public TerraformWindow(GUISystem system, GUITheme theme)
            : base(system, new UDim2(0.25f, 0, 0.25f, 0), "Terraform Options", theme, false)
            Position = new UDim2(0, 0, 0.75f, 0);
            MinSize  = new UDim2(0, 200, 0, 250);
            MaxSize  = new UDim2(0, 475, 0, 350);

            GUIForm form = new GUIForm(UDim2.Zero, new UDim2(1f, 0, 1f, 0), theme);

            GUILabel     brushSizeLabel;
            GUITextField brushSizeField;

            form.AddLabledTextField("Brush Size:", BrushSize.ToString(), new UDim2(0, 5, 0, 25),
                                    out brushSizeLabel, out brushSizeField);
            brushSizeField.OnTextChanged += BrushSizeField_OnTextChanged;

            GUILabel     riseHeightLabel;
            GUITextField riseHeightField;

            form.AddLabledTextField("Rise Height:", RiseHeight.ToString(), new UDim2(0, 5, 0, 30 + brushSizeLabel.Size.Y.Offset),
                                    out riseHeightLabel, out riseHeightField);
            riseHeightField.OnTextChanged += RiseHeightField_OnTextChanged;

Пример #2
            public PlayerFrame(NetworkPlayer player, bool isOurPlayer, UDim2 position, UDim2 size, GUITheme theme)
                : base(position, size, Image.CreateBlank(Color.White))
                Theme            = theme;
                NetPlayer        = player;
                this.isOurPlayer = isOurPlayer;

                nameLabel = new GUILabel(UDim2.Zero, UDim2.Fill, "", TextAlign.Left, theme)
                    Parent = this
                nameLabel.Font          = Theme.GetField <BMPFont>(null, "Leaderboard.PlayerLabel.Font");
                nameLabel.TextPadding.X = 6;

                scoreLabel = new GUILabel(UDim2.Zero, new UDim2(1f, -50, 1f, 0), "0", TextAlign.Right, theme)
                    Parent = this
                scoreLabel.Font          = Theme.GetField <BMPFont>(null, "Leaderboard.PlayerLabel.Font");
                scoreLabel.TextPadding.Z = 6;

                pingLabel = new GUILabel(UDim2.Zero, UDim2.Fill, "0ms", TextAlign.Right, theme)
                    Parent = this
                pingLabel.Font          = Theme.GetField <BMPFont>(null, "Leaderboard.PlayerLabel.Font");
                pingLabel.TextPadding.Z = 6;

        public static GUITheme CreateDefaultGameTheme()
            GUITheme theme      = GUITheme.Basic;
            string   guiPalette = "Textures/Gui/gui-palette.png";

            theme.SetField("Button.NormalImage", new BorderedImage(GLoader.LoadTexture(guiPalette), new Rectangle(0, 0, 66, 66)));
            theme.SetField("Button.HoverImage", new BorderedImage(GLoader.LoadTexture(guiPalette), new Rectangle(66, 0, 66, 66)));
            theme.SetField("Button.ActiveImage", new BorderedImage(GLoader.LoadTexture(guiPalette), new Rectangle(132, 0, 66, 66)));
            theme.SetField("Button.ToggledImage", Image.CreateBlank(new Color(194, 37, 37)));
            theme.SetField("Button.TextColor", Color.White);
            theme.SetField("TextField.NormalImage", new BorderedImage(GLoader.LoadTexture(guiPalette), new Rectangle(0, 66, 66, 66)));
            theme.SetField("TextField.HoverImage", new BorderedImage(GLoader.LoadTexture(guiPalette), new Rectangle(66, 66, 66, 66)));
            theme.SetField("TextField.ActiveImage", new BorderedImage(GLoader.LoadTexture(guiPalette), new Rectangle(132, 66, 66, 66)));
            theme.SetField("Label.TextColor", Color.White);
            theme.SetField("Label.TextShadowColor", new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.6f));
            theme.SetField("Frame.Image", Image.CreateBlank(new Color(30, 30, 30, 240)));
            theme.SetField("Window.BackgroundImage", Image.CreateBlank(new Color(30, 30, 30, 200)));
            theme.SetField("Window.TitleBar.BackgroundImage", Image.CreateBlank(new Color(31, 47, 70)));
            theme.SetField("Window.TitleBar.CloseButton.NormalImage", Image.CreateBlank(new Color(152, 34, 34)));
            theme.SetField("Window.TitleBar.CloseButton.HoverImage", Image.CreateBlank(new Color(135, 15, 15)));
            theme.SetField("Window.TitleBar.CloseButton.ActiveImage", Image.CreateBlank(new Color(188, 84, 84)));
            theme.SetField("SmallFont", LoadFont("arial-bold-12"));
            theme.SetField("Font", LoadFont("arial-14"));
            theme.SetField("BigFont", LoadFont("arial-18"));

