static public IReportHandler GetPrinter(int outputType, string path, Stream reportOutputStream) { IReportHandler reportHandler; #if !NETCORE if (outputType == OUTPUT_RVIEWER_NATIVE) { reportHandler = new GxReportBuilderNative(path, reportOutputStream); } else if (outputType == OUTPUT_RVIEWER_DLL) { reportHandler = new GxReportBuilderDll(path); } else #endif if (outputType == OUTPUT_PDF) { try { #if !NETCORE Assembly assem = null; try { assem = Assembly.Load("GxPdfReportsCS"); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { GXLogging.Debug(log, ex.Message, ex); } if (assem == null) { assem = Assembly.Load("GxPdfReportsI"); } Type classType = assem.GetType("GeneXus.Printer.GxReportBuilderPdf", false, true); reportHandler = (IReportHandler)Activator.CreateInstance(classType, new Object[] { path, reportOutputStream }); #else reportHandler = (IReportHandler)(ClassLoader.FindInstance("GxPdfReportsCS", "GeneXus.Printer", "GxReportBuilderPdf", new Object[] { path, reportOutputStream }, null)); #endif } catch (TargetInvocationException ex) { if (ex.InnerException != null) { GXLogging.Error(log, "Load GxPdfReportsI Error", ex.InnerException); throw ex.InnerException; } else { throw ex; } } catch (Exception ex) { GXLogging.Error(log, "Load GxPdfReportsI Error", ex); throw ex; } } else { throw new Exception("Unrecognized report type: " + outputType); } return(reportHandler); }
private static void LogError(string msg) { GXLogging.Error(log, msg); }
private void Receive(GXMailMessage msg) { if (lastReadMessage == count) { throw new NoMessagesException(); } msg.Clear(); char pSep = System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; if (!attachDir.EndsWith(pSep.ToString())) { attachDir += pSep.ToString(); } SendNL("RETR " + (++lastReadMessage)); GXLogging.Debug(log, "Receive " + lastReadMessage); MailMessage message = null; try { mailReader = new RFC822Reader(new RFC822EndReader(new SecureNetworkStream(connection))); message = new MailMessage(mailReader, attachDir, readerTimeout); message.DownloadAttachments = this.DownloadAttachments; message.ReadAllMessage(); } catch (InvalidMessageException ime) { #if DEBUG GXLogging.Error(log, "Receive error", ime); #endif throw new GXMailException(ime.Message, GXInternetConstants.MAIL_InvalidValue); } catch (CouldNotSaveAttachmentException dae) { #if DEBUG GXLogging.Error(log, "Receive error", dae); #endif throw new GXMailException(dae.Message, GXInternetConstants.MAIL_CantSaveAttachment); } catch (InvalidAttachmentException iae) { #if DEBUG GXLogging.Error(log, "Receive error", iae); #endif throw new GXMailException(iae.Message, GXInternetConstants.MAIL_InvalidAttachment); } catch (TimeoutExceededException toe) { #if DEBUG GXLogging.Error(log, "Receive error", toe); #endif throw new GXMailException(toe.Message, GXInternetConstants.MAIL_TimeoutExceeded); } catch (Exception exc) { #if DEBUG GXLogging.Error(log, "Receive error", exc); #endif throw new GXMailException(exc.Message, MailConstants.MAIL_ConnectionLost); } try { if (message != null) { GXMailRecipientCollection msgFrom = new GXMailRecipientCollection(); message.SetMessageRecipients(msgFrom, GXInternetConstants.FROM); if (msgFrom.Count > 0) { msg.From = msgFrom.Item(1); } message.SetMessageRecipients(msg.ReplyTo, GXInternetConstants.REPLY_TO); message.SetMessageRecipients(msg.To, GXInternetConstants.TO); message.SetMessageRecipients(msg.CC, GXInternetConstants.CC); msg.Headers = message.Keys; msg.DateSent = message.GetDateSent(); msg.DateReceived = message.GetDateReceived(); msg.Subject = message.GetMessageSubject(); msg.Text = message.GetMessageText(); msg.HTMLText = message.GetMessageHtmlText(); message.SetMessageAttachments(msg.Attachments); } } catch (Exception exc) { GXLogging.Error(log, "Error Receiving", exc); throw new GXMailException(exc.Message, GXInternetConstants.MAIL_InvalidValue); } }
