public List <GXKeyValuePair <GXDLMSObject, GXDLMSCaptureObject> > Refresh(GXDLMSProfileGeneric item, GXDLMSCommunicator comm) { GXReplyData reply = new GXReplyData(); if (item.LogicalName.CompareTo("") == 0) // LoadProfile1EndOfRecordingData { List <GXKeyValuePair <GXDLMSObject, GXDLMSCaptureObject> > items = new List <GXKeyValuePair <GXDLMSObject, GXDLMSCaptureObject> >(); //Read profile generic columns. comm.GetProfileGenericColumns(item); byte[] data = comm.Read(item, 2); comm.ReadDataBlock(data, "Get profile generic columns...", 1, reply); object[] values = (object[])reply.Value; Array info = values[0] as Array; GXDLMSObject obj = new GXDLMSData(); obj.Description = "DateTime"; obj.SetUIDataType(1, DataType.DateTime); items.Add(new GXKeyValuePair <GXDLMSObject, GXDLMSCaptureObject>(obj, new GXDLMSCaptureObject(1, 0))); obj = new GXDLMSData(); obj.Description = "Status"; items.Add(new GXKeyValuePair <GXDLMSObject, GXDLMSCaptureObject>(obj, new GXDLMSCaptureObject(2, 0))); //Two last items contains Start and end date. int cnt = 4; for (int pos = 0; pos < info.Length - 2; pos += 2) { obj = new GXDLMSData(); obj.LogicalName = Convert.ToString(GXDLMSClient.ChangeType((byte[])info.GetValue(pos), DataType.OctetString)); object scalerUnit = info.GetValue(pos + 1); obj.Description = ""; items.Add(new GXKeyValuePair <GXDLMSObject, GXDLMSCaptureObject>(obj, new GXDLMSCaptureObject(++cnt, 0))); } LastDateTime = (GXDateTime)GXDLMSClient.ChangeType((byte[])info.GetValue(info.Length - 1), DataType.DateTime); return(items); } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Update simulated values for the meter instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="items">Simulated COSEM objects.</param> void UpdateValues(GXDLMSObjectCollection items) { //Update COSEM Logical Device Name GXDLMSData d = items.FindByLN(ObjectType.Data, "") as GXDLMSData; if (d != null && d.Value is string v) { d.Value = string.Format("{0}{1}", v.Substring(0, 3), serialNumber.ToString("D13")); } //Update Meter serial number. d = items.FindByLN(ObjectType.Data, "") as GXDLMSData; if (d != null && d.Value is string v2) { string tmp = ""; foreach (char it in v2) { //Append chars. if (it < 0x30 || it > 0x39) { tmp += it; } else { break; } } d.Value = tmp + serialNumber.ToString("D" + Convert.ToString(v2.Length - tmp.Length)); } }
public List <GXKeyValuePair <GXDLMSObject, GXDLMSCaptureObject> > Refresh(GXDLMSProfileGeneric item, GXDLMSCommunicator comm) { if (item.LogicalName.CompareTo("") == 0) // LoadProfile1EndOfRecordingData { List <GXKeyValuePair <GXDLMSObject, GXDLMSCaptureObject> > items = new List <GXKeyValuePair <GXDLMSObject, GXDLMSCaptureObject> >(); //Read profile generic columns. object value = comm.GetProfileGenericColumns(item.Name); byte[] data = comm.Read("", ObjectType.ProfileGeneric, 2); byte[] allData = comm.ReadDataBlock(data, "Get profile generic columns...", 1); object[] values = (object[])comm.m_Cosem.GetValue(allData); Array info = values[0] as Array; GXDLMSObject obj = new GXDLMSData(); obj.Description = "DateTime"; obj.SetUIDataType(1, DataType.DateTime); items.Add(new GXKeyValuePair <GXDLMSObject, GXDLMSCaptureObject>(obj, new GXDLMSCaptureObject(1, 0))); obj = new GXDLMSData(); obj.Description = "Status"; items.Add(new GXKeyValuePair <GXDLMSObject, GXDLMSCaptureObject>(obj, new GXDLMSCaptureObject(2, 0))); //Two last items contains Start and end date. int cnt = 4; for (int pos = 0; pos < info.Length - 2; pos += 2) { obj = new GXDLMSData(); obj.LogicalName = GXHelpers.ConvertFromDLMS(info.GetValue(pos), DataType.OctetString, DataType.OctetString, false).ToString(); object scalerUnit = info.GetValue(pos + 1); obj.Description = ""; items.Add(new GXKeyValuePair <GXDLMSObject, GXDLMSCaptureObject>(obj, new GXDLMSCaptureObject(++cnt, 0))); } LastDateTime = ((GXDateTime)GXDLMS.Common.GXHelpers.ConvertFromDLMS(info.GetValue(info.Length - 1), DataType.OctetString, DataType.DateTime, true)).Value; return(items); } return(null); }
void OnShowDialog(GXActionArgs arg) { if (InvokeRequired) { BeginInvoke(new ShowUserDialogEventHandler(OnShowDialog), arg).AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(); } else { if (ProfileGenericView.SelectedCells.Count == 1) { DataGridViewRow row = ProfileGenericView.Rows[ProfileGenericView.SelectedCells[0].RowIndex]; if (arg.Index == -1) { //Add to the white list. string data = "<Array Qty=\"01\" ><Structure Qty=\"04\" ><OctetString Value=\"" + row.Cells[2].Value + "\" /><UInt8 Value=\"63\" /><UInt16 Value=\"0004\" /><UInt8 Value=\"5\" /></Structure></Array>"; arg.Action = ActionType.Write; arg.Index = 2; GXDLMSData d = new GXDLMSData(""); d.SetDataType(2, DataType.Array); d.Value = GXDLMSTranslator.XmlToValue(data); arg.Target = d; } else if (arg.Index == -2) { //Add to the black list. string data = "<Array Qty=\"01\" ><OctetString Value=\"" + row.Cells[2].Value + "\" /></Array>"; arg.Action = ActionType.Write; arg.Index = 2; arg.Value = GXDLMSTranslator.XmlToValue(data); arg.Target = new GXDLMSData(""); arg.Target.SetDataType(2, DataType.Array); } else if (arg.Index == -3) { //Remove from the white or black list. //Add to the white list. long unixTime = GXDateTime.ToUnixTime(DateTime.Parse(Convert.ToString(row.Cells[4].Value))); string data = "<Structure Qty=\"02\" ><OctetString Value=\"" + row.Cells[0].Value + "\" /><UInt32 Value=\"" + unixTime + "\" /></Structure>"; arg.Value = GXDLMSTranslator.XmlToValue(data); ProfileGenericView.Rows.Remove(row); } } else { GXHelpers.ShowMessageBox(this, Properties.Resources.ProfileGenericDeviceAmountWarning, "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Information); arg.Handled = true; } } }
