Пример #1
        public async Task<int> NewGameHost2(NewGameHostWebModel2 model)
            var me = new UserProfileLogic(db).GetAthleteForUserName(this.User.Identity.Name);
            var venue = db.Venues.SingleOrDefault(i => i.VenueID == model.VenueID);
            List<Athlete> playersToInvite = new List<Athlete>();
            if (model.Invitees != null)
                var ids = model.Invitees.Distinct().ToList();
                if (ids.Count > 100)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Too many athletes are being invited.");
                foreach (var id in ids)
                    playersToInvite.Add(db.Athletes.Single(i => i.AthleteID == id));

            if ((model.When - DateTime.UtcNow).TotalHours < -1)
                throw new Exception("when is in the past");

            // create the gamehost
            GameHost gameHost = new GameHost()
                AthleteID = me.AthleteID,
                TimeCreated = DateTime.UtcNow,
                VenueID = model.VenueID,
                Visibility = 0,//model.Visibility,
                When = model.When,
                When_InLocalTimeZone = model.When_InLocalTimeZone,
                LimitOnNumberOfPlayers = model.LimitOnNumberOfPlayers,
                EventType = (int)model.EventType,

            // create the invites
            foreach (var athlete in playersToInvite)
                GameHostInvite invite = new GameHostInvite()
                    AthleteID = athlete.AthleteID,
                    GameHost = gameHost,
                    IsApprovedByHost = true,
                    TimeCreated = DateTime.UtcNow


            // add the comment
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Comments) == false)
                await new FeedLogic(db).MakeComment(me.AthleteID, NewsfeedItemTypeEnum.GameHost, gameHost.GameHostID, model.Comments, false);

            // send the invites
            foreach (var athlete in playersToInvite)
                await sendAnInvite(me, athlete, gameHost, venue, model.Comments);

            return gameHost.GameHostID;
Пример #2
        public async Task<int> NewGameHostInvite(NewGameHostInviteWebModel model)
            int gameHostID = model.GameHostID;
            int athleteID = model.AthleteID;

            var me = new UserProfileLogic(db).GetAthleteForUserName(this.User.Identity.Name);
            var athlete = db.Athletes.Single(i => i.AthleteID == athleteID);
            if (athlete == null || me.AthleteID == athleteID)
                throw new Exception("athleteID is invalid");

            GameHost gameHost = db.GameHosts.Include("Venue").Single(i => i.GameHostID == gameHostID);
            if (gameHost.GameHostInvites.Where(i => i.AthleteID == athleteID).Count() > 0)
                throw new Exception("an invite for this athlete already exists");

            GameHostInvite invite = new GameHostInvite()
                AthleteID = athleteID,
                GameHost = gameHost,
                IsApprovedByHost = true,
                TimeCreated = DateTime.UtcNow

            await sendAnInvite(me, athlete, gameHost, gameHost.Venue, "");

            return invite.GameHostInviteID;
Пример #3
        public async Task<bool> DeclineInvitation(int gameHostID)
            var me = new UserProfileLogic(db).GetAthleteForUserName(this.User.Identity.Name);

            GameHost gameHost = db.GameHosts.Include("Athlete").Include("Venue").Where(i => i.GameHostID == gameHostID).Single();
            GameHostInvite invite = gameHost.GameHostInvites.Where(i => i.AthleteID == me.AthleteID).First();

            invite.IsApprovedByInvitee = false;
            invite.IsDeniedByInvitee = true;

            await this.sendInviteDeclined(me, gameHost.Athlete, gameHost, gameHost.Venue);

            return true;
Пример #4
        public async Task<int> AskToJoinGameHost(int gameHostID)
            var me = new UserProfileLogic(db).GetAthleteForUserName(this.User.Identity.Name);
            GameHost gameHost = db.GameHosts.Single(i => i.GameHostID == gameHostID);
            if (gameHost.AthleteID == me.AthleteID)
                throw new Exception("Cannot ask yourself");

            GameHostInvite invite = gameHost.GameHostInvites.Where(i => i.AthleteID == me.AthleteID).FirstOrDefault();
            if (invite != null && invite.IsApprovedByHost == true)
                // already invited by the host - mark as approved by invitee
                invite.IsApprovedByInvitee = true;
                invite.IsDeniedByInvitee = false;

                await this.sendInviteAccepted(me, gameHost.Athlete, gameHost, gameHost.Venue);

                return invite.GameHostInviteID;
            else if (invite != null && invite.IsApprovedByHost == false)
                // the invitee already invited himself, the host hasn't accepted yet
                return invite.GameHostInviteID;
                // create an invitation object
                invite = new GameHostInvite()
                    AthleteID = me.AthleteID,
                    GameHost = gameHost,
                    IsApprovedByHost = false,
                    IsApprovedByInvitee = true,
                    TimeCreated = DateTime.UtcNow

                // email
                await this.emailWantsToPlay(me, gameHost.Athlete, gameHost, gameHost.Venue);

                return invite.GameHostInviteID;
Пример #5
        public async Task<bool> ApproveInvitee(int gameHostID, int inviteeID)
            var me = new UserProfileLogic(db).GetAthleteForUserName(this.User.Identity.Name);
            GameHost gameHost = db.GameHosts.Include("Athlete").Include("Venue").Single(i => i.GameHostID == gameHostID);
            if (gameHost.AthleteID != me.AthleteID)
                throw new Exception("Not your game host!");

            GameHostInvite invite = gameHost.GameHostInvites.Where(i => i.AthleteID == inviteeID).FirstOrDefault();
            if (invite == null)
                throw new Exception("Not found");
            if (invite.IsApprovedByInvitee == false || invite.IsDeniedByInvitee == true)
                throw new Exception("IsApprovedByInvitee == false");
            Athlete athleteInvitee = db.Athletes.Where(i => i.AthleteID == invite.AthleteID).Single();

            invite.IsApprovedByHost = true;

            await this.sendHostApproves(me, athleteInvitee, gameHost, gameHost.Venue);

            return true;