Пример #1
    IEnumerator BuildOptions()
        yield return(new WaitForFixedUpdate());

        resolutions = Screen.resolutions;
        List <string> options = new List <string>();
        // set dropdown value index and so; value for resolution
        int currentResoIndex = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < resolutions.Length; i++)
            string option = resolutions[i].width + "x" + resolutions[i].height;

            if (resolutions[i].width == Screen.currentResolution.width &&
                resolutions[i].height == Screen.currentResolution.height)
                currentResoIndex = i;
        resolutionDropDown.value = currentResoIndex;

        //graphics quality
        graphicsDropDown.value = QualitySettings.GetQualityLevel();
        graphicsDropDown.captionText.SetText("Graphics Quality");

        //max health
        healths = healthDropdown.options.ToArray();
        //set health dropdown value index/ current health value
        int currentHealthIndex = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < healths.Length; i++)
            if (healths[i].text == gops.GetMaxHealth().ToString())
                currentHealthIndex = i;
        healthDropdown.value = currentHealthIndex;

        //mouse sensitivity
        msslider.value = FindObjectOfType <InputController>().mouseSensitivity;
        msnumber.text  = msslider.value.ToString();

        //music volume
        mpslider.value   = mpaso.gameObject.GetComponent <MusicPlayer>().GetChosenVolume();
        musicnumber.text = TruncateString(mpaso.volume.ToString(), 4);

        tutorialToggle.isOn = gops.GetTutorialsEnabled();
        uitoggle.isOn       = gops.GetUIEnabled();
Пример #2
    public SaveData(int score, GameOptions go, InputController input, float mvol, int rwidth, int rheight, int gqual)
        highScore = score;
        //Options info
        musicVolume = mvol;
        reswidth    = rwidth;
        resheight   = rheight;
        gqualindex  = gqual;

        //GameOptions info;
        tutorialsEnabled = go.GetTutorialsEnabled();
        UIenabled        = go.GetUIEnabled();
        defaultMaxHealth = go.GetMaxHealth();
        //InputController info
        MoveUp       = input.MoveUp;
        MoveDown     = input.MoveDown;
        MoveLeft     = input.MoveLeft;
        MoveRight    = input.MoveRight;
        Detrizide    = input.Detrizide;
        Jump         = input.Jump;
        ToggleMusic  = input.ToggleMusic;
        ToggleUI     = input.ToggleUI;
        Reset        = input.Reset;
        Exit         = input.Exit;
        CycleWeapons = input.CycleWeapons;
        NextWeapon   = input.NextWeapon;
        Gauntlets  = input.Gauntlets;
        BoneBag    = input.BoneBag;
        Shotgun    = input.Shotgun;
        Devourer   = input.Devourer;
        Reaver     = input.Reaver;
        Crucifier  = input.Crucifier;
        VoidCannon = input.VoidCannon;

        mouseSensitivity = input.mouseSensitivity;
Пример #3
 public void DisplayHighScore()
     if (sc.GetGameActive() && gops.GetSave().highScore < Mathf.FloorToInt(Altar.GetTimeSinceStart()) && gops.GetMaxHealth() <= 250)
         gops.GetSave().highScore = Mathf.FloorToInt(Altar.GetTimeSinceStart());
         SaveSystem.SaveGame(gops.GetSave().highScore, gops, ic, mp.GetChosenVolume(), Screen.currentResolution.width, Screen.currentResolution.height, QualitySettings.GetQualityLevel());
     TMPHS.text = "BEST TIME: " + gops.GetSave().highScore + "\n\nPress " + ic.Reset + " to try again.";