public void PreAction(GXActionArgs arg) { //Edit object in association view. if (arg.Action == ActionType.Action && arg.Index == -1) { if (arg.Tag == null) { OnShowDialog(null, arg); } else { GXDLMSAssociationLogicalName target = Target as GXDLMSAssociationLogicalName; arg.Value = target.AddObject(arg.Client, arg.Tag as GXDLMSObject); arg.Tag = null; } } //Add object to association view. else if (arg.Index == 3) { GXDLMSObject it = new GXDLMSData(); OnShowDialog(it, arg); } else if (arg.Index == 4) { // Remove object from association view. OnShowDialog(null, arg); } //Add user to user list. else if (arg.Index == 5) { OnShowDialog(true, arg); } else if (arg.Index == 6) { // Remove user from user list. OnShowDialog(false, arg); } if ((arg.Action == ActionType.Write && arg.Index == 7) || arg.Action == ActionType.Action && arg.Index == 2) { OnUpdatePassword(arg); } else if (arg.Action == ActionType.Write && arg.Index == 2) { //Skip write invoke. arg.Handled = true; } }
void Init() { Media.OnReceived += new Gurux.Common.ReceivedEventHandler(OnReceived); Media.OnClientConnected += new Gurux.Common.ClientConnectedEventHandler(OnClientConnected); Media.OnClientDisconnected += new Gurux.Common.ClientDisconnectedEventHandler(OnClientDisconnected); Media.OnError += new Gurux.Common.ErrorEventHandler(OnError); Media.Open(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Add Logical Device Name. 123456 is meter serial number. GXDLMSData ldn = new GXDLMSData(""); ldn.Value = "Gurux123456"; //Value is get as Octet String. ldn.SetDataType(2, DataType.OctetString); ldn.SetUIDataType(2, DataType.String); Items.Add(ldn); //Add firmware version. GXDLMSData fw = new GXDLMSData(""); fw.Value = "Gurux FW 0.0.1"; Items.Add(fw); //Add Last average. GXDLMSRegister r = new GXDLMSRegister(""); //Set access right. Client can't change average value. Items.Add(r); //Add default clock. Clock's Logical Name is GXDLMSClock clock = new GXDLMSClock(); clock.Begin = new GXDateTime(-1, 9, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1); clock.End = new GXDateTime(-1, 3, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1); clock.Deviation = 0; Items.Add(clock); //Add Tcp Udp setup. Default Logical Name is GXDLMSTcpUdpSetup tcp = new GXDLMSTcpUdpSetup(); Items.Add(tcp); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Add Load profile. GXDLMSProfileGeneric pg = new GXDLMSProfileGeneric(""); //Set capture period to 60 second. pg.CapturePeriod = 60; //Maximum row count. pg.ProfileEntries = 100000; pg.SortMethod = SortMethod.FiFo; pg.SortObject = clock; //Add columns. //Set saved attribute index. pg.CaptureObjects.Add(new GXKeyValuePair <GXDLMSObject, GXDLMSCaptureObject>(clock, new GXDLMSCaptureObject(2, 0))); //Set saved attribute index. pg.CaptureObjects.Add(new GXKeyValuePair <GXDLMSObject, GXDLMSCaptureObject>(r, new GXDLMSCaptureObject(2, 0))); Items.Add(pg); //Add initial rows. //Generate Profile Generic data file lock (FileLock) { using (var writer = File.CreateText(GetdataFile())) { //Create 10 000 rows for profile generic file. //In example profile generic we have two columns. //Date time and integer value. int rowCount = 10000; DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; //Reset minutes and seconds to Zero. dt = dt.AddSeconds(-dt.Second); dt = dt.AddMinutes(-dt.Minute); dt = dt.AddHours(-(rowCount - 1)); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int pos = 0; pos != rowCount; ++pos) { sb.Append(dt.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); sb.Append(';'); sb.AppendLine(Convert.ToString(pos + 1)); dt = dt.AddHours(1); } sb.Length -= 2; writer.Write(sb.ToString()); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Add Auto connect object. GXDLMSAutoConnect ac = new GXDLMSAutoConnect(); ac.Mode = AutoConnectMode.AutoDiallingAllowedAnytime; ac.Repetitions = 10; ac.RepetitionDelay = 60; //Calling is allowed between 1am to 6am. ac.CallingWindow.Add(new KeyValuePair <GXDateTime, GXDateTime>(new GXDateTime(-1, -1, -1, 1, 0, 0, -1), new GXDateTime(-1, -1, -1, 6, 0, 0, -1))); ac.Destinations = new string[] { "" }; Items.Add(ac); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Add Activity Calendar object. GXDLMSActivityCalendar activity = new GXDLMSActivityCalendar(); activity.CalendarNameActive = "Active"; activity.SeasonProfileActive = new GXDLMSSeasonProfile[] { new GXDLMSSeasonProfile("Summer time", new GXDateTime(-1, 3, 31, -1, -1, -1, -1), "") }; activity.WeekProfileTableActive = new GXDLMSWeekProfile[] { new GXDLMSWeekProfile("Monday", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) }; activity.DayProfileTableActive = new GXDLMSDayProfile[] { new GXDLMSDayProfile(1, new GXDLMSDayProfileAction[] { new GXDLMSDayProfileAction(new GXTime(DateTime.Now), "", 1) }) }; activity.CalendarNamePassive = "Passive"; activity.SeasonProfilePassive = new GXDLMSSeasonProfile[] { new GXDLMSSeasonProfile("Winter time", new GXDateTime(-1, 10, 30, -1, -1, -1, -1), "") }; activity.WeekProfileTablePassive = new GXDLMSWeekProfile[] { new GXDLMSWeekProfile("Tuesday", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) }; activity.DayProfileTablePassive = new GXDLMSDayProfile[] { new GXDLMSDayProfile(1, new GXDLMSDayProfileAction[] { new GXDLMSDayProfileAction(new GXTime(DateTime.Now), "", 1) }) }; activity.Time = new GXDateTime(DateTime.Now); Items.Add(activity); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Add Optical Port Setup object. GXDLMSIECOpticalPortSetup optical = new GXDLMSIECOpticalPortSetup(); optical.DefaultMode = OpticalProtocolMode.Default; optical.ProposedBaudrate = BaudRate.Baudrate9600; optical.DefaultBaudrate = BaudRate.Baudrate300; optical.ResponseTime = LocalPortResponseTime.ms200; optical.DeviceAddress = "Gurux"; optical.Password1 = "Gurux1"; optical.Password2 = "Gurux2"; optical.Password5 = "Gurux5"; Items.Add(optical); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Add Demand Register object. GXDLMSDemandRegister dr = new GXDLMSDemandRegister(); dr.LogicalName = ""; dr.CurrentAverageValue = (uint)10; dr.LastAverageValue = (uint)20; dr.Status = (byte)1; dr.StartTimeCurrent = dr.CaptureTime = new GXDateTime(DateTime.Now); dr.Period = 10; dr.NumberOfPeriods = 1; Items.Add(dr); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Add