public override void Validate(bool designMode, GXTaskCollection tasks)
     if (!designMode && Address == 0)
         tasks.Add(new GXTask(this, "Address", "Address is invalid."));
Пример #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Checks if the parameter values of the property are valid.
		/// </summary>
        public virtual void Validate(bool designMode, GXTaskCollection tasks)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name))
                tasks.Add(new GXTask(this, Resources.Name, Resources.PropertyNameIsUnknown));
Пример #3
		/// <summary>
		/// Causes the component to validate its state.
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>The framework calls this method when it needs the component to validate its state. 
		/// If an error has occurred in the component, it is added to GXTaskCollection list.</remarks>
		/// <param name="tasks">GXTaskCollection collection where new tasks are added.</param>
		public void Validate(GXTaskCollection tasks)
			tasks.RemoveUnusedTasks(Parent, false);
			if (Target == null)
				GXDataIOSourceAttribute att = (GXDataIOSourceAttribute)TypeDescriptor.GetAttributes(this.Parent)[typeof(GXDataIOSourceAttribute)];
				if (att == null || !att.DataIOSourceCanBeUnknown)
					tasks.Add(new GXTask(Parent, "DataIOSource", Resources.DataIOSourceTargetIsUnknown));
Пример #4
        public override void Validate(bool designMode, GXTaskCollection tasks)
            GXDLMSDevice device = this.Device as GXDLMSDevice;
            if (device == null)//GXDeviceEditor uses this.
                device = this.Site.GetService(typeof(GXDevice)) as GXDLMSDevice;
			if (device != null)
				if (device.UseLogicalNameReferencing)
					if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LogicalName))
		                tasks.Add(new GXTask(this, "LogicalName", "Logical Name is unknown."));
					if (ShortName == 0)
		                tasks.Add(new GXTask(this, "ShortName", "Short name is unknown."));
            base.Validate(designMode, tasks);			
 void ValidateTasks()
     //Validate tasks.
     GXTaskCollection tasks = new GXTaskCollection();
     Device.Validate(true, tasks);
     foreach (GXCategory cat in Device.Categories)
         cat.Validate(true, tasks);
     foreach (GXTable table in Device.Tables)
         table.Validate(true, tasks);
     foreach (GXTask it in tasks)
         ListViewItem li = TaskView.Items.Add(it.Source.ToString());
         li.Tag = it;
 /// <summary>
 /// Accept changes.
 /// </summary>
 private void OkBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         if (NameTB.Text.Trim().Length == 0)
             throw new Exception(Gurux.DeviceSuite.Properties.Resources.ErrNameEmptyTxt);
         //Apply media dialog settings.
         if (SettingsForm != null)
         //Validate device settings.
         GXTaskCollection tasks = new GXTaskCollection();
         Device.Validate(false, tasks);
         if (tasks.Count != 0)
             throw new Exception(tasks[0].Description);
         //Validate media settings.
         int resendCount = -3;
         double NoOutput;
         if (!ResendCountTb.ReadOnly)
             string tmpStr = ResendCountTb.Text.Trim();
             if (tmpStr.Length == 0)
                 throw new Exception(Gurux.DeviceSuite.Properties.Resources.IncorrectResendCountTxt);
             else if (!double.TryParse(tmpStr, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, out NoOutput))
                 throw new Exception(Gurux.DeviceSuite.Properties.Resources.IncorrectResendCountTxt);
             resendCount = (int)NoOutput;
         int waitTime = -3; ;
         if (WaitTimeTb.Enabled)
             waitTime = (WaitTimeTb.Value.Hour * 3600 + WaitTimeTb.Value.Minute * 60 + WaitTimeTb.Value.Second) * 1000;
         Device.UpdateInterval = RefreshRateTp.Value.Second + RefreshRateTp.Value.Minute * 60 + RefreshRateTp.Value.Hour * 3600;
         Device.WaitTime = waitTime;
         if (SelectedMedia is GXAmiGateway)
             (SelectedMedia as GXAmiGateway).WaitTime = waitTime;
         Device.ResendCount = resendCount;
         Device.Name = NameTB.Text;                
         //Add disabled actions.
