Пример #1
        public ActionResult CreateGame(GamePO form)
            ActionResult response = null;

            if ((Int64)Session["RoleID"] == 3)
                GameDL  dl  = new GameDL();
                GameMap map = new GameMap();
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    GameDO gameDO = map.GamePOToDO(form);
                    response = RedirectToAction("Index");
                    response = View(form);
                response = RedirectToAction("Index");
        public ActionResult UpdateGame(int specificGame = default(int))
            // Only administrators and contributors can update games.
            ActionResult response = null;

            if ((Session["UserRole"] != null && (int)Session["UserRole"] < 3) || specificGame != 0)
                    //Give the user the game's information to be updated.
                    GameDO gameObject  = _dataAccess.GameDetails(specificGame);
                    GamePO displayGame = Mapper.GameDOtoPO(gameObject);
                    response = View(displayGame);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //If there is an issue, send the user to the game's index.
                    response = RedirectToAction("Index", "Games");
                finally { }
                response = RedirectToAction("Index", "Games");
Пример #3
        public GamePO MapDOtoPO(GameDO gameDO)
            GamePO gamePO = new GamePO();

            gamePO.GameID      = gameDO.GameID;
            gamePO.Title       = gameDO.Title;
            gamePO.ReleaseDate = gameDO.ReleaseDate;
            gamePO.Developer   = gameDO.Developer;
            gamePO.Platform    = gameDO.Platform;
        public GamePO GameDOToPO(GameDO gameDO)
            GamePO gamePO = new GamePO();

            gamePO.GameID       = gameDO.GameID;
            gamePO.GameTitle    = gameDO.GameTitle;
            gamePO.RomanNumeral = gameDO.RomanNumeral;
            gamePO.ReleaseDate  = gameDO.ReleaseDate;
            gamePO.CopiesSold   = gameDO.CopiesSold;
            gamePO.GameSummary  = gameDO.GameSummary;
            gamePO.Price        = gameDO.Price;
Пример #5
        public ActionResult CreateGame()
            ActionResult response = null;

            if ((Int64)Session["RoleID"] == 3)
                GamePO gameObject = new GamePO();
                response = View(gameObject);
                response = RedirectToAction("Index");
        //Map the properties from the DataAccess to the Presentation.
        public static GamePO GameDOtoPO(GameDO from)
            GamePO to = new GamePO();

            to.GameID      = from.GameID;
            to.GameName    = from.GameName;
            to.ReleaseYear = from.ReleaseYear;
            to.Genre       = from.Genre;
            to.Developer   = from.Developer;
            to.Publisher   = from.Publisher;
            to.Platform    = from.Platform;
            to.Download    = from.Download;
            to.Picture     = from.Picture;
            to.Description = from.Description;
        public ActionResult UpdateGame(GamePO form, HttpPostedFileBase picture, HttpPostedFileBase game)
            //Set variables for the file paths.
            string downloadPath = string.Empty;
            string picturePath  = string.Empty;

            ActionResult response = null;

            //Only contributors and administrators can update the games.
            if (ModelState.IsValid && (Session["UserRole"] != null && (int)Session["UserRole"] < 3))
                    //Send game and picture files to a method for acceptance.
                    //A bool value deterimes the type of file submitted from the form.
                    downloadPath = form.Download;
                    picturePath  = form.Picture;

                    //Apply the selected files to the form if they were accepted.
                    form.Download = AcceptFile(game, downloadPath, false);
                    form.Picture  = AcceptFile(picture, picturePath, true);

                    //Send the form to the database to be applied to the selected game.
                    GameDO gameObject = Mapper.GamePOtoDO(form);

                    //Run the remove unused file method to maintian efficient storage usage.
                    response = RedirectToAction("GameDetails", "Games", new { specificGame = form.GameID });
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //If can issue occurs, redirect to the Index page.
                    response = RedirectToAction("Index", "Games");
                finally { }
                //If there was an issue with the model, give the user their input information back.
                response = View(form);
Пример #8
        public ActionResult UpdateGame(Int64 gameID)
            ActionResult response = null;

            if ((Int64)Session["RoleID"] == 3)
                GameMap map        = new GameMap();
                GameDL  dl         = new GameDL();
                GameDO  gameObject = dl.ViewGameByID(gameID);
                GamePO  form       = map.GameDOToPO(gameObject);
                response = View(form);
                response = RedirectToAction("Index");
Пример #9
        public ActionResult DeleteGame(int id)
            ActionResult response;