Register Monitor object. GXDLMSRegisterMonitor rm = new GXDLMSRegisterMonitor(); rm.LogicalName = ""; rm.Thresholds = new object[] { (int)0x1234, (int)0x5678 }; GXDLMSActionSet set = new GXDLMSActionSet(); set.ActionDown.LogicalName = rm.LogicalName; set.ActionDown.ScriptSelector = 1; set.ActionUp.LogicalName = rm.LogicalName; set.ActionUp.ScriptSelector = 2; rm.Actions = new GXDLMSActionSet[] { set }; rm.MonitoredValue.Update(r, 2); Items.Add(rm); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Add Activate test mode Script table object. GXDLMSScriptTable st = new GXDLMSScriptTable(""); GXDLMSScript s = new GXDLMSScript(); s.Id = 1; GXDLMSScriptAction a = new GXDLMSScriptAction(); a.Target = null; s.Actions.Add(a); st.Scripts.Add(s); Items.Add(st); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Add action schedule object. GXDLMSActionSchedule actionS = new GXDLMSActionSchedule(); actionS.Target = st; actionS.ExecutedScriptSelector = 1; actionS.Type = SingleActionScheduleType.SingleActionScheduleType1; actionS.ExecutionTime = new GXDateTime[] { new GXDateTime(DateTime.Now) }; Items.Add(actionS); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Add SAP Assignment object. GXDLMSSapAssignment sap = new GXDLMSSapAssignment(); sap.SapAssignmentList.Add(new KeyValuePair <UInt16, string>(1, "Gurux")); sap.SapAssignmentList.Add(new KeyValuePair <UInt16, string>(16, "Gurux-2")); Items.Add(sap); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Add Auto Answer object. GXDLMSAutoAnswer aa = new GXDLMSAutoAnswer(); aa.Mode = AutoAnswerMode.Connected; aa.ListeningWindow.Add(new KeyValuePair <GXDateTime, GXDateTime>(new GXDateTime(-1, -1, -1, 6, -1, -1, -1), new GXDateTime(-1, -1, -1, 8, -1, -1, -1))); aa.Status = AutoAnswerStatus.Inactive; aa.NumberOfCalls = 0; aa.NumberOfRingsInListeningWindow = 1; aa.NumberOfRingsOutListeningWindow = 2; Items.Add(aa); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Add Modem Configuration object. GXDLMSModemConfiguration mc = new GXDLMSModemConfiguration(); mc.CommunicationSpeed = BaudRate.Baudrate57600; GXDLMSModemInitialisation init = new GXDLMSModemInitialisation(); init.Request = "AT"; init.Response = "OK"; init.Delay = 0; mc.InitialisationStrings = new GXDLMSModemInitialisation[] { init }; Items.Add(mc); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Add Mac Address Setup object. GXDLMSMacAddressSetup mac = new GXDLMSMacAddressSetup(); mac.MacAddress = "00:11:22:33:44:55:66"; Items.Add(mac); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Add Image transfer object. GXDLMSImageTransfer i = new GXDLMSImageTransfer(); Items.Add(i); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Add IP4 Setup object. GXDLMSIp4Setup ip4 = new GXDLMSIp4Setup(); //Get local IP address. var host = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName()); foreach (var ip in host.AddressList) { if (ip.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork) { ip4.IPAddress = ip.ToString(); } } Items.Add(ip4); //Add Push Setup. (On Connectivity) GXDLMSPushSetup push = new GXDLMSPushSetup(""); //Send Push messages to this address as default. push.Destination = ip4.IPAddress + ":7000"; Items.Add(push); //Add push object itself. This is needed to tell structure of data to the Push listener. push.PushObjectList.Add(new KeyValuePair <GXDLMSObject, GXDLMSCaptureObject>(push, new GXDLMSCaptureObject(2, 0))); //Add logical device name. push.PushObjectList.Add(new KeyValuePair <GXDLMSObject, GXDLMSCaptureObject>(ldn, new GXDLMSCaptureObject(2, 0))); //Add . Ch. 0 IPv4 setup IP address. push.PushObjectList.Add(new KeyValuePair <GXDLMSObject, GXDLMSCaptureObject>(ip4, new GXDLMSCaptureObject(3, 0))); Items.Add(new GXDLMSSpecialDaysTable()); //Add S-FSK objects Items.Add(new GXDLMSSFSKPhyMacSetUp()); Items.Add(new GXDLMSSFSKActiveInitiator()); Items.Add(new GXDLMSSFSKMacCounters()); Items.Add(new GXDLMSSFSKMacSynchronizationTimeouts()); ///Add G3-PLC objects. Items.Add(new GXDLMSG3Plc6LoWPan()); Items.Add(new GXDLMSG3PlcMacLayerCounters()); Items.Add(new GXDLMSG3PlcMacSetup()); //Add security setup object Items.Add(new GXDLMSSecuritySetup()); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Server must initialize after all objects are added. Initialize(); }
/// <summary> /// Read data from the meter. /// </summary> private static void ReadMeter(object parameter) { GXDLMSReader reader = null; System.Net.Http.HttpClient httpClient = Helpers.client; using (GXNet media = (GXNet)parameter) { try { var config = new ConfigurationBuilder() .SetBasePath(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()) .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: true) .Build(); ListenerOptions listener = config.GetSection("Listener").Get <ListenerOptions>(); GXDLMSObjectCollection objects = new GXDLMSObjectCollection(); GXDLMSSecureClient client = new GXDLMSSecureClient(listener.UseLogicalNameReferencing, listener.ClientAddress, listener.ServerAddress, (Authentication)listener.Authentication, listener.Password, (InterfaceType)listener.Interface); reader = new GXDLMSReader(client, media, _logger); GXDLMSData ldn = new GXDLMSData(""); ldn.SetUIDataType(2, DataType.String); reader.InitializeConnection(); reader.Read(ldn, 2); Console.WriteLine("Meter connected: " + ldn.Value); //Find device. GXDevice dev = null; ListDevicesResponse devs = null; { using (System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage response = httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(Startup.ServerAddress + "/api/device/ListDevices", new ListDevices() { Name = (string)ldn.Value }).Result) { Helpers.CheckStatus(response); devs = response.Content.ReadAsAsync <ListDevicesResponse>().Result; } //If device is unknown. if (devs.Devices.Length == 0) { if (listener.DefaultDeviceTemplate == 0) { string str = "Unknown Meter try to connect to the Gurux.DLMS.AMI server: " + ldn.Value; Console.WriteLine(str); AddSystemError info = new AddSystemError(); info.Error = new