 public GUIColorPickerWindow(GUISystem system, UDim2 size, GUITheme theme,
                             bool closable = true)
     : base(system, size, "Color Picker", theme, closable)
     ColorPicker = new GUIColorPicker(new UDim2(0, 5, 0, 25), new UDim2(1f, -10, 1f, -30), theme);
Пример #5
        public SingleplayerMenu(GUISystem system, GUITheme theme, MainWindow mainWindow)
            : base(system, new UDim2(0.35f, 0, 0.3f, 0), "Ace of Spades", theme)
            IsDraggable = false;

            MaxSize = new UDim2(0, 400, 1f, 0);
            MinSize = new UDim2(0, 220, 0, 100);

            GUIButton backBtn = new GUIButton(new UDim2(0, 0, 0, 25), new UDim2(1f, 0, 0, 30),
                                              "Back to Main Menu", TextAlign.Center, theme);

            backBtn.OnMouseClick += (btn, mbtn) =>
                if (mbtn == MouseButton.Left)

            GUIButton controlsBtn = new GUIButton(new UDim2(0, 0, 0, 60), new UDim2(1f, 0, 0, 30),
                                                  "View Controls", TextAlign.Center, theme);

            controlsBtn.OnMouseClick += (btn, mbtn) =>
                if (mbtn == MouseButton.Left)

            AddTopLevel(backBtn, controlsBtn);
Пример #6
        public StaticGui(MainWindow window, MasterRenderer renderer)
            this.window   = window;
            this.renderer = renderer;

            gsys = renderer.Sprites.GUISystem;

            area = new GUIArea(gsys);

            BMPFont smallFont  = AssetManager.LoadFont("arial-bold-12");
            BMPFont normalFont = AssetManager.LoadFont("arial-bold-14");
            BMPFont bigFont    = AssetManager.LoadFont("arial-bold-20");
            BMPFont tinyFont   = AssetManager.LoadFont("arial-bold-10");

            GUITheme theme = AssetManager.CreateDefaultGameTheme();

            theme.SetField("SmallFont", smallFont);
            theme.SetField("Font", normalFont);
            theme.SetField("TinyFont", tinyFont);

            controls        = new ControlsWindow(gsys, theme);
            controls.ZIndex = 200;

            // Overlay
            fpsLabel     = new GUILabel(UDim2.Zero, UDim2.Zero, "FPS: --", TextAlign.TopLeft, theme);
            timeLabel    = new GUILabel(new UDim2(1f, 0, 0, 0), UDim2.Zero, "Time: --", TextAlign.TopRight, theme);
            versionLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0, 0, 1f, 0), UDim2.Zero, GameVersion.Current.ToString(),
                                        TextAlign.BottomLeft, theme);
            fpsLabel.Font     = smallFont;
            timeLabel.Font    = smallFont;
            versionLabel.Font = bigFont;

            if (screenshots == null)
                string[] mainMenuFiles = Directory.GetFiles("Content/Textures/MainMenu");
                screenshots = new List <Texture>();

                foreach (string file in mainMenuFiles)
                    // Skip thumbs.db
                    if (file.EndsWith(".db"))

                    try { screenshots.Add(GLoader.LoadTexture(file, TextureMinFilter.Linear, TextureMagFilter.Linear, true)); }
                    catch (Exception e) { DashCMD.WriteError("Failed to load main menu background '{1}'. \n{0}", e, file); }

            background        = new GUIFrame(UDim2.Zero, new UDim2(1f, 0, 1f, 0), Image.Blank);
            background.ZIndex = -100;

            area.AddTopLevel(background, fpsLabel, timeLabel, versionLabel);
        public ControlsWindow(GUISystem system, GUITheme theme)
            : base(system, UDim2.Zero, "Controls", theme)
            labels = new List <GUILabel>();
            ZIndex = 100;

            font = theme.GetField <BMPFont>(null, "SmallFont");
        public SingleplayerScreen(MainWindow window)
            : base(window, "Singleplayer")
            GUITheme theme = AssetManager.CreateDefaultGameTheme();

            theme.SetField("Font", AssetManager.LoadFont("arial-14"));

            menu           = new SingleplayerMenu(GUISystem, theme, Window);
            menu.OnClosed += Menu_OnClosed;

        public MultiplayerLoadingBar(GUISystem system, GUITheme theme)
            : base(system, new UDim2(0.8f, 0, 0, 120), "", theme, false)
            IsDraggable = false;

            barAnim  = new FloatAnim();
            byteAnim = new FloatAnim();

            statusLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0.5f, 0, 0.4f, 0), UDim2.Zero, "0/0 bytes", theme);
            bar         = new GUIFrame(new UDim2(0, 5, 1f, -35), new UDim2(0, -10, 0, 30), Image.Blank);