            //check for admin
            if (Session["RoleID"] != null && (int)Session["RoleID"] == 6)
                //if the user is an admin, access the database
                    //access database, map to presentation layer
                    GameDO gameDO = _GameDataAccess.ViewGameByID(id);
                    GamePO gamePO = _GameMapper.MapDOtoPO(gameDO);

                    //check id
                    if (gamePO.GameID > 0)
                        //if id is valid, delete from database

                        response = RedirectToAction("Index", "Game");
                        //if id is not valid, show error screen
                        response = RedirectToAction("Error", "Home");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //log error
                    _Logger.ErrorLog(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.Name, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, ex);
                    response = RedirectToAction("Error", "Home");
                finally { }
                //if the user is not an admin, return to the details page
                response = RedirectToAction("GameDetails", "Game", new { id });

Пример #10
        public ActionResult UpdateGame(GamePO updatedGame)
            ActionResult response;

            //check for admin or mod
            if (Session["RoleID"] != null && (int)Session["RoleID"] == 6 || Session["RoleID"] != null && (int)Session["RoleID"] == 4)
                //if the user is an admin or a mod, check the model
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    //if the model is valid, access the database
                        //map form, send to database
                        GameDO gameDO = _GameMapper.MapPOtoDO(updatedGame);

                        response = RedirectToAction("GameDetails", "Game", new { id = updatedGame.GameID });
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        //log error
                        _Logger.ErrorLog(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.Name, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, ex);

                        //set tempdata for an error
                        TempData["GameError"] = "There was an error processing this game, please check the information you entered and try again.";
                        response = View(updatedGame);
                    finally { }
                    //if the model is not valid, return to form
                    response = View(updatedGame);
                //if the user is not an admin or a mod, redirect to the login page
                response = RedirectToAction("Login", "Account");

Пример #11
        //Method for mapping from DO to PO
        public static GamePO GameDOtoPO(GameDO from)
            //Declaring a new PO object using the GamePO model
            GamePO to = new GamePO();

            //Mapping all relevant information. from is the pass in, to is the result.
            to.GameId      = from.GameId;
            to.White       = from.White;
            to.WhiteName   = from.WhiteName;
            to.WhiteRating = from.WhiteRating;
            to.Black       = from.Black;
            to.BlackName   = from.BlackName;
            to.BlackRating = from.BlackRating;
            to.Location    = from.Location;
            to.DatePlayed  = from.DatePlayed;
            to.Winner      = from.Winner;
            //sends the data back to the method that called it
Пример #12
        public ActionResult CreateGame(GamePO newGame)
            ActionResult response;

            //check for admin
            if (Session["RoleID"] != null && (int)Session["RoleID"] == 6)
                //if the user is an admin, check the model
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    //if the model is valid, access the database
                        //map to data layer, access database
                        GameDO game = _GameMapper.MapPOtoDO(newGame);

                        response = RedirectToAction("Index", "Game");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        //log error
                        _Logger.ErrorLog(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.Name, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, ex);
                        TempData["GameError"] = "There was an error processing this game, please check the information you entered and try again.";
                        response = View(newGame);
                    finally { }
                    //if the model is not valid, return to the form
                    response = View(newGame);
                //if the user is not an admin, redirect to the login page
                response = RedirectToAction("Login", "Account");

Пример #13
        //Takes in the information that a user wants to update about a certain game
        public ActionResult UpdateGame(int gameId)
            //declaring object using model GamePO
            GamePO gameToUpdate = new GamePO();