GXSystemError() { Error = str }; using (System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage response = httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(Startup.ServerAddress + "/api/SystemError/AddSystemError", info).Result) { Helpers.CheckStatus(response); } return; } ListDeviceTemplates lt = new ListDeviceTemplates() { Ids = new UInt64[] { listener.DefaultDeviceTemplate } }; using (System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage response = httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(Startup.ServerAddress + "/api/template/ListDeviceTemplates", lt).Result) { Helpers.CheckStatus(response); ListDeviceTemplatesResponse ret = response.Content.ReadAsAsync <ListDeviceTemplatesResponse>().Result; if (ret.Devices.Length != 1) { throw new Exception("DefaultDeviceTemplate value is invalid: " + listener.DefaultDeviceTemplate); } dev = new GXDevice(); GXDevice.Copy(dev, ret.Devices[0]); dev.Name = Convert.ToString(ldn.Value); dev.TemplateId = listener.DefaultDeviceTemplate; dev.Manufacturer = ret.Devices[0].Name; } dev.Dynamic = true; UpdateDevice update = new UpdateDevice(); update.Device = dev; using (System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage response = httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(Startup.ServerAddress + "/api/device/UpdateDevice", update).Result) { Helpers.CheckStatus(response); UpdateDeviceResponse r = response.Content.ReadAsAsync <UpdateDeviceResponse>().Result; dev.Id = r.DeviceId; } using (System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage response = httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(Startup.ServerAddress + "/api/device/ListDevices", new ListDevices() { Ids = new UInt64[] { dev.Id } }).Result) { Helpers.CheckStatus(response); devs = response.Content.ReadAsAsync <ListDevicesResponse>().Result; } } else if (devs.Devices.Length != 1) { throw new Exception("There are multiple devices with same name: " + ldn.Value); } else { dev = devs.Devices[0]; if (dev.Security != Security.None) { Console.WriteLine("Reading frame counter."); GXDLMSData fc = new GXDLMSData(listener.InvocationCounter); reader.Read(fc, 2); dev.InvocationCounter = 1 + Convert.ToUInt32(fc.Value); Console.WriteLine("Device ID: " + dev.Id + " LDN: " + (string)ldn.Value); Console.WriteLine("Frame counter: " + dev.FrameCounter); } GetNextTaskResponse ret; using (System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage response = httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(Startup.ServerAddress + "/api/task/GetNextTask", new GetNextTask() { Listener = true, DeviceId = dev.Id }).Result) { Helpers.CheckStatus(response); ret = response.Content.ReadAsAsync <GetNextTaskResponse>().Result; } if (ret.Tasks == null || ret.Tasks.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("No tasks to execute"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Task count: " + ret.Tasks.Length); if (client.ClientAddress != dev.ClientAddress || dev.Security != Security.None) { reader.Release(); reader.Disconnect(); client = new GXDLMSSecureClient(dev.UseLogicalNameReferencing, dev.ClientAddress, dev.PhysicalAddress, (Authentication)dev.Authentication, dev.Password, dev.InterfaceType); client.UtcTimeZone = dev.UtcTimeZone; client.Standard = (Standard)dev.Standard; if (dev.Conformance != 0) { client.ProposedConformance = (Conformance)dev.Conformance; } client.Priority = dev.Priority; client.ServiceClass = dev.ServiceClass; client.Ciphering.SystemTitle = GXCommon.HexToBytes(dev.ClientSystemTitle); client.Ciphering.BlockCipherKey = GXCommon.HexToBytes(dev.BlockCipherKey); client.Ciphering.AuthenticationKey = GXCommon.HexToBytes(dev.AuthenticationKey); client.ServerSystemTitle = GXCommon.HexToBytes(dev.DeviceSystemTitle); client.Ciphering.InvocationCounter = dev.InvocationCounter; client.Ciphering.Security = (Security)dev.Security; reader = new GXDLMSReader(client, media, _logger); reader.InitializeConnection(); } List <GXValue> values = new List <GXValue>(); foreach (GXTask task in ret.Tasks) { GXDLMSObject obj = GXDLMSClient.CreateObject((ObjectType)task.Object.ObjectType); obj.LogicalName = task.Object.LogicalName; try { if (task.TaskType == TaskType.Write) { if (obj.LogicalName == "" && task.Index == 2) { client.UpdateValue(obj, task.Index, GXDateTime.ToUnixTime(DateTime.UtcNow)); } else { client.UpdateValue(obj, task.Index, GXDLMSTranslator.XmlToValue(task.Data)); } reader.Write(obj, task.Index); } else if (task.TaskType == TaskType.Action) { reader.Method(obj, task.Index, GXDLMSTranslator.XmlToValue(task.Data), DataType.None); } else if (task.TaskType == TaskType.Read) { Reader.Reader.Read(null, httpClient, reader, task, media, obj); } } catch (Exception ex) { task.Result = ex.Message; AddError error = new AddError(); error.Error = new GXError() { DeviceId = dev.Id, Error = "Failed to " + task.TaskType + " " + task.Object.LogicalName + ":" + task.Index + ". " + ex.Message }; using (System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage response = httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(Startup.ServerAddress + "/api/error/AddError", error).Result) { Helpers.CheckStatus(response); response.Content.ReadAsAsync <AddErrorResponse>(); } } using (System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage response = httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(Startup.ServerAddress + "/api/task/TaskReady", new TaskReady() { Tasks = new GXTask[] { task } }).Result) { Helpers.CheckStatus(response); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { try { AddSystemError info = new AddSystemError(); info.Error = new GXSystemError() { Error = ex.Message }; using (System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage response = httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync(Startup.ServerAddress + "/api/SystemError/AddSystemError", info).Result) { Helpers.CheckStatus(response); } } catch (Exception ex2) { } } finally { if (reader != null) { reader.Close(); } } } }
