Пример #1
 public NavWindow(GameObject.MapEntities.Actors.Player Player, Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D tex)
     this.WM          = Gameplay.WindowManager;
     this.Player      = Player;
     this.Width       = 276;
     this.Height      = 300;
     this.AnchorRight = true;
     Placename        = new GUI.Controls.RichTextDisplay("World", 256, 20, WM)
         Y = 0,
         X = 4
     GUI.Controls.TextureContainer texcont = new GUI.Controls.TextureContainer(tex, WM)
         Y = 20,
         X = 4
     Coords = new GUI.Controls.RichTextDisplay("loading...", 256, 20, WM)
         Y = 280,
         X = 4
Пример #2
        public NPCWindow(GUI.WindowManager WM, GameObject.MapEntities.Actors.NPC NPC, GameObject.MapEntities.Actors.Player Player)
            this.Player = Player;
            this.Width  = 320;
            this.Height = 512;
            GUI.Controls.RichTextDisplay greeting = new GUI.Controls.RichTextDisplay(NPC.Greeting, 180, 200, WM);
            this.Title = NPC.DisplayName;
            int yoffset = greeting.Height + 2;

            if (NPC.Commands != null && NPC.Commands.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < NPC.Commands.Count; i++)
                    NPCMenuItem mi = new NPCMenuItem(Player, NPC.Commands[i])
                        Y = yoffset
                    yoffset += mi.Height;
            NPCMenuItem end = NPCMenuItem.Close();

            end.Y = yoffset;
Пример #3
 public NPCMenuItem(GameObject.MapEntities.Actors.Player Player, string Label)
     this.Title  = Label;
     this.Height = 20;
     this.Width  = 300;
     player      = Player;
Пример #4
 public InventoryWindow(GUI.WindowManager WM, GameObject.MapEntities.Actors.Player Player)
     _ic         = new InventoryControl(WM, Player.Inventory);
     this.Width  = _ic.Width + 10;
     this.Height = _ic.Height + this.Margin.Y + this.Margin.Height;
     this.Title  = "Inventory";
     this.X = 600;
     this.Y = 500;
Пример #5
        public StatusWindow(WindowManager WM, GameObject.MapEntities.Actors.Player Player)
            this.Player            = Player;
            this.WM                = WM;
            this.Width             = 360;
            this.Height            = 500;
            this.Title             = "Status";
            this.OKButton          = new GUI.Controls.Button("Make something!");
            this.OKButton.Clicked += OKButton_Clicked;
            this.OKButton.Width    = 128;
            this.OKButton.Height   = 48;
            this.OKButton.X        = 64;
            this.OKButton.Y        = 49;

            this.slot   = new ItemSlot(null);
            this.slot.X = 0;
            this.slot.Y = 49;

            this.HPBar = new GUI.Controls.ProgressBar
                DisplayLabel = true,
                Style        = 0,
                Height       = 16,
                Width        = 192,
                Colour       = new Color(255, 0, 80),
                X            = 3,
                Y            = 3
            this.MPBar = new GUI.Controls.ProgressBar
                DisplayLabel = true,
                Style        = 0,
                Height       = 16,
                Width        = 192,
                Colour       = new Color(25, 150, 255),
                X            = 3,
                Y            = 21
            this.EXPBar = new GUI.Controls.ProgressBar
                DisplayLabel = true,
                Style        = 0,
                Height       = 24,
                Width        = 192,
                Colour       = new Color(200, 100, 255),
                X            = 3,
                Y            = 39
            // this.AddControl(Texst);
Пример #6
 public NPCMenuItem(GameObject.MapEntities.Actors.Player Player, NPCCommand command)
     this.Title  = command.Label;
     this.Height = 20;
     this.Width  = 300;
     player      = Player;
     if (command is OpenShop shop)
         this.OnClick += new ClickEventHandler((sender, m) => OpenShop(shop.Shop));
Пример #7
        ItemSlot makeslot(int id, GameObject.MapEntities.Actors.Player Player)
            ItemSlot s = new ItemSlot(Player.Equipment[id]);