            //Beginning of processes
                //declare List using Model GameDO, and use it to store all information on the game recovered by using a DAL access call
                GameDO item = _dataAccess.GameReadByID(gameId);
                //assign all data to object using a mapper
                gameToUpdate = MapGameTF.GameDOtoPO(item);
                //establish list to hold all data on all players as recovered by the DAL access call
                List <PlayerDO> players = _playerAccess.PlayerReadAll();
                //declare list to hold relevant data from full DAL call
                List <SelectListItem> options = new List <SelectListItem>();
                foreach (PlayerDO dataObject in players)
                    //Declare list to hold player names
                    SelectListItem option = new SelectListItem();
                    //make list aspect equal dataObject variable
                    option.Text = dataObject.Name;
                    //make list aspect equal dataObject variable
                    option.Value = dataObject.PlayerId.ToString();
                    //take object "option", and add it to list "options"
                //set object value of PlayersDropDown equal to values of "options"
                gameToUpdate.PlayersDropDown = options;
            //catch to record any exceptions that crop up
            catch (Exception ex)
                //call to method to record necessary information
            //finally to tie up any loose ends
            { }
            //Sends the data in the list to the view to be seen by the user.
Пример #14
        public ActionResult UpdateGame(int id)
            ActionResult response;

            //check for admin or mod
            if (Session["RoleID"] != null && (int)Session["RoleID"] == 6 || Session["RoleID"] != null && (int)Session["RoleID"] == 4)
                //if the user is an admin or a mod, check id
                if (id > 0)
                    //if id is valid, access the database
                        //access database, map to presentation layer
                        GameDO gameDO = _GameDataAccess.ViewGameByID(id);
                        GamePO gamePO = _GameMapper.MapDOtoPO(gameDO);

                        response = View(gamePO);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        //log error
                        _Logger.ErrorLog(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.Name, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, ex);
                        response = RedirectToAction("Error", "Home");
                    finally { }
                    //if id is not valid, return to list of games
                    response = RedirectToAction("Index", "Game");
                //if the user is not an admin or a mod, redirect to the login page
                response = RedirectToAction("Login", "Account");

Пример #15
        //Method for taking in the necessary data to add a new game to the database
        public ActionResult AddGame()
            //declaring object using model GamePO
            GamePO game = new GamePO();

            //Beginning of processes
                //declare List using Model PlayerDO, and use it to store all information on all players recovered by using a DAL access call
                List <PlayerDO> players = _playerAccess.PlayerReadAll();
                //Declare list to hold player names
                List <SelectListItem> options = new List <SelectListItem>();
                //loop to get all objects assigned appropriately
                foreach (PlayerDO dataObject in players)
                    //Declare new object to temporarily hold data
                    SelectListItem option = new SelectListItem();
                    //make list aspect equal dataObject variable
                    option.Text = dataObject.Name;
                    //make list aspect equal dataObject variable
                    option.Value = dataObject.PlayerId.ToString();
                    //take object "option", and add it to list "options"
                //set object value of PlayersDropDown equal to values of "options"
                game.PlayersDropDown = options;
            //catch to record any exceptions that crop up
            catch (Exception ex)
                //call to method to record necessary information
            //finally to tie up any loose ends
            { }
            //Sends the data in the list to the view to be seen by the user.
Пример #16
        public ActionResult Index()
            ActionResult response = null;

            if (Session["UserName"] != null)
                GameDL        dl       = new GameDL();
                GameMap       map      = new GameMap();
                List <GamePO> fullList = new List <GamePO>();
                List <GameDO> allData  = dl.ViewGames();
                foreach (GameDO data in allData)
                    GamePO mappedData = map.GameDOToPO(data);
                response = View(fullList);
                response = RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
Пример #17
        //Method to pass information into the database and update the necessary game
        public ActionResult UpdateGame(GamePO form)
            //Declaring an action result variable, but assigning it to null to reassign later
            ActionResult result = null;

            //Checks to see if the UI form is filled out correctly
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                //Beginning of processes
                    //passing the UI form information to run through our mapper, and assigning it to a DO object
                    GameDO dataObject = MapGameTF.GamePOtoDO(form);
                    //calling on a DAL access field to allow us to use a specific method within, while passing in the DO object
                //catch to record any exceptions that crop up
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //call to method to record necessary information
                //finally to tie up any loose ends
                { }
                //assigns a page redirection to our variable
                result = RedirectToAction("Index", "Game");
            //section of code that runs if the form is not valid
                //assigning a value to our variable that will be used if the form isn't valid
                result = View(form);
            //runs the portion of code that is necessary for the situation
        public ActionResult AddGame(HttpPostedFileBase picture, HttpPostedFileBase game, GamePO form)
            //Variables for path values.
            string downloadPath = string.Empty;
            string picturePath  = string.Empty;

