static void DrawInitialGameField(GameField matrix) { GameField.SetConsoleDimensions(); GameField.SetMatrixContent(matrix); GameField.PlayerCoordinates(matrix); GameField.PrintMatrix(matrix); }
public static void PrintField(GameField field, bool isRedraw, bool fillTrail) { for (int col = 0; col < field.gameField.GetLength(1); col++) { for (int row = 0; row < field.gameField.GetLength(0); row++) { if (!isRedraw && field.gameField[row, col] == CellStatus.Filled) { PrintOnPosition(row, col, CellColor(CellStatus.Filled)); } else if (field.gameField[row, col] == CellStatus.Head) { PrintStringOnPosition(row, col, ((char)2).ToString(), CellColor(CellStatus.Head)); } else if (!fillTrail && field.gameField[row, col] == CellStatus.Trail) { PrintStringOnPosition(row, col, ((char)46).ToString(), CellColor(CellStatus.Trail)); //PrintOnPosition(row, col, CellColor(CellStatus.Trail)); } else if (fillTrail && field.gameField[row, col] == CellStatus.Trail) { //PrintStringOnPosition(row, col, ((char)46).ToString(), CellColor(CellStatus.Filled)); //field.gameField[row, col] = CellStatus.Filled; } else if (field.gameField[row, col] == CellStatus.Ball) { } } } }
public void TestDrawPlayingFiel_WithTenRowsAndTenCols() { GameField gameField = new GameField(10, 10); char[,] board = gameField.Create(); StringBuilder expectedOutput = new StringBuilder(); expectedOutput.AppendFormat(" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9{0}", Environment.NewLine); expectedOutput.AppendFormat(" ---------------------{0}", Environment.NewLine); expectedOutput.AppendFormat("0 | ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |{0}", Environment.NewLine); expectedOutput.AppendFormat("1 | ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |{0}", Environment.NewLine); expectedOutput.AppendFormat("2 | ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |{0}", Environment.NewLine); expectedOutput.AppendFormat("3 | ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |{0}", Environment.NewLine); expectedOutput.AppendFormat("4 | ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |{0}", Environment.NewLine); expectedOutput.AppendFormat("5 | ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |{0}", Environment.NewLine); expectedOutput.AppendFormat("6 | ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |{0}", Environment.NewLine); expectedOutput.AppendFormat("7 | ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |{0}", Environment.NewLine); expectedOutput.AppendFormat("8 | ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |{0}", Environment.NewLine); expectedOutput.AppendFormat("9 | ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? |{0}", Environment.NewLine); expectedOutput.AppendFormat(" ---------------------{0}", Environment.NewLine); using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter()) { Console.SetOut(sw); Draw.PlayingField(board); Assert.AreEqual<string>(expectedOutput.ToString(), sw.ToString()); } }
public void TestGameField_Correct() { GameField gameField = new GameField(10, 10); Assert.AreEqual(10, gameField.FieldCols); Assert.AreEqual(10, gameField.FieldRows); }
public void DrawGamefieldSizeFiveTest() { string consoleFile = "GameFieldConsoleOutput.txt"; GameField field = new GameField(5); StreamWriter consoleResult = new StreamWriter(consoleFile); using (consoleResult) { Console.SetOut(consoleResult); field.DrawField(); } StreamReader readerResult = new StreamReader(consoleFile); string gameFieldFirstLine = string.Empty; using (readerResult) { gameFieldFirstLine = readerResult.ReadLine(); } string expectedResult = " 0 1 2 3 4 "; Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult, gameFieldFirstLine); }
public void TestExecuteCommand_WithRestartCommand() { Engine game = new Engine(); GameField gameField = new GameField(2, 2); char[,] fieldWithQuestionMarks = gameField.Create(); char[,] fieldWithBombs = gameField.PlaceBombs(); int maxScore = (gameField.FieldCols * gameField.FieldCols) - (gameField.FieldCols + gameField.FieldCols); string inputCommand = "restart"; StringBuilder expectedOutput = new StringBuilder(); expectedOutput.AppendFormat(" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9{0}", Environment.NewLine); expectedOutput.AppendFormat(" ---------------------{0}", Environment.NewLine); expectedOutput.AppendFormat("0 | ? ? |{0}", Environment.NewLine); expectedOutput.AppendFormat("1 | ? ? |{0}", Environment.NewLine); expectedOutput.AppendFormat(" ---------------------{0}", Environment.NewLine); using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter()) { Console.SetOut(sw); game.ExecuteCommand(inputCommand, gameField, fieldWithQuestionMarks, fieldWithBombs, maxScore); Assert.AreEqual<string>(expectedOutput.ToString(), sw.ToString()); } }