            AddTopLevel(statusLabel, bar);
Пример #10
        public ObjectEditWindow(GUISystem system, GUITheme theme)
            : base(system, new UDim2(0.25f, 0, 0.25f, 0), "Edit <Object>", theme, false)
            Position = new UDim2(0, 0, 0.75f, 0);
            MinSize  = new UDim2(0, 200, 0, 250);
            MaxSize  = new UDim2(0, 475, 0, 350);

            elements = new List <GUIElement>();

            form = new GUIForm(UDim2.Zero, new UDim2(1f, 0, 1f, 0), theme);

            Visible = false;
Пример #11
        //bool showGameItems;

        public HUD(MasterRenderer renderer)
            this.renderer = renderer;
            font          = AssetManager.LoadFont("karmasuture-26");

            feed           = new List <FeedItem>();
            hitIndications = new List <HitIndication>();

            if (palletTex == null)
                palletTex = GLoader.LoadTexture("Textures/Gui/palette.png");
                Texture crosshairTex = GLoader.LoadTexture("Textures/Gui/crosshair.png");
                Texture hitmarkerTex = GLoader.LoadTexture("Textures/Gui/hitmarker.png");
                crosshairImage = new Image(crosshairTex);
                hitmarkerImage = new Image(hitmarkerTex);
                hurtRingTex    = GLoader.LoadTexture("Textures/Gui/hurt-ring.png");
                intelTex       = GLoader.LoadTexture("Textures/Gui/intel.png", TextureMinFilter.Nearest, TextureMagFilter.Nearest);

            GUISystem gsys = renderer.Sprites.GUISystem;

            area        = new GUIArea(gsys);
            area.ZIndex = -1;

            theme = GUITheme.Basic;
            theme.SetField("Font", font);
            theme.SetField("SmallFont", AssetManager.LoadFont("arial-bold-14"));
            theme.SetField("Label.TextColor", Color.White);
            theme.SetField("Label.TextShadowColor", new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.6f));

            healthLabel       = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0, 40, 1, -20), UDim2.Zero, "Health: --", TextAlign.BottomLeft, theme);
            ammoLabel         = new GUILabel(new UDim2(1, -50, 1, -25), UDim2.Zero, "", TextAlign.BottomRight, theme);
            crosshair         = new GUIFrame(new UDim2(0.5f, -28, 0.5f, -28), new UDim2(0, 56, 0, 56), crosshairImage);
            hitmarker         = new GUIFrame(new UDim2(0.5f, -43, 0.5f, -43), new UDim2(0, 86, 0, 86), hitmarkerImage);
            hitmarker.Visible = false;

            intelInHand = new GUIFrame(new UDim2(0.5f, -20, 0, 100), new UDim2(0, 40, 0, 40), new Image(intelTex));
            intelPickedUpNotification = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0.5f, 0, 0, 150), UDim2.Zero,
                                                     "You have picked up the intel!", TextAlign.TopCenter, theme);
            intelInHand.Visible = false;
            intelPickedUpNotification.Visible = false;

            crosshair.CapturesMouseClicks   = false;
            hitmarker.CapturesMouseClicks   = false;
            ammoLabel.CapturesMouseClicks   = false;
            healthLabel.CapturesMouseClicks = false;

            area.AddTopLevel(ammoLabel, healthLabel, crosshair, hitmarker, intelInHand, intelPickedUpNotification);
Пример #12
        public ChatBox(UDim2 position, UDim2 size, GUITheme theme, MultiplayerScreen screen)
            : base(position, size, theme)
            this.screen = screen;
            items       = new List <ChatItem>();
            Image       = null;
            font        = AssetManager.LoadFont("arial-bold-11");

            textField = new GUITextField(new UDim2(0, 0, 1f, -15), new UDim2(1f, 0, 0, 30), theme)
                Parent = this

            textField.OnEnterPressed += TextField_OnEnterPressed;
Пример #13
            public ChatItem(GUITheme theme, float height, int numFeed,
                            string text, BMPFont font)
                : base(UDim2.Zero, UDim2.Zero, image: null)
                Position = new UDim2(0, 0, 0, 20 + (height * numFeed));
                Size     = new UDim2(0, 1f, 0, height);

                label = new GUILabel(UDim2.Zero, new UDim2(0, 1, 1f, 0), text, TextAlign.Left, Color.White, theme)
                    Parent = this

                label.Font = font;

                TimeLeft = 60f;
Пример #14
        public PaintWindow(GUISystem system, GUITheme theme)
            : base(system, new UDim2(0.25f, 0, 0.25f, 0), "Paint Options", theme, false)
            Position = new UDim2(0, -10, 0.7f, -10);
            MinSize  = new UDim2(0, 200, 0, 250);
            MaxSize  = new UDim2(0, 475, 0, 350);

            GUIForm form = new GUIForm(UDim2.Zero, new UDim2(1f, 0, 1f, 0), theme);

            GUILabel     grainLabel;
            GUITextField grainField;

            form.AddLabledTextField("Grainy Factor:", Grain.ToString(), new UDim2(0, 5, 0, 25),
                                    out grainLabel, out grainField);
            grainField.OnTextChanged += GrainField_OnTextChanged;

        public TranslateTerrainWindow(GUISystem system, GUITheme theme)
            : base(system, new UDim2(0.2f, 0, 0, 175), "Translate Terrain", theme)
            MinSize = new UDim2(0.2f, 0, 0, 175);

            GUIForm form = new GUIForm(new UDim2(0, 5, 0, 25), new UDim2(1f, -5, 1f, -25), theme);

            form.AddLabledTextField("X:", "0", new UDim2(0, 0, 0, 0), out xField);
            form.AddLabledTextField("Y:", "0", new UDim2(0, 0, 0, 35), out yField);
            form.AddLabledTextField("Z:", "0", new UDim2(0, 0, 0, 70), out zField);

            GUIButton applyBtn  = new GUIButton(new UDim2(0, 5, 1f, -40), new UDim2(0, 100, 0, 30), "Apply", theme);
            GUIButton cancelBtn = new GUIButton(new UDim2(1f, -105, 1f, -35), new UDim2(0, 100, 0, 30), "Cancel", theme);

            applyBtn.OnMouseClick  += ApplyBtn_OnMouseClick;
            cancelBtn.OnMouseClick += CancelBtn_OnMouseClick;

            AddTopLevel(form, applyBtn, cancelBtn);
Пример #16
        public GUIWindow(GUISystem system, UDim2 position, UDim2 size, string title, GUITheme theme,
                         bool closable = true, bool createTitleBar = true)
            : base(system, position, size)
            Theme = theme;
            if (createTitleBar)
                TitleBar = new GUILabel(UDim2.Zero, new UDim2(1f, 0, 0, 20), title,
                                        theme.GetField <Color>(Color.White, "Window.TitleBar.TextColor"), theme);
                TitleBar.CapturesMouseClicks = true;
                TitleBar.ZIndex          = 100;
                TitleBar.BackgroundImage = theme.GetField <Image>(Image.CreateBlank(new Color(40, 40, 40)), "Window.TitleBar.BackgroundImage");

                if (closable)
                    ExitButton = new GUIButton(new UDim2(1f, -20, 0, 0), new UDim2(0, 20, 0, 20),
                                               theme.GetField <string>("X", "Window.TitleBar.CloseButton.Text"),
                                               theme.GetField <Image>(Image.CreateBlank(new Color(230, 0, 0)), "Window.TitleBar.CloseButton.NormalImage"),
                                               theme.GetField <Image>(Image.CreateBlank(new Color(255, 0, 0)), "Window.TitleBar.CloseButton.HoverImage"),
                                               theme.GetField <Image>(Image.CreateBlank(new Color(200, 0, 0)), "Window.TitleBar.CloseButton.ActiveImage"),
                    ExitButton.Parent        = TitleBar;
                    ExitButton.OnMouseClick += (btn, mbtn) =>
                        Visible = false;

            BackgroundFrame = new GUIFrame(new UDim2(0, 0, 0, createTitleBar ? 20 : 0), new UDim2(1f, 0, 1f, createTitleBar ? -20 : 0),
                                           theme.GetField <Image>(Image.CreateBlank(new Color(70, 70, 70, 200)), "Window.BackgroundImage"));
            BackgroundFrame.ZIndex = -100;

            if (createTitleBar)
Пример #17
        public EditorUI(MasterRenderer renderer, EditorScreen screen)
            this.renderer = renderer;
            this.screen   = screen;