            ActionResult response = null;

            //Only contributors and administrators can add games to the database.
            if (ModelState.IsValid && (Session["UserRole"] != null && (int)Session["UserRole"] < 3))
                    //Send game and picture files to a method for acceptance.
                    //A bool value deterimes the type of file submitted from the form.
                    form.Download = AcceptFile(game, downloadPath, false);
                    form.Picture  = AcceptFile(picture, picturePath, true);

                    //Add the game's information to the database and redirect to the games index.
                    GameDO gameObject = Mapper.GamePOtoDO(form);
                    response = RedirectToAction("Index", "Games");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //If an issue occurs while adding a game, redirect to the games index.
                    response = RedirectToAction("Index", "Games");
                finally { }
            //If there was a problem with the model while adding a game, give the user back the form info.
                response = View(form);
        public ActionResult GameDetails(int specificGame = default(int))
            ActionResult response = null;
            //Creates a new business object for use with displaying the game's rating.
            QuaintBLO businessAccess = new QuaintBLO();
            //string picturePath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("FilePath");

            //Sets variables needed for the rating average and path to rating star pictures.
            decimal average = 0;
            string  path    = "/Content/RatingStars/";

            if (specificGame != 0)
                    //Get a list of all comments and sends them to the business layer to be calculated.
                    List <CommentDO> commentList  = _dataAccessC.ViewGameComments(specificGame);
                    List <CommentBO> sendComments = Mapper.ListCommentDOtoBO(commentList);
                    //List of bytes for all ratings for a specific GameId.
                    List <byte> ratingList = _dataAccessC.AllRatings(specificGame);
                    //Average of all ratings for a specific game retrieved after calculations
                    average = businessAccess.RatingAverage(ratingList);
                    //Display the average in a whole number with one decimal place format, coverted to string.
                    string displayAverage = average.ToString("#.#");
                    //Displays the number of comments a specific game has, as calculated by the business layer.
                    int displayCommentCount = businessAccess.CommentCount(sendComments);

                    //Get all the details for a game from the database.
                    GameDO gameObject  = _dataAccess.GameDetails(specificGame);
                    GamePO displayGame = Mapper.GameDOtoPO(gameObject);

                    //Display a star image representation of the rating average recieved from the calculation.
                    if (average < 0.4m)
                        ViewBag.StarRating = Path.Combine(path + "0star.png");
                    else if (average >= 0.5m && average < 0.9m)
                        ViewBag.StarRating = Path.Combine(path + "0.5star.png");
                    else if (average >= 1m && average < 1.4m)
                        ViewBag.StarRating = Path.Combine(path + "1star.png");
                    else if (average >= 1.5m && average < 1.9m)
                        ViewBag.StarRating = Path.Combine(path + "1.5star.png");
                    else if (average >= 2m && average < 2.4m)
                        ViewBag.StarRating = Path.Combine(path + "2star.png");
                    else if (average >= 2.5m && average < 2.9m)
                        ViewBag.StarRating = Path.Combine(path + "2.5star.png");
                    else if (average >= 3m && average < 3.4m)
                        ViewBag.StarRating = Path.Combine(path + "3star.png");
                    else if (average >= 3.5m && average < 3.9m)
                        ViewBag.StarRating = Path.Combine(path + "3.5star.png");
                    else if (average >= 4m && average < 4.4m)
                        ViewBag.StarRating = Path.Combine(path + "4star.png");
                    else if (average >= 4.5m && average < 4.9m)
                        ViewBag.StarRating = Path.Combine(path + "4.5star.png");
                        ViewBag.StarRating = Path.Combine(path + "5star.png");

                    //Set the calculations to a ViewBag for display within the View.
                    ViewBag.Rating   = displayAverage;
                    ViewBag.Comments = displayCommentCount;
                    response         = View(displayGame);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    //If an issue occurs, redirect to the Index of Games.
                    response = RedirectToAction("Index", "Games");
                finally { }
                response = RedirectToAction("Index", "Games");
