Пример #1
	public GameMsgFormInfo ToInfo(GameMsgForm gmf){ // saves values to an info for serialization (to XML)
		GameMsgFormInfo info = new GameMsgFormInfo();
		info.msgType = gmf.msgType; // type of message to construct from this form

		info.gameObjectName = gmf.gameObjectName;
		info.log = gmf.log;
			// interact status message
		info.interactName = gmf.interactName;

			// dialog message
		info.command = gmf.command;
		info.x = gmf.x;
		info.y = gmf.y;
		info.w = gmf.w;
		info.h = gmf.h;
		info.text = gmf.text;
		info.title = gmf.title;
		info.time = gmf.time;
		info.modal = gmf.modal;
		info.xmlName = gmf.xmlName;
		info.className = gmf.className;
		info.dialogName = gmf.dialogName;
		info.waitForDialogClosed = gmf.waitForDialogClosed;
		info.waitForDialogName = gmf.waitForDialogName;
		info.anchor = gmf.anchor;
		info.arguments = gmf.arguments;
		info.numArguments = gmf.numArguments;
		info.timeout = gmf.timeout;
		info.editbox = gmf.editbox;
		info.editboxlabel = gmf.editboxlabel;
		info.editboxprompt = gmf.editboxprompt;
		info.sendMap = gmf.sendMap;
			//interact dialog
		info.items = gmf.items;
		//info.baseobj = gmf.baseobj;
		info.baseXML = gmf.baseXML;

		info.hasCancel = gmf.hasCancel;
		info.commandString = gmf.commandString;
		info.Params = gmf.Params; // used for interact status message	
			// GUIScreenMsg
		info.ScreenName = gmf.ScreenName;
		return info;
Пример #2
	public void ShowInspectorGUI(string GUIlabel){  // should probably return the dirty bit from here...
		// lets extend this, to show only the fields required by the selected action type.  
		// that will make it a lot friendlier in the editor
		if (serializedObject == null) serializedObject = new SerializedObject(this);
		type = (actionType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Action type",(System.Enum)type);
		if (type == actionType.enableInteraction){
			objectToAffect = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("objectToAffect",objectToAffect,typeof(GameObject),true);
			if (objectName == null) objectName = "";
			objectName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("objectName",objectName);
			stringParam = EditorGUILayout.TextField("InteractionTAG",stringParam);// used for a lot of different things
			negate = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("disable",negate); // use to turn enable to disable, stop audio, etc.
			loop = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("append",loop);
			texture2D = (Texture2D)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("iconTexture",texture2D,typeof(Texture2D),true);
			ease = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("remove icon",ease); // hackfully abuse this boolean
		if (type == actionType.playAudio){
			objectToAffect = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("objectToPlay",objectToAffect,typeof(GameObject),true);
			if (objectName == null) objectName = "";
			objectName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("objectName",objectName);
			if (stringParam == null) stringParam = "";
			stringParam = EditorGUILayout.TextField("MappedSoundName",stringParam);// used for a lot of different things
			audioClip = (AudioClip)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("audioClip",audioClip,typeof(AudioClip),true);
			fadeLength = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("delay After",fadeLength);
			if (stringParam2 == null) stringParam2 = "";
			stringParam2 = EditorGUILayout.TextField("LookAt",stringParam2);
//			fadeLength = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("fadeLength",fadeLength); // also used for wait, move
//			ease = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("ease",ease); // ease or linear movement/fade
			negate = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("stop",negate); // use to turn enable to disable, stop audio, etc.
			loop = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("loop",loop);
		if (type == actionType.playAnimation){
			objectToAffect = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("objectToAnimate",objectToAffect,typeof(GameObject),true);
			if (objectName == null) objectName = "";
			objectName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("objectName",objectName);
			if (stringParam == null) stringParam = "";
			stringParam = EditorGUILayout.TextField("animation",stringParam);// used for a lot of different things
			if (eventScript == null) eventScript = "";
			eventScript = EditorGUILayout.TextField("eventScript",eventScript);
//			fadeLength = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("fadeLength",fadeLength); // also used for wait, move
//			desiredAlpha = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("desiredAlpha",desiredAlpha);
			loop = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("loop",loop);
		if (type == actionType.putMessage){
			objectToAffect = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("objectToAffect",objectToAffect,typeof(GameObject),true);
			if (objectName == null) objectName = "";
			objectName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("objectName",objectName);
			fadeLength = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("delay",fadeLength);
			// see about adding local gameMessage to use in this script
			if (gameMsgForm == null){
				gameMsgForm = gameObject.AddComponent<GameMsgForm>();//gameObject.AddComponent<GameMsgForm>();
				// could just do this when we know we'll need one...
				gameMsgForm.map = gameObject.AddComponent<InteractionMapForm>(); //gameObject.AddComponent<InteractionMapForm>();	

				if (gameMsgForm.ShowInspectorGUI())
			if (gameMsgForm.msgType==GameMsgForm.eMsgType.dialogMsg)
				dialogIfThen = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Treat As If-Then-Else",dialogIfThen);
//			stringParam = EditorGUILayout.TextField("message tag",stringParam);// used for a lot of different things

		if (type == actionType.move){
			objectToAffect = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("objectToMove",objectToAffect,typeof(GameObject),true);
			if (objectName == null) objectName = "";
			objectName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("objectName",objectName);
			fadeLength = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("moveTime",fadeLength); // also used for wait, move
			moveTo = (Transform)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("moveTo",moveTo,typeof(Transform),true);
			if (moveToName == null) moveToName = "";
			moveToName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("moveToName",moveToName);
			offset = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("offset",offset); // in moveTo reference frame
			ease = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("ease",ease); // ease or linear movement/fade
		if (type == actionType.fade){			
			objectToAffect = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("objectToAffect",objectToAffect,typeof(GameObject),true);
			if (objectName == null) objectName = "";
			objectName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("objectName",objectName);
//			stringParam = EditorGUILayout.TextField("stringParam",stringParam);// used for a lot of different things
			fadeLength = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("fadeLength",fadeLength); // also used for wait, move
			desiredAlpha = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("desiredAlpha",desiredAlpha);
			desiredColor = EditorGUILayout.ColorField("desiredColor",desiredColor);
			if (stringParam == null) stringParam = "";
			stringParam = EditorGUILayout.TextField("New Matl or Mesh",stringParam);
			ease = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("ease",ease); // ease or linear movement/fade
		if (type == actionType.ifThenElse){			
			objectToAffect = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("objectToTest",objectToAffect,typeof(GameObject),true);
			if (objectName == null) objectName = "";
			objectName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("objectName",objectName);
			if (stringParam == null) stringParam = "";
			stringParam = ValidateConditionalString("attribute conditional",stringParam);// used for a lot of different things
		if (type == actionType.executeScript){
			objectToAffect = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("objectToExecute",objectToAffect,typeof(GameObject),true);
			if (objectName == null) objectName = "";
			objectName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("objectName",objectName);
			scriptToExecute = (InteractionScript)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("scriptToExecute",scriptToExecute,typeof(InteractionScript),true);
			if (scriptToExecute != null) stringParam2 = scriptToExecute.name;
			if (stringParam2 == null) stringParam2 = "";
			stringParam2 = EditorGUILayout.TextField("script name",stringParam2);
			if (stringParam == null) stringParam = "";
			stringParam = EditorGUILayout.TextField("args",stringParam);// used for a lot of different things
			ease = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("pass args",ease); // reused boolean
		if (type == actionType.queueScript){
			objectToAffect = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("objectToExecute",objectToAffect,typeof(GameObject),true);
			if (objectName == null) objectName = "";
			objectName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("objectName",objectName);
			scriptToExecute = (InteractionScript)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("scriptToExecute",scriptToExecute,typeof(InteractionScript),true);
			if (scriptToExecute != null) stringParam2 = scriptToExecute.name;
			if (stringParam2 == null) stringParam2 = "";
			stringParam2 = EditorGUILayout.TextField("script name",stringParam2);
			if (stringParam == null) stringParam = "";
			stringParam = EditorGUILayout.TextField("args",stringParam);// used for a lot of different things
			ease = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("pass args",ease); // reused boolean
			loop = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("check to flush",loop); // reused boolean
			if (loop) stringParam2 = ""; //flush takes empty script
		if (type == actionType.wait){
			if (stringParam == null) stringParam = "";
			stringParam = ValidateConditionalString("wait Condition",stringParam);
			if (stringParam != "" && stringParam != null)
				fadeLength = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Timeout Value",fadeLength);
				fadeLength = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("wait Time",fadeLength); // also used for wait, move
			if (preAttributes!="" || postAttributes != "" || stringParam != ""){
				objectToAffect = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("object for Attributes",objectToAffect,typeof(GameObject),true);
				if (objectName == null) objectName = "";
				objectName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("object Name for attributes",objectName);
			loop = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Hold Position",loop); // reused boolean
		if (type == actionType.characterTask){
			objectToAffect = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("characterToAffect",objectToAffect,typeof(GameObject),true);
			if (objectName == null) objectName = "";
			objectName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("characterName",objectName);
			if (moveToName == null) moveToName = "";
			moveToName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Position",moveToName);// used for a lot of different things
			if (stringParam == null) stringParam = "";
			stringParam = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Posture",stringParam);
			if (stringParam2 == null) stringParam2 = "";
			stringParam2 = EditorGUILayout.TextField("LookAt",stringParam2);
			if (stringParam3 == null) stringParam3 = "";
			stringParam3 = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Animation",stringParam3);
			fadeLength = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("delay",fadeLength); 
			if (voiceTag == null) voiceTag = "";
			voiceTag = EditorGUILayout.TextField("voiceTag",voiceTag);
			if (stringParam4 == null) stringParam4 = "";
			stringParam4 = EditorGUILayout.TextField(":COMPLETE msg?",stringParam4);
			heading = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Heading",heading);
			speed = EditorGUILayout.FloatField ("Speed",speed);
			if (attachmentOverride == null) attachmentOverride = "";
			attachmentOverride = EditorGUILayout.TextField("attachmentOverride",attachmentOverride);
			if (eventScript == null) eventScript = "";
			eventScript = EditorGUILayout.TextField("eventScript",eventScript);
// I had no idea how to write this, but thanks to Unity forums, here is a nice Array custom inspector!

    SerializedProperty myIterator = serializedObject.FindProperty("syncToTasks");
    while (true){
        Rect myRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(0f, 16f);
        bool showChildren = EditorGUI.PropertyField(myRect, myIterator);
		if (!myIterator.NextVisible(showChildren)) break;
    serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties()	;
// end of Thanks to the Forums for the code!				

		if (type == actionType.attach){
			negate = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("check for DETACH",negate);
			objectToAffect = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("objectToAffect",objectToAffect,typeof(GameObject),true);
			if (objectName == null) objectName = "";
			objectName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("objectName",objectName);
			if (attachmentOverride == null) attachmentOverride = "";
			if (negate)
				attachmentOverride = EditorGUILayout.TextField("reparentOverride",attachmentOverride);
				attachmentOverride = EditorGUILayout.TextField("target parent Override",attachmentOverride);
			offset = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("offset",offset);
			orientation = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("orientation",orientation);
			fadeLength = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("lerpTime",fadeLength);

//			stringParam = EditorGUILayout.TextField("parent name",stringParam);// used for a lot of different things
		if (type == actionType.spawn){
			objectToAffect = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("SpawnLocationObject",objectToAffect,typeof(GameObject),true);
			if (objectName == null) objectName = "";
			objectName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("LocationObjectName",objectName);
			if (stringParam == null) stringParam = "";
			stringParam = EditorGUILayout.TextField("template",stringParam);// used for a lot of different things
			if (stringParam2 == null) stringParam2 = "";
			stringParam2 = EditorGUILayout.TextField("newName",stringParam2);
			if (stringParam3 == null) stringParam3 = "";
			stringParam3 = EditorGUILayout.TextField("newParent?",stringParam3);
//			loop = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("attach To Location?",loop);
			offset = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("attach offset",offset);
		if (type == actionType.destroy){
			objectToAffect = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("objectToAffect",objectToAffect,typeof(GameObject),true);
			if (objectName == null) objectName = "";
			objectName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("objectName",objectName);
		if (type == actionType.unityMessage){
			objectToAffect = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("objectToAnimate",objectToAffect,typeof(GameObject),true);
			if (objectName == null) objectName = "";
			objectName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("objectName",objectName);
			if (stringParam == null) stringParam = "";
			stringParam = EditorGUILayout.TextField("method",stringParam);// used for a lot of different things
			if (stringParam2 == null) stringParam2 = "";
			stringParam2 = EditorGUILayout.TextField("argumentString",stringParam2);// used for a lot of different things
		if (type == actionType.lockPosition){
			objectToAffect = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("objectToLock",objectToAffect,typeof(GameObject),true);
			if (objectName == null) objectName = "";
			objectName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("objectName",objectName);
			if (stringParam == null) stringParam = "";
			stringParam = EditorGUILayout.TextField("lockScriptPriority",stringParam);// used for a lot of different things
			negate = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("check for UNLOCK",negate);			
		if (type == actionType.goToLine){
			if (stringParam == null) stringParam = "";
			stringParam = EditorGUILayout.TextField("abort or line#",stringParam);
		if (type == actionType.setIKTarget){
			objectToAffect = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("taskCharacter",objectToAffect,typeof(GameObject),true);
			if (objectName == null) objectName = "";
			objectName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("taskCharacterName",objectName);
			if (moveToName == null) moveToName = "";
			moveToName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("targetName",moveToName);// used for a lot of different things
			if (stringParam == null) stringParam = "";
			stringParam = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Left or Right",stringParam);
			fadeLength = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("blendTime",fadeLength);	
			offset = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("offset",offset);
			orientation = EditorGUILayout.Vector3Field("orientation",orientation);
			if (stringParam2 == null) stringParam2 = "0";
			stringParam2 = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Hold Time",stringParam2);
		if (comment == null) comment = "";
		comment = EditorGUILayout.TextField("comment",comment);
		if (preAttributes == null) preAttributes = "";
		preAttributes = EditorGUILayout.TextField("preAttributes",preAttributes); // set when line starts
		if (postAttributes == null) postAttributes = "";
		postAttributes = EditorGUILayout.TextField("postAttributes",postAttributes); // set when line completes
		block = (blockType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("IfThenElse bracket",(System.Enum)block);
		executeOnlyOnce = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("executeOnlyOnce",executeOnlyOnce);
		waitForCompletion = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("waitForCompletion",waitForCompletion);
		sequenceEnd = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("sequenceEnd",sequenceEnd);
		breakpoint = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("debug breakpoint",breakpoint);
		bool dirty = EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck();
		if (dirty){
			if (objectToAffect != null && objectName == ""){ // default, or we could try looking up the name again...
				objectName = objectToAffect.name;
			if (moveTo != null && moveToName == ""){ // default, or we could try looking up the name again...
				moveToName = moveTo.name;
			if (scriptToExecute != null && stringParam2 == ""){ // default, or we could try looking up the name again...
				stringParam2 = scriptToExecute.name;
/*			cut and paste reference for new inspector types
			objectToAffect = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("objectToAffect",objectToAffect,typeof(GameObject));
			objectName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("objectName",objectName);
			stringParam = EditorGUILayout.TextField("stringParam",stringParam);// used for a lot of different things
			audioClip = (AudioClip)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("audioClip",audioClip,typeof(AudioClip));
			fadeLength = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("fadeLength",fadeLength); // also used for wait, move
			desiredAlpha = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("desiredAlpha",desiredAlpha);
			desiredColor = EditorGUILayout.ColorField("desiredColor",desiredColor);
			moveTo = (Transform)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("moveTo",moveTo,typeof(Transform));
			ease = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("ease",ease); // ease or linear movement/fade
			negate = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("negate",negate); // use to turn enable to disable, stop audio, etc.
			loop = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("loop",loop);
			waitForCompletion = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("waitForCompletion",waitForCompletion);