public static string HtmlPreview(Object obj, string query, string textType, string preTag, string postTag, int fragmentSize, int maxNumFragments) { string text; GxSilentTrnSdt silent = obj as GxSilentTrnSdt; GxFile file = obj as GxFile; if (silent != null) { text = (silent).Transaction.ToString(); } else if (file != null) { text = DocumentHandler.GetText(file.GetAbsoluteName(), System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file.GetAbsoluteName())); } else if (textType.ToLower().StartsWith("htm")) { text = new NTidyHTMLHandler().GetTextFromString(obj.ToString()); } else { text = obj.ToString(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) { if (qp == null) { qp = new QueryParser(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_24, IndexRecord.CONTENTFIELD, Indexer.CreateAnalyzer()); qp.DefaultOperator = QueryParser.Operator.AND; qp.MultiTermRewriteMethod = MultiTermQuery.SCORING_BOOLEAN_QUERY_REWRITE; } Query unReWrittenQuery = qp.Parse(query); Query q = unReWrittenQuery; try { if (reader == null) { reader = Indexer.Reader; } if (!queries.TryGetValue(query, out q)) { q = unReWrittenQuery.Rewrite(reader);//required to expand search terms (for the usage of highlighting with wildcards) if (queries.Count == int.MaxValue) { queries.Clear(); } queries[query] = q; } } catch (Exception ex) { GXLogging.Error(log, "HTMLPreview error", ex); } QueryScorer scorer = new QueryScorer(q); SimpleHTMLFormatter formatter = new SimpleHTMLFormatter(preTag, postTag); Highlighter highlighter = new Highlighter(formatter, scorer); IFragmenter fragmenter = new SimpleFragmenter(fragmentSize); highlighter.TextFragmenter = fragmenter; TokenStream tokenStream = new StandardAnalyzer(Lucene.Net.Util.Version.LUCENE_24).TokenStream("Content", new StringReader(text)); String result = highlighter.GetBestFragments(tokenStream, text, maxNumFragments, "..."); return(result); } else { return(text); } }
//ns = kb Namespace //clssWithoutNamespace = fullname genexus object (includes module), p.e. static public Type FindType(string defaultAssemblyName, string ns, string clssWithoutNamespace, Assembly defaultAssembly) { string clss = string.IsNullOrEmpty(ns) ? clssWithoutNamespace : string.Format("{0}.{1}", ns, clssWithoutNamespace); Type objType = null; string appNS; loadedAssemblies.TryGetValue(clss, out objType); if (objType == null) { #if NETCORE var asl = new AssemblyLoader(FileUtil.GetStartupDirectory()); #endif if (defaultAssembly != null) { try { objType = defaultAssembly.GetType(clss); } catch { GXLogging.Error(log, "Failed to load type: " + clss + ", assembly: " + defaultAssembly.FullName); } } try { AssemblyName defaultAssemblyNameObj = new AssemblyName(defaultAssemblyName); if (objType == null) { #if NETCORE Assembly assem = asl.LoadFromAssemblyName(defaultAssemblyNameObj); objType = assem.GetType(clss); #else objType = Assembly.Load(defaultAssemblyNameObj).GetType(clss); #endif } } catch (Exception ex) { GXLogging.Error(log, "Failed to load type: " + clss + ", assembly: " + defaultAssemblyName, ex); } try { if (objType == null) { if (Assembly.GetEntryAssembly() != null) { objType = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetType(clss); } } } catch { GXLogging.Error(log, "Failed to load type: " + clss + " from entryAssembly"); } try { if (objType == null) { objType = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetType(clss); } } catch { GXLogging.Error(log, "Failed to load type: " + clss + " from callingAssembly"); } if (objType == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ns) && Config.GetValueOf("AppMainNamespace", out appNS)) { if (ns != appNS) { return(FindType(defaultAssemblyName, appNS, clssWithoutNamespace, defaultAssembly)); } } if (objType == null) { GXLogging.Warn(log, "Find Instance in CurrentDomain"); foreach (Assembly asby in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()) { objType = asby.GetType(clss); if (objType != null) { break; } } } if (objType == null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ns)) { if (defaultAssemblyName.Contains(",")) { string[] parts = defaultAssemblyName.Split(','); if (parts.Length == 2) { defaultAssemblyName = parts[1]; clss = parts[0]; } return(FindType(defaultAssemblyName, string.Empty, clss, defaultAssembly)); } } if (objType == null) { GXLogging.Debug(log, "Find class in assemblies in directory " + FileUtil.GetStartupDirectory()); ArrayList files = new ArrayList(); files.