public void UpdateColumns(GXDLMSProfileGeneric item, GXManufacturer man) { if (Comm.parentForm.InvokeRequired) { try { Comm.parentForm.Invoke(new UpdateColumnsEventHandler(UpdateColumns), item, man); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } return; } try { item.Buffer.Clear(); item.CaptureObjects.Clear(); List <GXKeyValuePair <GXDLMSObject, GXDLMSCaptureObject> > cols = null; List <DataColumn> columns = new List <DataColumn>(); try { Comm.GetProfileGenericColumns(item); if (Standard == Standard.Italy && item.CaptureObjects.Count == 0) { cols = GetColumns(Comm.client.Objects, Comm.client.CustomObisCodes, item.LogicalName, 0); GXDLMSConverter c = new GXDLMSConverter(Standard); foreach (var it in cols) { c.UpdateOBISCodeInformation(it.Key); } item.CaptureObjects.AddRange(cols); } } catch (GXDLMSException ex) { if (Standard == Standard.Italy) { GXDLMSData obj = Comm.client.Objects.FindByLN(ObjectType.Data, "") as GXDLMSData; int type = 0; if (obj != null) { if (obj.Value == null) { try { Comm.ReadValue(obj, 2); type = Convert.ToInt16(obj.Value); } catch (Exception) { type = 0; } } else { type = Convert.ToInt16(obj.Value); } } cols = GetColumns(Comm.client.Objects, Comm.client.CustomObisCodes, item.LogicalName, type); item.CaptureObjects.Clear(); GXDLMSConverter c = new GXDLMSConverter(Standard); foreach (var it in cols) { c.UpdateOBISCodeInformation(it.Key); } item.CaptureObjects.AddRange(cols); } if (cols == null || cols.Count == 0) { throw ex; } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private async void DoWork(object ínfo) { //Give some time DB server to start up. Thread.Sleep(1000); GetNextTaskResponse ret = null; System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage response; //Don't wait reply. It might that DB server is not up yet. if (ínfo != null) { using (response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync(Startup.ServerAddress + "/api/reader/AddReader", new AddReader() { Reader = ínfo as GXReaderInfo })) { Helpers.CheckStatus(response); } } _logger.LogInformation("Reader Service is started."); while (!_cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { try { using (response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync(Startup.ServerAddress + "/api/task/GetNextTask", new GetNextTask())) { Helpers.CheckStatus(response); ret = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync <GetNextTaskResponse>(); } if (ret.Tasks != null) { int pos = 0; GXDevice dev; GXDLMSSecureClient cl; using (response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync(Startup.ServerAddress + "/api/device/ListDevices", new ListDevices() { Ids = new[] { ret.Tasks[0].Object.DeviceId } })) { Helpers.CheckStatus(response); ListDevicesResponse r = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync <ListDevicesResponse>(); if (r.Devices == null || r.Devices.Length == 0) { continue; } dev = r.Devices[0]; } IGXMedia media; if (string.Compare(dev.MediaType, typeof(GXNet).FullName, true) == 0) { media = new GXNet(); } else if (string.Compare(dev.MediaType, typeof(GXSerial).FullName, true) == 0) { media = new GXSerial(); } else if (string.Compare(dev.MediaType, typeof(GXTerminal).FullName, true) == 0) { media = new GXTerminal(); } else { Type type = Type.GetType(dev.MediaType); if (type == null) { string ns = ""; pos = dev.MediaType.LastIndexOf('.'); if (pos != -1) { ns = dev.MediaType.Substring(0, pos); } foreach (Assembly assembly in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()) { if (assembly.GetName().Name == ns) { if (assembly.GetType(dev.MediaType, false, true) != null) { type = assembly.GetType(dev.MediaType); } } } } if (type == null) { throw new Exception("Invalid media type: " + dev.MediaType); } media = (IGXMedia)Activator.CreateInstance(type); } if (media == null) { throw new Exception("Unknown media type '" + dev.MediaType + "'."); } media.Settings = dev.MediaSettings; GXDLMSReader reader; //Read frame counter from the meter. if (dev.Security != 0) { cl = new GXDLMSSecureClient(dev.UseLogicalNameReferencing, 16, dev.PhysicalAddress, Authentication.None, null, (InterfaceType)dev.InterfaceType); reader = new GXDLMSReader(cl, media, _logger); media.Open(); reader.InitializeConnection(); //Read Innovation counter. GXDLMSData d = new GXDLMSData(dev.FrameCounter); reader.Read(d, 2); dev.InvocationCounter = 1 + Convert.ToUInt32(d.Value); reader.Disconnect(); media.Close(); } cl = new GXDLMSSecureClient(dev.UseLogicalNameReferencing, dev.ClientAddress, dev.PhysicalAddress, (Authentication)dev.Authentication, dev.Password, (InterfaceType)dev.InterfaceType); if (dev.HexPassword != null && dev.HexPassword.Length != 0) { cl.Password = dev.HexPassword; } cl.UseUtc2NormalTime = dev.UtcTimeZone; cl.Standard = dev.Standard; cl.Ciphering.SystemTitle = GXCommon.HexToBytes(dev.ClientSystemTitle); if (cl.Ciphering.SystemTitle != null && cl.Ciphering.SystemTitle.Length == 0) { cl.Ciphering.SystemTitle = null; } cl.Ciphering.BlockCipherKey = GXCommon.HexToBytes(dev.BlockCipherKey); if (cl.Ciphering.BlockCipherKey != null && cl.Ciphering.BlockCipherKey.Length == 0) { cl.Ciphering.BlockCipherKey = null; } cl.Ciphering.AuthenticationKey = GXCommon.HexToBytes(dev.AuthenticationKey); if (cl.Ciphering.AuthenticationKey != null && cl.Ciphering.AuthenticationKey.Length == 0) { cl.Ciphering.AuthenticationKey = null; } cl.ServerSystemTitle = GXCommon.HexToBytes(dev.DeviceSystemTitle); if (cl.ServerSystemTitle != null && cl.ServerSystemTitle.Length == 0) { cl.ServerSystemTitle = null; } cl.Ciphering.InvocationCounter = dev.InvocationCounter; cl.Ciphering.Security = (Security)dev.Security; reader = new GXDLMSReader(cl, media, _logger); media.Open(); reader.InitializeConnection(); pos = 0; int count = ret.Tasks.Length; foreach (GXTask task in ret.Tasks) { ++pos; try { GXDLMSObject obj = GXDLMSClient.CreateObject((ObjectType)task.Object.ObjectType); obj.LogicalName = task.Object.LogicalName; obj.ShortName = task.Object.ShortName; if (task.TaskType == TaskType.Write) { if (obj.LogicalName == "" && task.Index == 2) { cl.UpdateValue(obj, task.Index, GXDateTime.ToUnixTime(DateTime.UtcNow)); } else { cl.UpdateValue(obj, task.Index, GXDLMSTranslator.XmlToValue(task.Data)); } reader.Write(obj, task.Index); } else if (task.TaskType == TaskType.Action) { reader.Method(obj, task.Index, GXDLMSTranslator.XmlToValue(task.Data), DataType.None); } else if (task.TaskType == TaskType.Read) { //Reading the meter. if (task.Object.Attributes[0].DataType != 0) { obj.SetDataType(task.Index, (DataType)task.Object.Attributes[0].DataType); } if (task.Object.Attributes[0].UIDataType != 0) { obj.SetUIDataType(task.Index, (DataType)task.Object.Attributes[0].UIDataType); } Reader.Read(_logger, client, reader, task, media, obj); if (task.Object.Attributes[0].DataType == 0) { task.Object.Attributes[0].DataType = (int)obj.GetDataType(task.Index); if (task.Object.Attributes[0].UIDataType == 0) { task.Object.Attributes[0].UIDataType = (int)obj.GetUIDataType(task.Index); } UpdateDatatype u = new UpdateDatatype() { Items = new GXAttribute[] { task.Object.Attributes[0] } }; response = client.PostAsJsonAsync(Startup.ServerAddress + "/api/Object/UpdateDatatype", u).Result; Helpers.CheckStatus(response); } } } catch (Exception ex) { task.Result = ex.Message; AddError error = new AddError(); error.Error = new GXError() { DeviceId = dev.Id, Error = "Failed to " + task.TaskType + " " + task.Object.LogicalName + ":" + task.Index + ". " + ex.Message }; _logger.LogError(error.Error.Error); using (response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync(Startup.ServerAddress + "/api/error/AddError", error)) { Helpers.CheckStatus(response); await response.Content.ReadAsAsync <AddErrorResponse>(); } } task.End = DateTime.Now; //Close connection after last task is executed. //This must done because there might be new task to execute. if (count == pos) { try { reader.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { task.Result = ex.Message; AddError error = new AddError(); error.Error = new GXError() { DeviceId = dev.Id, Error = "Failed to close the connection. " + ex.Message }; _logger.LogError(error.Error.Error); using (response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync(Startup.ServerAddress + "/api/error/AddError", error)) { Helpers.CheckStatus(response); await response.Content.ReadAsAsync <AddErrorResponse>(); } } } //Update execution time. response = client.PostAsJsonAsync(Startup.ServerAddress + "/api/task/TaskReady", new TaskReady() { Tasks = new GXTask[] { task } }).Result; Helpers.CheckStatus(response); } } else { try { using (response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync(Startup.ServerAddress + "/api/task/WaitChange", new WaitChange() { Change = TargetType.Tasks, Time = lastUpdated, WaitTime = _waitTime })) { Helpers.CheckStatus(response); { WaitChangeResponse r = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync <WaitChangeResponse>(); if (r.Time > lastUpdated) { lastUpdated = r.Time; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { if (!_cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { break; } _cancellationToken.WaitHandle.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { //If app is closing. if (_cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { break; } if (ret == null) { _logger.LogError("Failed to connect to the DB server."); } else { AddError error = new AddError(); error.Error = new GXError() { DeviceId = ret.Tasks[0].Object.DeviceId, Error = "Failed to " + ret.Tasks[0].TaskType + " " + ret.Tasks[0].Object.LogicalName + ":" + ret.Tasks[0].Index + ". " + ex.Message }; using (response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync(Startup.ServerAddress + "/api/error/AddError", error)) { if (ret.Tasks != null) { DateTime now = DateTime.Now; foreach (GXTask it in ret.Tasks) { it.Result = ex.Message; it.End = now; } response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync(Startup.ServerAddress + "/api/task/TaskReady", new TaskReady() { Tasks = ret.Tasks }); } } } _logger.LogError(ex.Message); } } }
/// <summary> /// Read Invocation counter (frame counter) from the meter and update it. /// </summary> private void UpdateFrameCounter() { //Read frame counter if GeneralProtection is used. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(InvocationCounter) && Client.Ciphering != null && Client.Ciphering.Security != (byte)Security.None) { InitializeOpticalHead(); byte[] data; GXReplyData reply = new GXReplyData(); Client.ProposedConformance |= Conformance.GeneralProtection; int add = Client.ClientAddress; Authentication auth = Client.Authentication; Security security = Client.Ciphering.Security; byte[] challenge = Client.CtoSChallenge; try { Client.ClientAddress = 16; Client.Authentication = Authentication.None; Client.Ciphering.Security = (byte)Security.None; data = Client.SNRMRequest(); if (data != null) { if (Trace > TraceLevel.Info) { Console.WriteLine("Send SNRM request." + GXCommon.ToHex(data, true)); } ReadDataBlock(data, reply); if (Trace == TraceLevel.Verbose) { Console.WriteLine("Parsing UA reply." + reply.ToString()); } //Has server accepted client. Client.ParseUAResponse(reply.Data); if (Trace > TraceLevel.Info) { Console.WriteLine("Parsing UA reply succeeded."); } } //Generate AARQ request. //Split requests to multiple packets if needed. //If password is used all data might not fit to one packet. foreach (byte[] it in Client.AARQRequest()) { if (Trace > TraceLevel.Info) { Console.WriteLine("Send AARQ request", GXCommon.ToHex(it, true)); } reply.Clear(); ReadDataBlock(it, reply); } if (Trace > TraceLevel.Info) { Console.WriteLine("Parsing AARE reply" + reply.ToString()); } try { //Parse reply. Client.ParseAAREResponse(reply.Data); reply.Clear(); GXDLMSData d = new GXDLMSData(InvocationCounter); Read(d, 2); Client.Ciphering.InvocationCounter = 1 + Convert.ToUInt32(d.Value); Console.WriteLine("Invocation counter: " + Convert.ToString(Client.Ciphering.InvocationCounter)); reply.Clear(); Disconnect(); } catch (Exception Ex) { Disconnect(); throw Ex; } } finally { Client.ClientAddress = add; Client.Authentication = auth; Client.Ciphering.Security = security; Client.CtoSChallenge = challenge; } } }