public void TestExecuteCommand_WithTopCommand() { Engine game = new Engine(); GameField gameField = new GameField(10, 10); char[,] fieldWithQuestionMarks = gameField.Create(); char[,] fieldWithBombs = gameField.PlaceBombs(); int maxScore = (gameField.FieldCols * gameField.FieldCols) - (gameField.FieldCols + gameField.FieldCols); string inputCommand = "top"; List<Player> topPlayers = new List<Player>(); StringBuilder expectedOutput = new StringBuilder(); expectedOutput.AppendLine("Points:"); expectedOutput.AppendLine("Empty score board."); using (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter()) { Console.SetOut(sw); game.ExecuteCommand(inputCommand, gameField, fieldWithQuestionMarks, fieldWithBombs, maxScore); Assert.AreEqual<string>(expectedOutput.ToString(), sw.ToString()); } }
static void Main() { Console.CursorVisible = false; GameField matrix = new GameField(); saveStartTime = DateTime.Now; GameID.PrintGameName(); GameField.DrawBorderLines(); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { GameField.EnemyCoordinates(matrix); } while (true) { DrawInitialGameField(matrix); Player.MovePlayer(matrix); Enemy.MoveEnemies(matrix); //Collisions.EatenByEnemy(matrix, Enemy.enemyCoords, CrazyRusher.saveStartTime); if (GameScores.gameOver == true) { break; } } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GameBoardDrawingLogic" /> class. /// Uses the game field rows and cols. /// </summary> /// <param name="gameField">The field of the game.</param> public GameBoardDrawingLogic(GameField gameField) { this.Board = new string[(gameField.FieldRows + 3), (gameField.FieldCols + 4)]; this.Field = gameField.GetField(); this.DrawGameBoard(); }
public void GameFieldPrintToConsole() { StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("..\\..\\out.txt"); Console.SetOut(writer); GameField gameField = new GameField(); gameField.PrintToConsole(); writer.Close(); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("..\\..\\out.txt"); //StringBuilder actual = new StringBuilder(); string actual = string.Empty; string line; //do //{ line = reader.ReadToEnd(); actual += (line); //} while (line != null); reader.Close(); string expected = @" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 --------------------- 0 | O O O O O O O O O O | 1 | O O O O O O O O O O | 2 | O O O O O O O O O O | 3 | O O O O O O O O O O | 4 | O O O O O O O O O O | --------------------- "; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual.ToString()); }
public void ContainsMinesTest_TrueResult() { int size = 5; GameField field = new GameField(size); bool result = field.ContainsMines(); Assert.AreEqual(true, result); }
public GameEngine() { this.gameField = new GameField(); this.playerMoveCount = 0; this.highScore = new HighScore(); this.userInput = string.Empty; this.menuCommands = new string[] { "top", "restart", "exit" }; }
internal GameFacade() { this.players = new TxtFileRepository<Player>(GlobalConstants.TopScorePath); = new TxtFileRepository<Game>(GlobalConstants.GamesPath); this.field = new GameField(GlobalConstants.DefaultLevelRows, GlobalConstants.DefaultLevelCols); this.reader = ConsoleReader.Instance; this.printer = ConsoleGamePrinter.Instance; }
public void GameFieldPopBalloonTest() { GameField gameField = new GameField(); gameField.Balloons[2, 2].Pop(); bool expected = gameField.Balloons[2, 2].IsPopped; Assert.IsTrue(expected); }
public void GameFieldIsPoppedTest() { GameField gameField = new GameField(); gameField.Balloons[2, 2].Pop(); bool expected = gameField.Balloons[2, 2].GetBalloonChar() == ' '; Assert.IsTrue(expected); }
public static void FillNew(GameField theField) { List<List<int>> newValues = theField.tmpList; foreach (List<int> val in newValues) { PrintOnPosition(val[0], val[1], CellColor(CellStatus.Filled)); } theField.tmpList = new List<List<int>>(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var game = new GameField(); game.Init(); game.Start(); System.Console.WriteLine("\nGame Over!"); System.Console.ReadLine(); }
public void RestoreMemento_ShouldSetGamesFieldToMementosField() { var field = new GameField(3, 3); int shootCounter = 5; int remainingBalloons = 10; var memento = new GameMemento(field, shootCounter, remainingBalloons);; Assert.AreSame(memento.Field,; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a game. /// </summary> /// <param name="field">The game field.</param> public void Init(GameField field) { this.field = field; this.MovesCount = 0; this.renderer.InputPosition += (rendererObj, positionArg) => { this.UpdateField(positionArg.Position); }; this.renderer.ShowGameField(field); }
public static void SetEnemyCoordinates(GameField matrix) { enemyRow = generator.Next(2, 21); enemyCol = generator.Next(1,21); if (matrix[enemyRow, enemyCol] != '#' && matrix[enemyRow, enemyCol] != Player.playerChar) { matrix[enemyRow, enemyCol] = enemyChar; } enemyCoords.Add((new int[] { enemyRow, enemyCol }).ToList()); }
public GameEngineTests() { this.field = new GameField(GlobalConstants.DefaultLevelRows, GlobalConstants.DefaultLevelCols); = new Game(this.field); this.gameLogic = new GameLogicProvider(; this.mockPrinter = new MockIPrinter().MockPrinter.Object; this.topScoreController = new MockITopScoreController().MockTopScoreController.Object; this.gamesController = new MockIGamesController().MockGamesController.Object; this.gamesRepo = new MockIGenericRepository<Game>(this.GenerateFakeCollectionOfGames()); this.playersRepo = new MockIGenericRepository<Player>(this.GenerateFakeCollectionOfPlayers()); this.db = new BalloonsData(this.playersRepo.MockedRepo.Object, this.gamesRepo.MockedRepo.Object); }
public IGameField Create() { IGameField gameField = new GameField(); for (int row = 0; row < gameField.Board.GetLength(0); row++) { for (int col = 0; col < gameField.Board.GetLength(1); col++) { gameField.Board[row, col] = '?'; } } return gameField; }
public void ContainsMinesTest_FalseResult2() { int size = 5; GameField field = new GameField(size); for (int row = 0; row < size; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < size; col++) { field.Field[row, col] = 'X'; } } bool result = field.ContainsMines(); Assert.AreEqual(false, result); }
public void ContainsMinesTest_TrueResult2() { int size = 8; GameField field = new GameField(size); for (int row = 0; row < size; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < size; col++) { field.Field[row, col] = '-'; } } field.Field[3, 4] = '4'; bool result = field.ContainsMines(); Assert.AreEqual(true, result); }
public ExplodeCommand createExplodeCommand(GameField field, CellType type) { switch (type) { case CellType.GIANTMINE: return new SquareExplodeCommand(field, 2); case CellType.HUGEMINE: return new HugeExplodeCommand(field); case CellType.BIGMINE: return new BigExplodeCommand(field); case CellType.SMALLMINE: return new SquareExplodeCommand(field, 1); case CellType.TINYMINE: return new TinyExplodeCommand(field); default: { throw new NotSupportedException(); } } }
public void GameBoardDrawingLogic_ShouldDrowCorectBoard12x12() { var manualFieldBefor = new char[,] { { '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3' }, { '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3' }, { '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3' }, { '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3' }, { '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3' }, { '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3' }, { '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3' }, { '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3' }, { '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3' }, { '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3' }, { '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3' }, { '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3', '1', '3', '3' }, }; var manualFieldAfter = " 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11\r\n - - - - - - - - - - - - - \r\n 0 | 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 |\r\n 1 | 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 |\r\n 2 | 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 |\r\n 3 | 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 |\r\n 4 | 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 |\r\n 5 | 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 |\r\n 6 | 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 |\r\n 7 | 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 |\r\n 8 | 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 |\r\n 9 | 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 |\r\n10 | 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 |\r\n11 | 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 |\r\n - - - - - - - - - - - - - \r\n"; var gameFieldXLen = manualFieldBefor.GetLength(0); var gameFieldYLen = manualFieldBefor.GetLength(1); GameField gameField = new GameField(gameFieldXLen, gameFieldYLen); // fill the field with the manual chars for (int i = 0; i < gameFieldXLen; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < gameFieldYLen; j++) { gameField[i, j] = manualFieldBefor[i, j]; } } var board = new GameBoardDrawingLogic(gameField); var boardAsString = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < board.Board.GetLength(0); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < board.Board.GetLength(1); j++) { boardAsString.Append(board.Board[i, j]); } boardAsString.AppendLine(); } Assert.IsTrue(manualFieldAfter.Equals(boardAsString.ToString())); }
protected override void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { _gameTetris = new GameField<SimpleCubePicBox>(12, 10); Button startButt = new Button(); startButt.Width = this.Width / 2; startButt.Height = startButt.Width / 4; startButt.Top = this.Height / 4; startButt.Left = this.Width / 4; startButt.Text = "PLAY"; startButt.BackColor = Color.Crimson; this.Controls.Add(startButt); startButt.Click += startButt_Click; this.gameInfo.IsInGame = true; _gameSpeedTimer = new Timer(); this.KeyPress += Form2_KeyPress; }
public string Prepare(int player, GameField field) { disposition = new DispositionRobot(player); InitialPoint = field.GetInitialPoint(player); planning = new TownPlanning(field); var forbid = planning.ForbidPoint(new Point { X = 6, Y = 6 }, field); int max = forbid.Max(p => p.SpendRobot); var maxPlans = planning.Where(p => p.SpendRobot == max); foreach (Point point in field.NearIterator(InitialPoint, player)) { if (!maxPlans.Any(p => p.Excavator == point)) continue; plan = maxPlans.First(p => p.Excavator == point); break; } return "B_head:Colonize"; }