            GUISystem gsys = renderer.Sprites.GUISystem;

            area = new GUIArea(gsys);

            theme = EditorTheme.Glass;


            openFileWindow = new FileBrowserWindow(gsys, theme, new UDim2(0.75f, 0, 0.75f, 0), "Open Model",
                                                   FileBrowserMode.OpenFile, new string[] { ".aosm" },
                                                   (window) =>
                if (File.Exists(window.FileName))

            saveFileWindow = new FileBrowserWindow(gsys, theme, new UDim2(0.75f, 0, 0.75f, 0), "Save Model",
                                                   FileBrowserMode.Save, new string[] { ".aosm" },
                                                   (window) =>
                string fullPath = Path.Combine(window.CurrentDirectory, window.FileName);

                if (!Path.HasExtension(fullPath))
                    fullPath += ".aosm";


            gsys.Add(openFileWindow, saveFileWindow);
        public ConnectWindow(GUISystem system, GUITheme theme, UDim2 size) 
            : base(system, size, "Connect to server", theme)
            GUILabel endPointLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0, 10, 0, 50), UDim2.Zero, "Server Address:",
                TextAlign.Left, theme);
            Vector2 labelSize = endPointLabel.Font.MeasureString(endPointLabel.Text);
            endPointField = new GUITextField(new UDim2(0, labelSize.X + 20, 0, 35),
                new UDim2(1f, -labelSize.X - 30, 0, 30), "", TextAlign.Left, theme);

            GUILabel nameLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0, 10, 0, 100), UDim2.Zero, "Player Name:",
                TextAlign.Left, theme);
            labelSize = nameLabel.Font.MeasureString(nameLabel.Text);
            playerField = new GUITextField(new UDim2(0, labelSize.X + 20, 0, 85),
                new UDim2(1f, -labelSize.X - 30, 0, 30), "Player", TextAlign.Left, theme);
            playerField.MaxLength = 60;

            connectBtn = new GUIButton(new UDim2(0, 10, 1f, -40), new UDim2(0, 100, 0, 30), "Connect", theme);
            connectBtn.OnMouseClick += (btn, mbtn) => { TryConnect(); };

            AddTopLevel(endPointLabel, endPointField, nameLabel, playerField, connectBtn);
Пример #19
        public HUD(MasterRenderer renderer, Player player, DashFont font)
            this.renderer = renderer;
            this.player   = player;
            this.font     = font;

            surface = new GUISurface2D(renderer.ScreenWidth, renderer.ScreenHeight);

            GUITheme theme = new GUITheme()
                Font           = font,
                LabelTextColor = Color.White,

            healthLabel  = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0, 40, 1, -20), UDim2.Zero, theme, "Health: --", TextAlign.BottomLeft);
            ammoLabel    = new GUILabel(new UDim2(1, -50, 1, -25), UDim2.Zero, theme, "", TextAlign.BottomRight);
            crosshairDot = new GUIImage(GUISurface.BlankTexture, new UDim2(0.5f, -1, 0.5f, -1), new UDim2(0, 2, 0, 2), theme);

            surface.Add(ammoLabel, healthLabel, crosshairDot);
        public MultiplayerScreen(MainWindow window)
            : base(window, "Multiplayer")
            debugRenderer = Renderer.GetRenderer3D <DebugRenderer>();

            gamemodes = new Dictionary <GamemodeType, NetworkedGamemode>()
                { GamemodeType.TDM, new TDMGamemode(this) },
                { GamemodeType.CTF, new CTFGamemode(this) }

            // Build the UI elements
            theme = AssetManager.CreateDefaultGameTheme();
            font  = theme.GetField <BMPFont>(null, "SmallFont");

            hud                       = new HUD(Renderer);
            loadingBar                = new MultiplayerLoadingBar(GUISystem, theme);
            chat                      = new ChatBox(new UDim2(0, 40, 1f, -240), new UDim2(0, 350, 0, 165), theme, this);
            menu                      = new MultiplayerMenu(GUISystem, theme, Window);
            menu.OnClosed            += Menu_OnClosed;
            announcementLabel         = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0.5f, 0, 0.5f, 0), UDim2.Zero, "", TextAlign.Center, theme);
            announcementLabel.Font    = AssetManager.LoadFont("karmasuture-32");
            announcementLabel.Visible = false;

            // Add each UI element
            GUIArea.AddTopLevel(chat, announcementLabel);
            GUISystem.Add(loadingBar, menu);

            // Setup default multiplayer cvars
            DashCMD.SetCVar("cl_impacts", false);
            DashCMD.SetCVar("cl_interp", 0.5f);               // Client interpolation with server position
            DashCMD.SetCVar("cl_interp_movement_smooth", 1f); // Client player movement smoothing (1f = no smoothing)
            DashCMD.SetCVar("cl_interp_rep", 20f);            // Replicated entities interpolation
            DashCMD.SetCVar("cl_max_error_dist", 12f);        // Max distance the client's position can be off from the server's
Пример #21
            public FeedItem(GUITheme theme, float height, int numFeed,
                            string left, Color leftColor, string middle, string right, Color rightColor,
                            BMPFont font)
                : base(UDim2.Zero, UDim2.Zero, image: null)
                float leftLen  = font.MeasureString(left).X;
                float midLen   = font.MeasureString(middle).X;
                float rightLen = font.MeasureString(right).X;

                float fullLen = leftLen + midLen + rightLen + 20;
                float midX    = ((leftLen + 10) + (fullLen - rightLen - 10)) / 2f;

                Position = new UDim2(1f, -fullLen - 10, 0, 20 + (height * numFeed));
                Size     = new UDim2(0, fullLen, 0, 25);

                leftLabel = new GUILabel(UDim2.Zero, new UDim2(0, 1, 1f, 0), left, TextAlign.Left, leftColor, theme)
                    Parent = this
                rightLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(1, 0, 0, 0),
                                          new UDim2(0, 1, 1f, 0), right, TextAlign.Right, rightColor, theme)
                    Parent = this
                centerLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0, midX, 0, 0),
                                           new UDim2(0, 1, 1f, 0), middle, TextAlign.Center, theme)
                    Parent = this

                leftLabel.Font   = font;
                rightLabel.Font  = font;
                centerLabel.Font = font;

                TimeLeft = 5f;
        public MainMenuScreen(MainWindow mainWindow)
            : base(mainWindow, "MainMenu")
            theme = AssetManager.CreateDefaultGameTheme();
            theme.SetField("SmallFont", AssetManager.LoadFont("arial-bold-14"));
            theme.SetField("Font", AssetManager.LoadFont("arial-16"));
            theme.SetField("BigFont", AssetManager.LoadFont("arial-20"));

            popup         = new MessageWindow(GUISystem, theme, new UDim2(0.1f, 0, 0.3f, 0), "Alert!");
            popup.MinSize = new UDim2(0, 215, 0, 200);
            popup.MaxSize = new UDim2(1f, 0, 0, 275);

            connectWindow                   = new ConnectWindow(GUISystem, theme, new UDim2(1f, 0, 1f, 0));
            connectWindow.MinSize           = new UDim2(0, 375, 0, 200);
            connectWindow.MaxSize           = new UDim2(0, 700, 0, 200);
            connectWindow.OnConnectPressed += ConnectWindow_OnConnectPressed;

            GUIFrame title = new GUIFrame(new UDim2(0.5f, -260, 0.2f, -40), new UDim2(0, 520, 0, 80),
                                          new Image(GLoader.LoadTexture("Textures/title.png")));

            GUIFrame btnFrame = new GUIFrame(new UDim2(0.5f, -200, 0.5f, -50), new UDim2(0, 400, 0, 110), theme);

            btnFrame.Image = null;

            GUIButton connectBtn = new GUIButton(new UDim2(0, 0, 0, 0), new UDim2(1f, 0, 0, 30), "Connect to a Server",
                                                 TextAlign.Center, theme)
                Parent = btnFrame

            connectBtn.OnMouseClick += (btn, mbtn) =>
                if (mbtn == MouseButton.Left)
                    connectWindow.Visible = true;

            GUIButton controlsBtn = new GUIButton(new UDim2(0, 0, 0, 40), new UDim2(1f, 0, 0, 30), "View Controls",
                                                  TextAlign.Center, theme)
                Parent = btnFrame

            controlsBtn.OnMouseClick += (btn, mbtn) =>
                if (mbtn == MouseButton.Left)

            GUIButton spBtn = new GUIButton(new UDim2(0, 0, 0, 80), new UDim2(1f, 0, 0, 30), "Start Singleplayer Test",
                                            TextAlign.Center, theme)
                Parent = btnFrame

            spBtn.OnMouseClick += (btn, mbtn) =>
                if (mbtn == MouseButton.Left)

            GUIButton randomImageButton = new GUIButton(new UDim2(1f, -160, 1f, -40), new UDim2(0, 150, 0, 30),
                                                        "Random Image", theme);

            randomImageButton.OnMouseClick += (btn, mbtn) => { Window.StaticGui.ShowRandomBackgroundImage(); };

            GUIArea.AddTopLevel(title, randomImageButton, btnFrame);
            GUISystem.Add(connectWindow, popup);
Пример #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Create new helper
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="WindowWidth"></param>
 /// <param name="theme"></param>
 public ToolBarCreator(GUITheme theme)
     this.theme    = theme;
     this.countDiv = 0;      = new GUIFrame(UDim2.Zero, new UDim2(1, 0, 0, 40), this.theme);
Пример #24
 public GUIWindow(GUISystem system, UDim2 size, string title, GUITheme theme,
                  bool closable = true, bool createTitleBar = true)
     : this(system, UDim2.Zero, size, title, theme, closable, createTitleBar)
Пример #25
        public Leaderboard(GUISystem gsys, GUITheme theme, NetPlayerComponent netPlayerComponent)
            : base(gsys, new UDim2(0.65f, 0, 0.65f, 0), "Leaderboard", theme, false, false)
            MinSize = new UDim2(0, 300, 0, 400);

            this.netPlayerComponent = netPlayerComponent;
            IsDraggable             = false;

            playerFrames = new Dictionary <ushort, PlayerFrame>();
            orderedTeamA = new List <PlayerFrame>();
            orderedTeamB = new List <PlayerFrame>();

            bigFont = AssetManager.LoadFont("karmasuture-26");
            theme.SetField("Leaderboard.PlayerLabel.Font", AssetManager.LoadFont("arial-14"));

            teamAFrame  = new GUIFrame(UDim2.Zero, new UDim2(0.5f, 0, 1f, 0), image: null);
            teamBFrame  = new GUIFrame(new UDim2(0.5f, 0, 0, 0), new UDim2(0.5f, 0, 1f, 0), image: null);
            footerFrame = new GUIFrame(new UDim2(0, 0, 1f, -30), new UDim2(1f, 0, 0, 30), theme);

            gamemodeLabel = new GUILabel(UDim2.Zero, new UDim2(0.5f, 0, 1f, 0), "Current Gamemode: --", TextAlign.Left, theme)
                Parent = footerFrame
            gamemodeInfoLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0.5f, 0, 0, 0), new UDim2(0.5f, 0, 1f, 0), "", TextAlign.Right, theme)
                Parent = footerFrame

            GUILabel teamALabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0, 0, 0, 0), new UDim2(1f, 0, 0, 40),
                                               "Red Team", TextAlign.Left, Theme)
                Parent = teamAFrame
            GUILabel teamBLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0, 0, 0, 0), new UDim2(1f, 0, 0, 40),
                                               "Blue Team", TextAlign.Left, Theme)
                Parent = teamBFrame

            teamAScoreLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(1f, 0, 0, 0), new UDim2(0, 1, 0, 40),
                                           "0", TextAlign.Right, Theme)
                Parent = teamAFrame
            teamBScoreLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(1f, 0, 0, 0), new UDim2(0, 1, 0, 40),
                                           "0", TextAlign.Right, Theme)
                Parent = teamBFrame

            GUILabel teamAPlayerNameLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0, 0, 0, 40), new UDim2(1f, 0, 0, 20), "Name", TextAlign.Left, theme)
                Parent = teamAFrame
            GUILabel teamAPlayerScoreLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0, 0, 0, 40), new UDim2(1f, -50, 0, 20), "Score", TextAlign.Right, theme)
                Parent = teamAFrame
            GUILabel teamAPlayerPingLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0, 0, 0, 40), new UDim2(1f, 0, 0, 20), "Ping", TextAlign.Right, theme)
                Parent = teamAFrame

            GUILabel teamBPlayerNameLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0, 0, 0, 40), new UDim2(1f, 0, 0, 20), "Name", TextAlign.Left, theme)
                Parent = teamBFrame
            GUILabel teamBPlayerScoreLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0, 0, 0, 40), new UDim2(1f, -50, 0, 20), "Score", TextAlign.Right, theme)
                Parent = teamBFrame
            GUILabel teamBPlayerPingLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0, 0, 0, 40), new UDim2(1f, 0, 0, 20), "Ping", TextAlign.Right, theme)
                Parent = teamBFrame

            teamALabel.TextPadding.X      = 6;
            teamBLabel.TextPadding.X      = 6;
            teamAScoreLabel.TextPadding.Z = 6;
            teamBScoreLabel.TextPadding.Z = 6;

            teamAPlayerNameLabel.TextPadding.X  = 6;
            teamAPlayerScoreLabel.TextPadding.Z = 6;
            teamAPlayerPingLabel.TextPadding.Z  = 6;

