Пример #1
    public void Setup(GameManager.BoardState boardState)
        // Reset the game tiles so they can be selected again

        // Make sure the tile lists are cleared

        // Set the size of the current board
        currentBoardSize = boardState.wordBoardSize;

        // Get the maximum width and height a tile can be for this board without overflowing the container
        float maxTileWidth  = ((letterTileContainer.transform as RectTransform).rect.width - (boardState.wordBoardSize - 1) * tileSpacing) / boardState.wordBoardSize;
        float maxTileHeight = ((letterTileContainer.transform as RectTransform).rect.height - (boardState.wordBoardSize - 1) * tileSpacing) / boardState.wordBoardSize;

        // The final tile size will be the minimum between the max width/height so that the tiles do not overflow out of the containers bounds
        currentTileSize = Mathf.Min(maxTileWidth, maxTileHeight);

        letterTileContainer.cellSize        = new Vector2(currentTileSize, currentTileSize);
        letterTileContainer.spacing         = new Vector2(tileSpacing, tileSpacing);
        letterTileContainer.constraint      = GridLayoutGroup.Constraint.FixedColumnCount;
        letterTileContainer.constraintCount = boardState.wordBoardSize;

        // Place all the tiles on the board
        for (int i = 0; i < boardState.wordBoardSize; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < boardState.wordBoardSize; j++)
                int tileIndex = i * boardState.wordBoardSize + j;

                // Create a GameObject that will go in the grid and be the parent for any LetterTile that needs to go in its place
                GameObject gridGameObject = new GameObject("grid_object", typeof(RectTransform));
                gridGameObject.transform.SetParent(letterTileContainer.transform, false);

                switch (boardState.tileStates[tileIndex])
                case GameManager.BoardState.TileState.UsedButNotFound:
                    LetterTile letterTile = GameManager.Instance.LetterTilePool.GetObject().GetComponent <LetterTile>();

                    letterTile.TileIndex       = tileIndex;
                    letterTile.Letter          = boardState.tileLetters[tileIndex];
                    letterTile.LetterText.text = letterTile.Letter.ToString();

                    // Set it as a child of the gridGameObject we created before (so its in the correct position)
                    letterTile.transform.SetParent(gridGameObject.transform, false);
                    letterTile.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;

                    // Now we need to scale the LetterTile so its size is relative to currentTileSize. We can't just set the size of the RectTransform
                    // because then the font on the Text component for the letter might be to big and the letter will disappear
                    float scale = currentTileSize / (letterTile.transform as RectTransform).rect.width;
                    letterTile.transform.localScale = new Vector3(scale, scale, 1f);



                    // We add null so when we are selecting tiles we can easily determine what tiles are beside each other by checking the indexes in boardTiles.

        for (int i = 0; i < boardState.words.Length; i++)
Пример #2
    public void Setup(GameManager.BoardState boardState)

        bool       wordAddedToRow  = false;
        float      currentRowWidth = 0f;
        GameObject currentTileRow  = CreateNewTileRow();

        // Go through every word that is on the board, we need to add a tilePrefab for each letter in each word
        for (int i = 0; i < boardState.words.Length; i++)
            // Get the word we are adding tiles for and the space those tiles will take up
            string word      = boardState.words[i];
            float  wordWidth = word.Length * tileSize + (word.Length - 1) * spaceBetweenLetters;

            // If a word has already been added to the current row, then we need to account for the spacing between words
            if (wordAddedToRow)
                wordWidth += spaceBetweenWords;

            // Check if the adding the current word to the current row will make the row larger that the width of the overall container
            bool rowToLarge = (currentRowWidth + wordWidth > tileContainer.rect.width);

            // If the current row is now wider than the container then we need to add a new row
            if (rowToLarge)
                // Check if we havent added a word to the current row yet, if we havent then that means the tiles for the single word are larger than the container
                // If this happens then we will add the word anyway but the tiles will be squised and when the word is revealed the tiles will overlap.
                // To prevent this from happeneing make sure the largest word in the game using the given tileSize does not cause this error to appear. If it does
                // then reduce the tileSize of reduce the max number of letters for a word
                if (!wordAddedToRow)
                    Debug.LogWarningFormat("The word \"{0}\" is to large to fit in the tileContainer using a size of {1}", word, tileSize);
                    // Create a new row and set the wordAddedToRow and currentRowWidth values back to default
                    currentTileRow  = CreateNewTileRow();
                    wordAddedToRow  = false;
                    currentRowWidth = 0f;

            // If we added a word to the row already then we need to add a space GameObject
            if (wordAddedToRow)
                // Create the space GameObject
                GameObject wordSpaceObject = new GameObject("word_space");

                // Add a LayoutElement to it and give it a preferred width equal to spaceBetweenWords
                LayoutElement le = wordSpaceObject.AddComponent <LayoutElement>();
                le.preferredWidth = spaceBetweenWords;

                // Add the space GameObject to the row
                wordSpaceObject.transform.SetParent(currentTileRow.transform, false);

            // Need to create a new list of GridTiles for the tiles we are about to Instantiate
            List <GridTile> gridTiles = new List <GridTile>();

            // Add a new tile to the row for every letter in the word
            for (int j = 0; j < word.Length; j++)
                // Get a new tile object, set its parent to the current row, and active it
                GameObject gridTileObject = tilePool.GetObject();
                gridTileObject.transform.SetParent(currentTileRow.transform, false);
                gridTileObject.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;

                // If the tile didnt have a LayoutElement on it, add one and set the preferred size
                if (gridTileObject.GetComponent <LayoutElement>() == null)

                // Create a new GridTile and set the references
                GridTile gridTile = new GridTile();
                gridTile.gridTileObject = gridTileObject;
                gridTile.letter         = word[j];


            // Add the list of GridTiles to the dictionary indexed by the word they are for
            allGridTiles.Add(word, gridTiles);

            wordAddedToRow   = true;
            currentRowWidth += wordWidth;

        // Display all the found words
        for (int i = 0; i < boardState.words.Length; i++)
            if (boardState.foundWords[i])
                // Get the word we need to display then the list of GridTiles for that word
                string          word      = boardState.words[i];
                List <GridTile> gridTiles = allGridTiles[word];

                // Loop through each grid tile and display the letter for it
                for (int j = 0; j < gridTiles.Count; j++)

        // Display all the letters that have been show as a hint
        for (int i = 0; i < boardState.hintLettersShown.Count; i++)
            int[]           indexes   = boardState.hintLettersShown[i];
            string          word      = currentWords[indexes[0]];
            List <GridTile> gridTiles = allGridTiles[word];