public static void MoveEnemies(GameField matrix) { for (int i = 0; i < enemyCoords.Count; i++) { int direction = generator.Next(1, 5); // 1 - left; 2 - right; 3 - up; 4 - down; enemyRow = enemyCoords[i][0]; enemyCol = enemyCoords[i][1]; listiIndex = i; if (direction == 1) { if (matrix[enemyRow, enemyCol - 1] != GameField.wallChar && enemyCol - 1 >= 1) { matrix[enemyRow, enemyCol] = ' '; matrix[enemyRow, enemyCol - 1] = enemyChar; enemyCoords[i][1] = enemyCol - 1; } } else if (direction == 2) { if (matrix[enemyRow, enemyCol + 1] != GameField.wallChar && enemyCol + 1 < matrix.Cols - 1) { matrix[enemyRow, enemyCol] = ' '; matrix[enemyRow, enemyCol + 1] = enemyChar; enemyCoords[i][1] = enemyCol + 1; } } else if (direction == 3) { if (matrix[enemyRow - 1, enemyCol] != GameField.wallChar && enemyRow - 1 >= 1) { matrix[enemyRow, enemyCol] = ' '; matrix[enemyRow - 1, enemyCol] = enemyChar; enemyCoords[i][0] = enemyRow - 1; } } else if (direction == 4) { if (enemyRow + 1 < matrix.Rows - 1 && matrix[enemyRow + 1, enemyCol] != GameField.wallChar) { matrix[enemyRow, enemyCol] = ' '; matrix[enemyRow + 1, enemyCol] = enemyChar; enemyCoords[i][0] = enemyRow + 1; } } } }
public static void EnemyShot(GameField matrix, List<List<int>> enemyCoords, DateTime saveStartTime) { bool shot; int row = 0; int col = 0; for (int i = 0; i < enemyCoords.Count; i++) { row = enemyCoords[i][0]; col = enemyCoords[i][1]; if ((row == Player.row - 1 && col == Player.col) || (row == Player.row - 2 && col == Player.col)) { matrix[Enemy.enemyRow, Enemy.enemyCol] = ' '; enemyCoords.RemoveAt(i); shot = true; GameScores.CollisionScores(shot, saveStartTime); } else if ((row == Player.row + 1 && col == Player.col) || (row == Player.row + 2 && col == Player.col)) { matrix[Enemy.enemyRow, Enemy.enemyCol] = ' '; enemyCoords.RemoveAt(i); shot = true; GameScores.CollisionScores(shot, saveStartTime); } else if ((col == Player.col + 1 && row == Player.row) || (Enemy.enemyCol == Player.col + 2 && Enemy.enemyCol == Player.col)) { matrix[Enemy.enemyRow, Enemy.enemyCol] = ' '; enemyCoords.RemoveAt(i); shot = true; GameScores.CollisionScores(shot, saveStartTime); } else if ((col == Player.col - 1 && row == Player.row) || (col == Player.col - 2 && row == Player.row)) { matrix[Enemy.enemyRow, Enemy.enemyCol] = ' '; enemyCoords.RemoveAt(i); shot = true; GameScores.CollisionScores(shot, saveStartTime); } } }
protected override void Activate(Player owner, Player opponent, int damageTaken, GameField game) { }
void StartFirstLevel() { nextLevelField = null; currentLevelField = Instantiate <GameField>(levels[currentLevel].GameFieldPrototype); currentLevelField.OnLevelStart(levels[currentLevel]); }
public SmartBot(Player player, GameField field) { this.player = player; this.field = field; Console.WriteLine($"field size {this.field.size}"); }
private void NGame_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Game1.NewGame(ChFirst); MessageField.Text = String.Empty; GameField.Invalidate(); }
public bool CanCast(GameField game, Player caster, Player opponent) { return(true); }
public void Start() { DateTime currentTime = DateTime.Now; while (Win.IsOpen) { Win.DispatchEvents(); double elapsed = (DateTime.Now - currentTime).TotalSeconds; if (elapsed < 1.0 / FPS) { continue; } currentTime = DateTime.Now; Win.Clear(BackColor); if (!Stopped) { Snakes.RemoveAll(snake => snake.Dead); GameField.Update(Snakes); Snakes.ForEach(snake => snake.Update(GameField, Snakes)); foreach (DividingStudentSnake created in CreatedSnakes) { Snakes.Add(created); } CreatedSnakes.Clear(); } Win.Draw(GameField); Snakes.ForEach(snake => snake.Draw(Win, RenderStates.Default, GameField.CellWidthPixel, GameField.CellHeightPixel)); for (int i = 0; i < Snakes.Count; ++i) { DividingStudentSnake snake = Snakes[i]; BRAIN_SHAPE.Size = new Vector2f( snake.Brain.BrainWidth * GameField.CellWidthPixel, snake.Brain.BrainHeight * GameField.CellHeightPixel ); BRAIN_SHAPE.Position = new Vector2f( (snake.Head.Position.X - snake.Brain.BrainWidth / 2) * GameField.CellWidthPixel, (snake.Head.Position.Y - snake.Brain.BrainHeight / 2) * GameField.CellHeightPixel ); Win.Draw(BRAIN_SHAPE); Text score = new Text($"{i + 1}) size = {snake.Body.Count + 1}; energy = {snake.CurrentEnergy}; " + $"daughters = {snake.TotalCreated}; mutations = {snake.Brain.Mutations}", FONT) { FillColor = Color.Black, CharacterSize = 24 }; score.Position = new Vector2f(GameField.Width * GameField.CellWidthPixel + 60, i * 25 + 20); Win.Draw(score); RectangleShape colorIndicator = new RectangleShape(new Vector2f(20, 20)) { OutlineColor = Color.Black, FillColor = snake.BodyColor }; colorIndicator.Position = new Vector2f(GameField.Width * GameField.CellWidthPixel + 30, i * 25 + 25); Win.Draw(colorIndicator); } DrawExtra(); Win.Display(); } }
public bool CanCast(GameField game, Player caster, Player opponent) { return(Targeting.GetPossibleTargetsFromMode(TargetingMode, game, caster, opponent, caster.ActivePokemonCard, name).Count > 0); }
public GameFieldFrameworkElement(GameField aGameField, double aItemSize) : this(aGameField) { this.ItemSize = aItemSize; }
public Simulator(int h, int w) { _field = new GameField(); _baseCost = new Map <ushort>(h, w); _inflMap = new SimInflMap(_field, _baseCost, h, w); }
public static PokemonCard AskForTargetFromTargetingMode(TargetingMode targetingMode, GameField game, Player caster, Player opponent, PokemonCard pokemonOwner, string info = "", string nameFilter = "") { PokemonCard target; NetworkMessage message; NetworkId selectedId; IDeckFilter filter = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(nameFilter) ? new PokemonWithNameOrTypeFilter(nameFilter, EnergyTypes.All) : null; switch (targetingMode) { case TargetingMode.Self: target = pokemonOwner; break; case TargetingMode.YourActive: target = caster.ActivePokemonCard; break; case TargetingMode.YourBench: if (caster.BenchedPokemon.Count == 0) { return(null); } else if (caster.BenchedPokemon.Count == 1) { return(caster.BenchedPokemon.GetFirst()); } message = new SelectFromYourBenchMessage(1) { Info = info, Filter = filter }.ToNetworkMessage(game.Id); selectedId = caster.NetworkPlayer.SendAndWaitForResponse <CardListMessage>(message).Cards.First(); target = (PokemonCard)game.Cards[selectedId]; break; case TargetingMode.YourPokemon: message = new SelectFromYourPokemonMessage() { Info = info, Filter = filter }.ToNetworkMessage(game.Id); selectedId = caster.NetworkPlayer.SendAndWaitForResponse <CardListMessage>(message).Cards.First(); target = (PokemonCard)game.Cards[selectedId]; break; case TargetingMode.OpponentActive: target = opponent.ActivePokemonCard; break; case TargetingMode.OpponentBench: if (opponent.BenchedPokemon.Count == 0) { return(null); } else if (opponent.BenchedPokemon.Count == 1) { return(opponent.BenchedPokemon.GetFirst()); } message = new SelectFromOpponentBenchMessage(1) { Info = info, Filter = filter }.ToNetworkMessage(game.Id); selectedId = caster.NetworkPlayer.SendAndWaitForResponse <CardListMessage>(message).Cards.First(); target = (PokemonCard)game.Cards[selectedId]; break; case TargetingMode.OpponentPokemon: message = new SelectOpponentPokemonMessage(1) { Info = info, Filter = filter }.ToNetworkMessage(game.Id); selectedId = caster.NetworkPlayer.SendAndWaitForResponse <CardListMessage>(message).Cards.First(); target = (PokemonCard)game.Cards[selectedId]; break; case TargetingMode.LastEffectTarget: target = game.LastTarget; break; case TargetingMode.AnyPokemon: throw new NotImplementedException("TargetingMode.AnyPokemon not implemented in Targeting"); default: target = caster.ActivePokemonCard; break; } if (game != null) { game.LastTarget = target; } return(target); }
public MoveRangeFinder(IGameAction gameAction, FDCreature creature) { this.gameAction = gameAction; this.gameField = gameAction.GetField(); this.creature = creature; }
public static List <PokemonCard> GetPossibleTargetsFromMode(TargetingMode targetingMode, GameField game, Player caster, Player opponent, PokemonCard pokemonOwner, string nameFilter = "") { var pokemons = new List <PokemonCard>(); switch (targetingMode) { case TargetingMode.YourActive: pokemons.Add(caster.ActivePokemonCard); break; case TargetingMode.YourBench: pokemons = caster.BenchedPokemon.ValidPokemonCards.ToList(); break; case TargetingMode.YourPokemon: pokemons = caster.GetAllPokemonCards(); break; case TargetingMode.OpponentActive: { if (game.CurrentDefender != null && game.CurrentDefender.Owner.Id.Equals(opponent.Id)) { pokemons.Add(game.CurrentDefender); } else { pokemons.Add(opponent.ActivePokemonCard); } break; } case TargetingMode.OpponentBench: pokemons = opponent.BenchedPokemon.ValidPokemonCards.ToList(); break; case TargetingMode.OpponentPokemon: pokemons = opponent.GetAllPokemonCards(); break; case TargetingMode.AnyPokemon: pokemons = caster.GetAllPokemonCards(); pokemons.AddRange(opponent.GetAllPokemonCards()); break; case TargetingMode.AttachedTo: pokemons.Add(pokemonOwner); break; case TargetingMode.Self: pokemons.Add(pokemonOwner); break; default: pokemons.Add(pokemonOwner); break; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nameFilter)) { return(pokemons.Where(p => p.Name.ToLower().Contains(nameFilter.ToLower())).ToList()); } return(pokemons); }
public void PerformGameAction(ActionType actionType, GameField gameField, IPlayer player) { _actionPerformer.Perform(actionType, gameField, player); }
public override Damage GetDamage(Player owner, Player opponent, GameField game) { int coins = DamageOnSelf ? owner.ActivePokemonCard.DamageCounters / 10 : opponent.ActivePokemonCard.DamageCounters / 10; return(game.FlipCoins(coins) * Damage); }
public void MoveHacker(Direction dir, string id) { GameField moveFrom = new GameField(); GameField moveTo = new GameField(); SimpleType type; Player player = _players.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == id); int playerToMove = player.PositionIndex; switch (dir) { case Direction.up: moveFrom = GameBoard[PlayerPositions[playerToMove].FieldIndex()]; type = moveFrom.SimpleType; moveFrom.SetType(FieldType.playerup); moveFrom.Position.Row--; moveTo = GameBoard[PlayerPositions[playerToMove].FieldAbove()]; if (moveTo.Type == FieldType.bitcoin) { player.Bitcoins++; } if (type == SimpleType.thing) { moveTo.SetType(FieldType.laptop); } else { moveTo.SetType(FieldType.empty); } moveTo.Position.Row++; GameBoard[PlayerPositions[playerToMove].FieldIndex()] = moveTo; GameBoard[PlayerPositions[playerToMove].FieldAbove()] = moveFrom; PlayerPositions[playerToMove].Row--; break; case Direction.down: moveFrom = GameBoard[PlayerPositions[playerToMove].FieldIndex()]; type = moveFrom.SimpleType; moveFrom.SetType(FieldType.playerdown); moveFrom.Position.Row++; moveTo = GameBoard[PlayerPositions[playerToMove].FieldBelow()]; if (moveTo.Type == FieldType.bitcoin) { player.Bitcoins++; } if (type == SimpleType.thing) { moveTo.SetType(FieldType.laptop); } else { moveTo.SetType(FieldType.empty); } moveTo.Position.Row--; GameBoard[PlayerPositions[playerToMove].FieldIndex()] = moveTo; GameBoard[PlayerPositions[playerToMove].FieldBelow()] = moveFrom; PlayerPositions[playerToMove].Row++; break; case Direction.left: moveFrom = GameBoard[PlayerPositions[playerToMove].FieldIndex()]; type = moveFrom.SimpleType; moveFrom.SetType(FieldType.playerleft); moveFrom.Position.Column--; moveTo = GameBoard[PlayerPositions[playerToMove].FieldLeft()]; if (moveTo.Type == FieldType.bitcoin) { player.Bitcoins++; } if (type == SimpleType.thing) { moveTo.SetType(FieldType.laptop); } else { moveTo.SetType(FieldType.empty); } moveTo.Position.Column++; GameBoard[PlayerPositions[playerToMove].FieldIndex()] = moveTo; GameBoard[PlayerPositions[playerToMove].FieldLeft()] = moveFrom; PlayerPositions[playerToMove].Column--; break; case Direction.right: moveFrom = GameBoard[PlayerPositions[playerToMove].FieldIndex()]; type = moveFrom.SimpleType; moveFrom.SetType(FieldType.playerright); moveFrom.Position.Column++; moveTo = GameBoard[PlayerPositions[playerToMove].FieldRight()]; if (moveTo.Type == FieldType.bitcoin) { player.Bitcoins++; } if (type == SimpleType.thing) { moveTo.SetType(FieldType.laptop); } else { moveTo.SetType(FieldType.empty); } moveTo.Position.Column--; GameBoard[PlayerPositions[playerToMove].FieldIndex()] = moveTo; GameBoard[PlayerPositions[playerToMove].FieldRight()] = moveFrom; PlayerPositions[playerToMove].Column++; break; default: break; } }
public bool CanCast(GameField game, Player caster, Player opponent) => true;
protected override void Activate(Player owner, Player opponent, int damageTaken, GameField game) { IEnumerable <Card> energyCards; Player activator = GetActivator(game.ActivePlayer); if (energyType != EnergyTypes.All) { energyCards = activator.Hand.OfType <EnergyCard>().Where(card => energyType == card.EnergyType); } else { energyCards = activator.Hand.OfType <EnergyCard>(); } var message = new PickFromListMessage(energyCards.ToList(), 1).ToNetworkMessage(owner.Id); var response = owner.NetworkPlayer.SendAndWaitForResponse <CardListMessage>(message); var energyCard = game.Cards[response.Cards.First()]; var selectPokemonMessage = new SelectFromYourPokemonMessage(energyType).ToNetworkMessage(owner.Id); response = owner.NetworkPlayer.SendAndWaitForResponse <CardListMessage>(selectPokemonMessage); var selectedId = response.Cards.First(); var pokemon = owner.ActivePokemonCard.Id.Equals(selectedId) ? owner.ActivePokemonCard : owner.BenchedPokemon.ValidPokemonCards.First(x => x.Id.Equals(selectedId)); pokemon.AttachEnergy((EnergyCard)energyCard, game); }
public void OnAttachedTo(PokemonCard attachedTo, bool fromHand, GameField game) { attachedTo.DealDamage(Amount, game, attachedTo, false); }
public Player(GameField field, CellLocation location, Facing facing) : base(field, location, facing) { }
public override Damage GetDamage(Player owner, Player opponent, GameField game) { var reduction = (owner.ActivePokemonCard.DamageCounters / 10) * reductionPerDamageCounter; return(Math.Max(0, Damage - reduction)); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// static void Main() { // This size was choosen to fit in 1024x768 screen size Console.SetWindowSize(40, 24); Console.Clear(); Console.OutputEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode; int level = 1; GameField gameField = new GameField(25, 23); gameField.LoadLevel(level); gameField.DisplayField(); gameField.DisplayGameData(); PacMan pacMan = new PacMan(gameField); List <Monster> monsters = new List <Monster>(); monsters.Add(new Monster(gameField, ConsoleColor.Red)); monsters.Add(new Monster(gameField, ConsoleColor.Red)); monsters.Add(new Monster(gameField, ConsoleColor.Red)); monsters.Add(new Monster(gameField, ConsoleColor.Red)); GameState gameState = GameState.WaitingToStart; int counterDown = 4; gameField.DisplayWaitingToStart(); for (; ;) { while (Console.KeyAvailable) { ConsoleKeyInfo keyInfo = Console.ReadKey(true); switch (keyInfo.Key) { case