            s.X                  = 0;
            s.Y                  = 0;
            s.CanGrab            = true;
            s.CanPut             = true;
            s.BeforeItemChanged += new ItemSlot.ItemEventHandler((sender, e) =>
                GameObject.Item item = (GameObject.Item)(e as ItemSlot.ItemEventArgs).Item;
                if ((item as GameObject.Items.ItemEquip) == null)
                    e.Cancel = true;
                    if (item == null)
                        Console.Write("^FF0000 No item.");
                        List <string> ToolTip = item.GetTooltip();
                        Console.WriteEx("^BEGINLINK " + GUI.Renderer.ColourToCode(item.NameColour) + "[" + item.GetName() + "] ^ENDLINK ^FF0000 is not a suitable item.", new List <Action> {
                            new Action(() => { GUI.ToolTipWindow tip = new GUI.ToolTipWindow(this.WM, ToolTip, WM.MouseX, WM.MouseY, false);
                                               WM.Add(tip); })
            s.ItemOut += new ItemSlot.ItemEventHandler((sender, e) =>
                int thisslot = id;
                GameObject.Items.ItemEquip item = (GameObject.Items.ItemEquip)(e as ItemSlot.ItemEventArgs).Item;
                List <string> ToolTip           = item.GetTooltip();
                Console.WriteEx("^BEGINLINK " + GUI.Renderer.ColourToCode(item.NameColour) + "[" + item.GetName() + "] ^ENDLINK ^FFFFFF is removed.", new List <Action> {
                    new Action(() => { GUI.ToolTipWindow tip = new GUI.ToolTipWindow(this.WM, ToolTip, WM.MouseX, WM.MouseY, false);
                                       WM.Add(tip); })
                Player.UnequipItem(item, thisslot);
            s.ItemIn += new ItemSlot.ItemEventHandler((sender, e) =>
                int thisslot = id;
                GameObject.Items.ItemEquip item = (GameObject.Items.ItemEquip)(e as ItemSlot.ItemEventArgs).Item;
                List <string> ToolTip           = item.GetTooltip();
                Console.WriteEx("^BEGINLINK " + GUI.Renderer.ColourToCode(item.NameColour) + "[" + item.GetName() + "] ^ENDLINK ^FFFFFF is equipped.", new List <Action> {
                    new Action(() => { GUI.ToolTipWindow tip = new GUI.ToolTipWindow(this.WM, ToolTip, WM.MouseX, WM.MouseY, false);
                                       WM.Add(tip); })
                Player.EquipItem(item, thisslot);

Пример #8
 public TargetWindow(WindowManager WM, GameObject.MapEntities.Actors.Player Player)
     this.Player             = Player;
     this.Width              = 200;
     this.Height             = 50;
     this.X                  = 500;
     this.HPBar              = new GUI.Controls.ProgressBar();
     this.HPBar.DisplayLabel = true;
     this.HPBar.Style        = 0;
     this.HPBar.Height       = 16;
     this.HPBar.Width        = 192;
     this.HPBar.Colour       = new Color(255, 0, 80);
Пример #9
        public EquipWindow(GUI.WindowManager WM, GameObject.MapEntities.Actors.Player Player)
            this.Width  = 400 + 6 + 6;
            this.Height = 400 + 6 + 16;
            this.Title  = "Equipment";
            this.X      = 400;
            this.Y      = 400;

            GUI.Controls.TextureContainer tx = new GUI.Controls.TextureContainer(Gameplay.Textures["equipdoll"], WM);

            int y = 0;
            int x = 0;