         Device.DisabledActions = m_DisActions.DisabledActions;
     catch (Exception ex)
         GXCommon.ShowError(this, ex);
         DialogResult = DialogResult.None;
 override public void Validate(bool designMode, GXTaskCollection tasks)
     if (!designMode && DeviceAddress == 0)
         tasks.Add(new GXTask(this, "DeviceAddress", "Invalid device address")); 
Пример #8
        public override void Validate(bool designMode, GXTaskCollection tasks)
			if (Convert.ToInt32(ClientID) == 0)
				tasks.Add(new GXTask(this, "ClientID", "Client ID is unknown."));
			if (Convert.ToInt32(PhysicalAddress) == 0)
                tasks.Add(new GXTask(this, "PhysicalAddress", "Physical Address is unknown."));
            base.Validate(designMode, tasks);
Пример #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks if the properties in the category are valid. 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="designMode"></param>
 /// <param name="tasks">Collection of tasks.</param>
 public virtual void Validate(bool designMode, GXTaskCollection tasks)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name))
         tasks.Add(new GXTask(this, Resources.Name, Resources.CategoryNameIsUnknown));
     foreach (GXProperty it in Properties)
         it.Validate(designMode, tasks);
Пример #10
		/// <summary>
        /// Checks if the properties in the table are valid.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="designMode"></param>
		/// <param name="tasks">Collection of tasks.</param>
        public virtual void Validate(bool designMode, GXTaskCollection tasks)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name))
                tasks.Add(new GXTask(this, Resources.Name, Resources.TableNameIsUnknown));
            foreach (GXProperty prop in Columns)
                prop.Validate(designMode, tasks);
        /// <summary>
        /// Accept changes.
        /// </summary>
        private void OkBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (NameTB.Text.Trim().Length == 0)
                    throw new Exception(Gurux.DeviceSuite.Properties.Resources.ErrNameEmptyTxt);
                //Apply media dialog settings.
                if (SettingsForm != null)

                foreach(var it in DeviceParameters)
                //Validate media settings.
                //If we are adding new device.
                if (MediaConnections.Count == 0)
                    MediaConnections.Add(new GXAmiDeviceMedia());
                MediaConnections[0].Name = SelectedMedia.MediaType;
                MediaConnections[0].Settings = SelectedMedia.Settings;
                int resendCount = -3;
                double NoOutput;
                if (!ResendCountTb.ReadOnly)
                    string tmpStr = ResendCountTb.Text.Trim();
                    if (tmpStr.Length == 0)
                        throw new Exception(Gurux.DeviceSuite.Properties.Resources.IncorrectResendCountTxt);
                    else if (!double.TryParse(tmpStr, NumberStyles.Integer, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, out NoOutput))
                        throw new Exception(Gurux.DeviceSuite.Properties.Resources.IncorrectResendCountTxt);
                    resendCount = (int)NoOutput;
                int waitTime = -3; ;
                if (WaitTimeTb.Enabled)
                    waitTime = (WaitTimeTb.Value.Hour * 3600 + WaitTimeTb.Value.Minute * 60 + WaitTimeTb.Value.Second) * 1000;

                //Update settings
                if (UIDevice != null)
                    PropertyDescriptorCollection properties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(UIDevice);
                    object tmp;
                    foreach (GXAmiParameter it in Device.Parameters)
                        if (it.Type.IsEnum)
                            tmp = Enum.Parse(properties[it.Name].PropertyType, it.Value.ToString());
                            tmp = Convert.ChangeType(it.Value, properties[it.Name].PropertyType);
                        properties[it.Name].SetValue(UIDevice, tmp);
                    //Validate device settings.
                    GXTaskCollection tasks = new GXTaskCollection();
                    UIDevice.Validate(false, tasks);
                    if (tasks.Count != 0)
                        throw new Exception(tasks[0].Description);
                Device.UpdateInterval = RefreshRateTp.Value.Second + RefreshRateTp.Value.Minute * 60 + RefreshRateTp.Value.Hour * 3600;
                Device.WaitTime = waitTime;
                Device.ResendCount = resendCount;
                Device.Name = NameTB.Text;
                int index = -1;
                foreach (var it in MediaConnections)
                    it.Index = ++index;
                Device.Medias = MediaConnections.ToArray();
                //Add disabled actions.
                Device.DisabledActions = m_DisActions.DisabledActions;
                if (Device.Id == 0)
                    Client.AddDevice(Device, Client.GetDeviceGroups(false));                   
            catch (Exception ex)
                GXCommon.ShowError(this, ex);
                DialogResult = DialogResult.None;
Пример #12
		/// <summary>
		/// Checks if the properties of the device are valid. 
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="designMode"></param>
		/// <param name="tasks">Collection of tasks.</param>
		public virtual void Validate(bool designMode, GXTaskCollection tasks)
Пример #13
        public override void Validate(bool designMode, GXTaskCollection tasks)
			GXDLMSDevice device = this.Device as GXDLMSDevice;
			if (device != null)
				if (device.UseLogicalNameReferencing)
					if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LogicalName))
		                tasks.Add(new GXTask(this, "LogicalName", "Logical Name is unknown."));
					if (ShortName == 0)
                        if (this.Parent == null || !(this.Parent.Parent is GXDLMSTable))
                            tasks.Add(new GXTask(this, "ShortName", "Short name is unknown."));
            base.Validate(designMode, tasks);			