ConsoleKey.Escape: Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.Clear(); return; case ConsoleKey.LeftArrow: if (pacMan.MovingDirection == ' ') { pacMan.MovingDirection = 'L'; } else { pacMan.NextMovingDirection = 'L'; } break; case ConsoleKey.RightArrow: if (pacMan.MovingDirection == ' ') { pacMan.MovingDirection = 'R'; } else { pacMan.NextMovingDirection = 'R'; } break; case ConsoleKey.UpArrow: if (pacMan.MovingDirection == ' ') { pacMan.MovingDirection = 'U'; } else { pacMan.NextMovingDirection = 'U'; } break; case ConsoleKey.DownArrow: if (pacMan.MovingDirection == ' ') { pacMan.MovingDirection = 'D'; } else { pacMan.NextMovingDirection = 'D'; } break; case ConsoleKey.Spacebar: if (gameState == GameState.WaitingToStart) { counterDown = 4; gameState = GameState.Starting; } break; } } if (gameState == GameState.WaitingToStart) { continue; } if (gameState == GameState.Starting) { gameField.DisplayStarting(ref counterDown, level); if (counterDown == 0) { gameField.DisplayField(); gameField.DisplayGameData(); gameState = GameState.Playing; } continue; } if (gameState == GameState.GameOver) { continue; } if (gameState == GameState.Win) { continue; } pacMan.MovePacMan(gameField); foreach (Monster monster in monsters) { if (monster.IsMonsterOverPacMan(pacMan)) { if (gameField.TakeOneLive()) { pacMan.ResetPacMan(gameField, true); foreach (var monsterToReset in monsters) { monsterToReset.ResetMonster(gameField, true); } break; } else { gameField.DisplayGameOver(); gameState = GameState.GameOver; continue; } } monster.MoveMonster(gameField); if (monster.IsMonsterOverPacMan(pacMan)) { if (gameField.TakeOneLive()) { pacMan.ResetPacMan(gameField, true); foreach (var monsterToReset in monsters) { monsterToReset.ResetMonster(gameField, true); } break; } else { gameField.DisplayGameOver(); gameState = GameState.GameOver; continue; } } } if (gameField.EatCount <= 0) { level++; if (level > 2) { gameField.DisplayWinner(); gameState = GameState.Win; continue; } gameField.LoadLevel(level); gameField.DisplayField(); gameField.DisplayGameData(); pacMan = new PacMan(gameField); monsters.Clear(); monsters.Add(new Monster(gameField, ConsoleColor.Red)); monsters.Add(new Monster(gameField, ConsoleColor.Red)); monsters.Add(new Monster(gameField, ConsoleColor.Red)); monsters.Add(new Monster(gameField, ConsoleColor.Red)); counterDown = 4; gameState = GameState.Starting; } } }
private void UpdateScreen(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Settings.gameover == true && Settings1.gameover == true) { if (Input.KeyPressed(Keys.Enter)) { StartGame(); } } else { if (Input.KeyPressed(Keys.Right) && Settings.direction != Direction.Left) { Settings.direction = Direction.Right; if (Input.KeyPressed(Keys.D) && Settings1.direction != Direction.Left) { Settings1.direction = Direction.Right; } } else if (Input.KeyPressed(Keys.Left) && Settings.direction != Direction.Right) { Settings.direction = Direction.Left; if (Input.KeyPressed(Keys.A) && Settings1.direction != Direction.Right) { Settings1.direction = Direction.Left; } } else if (Input.KeyPressed(Keys.Up) && Settings.direction != Direction.Down) { Settings.direction = Direction.Up; if (Input.KeyPressed(Keys.W) && Settings1.direction != Direction.Down) { Settings1.direction = Direction.Up; } } else if (Input.KeyPressed(Keys.Down) && Settings.direction != Direction.Up) { Settings.direction = Direction.Down; if (Input.KeyPressed(Keys.S) && Settings1.direction != Direction.Up) { Settings1.direction = Direction.Down; } } else if (Input.KeyPressed(Keys.D) && Settings1.direction != Direction.Left) { Settings1.direction = Direction.Right; } else if (Input.KeyPressed(Keys.A) && Settings1.direction != Direction.Right) { Settings1.direction = Direction.Left; } else if (Input.KeyPressed(Keys.W) && Settings1.direction != Direction.Down) { Settings1.direction = Direction.Up; } else if (Input.KeyPressed(Keys.S) && Settings1.direction != Direction.Up) { Settings1.direction = Direction.Down; } MoveSnake(); MoveSnake1(); } GameField.Invalidate(); }
public override Damage GetDamage(Player owner, Player opponent, GameField game) { int count = OpponentsBench ? opponent.BenchedPokemon.Count : owner.BenchedPokemon.Count; return(game.FlipCoins(count) * Damage); }
public ListViewColumnProperty(GameField field) { Field = field; }
public void OnAttachedTo(PokemonCard attachedTo, bool fromHand, GameField game) { }
public void InitializeMap(string mapName) { Vector2 mapSize; var tiles = MapManager.ReadMapLayer(mapName, "ground", new Vector2(cellSize), out mapSize); var walls = MapManager.ReadMapLayer(mapName, "walls", new Vector2(cellSize), out mapSize); var objects = MapManager.ReadMapLayer(mapName, "objects", new Vector2(cellSize), out mapSize); gameField = new GameField((int)mapSize.X, (int)mapSize.Y); factory.Initialize(gameField); factory.CreateCamera(mapSize * cellSize); factory.CreateGame(); factory.CreateHud(); foreach (var tile in tiles) { var g = Ground.Ground; if (tile.GID >= 108) { g = Ground.Asphalt; } else if (tile.GID >= 84) { g = Ground.Sand; } var tileEntity = factory.CreateTile(tile.X, tile.Y, tile.GID, g); gameField.SetCell(tile.Position, g, tileEntity); } foreach (var wall in walls) { switch (wall.Type) { case CellType.Wall: factory.CreateWall(wall.X, wall.Y); break; case CellType.SteelWall: factory.CreateSteelWall(wall.X, wall.Y, 420, wall.Type); break; case CellType.TitanWall: factory.CreateSteelWall(wall.X, wall.Y, 450, wall.Type); break; case CellType.ArmorWall: factory.CreateSteelWall(wall.X, wall.Y, 480, wall.Type); break; case CellType.Tree: factory.CreateTree(wall.X, wall.Y); break; case CellType.Obstacle: factory.CreateObstacle(wall.X, wall.Y); break; } } foreach (var o in objects) { switch (o.Type) { case CellType.GreenTank: factory.CreatePlayer(o.X, o.Y); break; case CellType.RedTank: factory.CreateTank(o.X, o.Y); break; case CellType.GreenSpawner: factory.CreateRedSpawner(o.X, o.Y); break; case CellType.RedSpawner: factory.CreateRedSpawner(o.X, o.Y); break; case CellType.Tower: factory.CreateTower(o.X, o.Y, 4); break; } } }
private int minMax(GameField field, int depth, bool isMax) { count++; if (count > perv + 99999) { Console.WriteLine(count); perv = count; } int score = evaluateGameField(field); if (score == WINING_FIELD_SCORE) { return(score); } else if (score == LOSING_FIELD_SCORE) { return(score); } else if (!field.isMovesLeft()) { return(0); } if (isMax) { int best = Int32.MinValue; for (int i = 0; i < field.size; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < field.size; j++) { if (field.getCellStatus(i, j) == Player.NULL) { GameField fieldCopy = field.colne(); fieldCopy.makeMove(new Move(player, new CellCoordinats(i, j))); best = Math.Max(best, minMax(fieldCopy, depth + 1, !isMax)); } } } return(best); } else { int best = Int32.MaxValue; for (int i = 0; i < field.size; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < field.size; j++) { if (field.getCellStatus(i, j) == Player.NULL) { GameField fieldCopy = field.colne(); fieldCopy.makeMove(new Move(Player.PLAYER, new CellCoordinats(i, j))); best = Math.Min(best, minMax(fieldCopy, depth + 1, !isMax)); } } } return(best); } }
public bool Place(GameField gameField, Position position) { gameField[position].Entities.Add(this); return(true); }
public void Process(GameField game, Player caster, Player opponent, PokemonCard pokemonSource) { if (Targeting.GetPossibleTargetsFromMode(TargetingMode, game, caster, opponent, pokemonSource).Count == 0) { return; } string yesNoInfo = EnergyToDiscard > 0 ? "Discard energy card?" : "Deal damage to a benched pokemon?"; if (askYesNo && !game.AskYesNo(caster, yesNoInfo)) { return; } if (energyToDiscard > 0) { var choices = pokemonSource.AttachedEnergy .Where(e => EnergyType == EnergyTypes.All || EnergyType == EnergyTypes.None || e.EnergyType == EnergyType) .OfType <Card>() .ToList(); var response = caster.NetworkPlayer.SendAndWaitForResponse <CardListMessage>(new PickFromListMessage(choices, energyToDiscard).ToNetworkMessage(game.Id)); foreach (var id in response.Cards) { var card = game.Cards[id]; pokemonSource.DiscardEnergyCard((EnergyCard)card, game); } } if (!CoinflipConditional.IsOk(game, caster)) { return; } var target = Targeting.AskForTargetFromTargetingMode(TargetingMode, game, caster, opponent, caster.ActivePokemonCard); if (target == null) { return; } int damage; if (DamageModifier != null) { damage = DamageModifier.NewDamage; } else { damage = Amount; } if (ApplyWeaknessResistance) { damage = DamageCalculator.GetDamageAfterWeaknessAndResistance(damage, pokemonSource, target, null, game.FindResistanceModifier()); } else { damage = Amount; } target.DealDamage(damage, game, pokemonSource, true); }
public void Process(GameField game, Player caster, Player opponent, PokemonCard pokemonSource) { Player target; if (AskYesNoToTargetOpponent && game.AskYesNo(caster, "Put Pokémon from opponents discard onto their bench?")) { target = opponent; } else { target = caster; } if (TargetsOpponent) { target = opponent; } var pokemons = target.DiscardPile.OfType <PokemonCard>().Where(pokemon => pokemon.Stage == 0).OfType <Card>().ToList(); if (pokemons.Count == 0 || target.BenchedPokemon.Count == GameField.BenchMaxSize) { return; } var message = new PickFromListMessage(pokemons, 1).ToNetworkMessage(game.Id); var response = caster.NetworkPlayer.SendAndWaitForResponse <CardListMessage>(message).Cards.First(); var card = game.Cards[response]; var pokemonCard = (PokemonCard)card; int index = target.BenchedPokemon.GetNextFreeIndex(); target.BenchedPokemon.Add(pokemonCard); target.DiscardPile.Remove(card); if (WithRemainingHealth > 0 && WithRemainingHealth < 1) { var health = (int)Math.Ceiling(pokemonCard.Hp * WithRemainingHealth); if (health.ToString().Last() == '5') { health += 5; } pokemonCard.DamageCounters = health; } else if (WithRemainingHealth > 1) { pokemonCard.DamageCounters = pokemonCard.Hp - (int)WithRemainingHealth; } else { pokemonCard.DamageCounters = 0; } game.SendEventToPlayers(new PokemonAddedToBenchEvent() { Pokemon = pokemonCard, Player = target.Id, Index = index }); }