) // mark Sector as Inner Sector
            newSector.InnerSector = true;

        for (int x = xCoord; x < SectorSize + xCoord; x++) // Generate Game Cubes
            for (int z = zCoord; z < SectorSize + zCoord; z++)
                var position = new Vector2(x, z);
                CreateGameCube(newSector, position); // Create Game Cube

        // Create Sector Player Cubes
        PlayerCube = PlayerMade.Find(n => n.sectorCoord == sectorCoords);
        if (PlayerCube.CubeData != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < PlayerCube.CubeData.Count; i++)
                RecreatePlayerCube(newSector, PlayerCube.CubeData[i]); // build prev. created Player Cube

        // Add Sector to lists
        newSector.transform.parent = ObjectsParent;
Пример #6
    // Method for Player made Cube Creation

    private void CreatePlayerCube(GameSector sector)
        // Create Cube from relevant Prefab
        GameObject newCubeGO = Instantiate(PlayerCubePfbs[CubeIndex], new Vector3(NewCube.x, NewCube.y, NewCube.z),
                                           Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
        GameCube newCube = newCubeGO.GetComponent <GameCube>();

        newCubeGO.transform.parent = sector.transform;
        newCube.ParentSector       = sector.SectorCoords;
        sector.Cubes.Add(newCube); // probably not needed
        SumPlayerCubes += 1;       // increase Total

        // Process Player Made list
        PlayerCube = PlayerMade.FindLast(n => n.sectorCoord == sector.SectorCoords);
        if (PlayerCube.CubeData == null) // no Player Cube data for Sector yet
            PlayerCube.sectorCoord = sector.SectorCoords;
            PlayerCube.CubeData    = new List <PlayerCubesData>();
            PlayerCubesData cubedata = new PlayerCubesData
                CubeCoords = NewCube,
                Endurance  = newCube.Endurance
        else // only add new Player Cube to list
            PlayerCubesData cubedata = new PlayerCubesData
                CubeCoords = NewCube,
                Endurance  = newCube.Endurance