            Point[] slots = new Point[]
                new Point(314, 83),
                new Point(50, 83),
                new Point(175, 129),
                new Point(175, 244),
                new Point(104, 105),
                new Point(180, 346),
                new Point(89, 35),
                new Point(180, 10),
                new Point(270, 35),
                new Point(180, 74),
                new Point(314, 126),
                new Point(135, 74),
                new Point(230, 74),
                new Point(72, 190),
                new Point(288, 190),
            ItemSlot s;

            for (int i = 0; i < GameObject.Items.ItemEquip.EquipSlot.Max; i++)
                s   = makeslot(i, Player);
                s.X = slots[i].X;
                s.Y = slots[i].Y;
Пример #10
        public StatusWindow(WindowManager WM, GameObject.MapEntities.Actors.Player Player)
            this.Player = Player;
            this.WM     = WM;
            this.Width  = 360;
            this.Height = 500;
            this.Title  = "Status";
            this.HPBar  = new GUI.Controls.ProgressBar
                DisplayLabel = true,
                Style        = 0,
                Height       = 16,
                Width        = 192,
                Colour       = new Color(255, 0, 80),
                X            = 3,
                Y            = 3
            this.MPBar = new GUI.Controls.ProgressBar
                DisplayLabel = true,
                Style        = 0,
                Height       = 16,
                Width        = 192,
                Colour       = new Color(25, 150, 255),
                X            = 3,
                Y            = 21
            this.EXPBar = new GUI.Controls.ProgressBar
                DisplayLabel = true,
                Style        = 0,
                Height       = 24,
                Width        = 192,
                Colour       = new Color(200, 100, 255),
                X            = 3,
                Y            = 39
            //all these will be moved to a separate GUI testing window someday ;_;

            this.OKButton          = new GUI.Controls.Button("Make something!");
            this.OKButton.Clicked += OKButton_Clicked;
            this.OKButton.Width    = 128;
            this.OKButton.Height   = 48;
            this.OKButton.X        = 0;
            this.OKButton.Y        = 300;

            this.slot   = new ItemSlot(null);
            this.slot.X = 0;
            this.slot.Y = 49;
            this.slot.Y = 0;
            //  this.Controls.Add(this.slot);

            GUI.Controls.TextBox box = new GUI.Controls.TextBox();
            box.Height = 20;
            box.Width  = 200;
            box.Y      = 100;
            box.Y      = 0;
            // AddControl(box);
            GUI.Controls.NumberBox nbox = new GUI.Controls.NumberBox();
            nbox.Height = 20;
            nbox.Width  = 200;
            nbox.Y      = 130;
            nbox.Y      = 0;
            nbox.Value  = 1204;
            // AddControl(nbox);

            recipe = new GameObject.ItemLogic.CraftingRecipe();
            GameObject.Item result       = MakeRandomEquip();
            GameObject.Item betterresult = (GameObject.Item)result.Clone();
            betterresult.NameColour = Color.Red;
            GameObject.Item comp  = MakeRandomMat();
            GameObject.Item comp2 = MakeRandomMat();
            comp.SubType  = 1;
            comp2.SubType = 2;
            recipe.Components.Add(new Tuple <GameObject.Item, int>(comp, 1));
            // recipe.Components.Add(new Tuple<GameObject.Item, int>(comp2, 1));
            recipe.Outputs[0] = new List <GameObject.Item>()
            recipe.Outputs[1] = new List <GameObject.Item>()
            recipe.Outputs[2] = new List <GameObject.Item>()

            rs          = new ItemSlot(result);
            rs.X        = 40;
            rs.CanGrab  = false;
            rs.CanPut   = false;
            cs          = new ItemSlot(comp);
            cs.X        = 10;
            cs.Y        = 50;
            cs.CanGrab  = false;
            cs.CanPut   = false;
            cs2         = new ItemSlot(comp2);
            cs2.X       = 60;
            cs2.Y       = 50;
            cs2.CanGrab = false;
            cs2.CanPut  = false;
            GUI.Controls.Button craftb = new GUI.Controls.Button("Craft");
            craftb.Y        = 100;
            craftb.Width    = 150;
            craftb.Height   = 32;
            craftb.OnClick += CraftTest;

            GUI.Controls.TabbedView tabs = new GUI.Controls.TabbedView();
            tabs.Width = 200;
            tabs.AddTab("first", new List <Control>()
            tabs.AddTab("second", new List <Control>()
                cs, cs2, rs, craftb
            tabs.AddTab("thirddd", new List <Control>()
            tabs.Y      = 100;
            tabs.Height = 152;
            // this.AddControl(Texst);