public override IRestorableComponent saveComponent(GameObject gameObject,
                                                    IComponentAssigner assigner, GamePersistence.SaveType saveType)
     AutomatedScriptTransfer.TransferScriptsSaving(this, savedDictionary, saveType);
Пример #2
 protected override void saveComponent(Transform component, GamePersistence.SaveType saveType)
     localPosition = new Serializable3DVector(component.localPosition);
     position      = new Serializable3DVector(component.position);
     rotation      = new Serializable3DVector(component.eulerAngles);
     scale         = new Serializable3DVector(component.localScale);
Пример #3
 public override IRestorableComponent saveComponent(GameObject gameObject,
                                                    IComponentAssigner assigner, GamePersistence.SaveType saveType)
     saveComponentValues(gameObject, assigner, saveType);
         (this, CreatedSaveableComponent.DataContainer);
    /// <summary>
    /// saves all script values by calling the "saveComponent" method for all saveableComponents.
    /// Also calls this method rekursivly for its children
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="saveState"></param>
    public void SaveAllBehaviours(GamePersistence.SaveType saveState)
        foreach (ISaveableComponent b in saveableComponents)
            b.saveComponent(gameObject, this, saveState);

        foreach (ISaveableGameObject children in childrenWithPath.getValues())
Пример #5
 protected override void saveComponent(BoxCollider component, GamePersistence.SaveType saveType)
     base.saveComponent(component, saveType);
     center = new Serializable3DVector(;
     size   = new Serializable3DVector(component.size);
Пример #6
 public override void saveComponentValues(GameObject gameObject,
                                          IComponentAssigner assigner, GamePersistence.SaveType saveType)
     Component = assigner.getComponent <T>();
     saveComponent(Component, saveType);
Пример #7
 protected abstract void saveComponent(T component, GamePersistence.SaveType saveType);
Пример #8
 protected override void saveComponent(SphereCollider component, GamePersistence.SaveType saveType)
     base.saveComponent(component, saveType);
Пример #9
    /// <summary>
    /// will iterate the list of registered inGameISaveableGameObject and have them create a
    /// SaveableObject which are saved within this list or referenced by other SaveableObjects.
    /// However this function just stores the data temporary and does not write it into the scene file!
    /// "DirtyData" is set to true, so this scene will be saved to fíle upon next game save.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="saveState"></param>
    public void SaveScene(GamePersistence.SaveType saveState)
        List <ISaveableGameObject> empty = new List <ISaveableGameObject>();

        SaveScene(saveState, empty);
Пример #10
    /// <summary>
    /// will iterate the list of registered inGameISaveableGameObject and have them create a
    /// SaveableObject which are saved within this list or referenced by other SaveableObjects.
    /// However this function just stores the data temporary and does not write it into the scene file!
    /// "DirtyData" is set to true, so this scene will be saved to fíle upon next game save.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="saveState"></param>
    /// <param name="ignoreForSave">hand any gameobject over that shall not be saved.
    /// instead their theirs trees of restoreableGameobejcts are returned
    /// usefull to take gameobject to the next scene</param>
    /// <returns>this functions returns the saved version of the unsaved objects, since its very
    /// likely that they shall be transfered to another scene</returns>
    public List <IRestorableGameObject> SaveScene(GamePersistence.SaveType saveState,
                                                  List <ISaveableGameObject> ignoreForSave)
        List <IRestorableGameObject> result = new List <IRestorableGameObject>();

        ///clear current list, and fill it with current objects

        HirachyTree <ISaveableGameObject> saveableObjectTree = new HirachyTree <ISaveableGameObject>();

        Stack <int> currentHirachy;

        ///reset the hirachy tree before saving again
        foreach (ISaveableGameObject gameObject in AllInGameObjects)