void Init() { Media.OnReceived += new Gurux.Common.ReceivedEventHandler(OnReceived); Media.OnClientConnected += new Gurux.Common.ClientConnectedEventHandler(OnClientConnected); Media.OnClientDisconnected += new Gurux.Common.ClientDisconnectedEventHandler(OnClientDisconnected); Media.OnError += new Gurux.Common.ErrorEventHandler(OnError); Media.Open(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Add Logical Device Name. 123456 is meter serial number. GXDLMSData d = new GXDLMSData(""); d.Value = "Gurux123456"; //Set access right. Client can't change Device name. d.SetAccess(2, AccessMode.ReadWrite); //Value is get as Octet String. d.SetDataType(2, DataType.OctetString); d.SetUIDataType(2, DataType.String); Items.Add(d); //Add Last average. GXDLMSRegister r = new GXDLMSRegister(""); //Set access right. Client can't change average value. r.SetAccess(2, AccessMode.Read); Items.Add(r); //Add default clock. Clock's Logical Name is GXDLMSClock clock = new GXDLMSClock(); clock.Begin = new GXDateTime(-1, 9, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1); clock.End = new GXDateTime(-1, 3, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1); clock.Deviation = 0; Items.Add(clock); //Add Tcp Udp setup. Default Logical Name is GXDLMSTcpUdpSetup tcp = new GXDLMSTcpUdpSetup(); Items.Add(tcp); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Add Load profile. GXDLMSProfileGeneric pg = new GXDLMSProfileGeneric(""); //Set capture period to 60 second. pg.CapturePeriod = 60; //Maximum row count. pg.ProfileEntries = 100; pg.SortMethod = SortMethod.FiFo; pg.SortObject = clock; //Add columns. //Set saved attribute index. pg.CaptureObjects.Add(new GXKeyValuePair <GXDLMSObject, GXDLMSCaptureObject>(clock, new GXDLMSCaptureObject(2, 0))); //Set saved attribute index. pg.CaptureObjects.Add(new GXKeyValuePair <GXDLMSObject, GXDLMSCaptureObject>(r, new GXDLMSCaptureObject(2, 0))); Items.Add(pg); //Add initial rows. pg.Buffer.Add(new object[] { DateTime.Now, (int)10 }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Add Auto connect object. GXDLMSAutoConnect ac = new GXDLMSAutoConnect(); ac.Mode = AutoConnectMode.AutoDiallingAllowedAnytime; ac.Repetitions = 10; ac.RepetitionDelay = 60; //Calling is allowed between 1am to 6am. ac.CallingWindow.Add(new KeyValuePair <GXDateTime, GXDateTime>(new GXDateTime(-1, -1, -1, 1, 0, 0, -1), new GXDateTime(-1, -1, -1, 6, 0, 0, -1))); ac.Destinations = new string[] { "" }; Items.Add(ac); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Add Activity Calendar object. GXDLMSActivityCalendar activity = new GXDLMSActivityCalendar(); activity.CalendarNameActive = "Active"; activity.SeasonProfileActive = new GXDLMSSeasonProfile[] { new GXDLMSSeasonProfile("Summer time", new GXDateTime(-1, 3, 31, -1, -1, -1, -1), "") }; activity.WeekProfileTableActive = new GXDLMSWeekProfile[] { new GXDLMSWeekProfile("Monday", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) }; activity.DayProfileTableActive = new GXDLMSDayProfile[] { new GXDLMSDayProfile(1, new GXDLMSDayProfileAction[] { new GXDLMSDayProfileAction(new GXDateTime(DateTime.Now), "test", 1) }) }; activity.CalendarNamePassive = "Passive"; activity.SeasonProfilePassive = new GXDLMSSeasonProfile[] { new GXDLMSSeasonProfile("Winter time", new GXDateTime(-1, 10, 30, -1, -1, -1, -1), "") }; activity.WeekProfileTablePassive = new GXDLMSWeekProfile[] { new GXDLMSWeekProfile("Tuesday", 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1) }; activity.DayProfileTablePassive = new GXDLMSDayProfile[] { new GXDLMSDayProfile(1, new GXDLMSDayProfileAction[] { new GXDLMSDayProfileAction(new GXDateTime(DateTime.Now), "", 1) }) }; activity.Time = new GXDateTime(DateTime.Now); Items.Add(activity); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Add Optical Port Setup object. GXDLMSIECOpticalPortSetup optical = new GXDLMSIECOpticalPortSetup(); optical.DefaultMode = OpticalProtocolMode.Default; optical.ProposedBaudrate = BaudRate.Baudrate9600; optical.DefaultBaudrate = BaudRate.Baudrate300; optical.ResponseTime = LocalPortResponseTime.ms200; optical.DeviceAddress = "Gurux"; optical.Password1 = "Gurux1"; optical.Password2 = "Gurux2"; optical.Password5 = "Gurux5"; Items.Add(optical); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Add Demand Register object. GXDLMSDemandRegister dr = new GXDLMSDemandRegister(); dr.LogicalName = ""; dr.CurrentAverageValue = (uint)10; dr.LastAverageValue = (uint)20; dr.Status = (byte)1; dr.StartTimeCurrent = dr.CaptureTime = new GXDateTime(DateTime.Now); dr.Period = 10; dr.NumberOfPeriods = 1; Items.Add(dr); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Add Register Monitor object. GXDLMSRegisterMonitor rm = new GXDLMSRegisterMonitor(); rm.LogicalName = ""; rm.Thresholds = new object[] { (int)0x1234, (int)0x5678 }; GXDLMSActionSet set = new GXDLMSActionSet(); set.ActionDown.LogicalName = rm.LogicalName; set.ActionDown.ScriptSelector = 1; set.ActionUp.LogicalName = rm.LogicalName; set.ActionUp.ScriptSelector = 2; rm.Actions = new GXDLMSActionSet[] { set }; rm.MonitoredValue.Update(r, 2); Items.Add(rm); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Add action schedule object. GXDLMSActionSchedule actionS = new GXDLMSActionSchedule(); actionS.LogicalName = ""; actionS.ExecutedScriptLogicalName = ""; actionS.ExecutedScriptSelector = 1; actionS.Type = SingleActionScheduleType.SingleActionScheduleType1; actionS.ExecutionTime = new GXDateTime[] { new GXDateTime(DateTime.Now) }; Items.Add(actionS); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Add SAP Assignment object. GXDLMSSapAssignment sap = new GXDLMSSapAssignment(); sap.SapAssignmentList.Add(new KeyValuePair <UInt16, string>(1, "Gurux")); sap.SapAssignmentList.Add(new