			executeOnlyOnce = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("executeOnlyOnce",executeOnlyOnce);
			ifBranch = EditorGUILayout.TextField("ifBranch",ifBranch);
			elseBranch = EditorGUILayout.TextField("elseBranch",elseBranch);
		if (GUILayout.Button("SERIALIZE")){
//			ScriptedActionInfo info = ToInfo (this);
			ScriptedObject pop = this.transform.parent.parent.GetComponent<ScriptedObject>();
			ScriptedObject.ScriptedObjectInfo info = pop.ToInfo (pop);
			XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ScriptedObject.ScriptedObjectInfo));
 			FileStream stream = new FileStream("TESTSOSERIAL.xml", FileMode.Create);
 			serializer.Serialize(stream, info);
Пример #3
	public void InitFrom(ScriptedActionInfo info){
		// 	initialize members from deserialized info
		gameObject.name = info.unityObjectName;
		comment = info.comment;
		objectName = info.objectName;
		type = info.type;
		role = info.role; // in a multi-role script, which role performs this action
		stringParam = info.stringParam;  // used for a lot of different things
//info.audioClipName = sa.audioClipName;
		fadeLength = info.fadeLength; // also used for wait, move
		desiredAlpha = info.desiredAlpha;
		desiredColor = info.desiredColor;
//	public Texture2Dname texture2D = null; // used for enableInteraction;
//	public Transform moveTo;
		moveToName = info.moveToName;
		offset = info.offset; // offset from transform for move, in transform's reference frame
		orientation = info.orientation;
//		if (info.scriptToExecuteName != null && info.scriptToExecuteName){
			// this probably need a redesign, where the search occurs at Start() time, since the script
//			info.scriptToExecuteName = scriptToExecute.name;
//		}
		ease = info.ease;
		negate = info.negate; // use to turn enable to disable, stop audio, etc.
		loop = info.loop;
		waitForCompletion = info.waitForCompletion; // signal complete after audio, fade, etc.
		sequenceEnd = info.sequenceEnd;
		executeOnlyOnce = info.executeOnlyOnce;
		block = info.block;
		dialogIfThen = info.dialogIfThen;
		breakpoint = info.breakpoint;
		preAttributes = info.preAttributes; // processed when the line is begun
		postAttributes = info.postAttributes; // processed when the line completes
		stringParam2 = info.stringParam2;
		stringParam3 = info.stringParam3;
		stringParam4 = info.stringParam4;
		attachmentOverride = info.attachmentOverride;
		eventScript = info.eventScript;
		voiceTag = info.voiceTag;	
		heading = info.heading;
		speed = info.speed;
		if (info.gameMsgFormInfo != null){
			gameMsgForm = gameObject.AddComponent<GameMsgForm>();
//			info.gameMsg = sa.gameMsgForm.ToGameMsg(this); // how to handle message subclasses ?
			if (info.map != null){
				gameMsgForm.map = gameObject.AddComponent<InteractionMapForm>();
		syncToTasksIndex = info.syncToTasksIndex;
		if (syncToTasksIndex != null)
			syncToTasks = new ScriptedAction[syncToTasksIndex.Length]; // will init when script is fully loaded.
			syncToTasks = new ScriptedAction[0];
Пример #4
	IEnumerator WaitForDialogClosed( ScriptedAction action, GameMsgForm form )
		UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("ScriptedAction.WaitForDialogClosed() : <" + form.xmlName + "> is waiting for dialog <" + form.waitForDialogName + ">");

		// waitForDialogName is a CSV string with dialog names
		while( hasDialog(form.waitForDialogName) )
			yield return new WaitForSeconds(.1f);

		UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("ScriptedAction.WaitForDialogClosed() : <" + form.xmlName + "> is waiting for dialog <" + form.waitForDialogName + "> done!");

		form.PutMessage (action);
		if (waitForCompletion)
//			if ( form.msgType == GameMsgForm.eMsgType.dialogMsg ) // It seems like this will always be true in this co routine ?
				waitingForDialog = true;
//			else
//				StartCoroutine(CompleteAfterDelay(form.time));
		} else
			OnComplete ();
		Cleanup ();