        ///set parent and children of all objects
        ///also adds all objects with no saveable parent to root list
        foreach (ISaveableGameObject gameObject in AllInGameObjects)
            ///if the objects should not be saved in the current scene they
            ///are just ignored for now. since the objects dont use this tree to find
            ///their parent, the hirachy of the non saved objects are not lost
            if (!ignoreForSave.Contains(gameObject))
                if (!gameObject.findAndSetParent(out currentHirachy))
                    saveableObjectTree.add(gameObject, currentHirachy);

        ///all the gameObjects with no saveableParent are returning their saveable object,
        ///which are added to the list. childrens are recursivly added aswell
        foreach (ITreeNode <ISaveableGameObject> gameObject in saveableObjectTree.getAllNodesWithValues())
                (gameObject.Value.SaveObjectAndPrepareScripts(), gameObject.getFullTreePath());

        ///even though the object is not saved in this scene the restoreable objects are
        ///still created and returned as result so they can be used in other scenes
        foreach (ISaveableGameObject gameObject in ignoreForSave)

        IList <ISaveableGameObject> savedObjects = saveableObjectTree.getValues();

        ///after all object with their scripts were initiated the scripts values are saved
        foreach (ISaveableGameObject gameObject in savedObjects)

        ///all not saved objects are saved aswell. however their restoreable references
        ///will not be associated with the current scene. Instead they are returned
        ///so they can be used in other scenes
        foreach (ISaveableGameObject gameObject in ignoreForSave)

        ///deleting all children for next save

        ///since the scene is saved, it needs to be stored to file on the
        ///next game save
        DirtyData = true;

Пример #11
 /// <summary>
 /// calls "saveScene" for the current scene
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="saveType"></param>
 public void saveCurrentScene(GamePersistence.SaveType saveType)
 protected override void saveComponent(T component, GamePersistence.SaveType saveType)
     isTrigger = component.isTrigger;
     isEnabled = component.enabled;
Пример #13
 protected override void saveComponent(Rigidbody component, GamePersistence.SaveType saveType)
     isKinematic = component.isKinematic;
     vel         = new Serializable3DVector(component.velocity);
     angVel      = new Serializable3DVector(component.angularVelocity);
Пример #14
 public sealed override void setSaveData(GamePersistence.SaveType saveType)
     IsEnabled = enabled;
Пример #15
 protected virtual void setDataBeforeSaving(GamePersistence.SaveType saveType)
 public abstract void setSaveData(GamePersistence.SaveType saveType);
Пример #17
 protected override void saveComponent(MeshRenderer component, GamePersistence.SaveType saveType)
     isEnabled = component.enabled;
    public static void TransferStaticScriptsSaving(Type t, Dictionary <string, object> target, GamePersistence.SaveType transferState)
        Type savedAttribute = typeof(SaveAttribute);

        foreach (FieldInfo f in getFieldsFromType(t, typeof(object), false))
            if (f.IsStatic && f.IsDefined(savedAttribute, true))
                SaveAttribute currentSaveAttribute = (SaveAttribute)
                                                     (f.GetCustomAttributes(savedAttribute, false)[0]);

                if ((transferState == GamePersistence.SaveType.Game && currentSaveAttribute.saveForScene) ||
                    (transferState == GamePersistence.SaveType.Scene && currentSaveAttribute.saveForGame))
                    object value = GetTransformedValue(f.GetValue(null));
                    target.Add(f.Name, value);
Пример #19
 public abstract void saveComponentValues(GameObject gameObject, IComponentAssigner assigner, GamePersistence.SaveType saveType);
Пример #20
 /// <summary>
 /// calls "saveScene" for the current scene
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="saveType"></param>
 public List <IRestorableGameObject> saveCurrentScene(
     GamePersistence.SaveType saveType, List <ISaveableGameObject> ignoreForSave)
     return(currentScene.SaveScene(saveType, ignoreForSave));
Пример #21
 public abstract IRestorableComponent saveComponent(GameObject gameObject,
                                                    IComponentAssigner assigner, GamePersistence.SaveType saveType);