            teamBPlayerNameLabel.TextPadding.X  = 6;
            teamBPlayerScoreLabel.TextPadding.Z = 6;
            teamBPlayerPingLabel.TextPadding.Z  = 6;

            teamALabel.BackgroundImage           = Image.CreateBlank(new Color(186, 52, 52, 127));
            teamBLabel.BackgroundImage           = Image.CreateBlank(new Color(39, 78, 194, 127));
            teamAPlayerNameLabel.BackgroundImage = theme.GetField <Image>(null, "Frame.Image");
            teamBPlayerNameLabel.BackgroundImage = theme.GetField <Image>(null, "Frame.Image");

            teamALabel.Font      = bigFont;
            teamBLabel.Font      = bigFont;
            teamAScoreLabel.Font = bigFont;
            teamBScoreLabel.Font = bigFont;

            teamAScoreLabel.ZIndex       = 1;
            teamBScoreLabel.ZIndex       = 1;
            teamAPlayerScoreLabel.ZIndex = 1;
            teamBPlayerScoreLabel.ZIndex = 1;
            teamAPlayerPingLabel.ZIndex  = 1;
            teamBPlayerPingLabel.ZIndex  = 1;

            AddTopLevel(teamAFrame, teamBFrame, footerFrame);
Пример #26
        public NewWorldWindow(GUISystem system, EditorScreen screen, GUITheme theme)
            : base(system, new UDim2(0.4f, 0, 0.3f, 0), "New World", theme, true)
            this.screen = screen;
            MinSize     = new UDim2(0, 400, 0, 300);
            MaxSize     = new UDim2(0, 575, 0, 475);

            GUIForm form = new GUIForm(new UDim2(0, 5, 0, 25), new UDim2(1f, -10, 1f, -30), Theme);

            GUILabel    useNoiseLabel;
            GUICheckbox useNoiseCheckBox;

            form.AddLabledCheckbox("Use Noise:", false, UDim2.Zero, out useNoiseLabel, out useNoiseCheckBox);

            GUILabel sizeLabel = new GUILabel(new UDim2(0, 0, 0, 45), UDim2.Zero, "World Size:", TextAlign.TopLeft, Theme)
                Parent = form

            GUILabel     xSizeLabel, ySizeLabel, zSizeLabel;
            GUITextField xSizeField, ySizeField, zSizeField;

            form.AddLabledTextField("X:", "8", new UDim2(0, 0, 0, 70),
                                    out xSizeLabel, out xSizeField, new UDim(0, 40));
            float sizeInputLength = xSizeField.Position.X.Offset + xSizeField.Size.X.Offset;

            form.AddLabledTextField("Y:", "3", new UDim2(0, sizeInputLength + 5, 0, 70),
                                    out ySizeLabel, out ySizeField, new UDim(0, 40));
            form.AddLabledTextField("Z:", "8", new UDim2(0, (sizeInputLength + 5) * 2, 0, 70),
                                    out zSizeLabel, out zSizeField, new UDim(0, 40));

            xSizeField.Label.TextAlign = TextAlign.Center;
            ySizeField.Label.TextAlign = TextAlign.Center;
            zSizeField.Label.TextAlign = TextAlign.Center;

            GUIButton cancelBtn = new GUIButton(new UDim2(1f, -100, 1f, -30), new UDim2(0, 100, 0, 30), "Cancel", theme)
                Parent = form

            cancelBtn.OnMouseClick += (btn, mbtn) =>
                if (mbtn == MouseButton.Left)
                    Visible = false;

            GUIButton createBtn = new GUIButton(new UDim2(1f, -205, 1f, -30), new UDim2(0, 100, 0, 30), "Create", theme)
                Parent = form

            createBtn.OnMouseClick += (btn, mbtn) =>
                if (mbtn == MouseButton.Left)
                    int x = 1, y = 1, z = 1;
                    if (int.TryParse(xSizeField.Text, out x))
                        x = Math.Max(x, 0);
                    if (int.TryParse(ySizeField.Text, out y))
                        y = Math.Max(y, 0);
                    if (int.TryParse(zSizeField.Text, out z))
                        z = Math.Max(z, 0);

                    if (!useNoiseCheckBox.IsChecked)
                        screen.LoadNewFlatWorld(x, y, z);
                        screen.LoadNewWorld(x, y, z);

                    Visible = false;

Пример #27
 public GUIForm(UDim2 position, UDim2 size, GUITheme theme)
     : base(position, size, image: null)
     Theme = theme;