KeyValuePair <UInt16, string>(16, "Gurux-2")); Items.Add(sap); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Add Auto Answer object. GXDLMSAutoAnswer aa = new GXDLMSAutoAnswer(); aa.Mode = AutoConnectMode.EmailSending; aa.ListeningWindow.Add(new KeyValuePair <GXDateTime, GXDateTime>(new GXDateTime(-1, -1, -1, 6, -1, -1, -1), new GXDateTime(-1, -1, -1, 8, -1, -1, -1))); aa.Status = AutoAnswerStatus.Inactive; aa.NumberOfCalls = 0; aa.NumberOfRingsInListeningWindow = 1; aa.NumberOfRingsOutListeningWindow = 2; Items.Add(aa); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Add Modem Configuration object. GXDLMSModemConfiguration mc = new GXDLMSModemConfiguration(); mc.CommunicationSpeed = BaudRate.Baudrate57600; GXDLMSModemInitialisation init = new GXDLMSModemInitialisation(); init.Request = "AT"; init.Response = "OK"; init.Delay = 0; mc.InitialisationStrings = new GXDLMSModemInitialisation[] { init }; Items.Add(mc); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Add Mac Address Setup object. GXDLMSMacAddressSetup mac = new GXDLMSMacAddressSetup(); mac.MacAddress = "00:11:22:33:44:55:66"; Items.Add(mac); GXDLMSImageTransfer i = new GXDLMSImageTransfer(); Items.Add(i); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Server must initialize after all objects are added. Initialize(); }
public void PreAction(GXActionArgs arg) { //Add object to association view. if (arg.Index == 3) { GXDLMSObject it = new GXDLMSData(); OnShowDialog(it, arg); } else if (arg.Index == 4) { // Remove object from association view. OnShowDialog(null, arg); } //Add user to user list. else if (arg.Index == 5) { OnShowDialog(true, arg); } else if (arg.Index == 6) { // Remove user from user list. OnShowDialog(false, arg); } if (arg.Action == ActionType.Write && arg.Index == 7) { DialogResult ret; //Update pw. ret = GXHelpers.ShowMessageBox(this, Properties.Resources.SetPasswordWarning, "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (ret == DialogResult.Yes) { byte[] value; if (SecretAsciiCb.Checked) { value = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(SecretTB.Text); } else { value = GXDLMSTranslator.HexToBytes(SecretTB.Text); } GXDLMSAssociationLogicalName target = Target as GXDLMSAssociationLogicalName; if (target.AuthenticationMechanismName.MechanismId == Authentication.Low) { arg.Index = 7; arg.Action = ActionType.Write; } else { arg.Action = ActionType.Action; arg.Index = 2; } if (arg.Action == ActionType.Write) { target.Secret = value; } else { GXByteBuffer bb = new GXByteBuffer(); bb.SetUInt8((byte)DataType.OctetString); bb.SetUInt8((byte)value.Length); bb.Set(value); arg.Value = bb.Array(); } } arg.Handled = ret != DialogResult.Yes; } else if (arg.Action == ActionType.Write && arg.Index == 2) { //Skip write invoke. arg.Handled = true; } }
public void InitializeConnection() { try { log("Connection"); GXReplyData reply = new GXReplyData(); byte[] data; UpdateSettings(); //Read frame counter if GeneralProtection is used. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parent.FrameCounter) && client.Ciphering != null && client.Ciphering.Security != Security.None) { reply.Clear(); int add = client.ClientAddress; Authentication auth = client.Authentication; Security security = client.Ciphering.Security; byte[] challenge = client.CtoSChallenge; try { client.ClientAddress = 16; client.Authentication = Authentication.None; client.Ciphering.Security = Security.None; data = SNRMRequest(); if (data != null) { try { ReadDataBlock(data, "Send SNRM request.", reply); } catch (TimeoutException) { reply.Clear(); ReadDataBlock(DisconnectRequest(), "Send Disconnect request.", reply); reply.Clear(); ReadDataBlock(data, "Send SNRM request.", reply); } catch (Exception e) { reply.Clear(); ReadDataBlock(DisconnectRequest(), "Send Disconnect request.", reply); throw e; } //GXLogWriter.WriteLog("Parsing UA reply succeeded."); //Has server accepted client. ParseUAResponse(reply.Data); } ReadDataBlock(AARQRequest(), "Send AARQ request.", reply); try { //Parse reply. ParseAAREResponse(reply.Data); //GXLogWriter.WriteLog("Parsing AARE reply succeeded."); reply.Clear(); GXDLMSData d = new GXDLMSData(parent.FrameCounter); ReadDLMSPacket(Read(d, 2), reply); client.UpdateValue(d, 2, reply.Value); client.Ciphering.InvocationCounter = parent.InvocationCounter = 1 + Convert.ToUInt32(d.Value); reply.Clear(); ReadDataBlock(DisconnectRequest(), "Disconnect request", reply); } catch (Exception Ex) { reply.Clear(); ReadDataBlock(DisconnectRequest(), "Disconnect request", reply); throw Ex; } } finally { client.ClientAddress = add; client.Authentication = auth; client.Ciphering.Security = security; client.CtoSChallenge = challenge; } } data = SNRMRequest(); if (data != null) { try { reply.Clear(); ReadDataBlock(data, "Send SNRM request.", reply); } catch (TimeoutException) { reply.Clear(); ReadDataBlock(DisconnectRequest(), "Send Disconnect request.", reply); reply.Clear(); ReadDataBlock(data, "Send SNRM request.", reply); } catch (Exception e) { reply.Clear(); ReadDataBlock(DisconnectRequest(), "Send Disconnect request.", reply); throw e; } //GXLogWriter.WriteLog("Parsing UA reply succeeded."); //Has server accepted client. ParseUAResponse(reply.Data); } if (!parent.PreEstablished) { //Generate AARQ request. //Split requests to multiple packets if needed. //If password is used all data might not fit to one packet. reply.Clear(); ReadDataBlock(AARQRequest(), "Send AARQ request.", reply); try { //Parse reply. ParseAAREResponse(reply.Data); //GXLogWriter.WriteLog("Parsing AARE reply succeeded."); } catch (Exception Ex) { reply.Clear(); ReadDLMSPacket(DisconnectRequest(), reply); throw Ex; } //If authentication is required. if (client.Authentication > Authentication.Low) { reply.Clear(); ReadDataBlock(client.GetApplicationAssociationRequest(), "Authenticating.", reply); client.ParseApplicationAssociationResponse(reply.Data); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }