Пример #1
 // Use this for initialization
 void OnEnable()
     gameFader = FindObjectOfType <GameFader>();
     gameFader.FadeGame(fadeTimer, false);
     m_lerpTime  = 1;
     targetRot   = Quaternion.LookRotation(relativeRotation);
     originalRot = transform.rotation;
     player      = FindObjectOfType <Player>();
Пример #2
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        skullIcon_01.enabled = true;
        skullIcon_02.enabled = false;
        skullIcon_03.enabled = false;

        // This uses character controller since you don't want physics to affect the character with its camera
        // which can cause nausea. From experience, rigidbody remembers the forces applied to it even when kinematic
        // therefore when turned off, it gets applied to the system.
        m_controller          = GetComponent <CharacterController>();
        m_camera              = GetComponentInChildren <Camera>();
        m_eventManager        = FindObjectOfType <EventManager>();
        m_playerCollider      = GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>();
        m_originalHeight      = m_controller.height;
        m_originalCentre      = m_controller.center;
        m_cameraStandPosition = m_camera.transform.localPosition;
        m_lebenScript         = FindObjectOfType <DrLeben>();
        if (!m_hand)
            if (GetComponentInChildren <HandAnimations>())
                m_hand = GetComponentInChildren <HandAnimations>().gameObject;

        // Set the colour of the vignette to be green for scarab attacks
        currentColour = new Color(0, 120f / 255f, 0, 0);
        //bottomVignette.color = currentColour;
        //topVignette.color = currentColour;
        //leftVignette.color = currentColour;
        //rightVignette.color = currentColour;
        boxVignette.color = currentColour;
        splatImage.color  = currentColour;

        gameFader = FindObjectOfType <GameFader>();
        cutscene  = FindObjectOfType <CutsceneCamera>();

        // mouse look initialisation
        m_charRot   = transform.localRotation;
        m_cameraRot = m_camera.transform.localRotation;

        // Run speed ratio depending on toxicity
        m_toxicityToRunRatio = (m_runSpeed - m_walkSpeed) / m_maxToxicity;

        //press_E_Text.enabled = false;
        //playerInstruction.enabled = false;
        playerInstruction.text = "";
        //requires_core_Text.enabled = false;
        coreCount = 0;
        //activate_Airlock_Text.enabled = false;

        if (m_handWalkPosition == Vector3.zero)
            m_handWalkPosition = m_hand.transform.localPosition;
        if (m_handRunPosition == Vector3.zero)
            m_handRunPosition = m_handWalkPosition - new Vector3(0, 0.11f, 0);


        //Set Slider starting toxicity to zero
        //toxicitySlider.value = m_currentToxicity;
 private void Start()
     m_handAnimator = GetComponent <Animator>();
     m_player       = FindObjectOfType <Player>();
     m_fader        = FindObjectOfType <GameFader>();
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     m_fader = FindObjectOfType <GameFader>();