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(FileUtil.GetStartupDirectory(), "*.dll")); #if !NETCORE files.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(FileUtil.GetStartupDirectory(), "*.exe")); #endif foreach (string file in files) { GXLogging.Debug(log, "Find class " + clss + ", assembly: " + file); try { #if !NETCORE objType = Assembly.LoadFrom(file).GetType(clss); #else Assembly assem = asl.LoadFromAssemblyName(new AssemblyName(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file))); objType = assem.GetType(clss); #endif if (objType != null) { break; } } catch (BadImageFormatException) { // It is not an .Net assembly } } if (objType == null) { GXLogging.Error(log, "Failed to load type: " + clss + " from currentdomain"); throw new GxClassLoaderException("Failed to load type: " + clss); } } loadedAssemblies[clss] = objType; } return(objType); }
private static void LogError(string msg, Exception e = null) { GXLogging.Error(log, e, msg); }
public Task WebException(Exception ex) { GXLogging.Error(log, "WebException", ex); return(SetError("500", ex.Message)); }
private void CopyAttachments(Attachments fromList, GxStringCollection toList) { GXLogging.Debug(log, "Copying Attachments"); int lastBar = 0; string fileName = ""; Fields fields; Field field; for (int i = 1; i <= (int)fromList.Count; i++) { Attachment attachment = (Attachment)fromList.get_Item(i); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attachDir)) { toList.Add(attachment.Name.ToString()); fields = (Fields)attachment.Fields; // Long filename try { // 0x3707001E = PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME field = (Field)fields.get_Item(0x3707001E, optional); fileName = field.Value.ToString(); } catch (Exception) {} if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { // Long filename - UNICODE try { // 0x3707001E + 1 = PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME field = (Field)fields.get_Item(0x3707001E + 1, optional); fileName = field.Value.ToString(); } catch (Exception) {} } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { // Short filename try { // 0x3704001E = PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME field = (Field)fields.get_Item(0x3704001E + 1, optional); fileName = field.Value.ToString(); } catch (Exception) {} } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { // Short filename - UNICODE try { // 0x3704001E + 1 = PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME field = (Field)fields.get_Item(0x3704001E + 1, optional); fileName = field.Value.ToString(); } catch (Exception) {} } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { fileName = attachment.Source.ToString(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { fileName = attachment.Name.ToString(); } lastBar = fileName.LastIndexOf("\\"); if (lastBar != -1) { fileName = fileName.Substring(lastBar + 1); } char pSep = System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; if (!attachDir.EndsWith(pSep.ToString())) { attachDir += pSep.ToString(); } try { attachment.WriteToFile(attachDir + fileName); } catch (Exception exc) { GXLogging.Error(log, "Could not save attachment", exc); throw new GXMailException("Could not save attachment", 16); } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { fileName = attachment.Name.ToString(); } lastBar = fileName.LastIndexOf("\\"); if (lastBar != -1) { toList.Add(fileName.Substring(lastBar + 1)); } else { toList.Add(fileName); } } }
private void ChangeFolder(string strFolder) { GXLogging.Debug(log, "Changing folder"); if (newMessages < 0 || newMessages > 1) { GXLogging.Error(log, "Invalid NewMessages value"); throw new GXMailException("Invalid NewMessages value", 27); } Folder defaultFolder = null; Folder parentFolder = null; Folder folder = null; bool foundFolder = false; inFolder = false; message = null; if (loggedIn) { try { defaultFolder = (Folder)session.GetDefaultFolder(CdoDefaultFolderTypes.CdoDefaultFolderInbox); if ((defaultFolder != null) && !defaultFolder.Name.Equals("")) { parentFolder = GetParentFolder(defaultFolder, ref foundFolder); string[] foldersArr = strFolder.Split(new char[] { '\\' }); for (int i = 0; i < foldersArr.Length; i++) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(foldersArr[i])) { continue; } else if (foldersArr[i].Equals(".")) { if (foundFolder) { folder = parentFolder; } } else if (foldersArr[i].Equals("..")) { if (!foundFolder) { throw new GXMailException("Could not open folder " + strFolder, 5); } else { foundFolder = false; folder = GetParentFolder(parentFolder, ref foundFolder); } } else if (foldersArr[i].Equals("Inbox")) { folder = (Folder)session.GetDefaultFolder(CdoDefaultFolderTypes.CdoDefaultFolderInbox); } else if (foldersArr[i].Equals("Outbox")) { folder = (Folder)session.GetDefaultFolder(CdoDefaultFolderTypes.CdoDefaultFolderOutbox); } else if (foldersArr[i].Equals("Sent Items")) { folder = (Folder)session.GetDefaultFolder(CdoDefaultFolderTypes.CdoDefaultFolderSentItems); } else if (foldersArr[i].Equals("Deleted Items")) { folder = (Folder)session.GetDefaultFolder(CdoDefaultFolderTypes.CdoDefaultFolderDeletedItems); } else if (folder != null) { foundFolder = false; folder = GetFolder((Folders)folder.Folders, foldersArr[i], ref foundFolder); if (!foundFolder) { break; } } else { foundFolder = false; folder = GetFolder((Folders)parentFolder.Folders, foldersArr[i], ref foundFolder); if (!foundFolder) { break; } } } } } catch (Exception exc) { GXLogging.Error(log, "Could not open folder", exc); throw new GXMailException("Could not open folder", 5); } if (folder == null) { folder = defaultFolder; } if (folder != null) { inFolder = true; readItems = (Messages)folder.Messages; if (newMessages == 1) { MessageFilter filter = (MessageFilter)readItems.Filter; filter.Unread = newMessages; } readItems.Sort(optional, optional); } else { GXLogging.Error(log, "Could not open folder"); throw new GXMailException("Could not open folder", 5); } } else { GXLogging.Error(log, "Not logged in"); throw new GXMailException("Not logged in", 2); } }
public short dfrgdate(out DateTime d, string fmt, string sep) { short retval = GX_ASCDEL_SUCCESS; d = DateTimeUtil.NullDate(); string[] values = null; int year = 0; int month = 0; int day = 0; if (_readStatus != FileIOStatus.DataReady) { GXLogging.Error(log, "Error ADF0004 o ADF0006"); return(GX_ASCDEL_INVALIDSEQUENCE); } string fld = getNextFld(-1); try { values = fld.Split(sep[0]); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int value = Convert.ToInt32(values[i]); switch (fmt[i]) { case 'y': year = value; break; case 'm': month = value; break; case 'd': day = value; break; default: return(GX_ASCDEL_BADFMTSTR); } } if (month == 0 && day == 0 && year == 0) { d = DateTimeUtil.NullDate(); } else if (month < 1 || month > 12 || day < 1 || day > 31) { retval = GX_ASCDEL_INVALIDDATE; GXLogging.Error(log, "Error ADF0010"); } else { d = new DateTime(year, month, day); } } catch { retval = GX_ASCDEL_INVALIDFORMAT; } return(retval); }
private void ReadBody(MailReader reader, MailProperties partProps, String separator) { string contentType = partProps.GetKeyPrincipal("Content-Type"); bool isTextPlain = (string.Compare(contentType, "text/plain", true) == 0); bool isTextHtml = (string.Compare(contentType, "text/html", true) == 0); bool isAttachment = (!isTextPlain && !isTextHtml) || AttachmentContentDisposition(partProps); string oldSeparator = reader.GetSeparator(); reader.SetSeparator(separator); reader.SetTextPlain(isTextPlain); GXLogging.Debug(log, "isAttachment:" + isAttachment + " isTextHTML:" + isTextHtml + " istextplain:" + isTextPlain); MimeDecoder decoder = GetDecoder(partProps.GetField("Content-Transfer-Encoding")); if (isAttachment) { string outname = string.Empty; try { Stream output; if (this.DownloadAttachments) { string cid = GetAttachmentContentId(partProps); string fileName = qpDecoder.DecodeHeader(RemoveQuotes(partProps.GetKeyProperty("Content-Disposition", "filename"))); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { fileName = RemoveQuotes(partProps.GetKeyProperty("Content-Type", "name")); } bool inlineAttachment = partProps.GetKeyPrincipal("Content-Disposition").StartsWith("inline"); if (inlineAttachment && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(cid)) { fileName = String.Format("{0}_{1}", cid, fileName); outname = GetFileName(attachmentsPath, fileName, contentType); this.messageHtml = this.messageHtml.Replace("cid:" + cid, outname); } else { outname = GetFileName(attachmentsPath, fileName, contentType); } attachments += outname + ";"; if (!Directory.Exists(attachmentsPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(attachmentsPath); } output = new FileStream(attachmentsPath + outname, FileMode.Create); } else { output = new DummyStream(); } try { decoder.DecodeFile(reader, output, runner); } catch (Exception e) { GXLogging.Error(log, "ReadBody error", e); throw e; } finally { output.Close(); } } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException dex) { GXLogging.Error(log, "Error with attachments, attachment path:" + attachmentsPath + outname, dex); throw new CouldNotSaveAttachmentException(dex); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.InnerException != null) { ex = ex.InnerException; } GXLogging.Error(log, "Error with attachments, attachment path:" + attachmentsPath + outname, ex); throw new InvalidAttachmentException(ex); } } else { try { TextWriter output = new StringWriter(); try { decoder.DecodeText(reader, output, runner); if (isTextPlain) { messageText.Append(((StringWriter)output).GetStringBuilder().ToString()); } else if (isTextHtml) { messageHtml.Append(((StringWriter)output).GetStringBuilder().ToString()); } } catch (Exception e) { GXLogging.Error(log, "ReadBody error", e); throw e; } finally { output.Close(); } } catch (Exception ex1) { if (ex1.InnerException != null) { ex1 = ex1.InnerException; } GXLogging.Error(log, "ReadBody error", ex1); throw new InvalidMessageException(ex1); } } reader.SetSeparator(oldSeparator); }
public void Receive(GXPOP3Session sessionInfo, GXMailMessage gxmessage) { if (client == null) { LogError("Login Error", "Must login", MailConstants.MAIL_CantLogin); return; } if (lastReadMessage == count) { LogDebug("No messages to receive", "No messages to receive", MailConstants.MAIL_NoMessages); return; } try { if (count > lastReadMessage) { Message m = null; try { m = client.GetMessage(++lastReadMessage); } catch (Exception e) { LogError("Receive message error", e.Message, MailConstants.MAIL_ServerRepliedErr, e); } if (m != null) { MailMessage msg; try { msg = m.ToMailMessage(); } catch (ArgumentException ae) { GXLogging.Error(log, "Receive message error " + ae.Message + " subject:" + m.Headers.Subject, ae); PropertyInfo subjectProp = m.Headers.GetType().GetProperty("Subject"); string subject = m.Headers.Subject; if (HasCROrLF(subject)) { subjectProp.SetValue(m.Headers, subject.Replace('\r', ' ').Replace('\n', ' ')); GXLogging.Warn(log, "Replaced CR and LF in subject " + m.Headers.Subject); } msg = m.ToMailMessage(); } using (msg) { gxmessage.From = new GXMailRecipient(msg.From.DisplayName, msg.From.Address); SetRecipient(gxmessage.To, msg.To); SetRecipient(gxmessage.CC, msg.CC); gxmessage.Subject = msg.Subject; if (msg.IsBodyHtml) { gxmessage.HTMLText = msg.Body; MessagePart plainText = m.FindFirstPlainTextVersion(); if (plainText != null) { gxmessage.Text += plainText.GetBodyAsText(); } } else { gxmessage.Text = msg.Body; } if (msg.ReplyToList != null && msg.ReplyToList.Count > 0) { SetRecipient(gxmessage.ReplyTo, msg.ReplyToList); } gxmessage.DateSent = m.Headers.DateSent; if (gxmessage.DateSent.Kind == DateTimeKind.Utc && GeneXus.Application.GxContext.Current != null) { gxmessage.DateSent = DateTimeUtil.FromTimeZone(m.Headers.DateSent, "Etc/UTC", GeneXus.Application.GxContext.Current); } gxmessage.DateReceived = GeneXus.Mail.Internals.Pop3.MailMessage.GetMessageDate(m.Headers.Date); AddHeader(gxmessage, "DispositionNotificationTo", m.Headers.DispositionNotificationTo.ToString()); ProcessMailAttachments(gxmessage, m.FindAllAttachments()); } } } }catch (Exception e) { LogError("Receive message error", e.Message, MailConstants.MAIL_ServerRepliedErr, e); } }